My client flew in for a deposition. We were in her hotel room hours later. [MF]

*I’m getting off the plane now. Hopefully its just another 5-10 minutes*. I read the text with nervous excitement. Hundreds of phone calls and e-mails were exchanged between us over the years but nothing more. Most conversations were professional but every now and then one would stray into sports, social topics, or a fun weekend story. Still, she was a client and I was her legal counsel – it was circled back to professionalism.

Despite never meeting, I knew what Katie looked like. Curiosity got the best of me one day and I Googled her name. Only a few photos were publicly available, all from the neck up. A pretty smile, shoulder length brunette. She was gorgeous or was amazingly photogenic.

My phone began buzzing with Katie’s call. “Hey Jack. I’m in front of Door 4.”

“Ok. I think I see you,” I lied. My eyes were already on her. She was wearing tight black leggings, black sandals, and an oversized Cleveland Browns hoodie just long enough to cover her ass. “I can’t be seen with someone in Browns gear so you’re going to have to take that off,” I joked.

Katie turned in my direction and flashed me the same smile from her pictures. “Hi!” she exclaimed wrapping her hands around my neck. It was unexpected but welcome. My arms carefully curled around her waist, careful to keep my hands north of anything inappropriate. My mind made a mental note of how tiny she felt. Whatever was under this hoodie had my intrigued. “It’s so good to actually meet… in person! And there’s plenty more Browns stuff where this came from so you’ll have to suck it up.”

She was just as bubbly in person as she was in our electronic chats. The drive from the airport to her hotel took about 45 minutes. Katie talked most of the way while I caught glances of her through my sunglasses.

“Alright, so the deposition is tomorrow at 10. I assume you need a ride to the office?” She nodded as the hotel doorman approached her car door. “Can you be ready at 8 to do dep prep?”

“Let’s do it tonight,” she immediately suggested. “I have like a $250 daily food expense to use on whatever I want. You can even double bill for working late.” Her idea momentarily surprised me but I happily accepted.

I returned to the hotel three hours later. Katie was seated at the hotel restaurant bar. Still rocking the black leggings, she replaced the sandals with tennis shoes and the Browns hoodie with a simple white tank top that clung to her body – the straps of a black bra exposed underneath. She was thin but not grossly so. Smaller breasts perfectly fit her frame. Her hair in a neat ponytail. It seemed so effortless how she made casual look so sexy.

She took a sip of the white wine in front of her as I sat down. “At least you got rid of the hoodie.” Katie rolled her eyes.

“And I was just about to pay for your drinks tonight and you start with the Browns shit talk…” Katie waved the bartender over pointing to her glass. “His drinks can go to my room too… for now.”

One beer led to another and another after that. Katie kept pace with her wine as we mixed discussing the case with stories about our personal lives. As the alcohol filtered into our systems, the conversation loosened teetering on crossing that professional line.

“Can I tell you something and you have to promise not to make fun of me for it?” She gave me a tipsy kind of smile as her cheeks turned a shade of red only seen on tomatoes. “Promise?”


“I tried to find you on Facebook a while ago to see what you looked like.”

I laughed. Katie took a long swig of her wine. “And…” I pressed her for an explanation but I quickly suspected the reason why.

“And what?” Katie shrugged as if I was about to let things end there.

“And what was the conclusion?”

Katie took a second, her response turning into a whisper as if someone was eavesdropping. She leaned in. “You’re cuter in person.”

I smiled, almost breaking into laughter. “Alright, time for me to confess something too.” Katie turned from her glass to me. “I did the same thing.”

Katie giggled. “And…”

“And what?” I teased

“Oh my god! Jack!” A swift backhand met my chest.

“Definitely cuter in person… and more violent.” I rubbed my chest exaggerating the effects of her action.

Katie smiled. The color returned to her face. She downed the last bits of her wine and turned her chair directly towards me. “I have some stuff in my room I need to give to you for tomorrow. Do you want to come up to get it? I can always bring it in the morning.”

“I’ll get it now” We both knew anything she had for me could have waited. It wasn’t the smoothest invitation but the message was clear. With the bill paid, we made our way to the elevator and up to her room. Before the door closed behind us and our lips locked together while our hands explored each other’s bodies.

We inched our way towards the bed, clothes dropping to the floor every few feet until we found each other in our underwear. I pushed Katie onto the mattress, her matching black bra and thong a stark contrast to the while comforter. I followed closely, laying myself on top of her. Our mid-sections met, my cock pressing against her pussy with only two pieces of fabric separating us. Soft moans escaped her lips. I moved down to her neck. Her perfume hitting my nose – a momentary thought that this may have been her plan all along.

My hand moved slowly down her side until I felt her thong. Katie reached down and grabbed my hand stopping me. For a second I thought I had crossed a line. Katie quickly assured me otherwise. “I don’t need any foreplay. Just fuck me!”

Not needing to hear any more, I pushed her thong down her legs. My own boxers followed. My head and shaft slipped inside Katie with ease. Her head tilted back against the mattress. A long, low moan filled the room. I got onto my knees and held her hips. “Fuck me, Jack” she begged – I complied.

I pulled out and laid down on the bed. Katie threw her leg across my body and positioned herself kneeling over me. She started slowly, bucking her hips back and forth developing a nice rhythm. Her hands pressed against my chest as she began to speed up her pace. I unhooked her bra revealing firm, round tits with quarter sized nipples. “Oh…. My…. God…” she eeked out. Her face tightened with pleasure.

Katie then repositioned herself upright in a squat position. She slammed down on my cock – her tits bouncing ever so slightly with her movement. Katie’s moans reached a high pitched squeal until she muttered that she was about to cum. Almost immediately I could feel her walls tighten around my cock. Her face scrunched together from the sensation of her oncoming orgasm.

As the wave of pleasure began to subside, Katie crashed her body onto the mattress next to me. “Did you cum?” she asked through panting breaths.

“I was close at the end,” I responded, not willing to admit I held back as much as I could to make sure she got off. “But I wanted you to cum. It’s fine.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? Really?” Her eyes widened at the shock of what I said as if I insulted her. Without skipping a beat, Katie lowered her head and took me in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my head of my cock while her hand jerked my shaft. It didn’t take much before I felt my own incoming orgasm.

“I’m cumming, Katie!” I warned her. She moved her mouth away and let ropes of cum spray onto my stomach.

She took a finger and slid it across my body collecting a small sample of my cum. Tasting it, she smiled. “Sorry, I don’t like swallowing if I’ve been drinking. Tomorrow after the dep?”



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