DoorDash n’ Smash [MF]

During Covid I got pretty desperate when it came to money so I started DoorDash. Never in 1 billion years would I have thought anything about hooking up especially during Covid. But apparently, even during a pandemic. People are still fucking horny. Especially when they are at a lack of human contact.

Myself and about five other Dashers were sitting in one of the hot zones in a parking lot at a close movie theater. We were all just kind of sitting around waiting for orders to come through and shooting the shit. We all kind of met up off of a DoorDash group on Facebook.

It was pretty late at night and it was very very dead so none of us were really doing much and we all told each other that basically we would return when we did a dash and it was completed if we didn’t get anything else and we all set up there leaving and going for about four hours. Sounds pretty lame and I guess it was but during Covid that was the most entertainment any of us had gotten in quite a while.

We all started smoking a little pot in passing it around clearly not caring about Covid and we drank a few beers in the parking lot. Myself and this pretty sick or girl were the last two around 1 AM and we pretty much talked ourselves into fucking. I had a big SUV so we definitely abused that backseat.

I believe it was around December or January later that year early the next year I picked up an order at a Chinese restaurant and swing it literally around the block for a drop off. This absolutely stunning nerdy redhead stoner girl opens the door and the only thing she asked was, “do you have a beard?”

Kind of laughing I replied yes and pulled my mask away from my face and all she had to say was God damn you’re actually pretty cute.

I laughed and said thank you and she proceeded to ask me inside to eat some Chinese food with her. She told me she was really really high and really really horny. I just laughed thinking she was joking because I’m honestly not that good looking in my opinion lol handed her her food and turned around to walk away.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into her doorway asking me if I had a girlfriend and that was why I was turning her down. I said no and about that time she had her tongue down my throat. It was definitely on from there.

I proceeded to close the door behind me and she asked me if I would rather eat Chinese food or eat her. Being without human contact for eight months. I’m sure you could guess my choice of my dinner that night.


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