A Working From Home Assignment (MF) (Long)

Maria, an Italian by birth, who had long flowing dark hair and deep brown eyes to match was the sensation of the office. Everyone knew it, she wore slightly risqué skirts and high heels and exuded both confidence and sexuality as she strode down the office. The eyes of her co-workers would follow her as she walked past, but regrettably they knew her tenure was short in the London office, being on secondment from the partner office back in Milan. She had many men flirt with her but she never came across as particularly interested, perhaps it was just natural for Italian women to have flair but it for it to never translate into dating or romance. She did however have one main male friend, Mike, and they were often jokingly referred to as work husband and wife. Neither minded this, they enjoyed each others company and sometimes shared some work assignments. Mike was a proud and tall man, clever in his mind but respectful of those around him.

Unfortunately the Covid Pandemic hit, first in Italy and then in the UK and so Maria was forced to spend the majority of time at home without being able to see or contact many people, yes she could zoom call family and friends but it wasn’t the same as physical connections that she had previously enjoyed on a daily basis. In general she found it quite difficult and became slightly more reclusive as time went by. However as chance may have it another assignment came up in Mike’s area and so for what felt like a long absence, she contacted him via video call. After discussing work they soon fell back into their old friendly ways and she wondered why she had shyed away from this – the pandemic did strange things to peoples minds but she was now determined to change that. She knew Mike was single and probably in a similar situation to her. She needed help with some chores in her flat so she asked him if they could form a new bubble together to help each other out in these times. Happily Mike agreed and came around a few times a week to help out or sometimes just for some human interaction.

After a long rainy weekend, Maria was feeling particularly down and sent a text to Mike asking if they wanted to work together from home a few times, to keep each other company. The answer came back positively and in actual fact he was thinking of asking her the same thing. It fit together well and so gradually the pair began spending more time with each other, working during the day and going for walks, then playing quizzes and board games on the night. She cooked some hearty meals accompanied with good wine but Mike always used to return to his own home in the evening and therefore didn’t cross any boundaries.

The next week rolled along and Mike came over on the Monday morning, he was a little late and because he was rushing was only wearing his jogging bottoms, this was much more casual than usual. He also had a snuggly fitting t-shirt so his arm muscles were proudly on display. This was a new sight for Maria which piqued her interest and she kept glancing over at him, sometimes playing with her hair with a little nervousness. As lunch time approached she checked her calendar and saw that she had no calls for the rest of the day. Without thinking she turned to Mike and asked him if he wanted to try some of her Yoga course that she had been doing saying that it would help to break up their day. Mike had no prior experience with Yoga, instead having his own gym routine to keep him in shape. Not wanting to disappoint her he accepted but said that he didn’t expect to be very good and might need help understanding the positions. Upon this Maria ran upstairs to her bedroom to change into her yoga attire. She returned wearing tightly fitting zebra stripped pants that accentuated her thighs and that fitted snuggly all the way down her legs. On her top half she wore a short t-shirt that while was not immediately revealing, could certainly rise up under certain movements.

They lined up their mats together on the floor and began the routine. Mike was admittedly a little amateur to begin with, which resulted in some playful laughter between them, but soon managed to position his body correctly with some core strength. Under the strain of the positions the room started to heat up and perspiration trickled across their bodies. Maria’s legs were wide apart rising gracefully up to her pelvis and then with her arched back riding down again to the ground being supported by her slender arms. Her hair was positioned over to the far side and her bare neck exposed towards Mike’s direction, her short t-shirt had begun to lift resulting in a glimpse of her perfectly formed navel washed with Italian olive. After all the hours spent at the office together he suddenly saw her in a new light. It was impossible not to given the current scenario. Any hot blooded male would give anything to switch places with Mike right now.

After 40 minutes the session came to a close and with panting chests and smiles on their faces they sat back on the sofa, Maria sitting crossed legs facing and leaning in towards Mike. Again her silky smooth skin was slightly visible under her top and Mike with his hormones flying round his body, felt a slight growth underneath his joggers, he became slightly uneasy as he didn’t want anything embarrassing to happen. He was wearing sturdy boxer shorts and relatively thick joggers, but his manly penis could be seen to be protruding outwards slightly. At first Maria didn’t notice but she sensed his uneasiness through his subtle changes. She looked at him inquisitively and questioned if he was okay. Shuffling slightly uncomfortably he said he just needed to go to the bathroom and tried to stand up, which was when she saw the unmistakable sight of the bulge. She stared at it only for a short while and not knowing what else to do, laughed. She beckoned him back to sit down and she touched his knee trying to reassure him, this contact however only drove to enhance the situation further and the girth of his penis was becoming ever more prominent. At the same time their bodies began to release more and more hormones into the air around them, as two athletic and excited beings were seeing each other in a new light.

Maria broke the silence saying that she always appreciated how Mike treated her and viewed her as an intelligent co worker in her own right and not like some of the others. She felt much more connected to him given that he respected her mind first before her body. She leaned in much closer now and positioned her nose close to the side of his cheek so her breathing could be felt on his warm skin. They had never been this close before and both their bodies were doing much more of the talking than was necessary by mouth. The atmosphere was electric and the tension now palpable, who was going to make the first move? So close to each other but not quite touching they could almost feel each others exposed dilated pores begging to be caressed.

And then the touch, soft skin on skin, nose on nose, cheek on cheek all defenses were now down. They hesitated slightly then closed their eyes and kissed together. It was a magical feeling, all the better for the length of time building up to it. Mike’s hands began stroking first her arm, feeling her delicate hairs and then onto her goddess like stomach, she twitched slightly from this but then began to alter her position on the sofa, so that more and more of their bodies were touching. She too, started rubbing her hands up and under Mike’s t-shirt feeling his toned body with excitement. She could feel his stomach muscles, his rib cage and then his sturdy chest. Her own body began to react to this long awaited contacted and was becoming more and more aroused, she slowly straddled him and lifted off his shirt over his head. As her thighs surrounded those of Mike’s his penis became strong, sturdy and proud under his joggers trying to reach its prize. While not yet on top of it, she could begin to feel it against herself and underneath her clothes her pussy began to quiver and secrete lubrication. She took off her own top and then moved down into his lap, he had to look up now to kiss her, her hair trailing down the side of his arms, her breast protruding out from the her bra and onto his upper chest. They stayed like this for a little while, rubbing against each other with purpose.

Mike took his strong hands and gripped her waist and slightly squeezed her stomach, he was trying to take charge but Maria was not quite ready. Remaining on top of him she took off her bra and let it fall behind them, she was now proudly positioned on top dictating the situation. He gazed in wonderment at her voluptuous body and began to fondle her breasts. They were both incredibly horny by now but it wasn’t clear how the next move would play out. She leaned forward so her chest and bosoms were starting to smoother his face, he squeezed them from the sides to keep them pressed against his cheeks. Given the intensity and their shared bodily warmth their lower halves were becoming hot, her under the tight fitting pants and his under the thick cotton. It couldn’t remain this way, something had to give, so Mike looked back up into her eyes and asked permission to fuck her. For a split second, he thought he had made a terrible mistake doing this and waited in agony for the response. Teasing him for uncountable seconds she eventually relented and with her sweet Italian accent replied that he may.

A new strength came over Mike and raised her up off his crotch and stood up, she was straddled around his waist her legs flailing slightly helplessly and her arms locked tightly round his strong back. Skillfully he dropped his trousers and boxer shorts to the ground so that he was completely naked. Maria couldn’t see his powerful member from the position that she was in but was certainly aware of its new found freedom. Mike then switched her and laid her down backwards on to their working table, scattering papers and other items onto the floor. He began to pull at her tight yoga pants with a new strong desire. Maria looked down her body at him as he tugged the tight pants off, she still hadn’t seen his penis yet due to this struggle. Finally her pants were round her ankles and off, now it was just her own panties to go. These came off with significant ease and Mike moved in more closely. He spread her legs and positioned himself right up close, first he lay his penis strongly on top of her being seen for the first time, it was a magnificent sight and rode up to her her belly button, she gulped and laid her head back with a slight fear. She had never seen one this big before and became conscious that she might not be able to take it all. Mike’s heavy spherical balls were ensuring that his scrotom sack was sagging under the weight and as they were pressing onto her pussy he could feel a warm stickiness begin to ooze from her.

Maria’s body had decided for her, she was capable of taking this huge cock and it was going to happen imminently. Mike slightly rolled back his foreskin pulled his hips back and began to slowly work his stiff penis inside of her. She squirmed and wriggled as it pushed up through, first the head rubbing along the ribbed lines of her vaginal walls and then his shaft following behind. He was part of the way in and started to thrust, his droopy balls flapping against her ass. Not wanting to be out done she began moving her own hips and body in time rocking their working table to the rhythm. Soon they were locked in deeply, the head of Mike’s penis was prodding away at her sensitive zones, giving her great pleasure. Her own movements were perfectly aligned to his thrusts to ensure that he was penetrating as deeply as possible. She began to moan loudly, Mike grunting under the workload and the table creaking under the strain. He leaned right on top of her, stretching her arms behind her head locking her down on the table, they were so focused on each other that they failed to notice an incoming call from a senior manager. In the throes of passion their sweat was leaking out onto the table and onto their working papers rendering some of them useless, some soggy some crumpled under the repetitive action. Her pussy juices were also leaking out, dribbling down her ass and slapping against Mike’s legs. The coffee mug rolled over under the vibration and fell onto the laptop on the floor, this went unnoticed given the pressing assignment in hand.

They were both panting hard now from the physical exertion and the amount of bodily fluids being exchanged. Mike shuffled her closer for one last round of deep thrusting. The table rocking and creaking ever harder, Maria’s moans reaching a more high pitched sound, Mike’s cock piledriving its way through her tender insides. Maria’s body was being pushed to and fro under the power until she started to reach her climax. Mike felt his body tensing for the final release and then in time for Maria’s third high pitched vocal exclamation, ejaculated his thick seed inside of her. She felt it instantly and her own body rewarded her with a beautiful rush of pleasure as she had just been bred by a strong Englishman. This was the best secondment she had ever been on and she knew this was just the beginning.

As they eased up and regained a more normal breathing pattern, they soon started to hear a voice coming through the laptop speakers. Unbeknownst to them the falling coffee cup had resulted in them joining an impromptu call. There eyes widened as they realised what had happened.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/uagk79/a_working_from_home_assignment_mf_long

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