My original story – Chapter 6 – (White mind: A history about sexnosis) (lostwhisper9980)

Hello guys, new chapter, and long one. Theres no much to say this time, is only the start of a new sex arc for Lilia, but i dont want to spoil anything else, so here you have, enjoy it and have fun


If you want to read the prevoius chapters, you can find them here:

Chapter 1:


Chapter 2:


Chapter 3:


Chapter 4:


Chapter 5:


Chapter 6: The chief butler.

I sat on the edge of my bed. Finally, I was taken to my room. A huge room with a huge bed and pillows. A beautiful dressing room, a giant wardrobe full of clothes with my size, with a large mirror on one of its doors. I also had my own bathroom inside that room. A huge bathroom with a gigantic bathtub and a vanity full of expensive beauty products and skin creams.

Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about that girl. The red-haired girl who was punished without being able to cum.

As I was absorbed in my thoughts, someone knocked on my door.

“C-Come in…” I hesitate to let that person pass. What if it was someone coming to fuck me. I didn’t want that… or maybe I did… I was not sure. Because my body trembled with fear. But my vagina… my vagina secreted juices… my panties felt very dirty because of that.

The person, who knocked, opened the door. It was Phio. I felt relieved for a moment.

Phio, in a serious but polite tone, told me:

“Miss Lilia. I bring the suitcase that you leave in the hall. Just as you asked me.”

“Thank you. Leave it near the cloakroom… or better… I’ll do it…”

I told her while I was about to stand up. But she stopped me and said:

“Don’t worry. This is part of my job. Our social ranks do not absolve me of my duties as a maid.” She said as she put my suitcase in the place that I told her.

“Also… I’ll let it pass this time. I will not report your conduct to the master. But I will make this very clear. You are a ¨pet¨ and I am the second in command of the maid service. I have more value than you do. So, know your place, and don’t repeat your actions or…”

She approached slowly and delicately towards me, and with a sensual and sweet voice, she whispered in my ear:

“… You won’t be able to cum, just like you’re doing right now…”

I was completely shocked…

“I can smell them, you know? I may be a 19-year-old maid girl, but this has been my job since I was a little 8-year-old girl. I have eleven years of experience in this. I can perfectly smell the scent of wet panties. Juices from a dirty bitch like you.”

She moved away from my ear, she turned her back to me, and just before she walked out the door, I asked her, with my voice a little shaky:

“H-Hey. H-How can i s-sleep? K-Knowing that anyone i-in this mansion c-can walk into m-my room a-and rape m-me.”

She turned to see me and answered me with a kind and warm smile:

“Do not worry about it. The ¨pets¨ rooms are the only place where they cannot be disturbed by anyone except the master. Of course, you cannot lock yourself in your room for more than twelve hours a day. That includes your sleeping hours, so if you sleep eight hours a day, you will only have four more hours to be in your room. If you stay longer than indicated, even for one more minute, you will be severely punished. It will be considered as a breach of the duties of your role. Simply put, you would be considered ¨late for work¨.”

Just as soon as she finished telling me that, she turned her back on me again, but I called her again:

“Wait, Phio. One last thing…”

“Yes. Miss Lilia”

“Can you tell me the name… of the red-haired girl from before?”

“I don’t have any problem with telling to you. But, why you want to know it?”

“Curiosity, nothing else”

“Her name is Theresa. She is a ¨pet¨, just like you and the other three. In addition, she is one the two ¨allowed¨. That means, they can be fucked anytime, anywhere, any number of times, by anyone in the mansion. Also, they can be requested by clients of the master, or other times, be sent to neighboring islands to please the inhabitants of the villages that are there. Another characteristic that ¨allowed pets¨ have is that… the master does not touch them at all…”

“W-What do you mean…?”

“As you should already know, as a ¨regular pet¨, only the people who live in this mansion can do with you what they want, in the sexual sense, of course. But they only have twelve hours to use you. It will depend on them if they only use you for a few minutes, or the full twelve hours. Once they stop touching you for 10 minutes, their chance will be used up, and they won’t be able to touch you again. I understand that the pilot used you for 6 hours and the security guard for 8 hours. They can’t touch you anymore, because 10 minutes passed after they last touched you. Just so you know, I still have my 12 hours available with you. But don’t worry, I’m not interested in girls. In fact, I’m the only one in this mansion who still has her twelve hours available with all 5 pets.

By the way, I forgot to mention, the only person who can still touch you any number of times as a regular, is the master.

Then come the ¨allowed pets¨. To make it short and clear, these pets can always be used by anyone. They are not worth more or less than the regular ones, but their circle of pleasure is much broader. In addition, as I said before, the master would never touch the allowed.

And finally, unassigned pets. This is the type of pet you are in. You have the same characteristics as regulars, but the master is still deciding if you will be regular or allowed. I do not know the criteria and the decision time of the master. But once he give you the order to be one or the other, you should gladly accept. You have no right to refuse. Also, you can have luck, and be fucked by the master before he decides which kind of pet you will be. But that has never happened before.”

My head was spinning from such a long explanation. Then, I started to remember. Those two men used me for hours. In addition, it was obvious that they had cum inside me. And I was pretty sure of that, since whenever I came out of my trance, spurts of semen trickled out of my vagina. Then I worry, and I asked the question:

“The pilot and the guard… both came inside my vagina… what if I get pregnant?”

“Pets cannot get pregnant. Before fucking you, the pilot injected you with a serum that makes you completely sterile. It is a serum with 100% effectiveness. So do not worry, and let all the cocks fill your vagina with semen. It is your job as a pet, after all.”

Then I got very angry. I quickly stood up and yelled at her:


Again, she gave that piercing, annoyed look. Just with her look she made me go back and fall back sitting on my bed, while I was silent from the fear that seeing her in the eyes caused me. Then, she told me in a very serious tone:

“Miss Lilia, the moment you agreed to come and live in this house, you lost all rights over your body and your person. You are a pet, and you only come to follow orders. If I was clear, and you have no more questions, I will proceed to go.”

“No. that’s all. You can retire” I replied in a low and submissive tone, while lowering my head like a recently scolded child.

Phio came out of my room and closed the door behind her.

*This part is not from something that Lilia is recounting; rather it is something that Phio recounts…

I left Miss Lilia’s room, and as I walked back down the hall with the other maids, I remembered something important:

“I forgot to tell Miss Lilia that allowed pets can be touched even inside their rooms… well, she’ll find out herself in due course if she becomes one.”

I continued on my way, and I found the first in command of the maid service, the chief butler. An old man in his 80s, graying hair and much wrinkled skin. Still, it did its job perfectly. A person I have a lot of respect.

“Oh Phio. What a pleasure to see you. Are you coming from leaving the new pet in her room?” Said the old man, with a hoarse and somewhat tired voice.

“That’s right, chief butler. The new pet is already in her room. Wants me to arrange an ¨audience¨ with her?”

“Oh, what a sweet girl. Please. I would really appreciate it. I’m too old to go looking for the pets on my own. Take her to the dining room at 2 am. Do me that favor”

“Of course, chief butler, it would be a pleasure.” I bowed to him, as a sign of respect, and to say goodbye. So, I went on my way.

*From this point, Phio’s story ends, and Lilia’s story continues.

It was already almost two in the morning, and I couldn’t sleep at all. Then there was a knock on my door. I was completely cold; I thought it would be some abuser. But then I remembered what Phio told me. No one could bother me in my room, and there was still a long way to go before the time limit passed. So, I asked who it was:

“Who is it?”

“Miss Lilia. Is me, Phio. Can you come out for a moment?”

“For what?”

“It’s an order from my boss. He asked me to come get you. He wants to see you”

I was very moved when she told me that. Her boss, my master asked to see me. I got up quickly from the bed, opened the door and went out with Phio. She was only a few steps from the entrance to my room. She asked me to follow her into the dining room. That his boss would be waiting for us there. My heart was beating hard and fast. I could finally see my master. I was very excited. We entered the dining room. Phio left the place and I heard her close the door of the place from the outside. Then the lights turned on. Then I saw him… a decrepit old man was sitting in front of me, just a few steps from where I was standing.

I was a little embarrassed that that old man saw me like that. I was only wearing a long nightgown that reached a little below my knees. I wasn’t wearing underwear. From the emotion, I forgot to change my clothes properly. So I asked him:

“Phio told me that her boss asked to see me. But I can’t see him, will you take me with him?”

“You’re seeing it now, young lady. I am Phio´s boss. Nice to meet you, I am the chief butler, the first in command of the maid service of this mansion.”

“Are you her boss? I thought I would see my master.” I said quite confused

“Hohohohohohoho. I think there was a little misunderstanding. I’m sorry. I am the person who asked to see you”

“You? What do you want from at this time?” I start to feel scared. I was alone with an old man with a pervert face outside my room.

“Well, I think that’s pretty obvious. You are a pet and I am an old man who feels somewhat lonely.”

The old man got up from his chair and walked over to where I was. Just inches from me, he reached out and gently cupped my chin. I was completely paralyzed. I was very scared, but I couldn’t react.

And from one moment to another, he bring his face closer to mine, and hit his lips with mine. He began to kiss me slowly, but out of nowhere, his tongue entered my mouth and began to spread his saliva all over the inside of my mouth. Then, it happened again. That sound in the middle of the silence…


Pressurized juices began to come out of my vagina, trickling down my legs, and making a big puddle on the floor under my feet.

Noticing, the old man stops kissing me, and instead of backing away, he made me keep my arms extended above my head. He crouched down to where the nightgown I was wearing ended and began to lift it with his hands until he took it off. He could see it clearly, my body completely naked, and I was completely paralyzed without being able to do or say anything.

He tossed my nightgown aside, and proceeded to take off all of his clothes. Once finished, I could see it, a disgusting, wrinkled, flabby old cock. He approached me, and holding his flaccid cock with his hand, he began to rub the tip with the lips of my vagina. At that moment, I started to regain control over myself, and just when I was going to do something, he said “the phrase”. A phrase that only my master knew, or so I thought. A phrase that served as a trigger to put me in an immediate trance:

“Time to go out and play, Lilia. Come catch the stick”

I took the old man’s flaccid cock with both hands, while he was still rubbing the tip in my vagina, and I began to caress it gently.

In addition, as I stuck out my tongue like a thirsty bitch, my eyes widened, my pupils became small and trembled, I said in a very loud and sensual tone:


Once again, everything turned white and blurry…


Here my twitter if you want to follow me and see the NSFW things i share on it:

