Alexander Thorsson: Telling the Story. No. 4 “Stream of Consciousness”

If I told you jacking my cock while thinking about my four lovers, in great detail, remembering specific shared pleasure, or watching high resolution videos of our shared pleasure, and holding myself fully erect on the cusp of orgasm, to let small creamy drops of semen ooze from my small orifice, holding myself aroused, stroking quickly, stroking slowly, whatever works best to sustain my full, delirious erection… If I told you, and added this joy is equivalent to, and no different from, as valid as, as sacred as, and provably effective as meditations leading to higher awareness, and ultimately to moksha, the release of earthly suffering and union with the Godhead, immersion in the Oneness, direct contact with Almighty God, called Jehovah, Allah, or any other name one chooses… If told all this, and you had the presence of mind to take me seriously, and seriously consider the possibility your own sexual arousal,
even when alone, even when your girls or boys are all elsewhere doing entirely non-sexual things, as you lay on your bed in sunlight on a Sunday afternoon thinking warmly of each one, reciting their names like sacred prayers, as if they were Saints or Archangels sent directly from God into your life and into your bed, spreading their thighs so you might lick their vaginal folds, or opening their mouths to receive soft flesh, whereupon they might suckle the flesh full, whereupon your own cock might burst joyous offerings of semen into their mouths, each woman or man swallowing your semen, whereupon and therefore your love and sexual desire as tangible as a bowling ball, smooth, shiny, consummated and satisfied… If I told all this, and added, I was certain my consciousness merged with my naked girls’ consciousness, and further, certain my one human mind merged with the consciousness of the Universe, the All-Encompassing Oneness, as sacred as any event mentioned in the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, the scrolls of Buddhism and Hinduism, and the most cherished writings of all other faiths…. If I concluded my observations of absolute faith in the moments of orgasm were as sacred as any words of Jesus, the Buddha, Mohammed or Lao Tze… Few people would believe me. Few 21st Century minds are free from the dogma cults of technology, and the tattered former dogma cults of this and that previous cultural heritage, to accept my words and my beliefs as accurate descriptions of observable reality. As mentioned above, assimilated reality is not the only reality.

Religious tourists of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s were no less particular, and no less fickle, in their choices of faith than current young tourists who gravitate toward new Immaculate Algorithms of Holy Conception.

Past and present religious tourists hope some REALLY SMART person will utter Divine Truths and solve all the human problems with poetic phrases or utter technological nonsense. Because tourists, by definition, are just passing through, many ignore a basic fact of existence: Hard work and critical thought, sacrificial and intense personal effort is required to accomplish anything worthwhile. From time to time, we see fortunate spiritual accidents, ***but most saints earn their halos and wings.***

[Jack It For Me. LIVE!](
