An Unexpected Visitor (female pov, nc, fear paralysis, creampie)

Trigger Warning!

While still being fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, or make them feel uncomfortable, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read.

Thanks and enjoy! 😊


I was still laughing as I started my way up the stairs.

“Are you sure you don’t want to hang out a bit longer Myra?” Danella called from the sofa.

I spun around, woah, and was still feeling a bit tipsy from my drinks. “No, I always get really sleepy after 1am. You guys enjoy the movie, I’m going to get some sleep.”

“Alright, most of the bathroom stuff is in the hall closet if you need anything. Have a good night!” She called back to me.

“You too!” I called back.

With that I left the party downstairs and made my way up to the room I was staying in. There were 12 of us at Danella’s family’s beach house for the weekend, plus a few of her neighbors who stopped by for a good time. There had been people coming and going, and we’d been drinking and laughing and watching movies since 6pm. It was well after midnight now though. Never really being a night owl I was feeling drowsy and decided to head off to bed. If previous experience was any indication it’d probably be another 2-3 hours before people began leaving.

Too much for me though, I found the towels and washcloth and pulled out my duffel bag with all my stuff in it. Nothing crazy for tonight, just removed some makeup, brushed my teeth, and got ready for bed. I got undressed, tossing my dirty clothes in a plastic bag I’d brought, and changed into my jammies: a pair of boxer shorts I stole from an old boyfriend and a faded tank top; both were super comfy. I was feeling tired already.

Done in the bathroom I headed to my bedroom. There was some action movie on TV downstairs now, I could hear the bangs and explosions echoing up from below. That all was muffled fairly well as I shut the door and settled into bed however. It was a warm night so I left the bedroom window open a crack. I laid down, snuggled up in bed, and covered myself with a sheet. It wasn’t long before the sound of the ocean waves lulled me into a deep sleep.

I began to have one of those flying dreams. That kind where you just flap your arms and soar above the ground. I was flitting around happily like a butterfly when this sensation of being trapped began to creep in. In my dream things shifted, I landed and now there was a horse asking if he could sit down on me. It proceeded to knock me over and plop down right on me!

What the heck? I probably drank too much. I often have weird dreams when I do. I didn’t like this feeling, but this was a dream. I knew it was now so I decided to try and wake up.

Slowly I pulled myself out of the dream world. The horse faded away and I could hear the roar of the ocean again, the softness of my pillow and the bedsheets. Huh, that weight of the horse though, it was still there. I opened my eyes, but couldn’t see anything. Then there was this smell, like men’s cologne. It wasn’t terrible but it was strong. Wait there’s some kind of fabric over my face?

That weight on my chest! There was someone laying on my chest!

I lifted my arms and touched them to whoever it was. My fingers felt bare skin, there were ribs.

I gasped! My mouth hung agape.

“Shhhh!” A man’s voice whispered.

Then whatever fabric was lifted off my lips and I felt a kiss? A kiss! Whoever this was, they were kissing me. I could feel his lips pressed to mine, his tongue was in my mouth!

Everything began to crystallize now. There was a man laying on top of me! I was pinned beneath him, my legs spread off to either side of him. His hands, well one was cradling my head, holding it against his own. He wasn’t wearing a shirt either. I could feel his bare skin. Was it covering my eyes? That must be it. What is he doing in my room? In my bed? Who is he?

My hands began to shake and tremble. Whoever it was slipped his other hand down toward our hips. It plunged down between us. I could tell he was doing something.



Those sounds! We’re they? No… it’s not…

He shifted his body from side to side a little. There was a soft shuffling of fabric. I could feel his bare hips against my inner thighs now.

Did he just pull his pants down?

Then there was a touch against my boxers, just between my folds and my thigh. Something poked and pressed towards me a bit.

That was… was it his…

My hands were shaking uncontrollably now. This was terror like I’d never felt before. The man reached up and grabbed my trembling wrists and pinned them down on the bed. His lips never left mine. They were raging, pressing into my own roughly, his tongue probing my mouth while I just laid there, stunned, with my mouth hung open.

We kissed, well he kissed for a moment, then moved one of his hands back down between our hips. He grabbed one of the leg holes in my boxers and pulled the fabric aside.

I felt a bit cooler air waft past my mound now. He had exposed me! I felt myself get wet.

Wet? Really? What was my body doing? Why? This wasn’t sexy, this was terrifying! Stop it!

Now I felt the same touch as before, but instead of against my boxers, it was square between my folds. The touch was slight at first, but then pressure grew. It pushed through my folds and pressed hard into my labia just below my clit.

The pressure stopped. The man shifted his hips and pressed again, and the pressure came back. Lower this time, just above my vaginal opening. He pressed and pressed. His dick slipped a little up and down, nearly entering me, but still just too high. I could feel the tip of it was wet now. It got close enough to be lubricated by my own juices. He was trying to put it in me!

He withdrew again and wedged himself a little lower between my legs, then he pressed forward. The touch was back, then the pressure. It pushed and parted me. It was right at my opening now.

Scream Myra scream! Fight back! I told myself, but I didn’t, I couldn’t make a sound. Fear raged through my body, but I was silent as ever. I just made a small gasp as I felt him press his tip inside.

He was inside!

He rocked his hips back and forth now. Each time he pressed forward he slid in deeper and deeper. His hips pressed against my mound, then the thrusting stopped.

His lips left mine now and I felt him put his shirt back over my face completely. He hooked his arms under my thighs, lifting my legs off the bed. Then he scooted forward, his knees under my legs now, his firm dick still wedged uncomfortably inside me.

He reached his arms under my legs then grabbed my wrists. Pulling them tight towards him he leaned forward. My legs were pushed skyward, my hips curled up off the bed to meet his own. Then, firmly pinned in this awkward position he thrust his hips at me again, and plunged deeper inside than I had ever felt a man go before.

I gasped again, moaning slightly.

Seemingly content with my position now, he began his assault in earnest. Rocking his hips back and forth, plunging and withdrawing his dick, stimulating it by rubbing it back and forth inside my captive body.

My mind drifted elsewhere, or at least it tried. The ocean waves still crashed outside the window as they had before, echoing up and down the shoreline. The saltwater air still hung in the room, the smell of the ocean. Its smell was mixed with a slight hint of sweat now however. The rhythm of the ocean outside mixed with a repetitive creaking coming from the mattress where I lay. Any stillness from outside, any pleasure from my hips, was overwhelmed by a bone-chilling fear I couldn’t escape. The kind that burrows deep into your soul, much farther than this horrible whoever he was could ever press inside me.

God, I hated him.

The anger welled up inside me. I imagined myself punching him square in the face, then I got up the nerve to do it. I was going to do it. I tried to move my arm, but… I, maybe, shifted it a little? He did have a firm grip on my wrists.

Crick-creek, crick-creek, sung the mattress as we rocked along.

Maybe I could kick him!? I imagined my foot smashing into his face. Maybe he’d get a bloody nose. That thought made me feel a bit better. I went to move my legs to try it. Nothing, they just swung aimlessly back and forth in the air above my head somewhere.

Crick-creek, crick-creek, the mattress continued to play its forlorn tune.

What the hell was wrong with me? Was I this afraid?

Cricka, cricka, cricka…

His pace was quickening now, his rhythm faltering. It felt like was running out of time. What should I do?

Cricka, cricka, cricka…

I don’t know what to do! I have no idea!

Cricka, cricka, cricka…

Damnit Myra! Think! Quickly! I could feel his penis inside, it was tensing up, becoming solid as a rock.

Cricka, cricka, cricka…

Fuck my worthless self! Why me? Why do I have no ideas!? I could hear him panting heavily now.


He pushed harder, then withdrew himself, nearly coming all the way out of me. The room hung silent for a sliver of a second. Then his hips came down.



“Mmnn!” I groaned.

“Urrhh!” He gasped!

Then quickly out again. He roughly pushed my legs up past my head.


“Ahhhh, unnghhhh!” He gasped loudly.

Then he gave a sharp upward thrust. His hips curled, burrowing himself deep up inside me. Having seemingly reached his goal, he just held himself there.

Then I felt his penis, that now rock-hard shaft, twitch just ever so slightly. My mind was screaming.

Oh no!


Please no!




Stop it please!


I didn’t say a word of course. It all was in my mind. I didn’t kick or scream. I didn’t resist or struggle. I just laid there, spread wide apart, trapped beneath his body and a mountain of fear as he groaned in ecstasy and slowly emptied himself.

“Ahhhhhh…” He sighed as he cock fell still and began to soften.

He withdrew himself from my battered body, letting my legs go as he did. They both crashed limp to the mattress. He shuffled down the bed, and I could hear him fumbling with his clothing. Finally there was a familiar zip and a snap.

He sprung up from the bed, and grabbed what I assumed was his shirt which had been covering my face.

I opened my eyes, it was pitch black. I heard the door creek and turned my head just in time to see a bare foot pass out of sight as the door swung shut.

So that’s it? Now I’m tossed aside like a used tissue? Forced to share an intimate moment with someone, and all I know of him is “shhh!” and a quick glimpse of one ankle? The abruptness of it all shocked me as much as anything.

A trickle of wetness from between my legs reminded me there was more he left me with however. His semen, I had no idea where that guy had been, who else he had done this to? What if he just gave me an STI? How long ago was my last period? I hadn’t missed a pill lately had I? Panicked thoughts flooded my mind.

I just stared quietly at the blackness of the ceiling for a long time, raging, contemplating, second-guessing myself, trying to calm my nerves. I didn’t try to move, I was too afraid I couldn’t. I didn’t even know I had fallen asleep until I woke up.

The morning sun was just peering in the window, and I sat up slowly in bed to look out. You could see the waves from my window, and birds were singing in the trees nearby. My boxers being damp was the next thing I noticed, then it all came flooding back. My arms began shaking again as memories of last night danced in my head.

Was I really raped last night? Does that count? It was then I realized whoever was in my room last night may not even see it the same way. I never said no, never asked him to stop. I never fought back or screamed, never kicked and punched like I wanted to. I never gave him consent, of course, but ugh… the whole stream of thought made me tremble again so I stopped and grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

No use, even that wasn’t distracting enough.

I wanted to go to the bathroom and clean up, wash his mess away, but I was afraid. Afraid of the door, of who might be on the other side. I didn’t even know who to be afraid of really, and that was horrifying.

I was more afraid of staying though. Afraid whoever it was would return. I hopped out of bed and found my sweatpants from my duffle bag. I threw them on quickly over my boxers and gathered my things. It took all of three minutes to pack. Then summoning my courage I flung open the bedroom door.

The hallway was empty, so was the rest of the house. Everyone was sleeping still. I bolted quickly out the door to my car. I quickly texted Danella and told her I had a family emergency, then I was gone.

I felt a strong sense of relief as I left that seaside town. It was going to be okay. I was going to be okay. I just needed to get home and clean up.


Hi again everyone! 😊

So a bit of a different twist with this one. It was a bit of a challenge to write something where this isn’t much dialog or action. A lot of internal dialog though I guess? 😅 I hope you found it interesting at least.

Once again, I’ve brought back some of the same choices as before, but with new stories replacing less popular options. If you have a preference for what you’d like me to write next, please comment your vote!

Otherwise I hope you have a safe and sexy day! 😘

Story A: Part 2 of [The Odd One Out!]( (nc, virginity loss, light BDSM themes)

Story B: Part 2 of [The Beast Within]( (nc, impregnation, fantasy, werewolf)

Story C: A succubus with a strong sense of morality turns the tables on a serial rapist. (nc, fantasy, f:rape, m:rape)

Story D: A stroll to the local market goes wrong, when a group of men notices a lone shopper. (nc, group sex, kidnapping, light BDSM)


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