The end you were rooting against [FMM]

I had a threesome with two dudes and it was fun. After it happened, both of them worried a little too much about my feelings.

In the end theyre the ones who got a little weird.

I once came home from work to find my boyfriend belligerently drunk. This wasn’t a huge surprise as his best friend was about to leave us the following day and he wasn’t good with feelings.

*Also, the three of us had been hooking up all week.*

After a huge fight ensued, his best friend and I managed to put him to bed.

“Come here,” he said.

“I’m not going to bed at 8:00pm,” I answered as I tucked him in.

“I didn’t mean you, you presumptuous ass.”

“Go to bed, damn it!” His best friend said.

We left him like that.

When his best friend and I were alone in the kitchen he poured me a drink. “You’ve earned it.”

I glared at him. “I blame you. You let him get like that.”

“I can’t control him.”


Then he gets weird. He leans over and tries to kiss me, but I stop him. “I’m not about to do that to him.”

“You don’t hook up with other people?”

“Not his best friend when he’s ten feet away.”

“But you DO hook up with other people?”

“Yeah sometimes when he’s gone.”

“And so does he?”

I narrowed my eyes. “I think you know he does.”

“And this doesn’t bother you?”

“We’re fucking, not dating.”

“So what’s wrong with kissing you? We’ve already fucked.”

“When he was in the same room! He’s insecure about us. It’s not right.”

*I didn’t owe him any form of monogamy, but I cared about him and sex isn’t worth hurting my friend.*

“It just doesn’t seem fair to you. It bothers me.”

“You know what bothers me more than him having sex with people? When someone has a girlfriend and spends all week in my bed.”

“You don’t understand my relationship.”

“And you don’t understand mine so fuck off.”

“Oh so you’re in a relationship?”

“I get it. You’re a nice guy and we get along. In another life we would have dated and I would have been the one at home while you fucked someone else.”

“I’m sorry, ok? I like you. I’m jealous.”

“It’s ok. I like you too. I care about him though and it would kill him. Also, you should break up with your girlfriend. I was cheated on and it’s not fun.”

“Oh… That’s why you’re in this. It makes sense now. You got cheated on. You deserve more though.”

*What a condescending ass. I was not being taken advantage of in that damn relationship. I could not give anyone anything more at that time.*

I stand up and walk over to him, taking his face in my hands as I kiss him. He puts his hands on my arms and pulls me into him so that I’m on his lap. I rub my hips against him and let him put his hands in my hair. Our chests touch as I rub back and forth.

“You want me,” I say.

“God yes.”

I put a hand to his crotch and start running it up and down. “You’d do what I wanted right now, right?”

“Yes,” he groans.

“You’d let me do anything to you.”


“Yeah, you’d let me fuck his best friend while he’s asleep in the next room.”

“What?” He pulls back.

I get up and slap him. “Be a better fucking boyfriend and friend, asshole. That would have destroyed him.”

I try to go to bed, but he grabs my hand to stop me. The truth is we have a very long conversation after this and he’s not a bad person. He was in a shitty relationship and confused because we had good sex. By the time we went to bed we had made up.

*I try to cut people slack in my stories. We were all young and stupid. Also, sex confuses emotions.*

I think the moral of this story is that threesomes are tricky, even if you’re all down.



  1. Thank you for this, I want people to stop approaching this shit so carelessly. I mean I’ll never lean into it, but I feel bad for everyone that does

  2. Fun fact: Osmium (metal) is the densest material on Earth, BUT I’m pretty sure this story beats it.

    This is one of your shortest stories, but it is dense as fuck. There’s a lot to unpack in this and it’s quite amazing how you managed to “write” so much with about half the length of your regular posts.

    Now ok ngl, seeing your stories about how you were back then and seeing how you are now. I kinda feel proud of you (lmao this sounds weird I know). It’s like you have grown so much and changed in such wonderful ways!

    Hopefully boyfriend and best friend are doing better now too! Hell all of the people in your stories, hope they are doing well (ok maybe not ex boss lol).

    So as weird as it sounds I am proud of you Ms. V! And will always be in awe of how strong you have become, cheers!

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