Ever have an embarrassing doctor visit? 35 [MF]

I had my first ever visit to a urologist today. Long story short, I’ve been having some groin pain after sex and my regular GP referred me to a urologist. Normally I do a ton of research on doctors before going, but I’ve been slammed at work and didn’t have time.

I say all this to say…I didn’t realize she was a woman. I got to the office, did all the paperwork, and then in walked a doctor who had to be about my age, slim, petite and with what I could tell was a very nice figure under her lab coat. We talked for a bit, me cracking awkward jokes to calm myself until finally she told me to stand up and take down my pants. I don’t know if it was the talk about sex, the fact she was hot, or just the fact that I haven’t cum in a few days but I got immediately hard. Like full point-to-the-ceiling-and-leak-precum hard. She was so chill and professional as I apologized profusely, but having her examine me while I was that erect was something I didn’t expect and it made me feel some kind of way.

Anyway, if you’ve had an embarrassing visit, or been the doctor in a similar scenario (women especially) please don’t be shy about reaching out.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u8ea6y/ever_have_an_embarrassing_doctor_visit_35_mf