Kim Ji-woo
Lee Hayan
“Welcome to campus Miss Lee. We’re glad to have you here.”
Hayan was beaming, practically jumping up and down with excitement as she picked up the keys to her dorm room and headed toward the exit.
This was finally it… college! freedom! Her parents would be leaving this afternoon after helping her move in, and there she’d be. Pure freedom.
She’d be able to make new friends, take all kinds of different classes, sleep in, explore the college, join a club, have her first beer.
“I can’t wait to call Yejun and tell him all about it!” she thought to herself.
Yejun was her boyfriend: 5’4″ with puffy cheeks yet somehow still spindly, they’d been dating since sophomore year of high school.
They had their first kiss, a quick peck on the lips, at prom when they agreed to continue dating long-distance after graduating.
As she reached the door, Hayan threw it open and took in a deep breath of the crisp autumn air.
As she cut through the buildings to make her way to her new home, her figure drew quite a few stares despite her modest dress.
18 years old, 4’11”, with breasts that were still flowering and not-quite plump, Hayan Lee was unaware of her burgeoning beauty.
Her legs: long, slender, and beautifully cut out by her jeans were the only part of her body visible from under her baggy oversized tee.
Her black hair fell straight just past her shoulder and framed her pale face as she pursed her lips and suddenly recalled:
“Oh right! Ji-woo said she’d help me move in and show me around a bit. I should call to see when we can meet. It’s been a year since I last saw her.”
Ji-woo Kim, one year older, was a close friend of Hayan from back when they attended Korean school on the weekends.
She’d gone off to college a year before Hayan, and though their friendship had dwindled from the strong bond that AP classes had cultivated in them to just occasional text messages, Hayan was sure that they’d pick up right where they left off.
Ji-woo picked up on the second ring: “Hey Hayan, have you heard what dorm you’re going to be in? Oh, that’s actually where I’m living this year too! I’ll meet you outside and show you around.”
As Hayan approached the building that would be her home for the next year, Hayan saw a slender Asian girl waiting for her.
Far from the sweaters that Hayan was used to seeing her in, Ji-woo now wore a black crop top and denim shorts so short that Hayan could see the curve of her ass.
Her hair, formerly black, was now dyed brown with blonde highlights and was swept behind her ear to expose her prominent golden earrings.
Her skin had darkened from a milky paleness to a light golden-yellow. She had a belly button piercing.
As soon as she caught sight of Hayan, she perked up and started waving excitedly: “Heyy!! It’s so good to see you after so long! How’ve you been?”
Behind her, two tall white boys watched Ji-woo’s ass jiggling back and forth. One of them let out a quiet whistle. Ji-woo didn’t seem to mind.
“H.. Hey Ji-woo. It’s been so long. You’ve… certainly changed quite a bit from calculus class, but it’s good to have a familiar face on this campus. Is that a tattoo that I see? Is it temporary?”
On the back of Ji-woo’s left shoulder was a fist-sized red heart tattoo with a Q in the center.
“Don’t you worry Hayan, I can make sure to get you up to speed on campus. You still look so innocent, like you’ve barely changed since high-school. We’re gonna change that soon.
And the tattoo yeah haha it’s permanent… at first I wasn’t sure if I wanted one, but then a couple months in I just got it on an impulse. At first it was awk but now I feel like it really fits me.”
“Oh cool, what does it mean?” – Hayan glossed over the comment about her own innocence. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but she didn’t want to lose the only friend she had on campus right now.
“Well that’s erm… hahaha it’s a secret, but I get the feeling that you’ll find out soon.”
One of the white boys that had his eyes glued to Ji-woo’s ass chuckled and muttered under his breath: “Ji-woo more like Ji-woo maf”
Hayan frowned and tried to ignore the comment. From under the top of Ji-woo’s pants she thought she could see parts of another tattoo on her lower belly/crotch area.
The only parts that Hayan could see were a few lines which seemed to be part of a letter. It seemed like a ‘W’? But Hayan decided she didn’t want to press the subject, and would ask Ji-woo about it some other time.
“Anyway Hayan, come on in. Welcome to your new home. I’ve got so much to show you, you’ve got so much to learn. I’m sure your first year will be as wonderful as mine.”
A guy was writing this for me but then he kinda just disappeared so lmk if you’d be interested in continuing this story