Finding [M]y [F]riend naked on Reddit: Part 3

So, the feeling of guilt from part 2 led me to my first ever post. Now if you can recall from part 1, she had asked whether I would ever post. So when I did, I obviously told her about it. No links, no hints, but I told her all the same. Did she go looking for it as I had done hers? At this point I had no idea.

She had some questions about it, did I think she would recognise me, when did I post it, was it full body, or just a close up? When I admitted that it was just a close up, she said that she wasn’t sure she would recognise it, which was unfair as I would stand a better chance at recognising her. I had enjoyed the thrill of posting and so agreed to post a full body, to even the odds. Once that was done, the questions moved on to what was the title, what was my username?

“I can’t tell you that” I said, “I may as well send you a link if I was going to do that”
“Okay, how about, what sub?” She asked.
“You never told me that?” I replied
“But you didn’t ask” she responded

That I could work with, but the deal was I told her what mine was on, if she told me what hers was on (at this point I hadn’t admitted to finding hers already). We exchanged our hints and for all she knew, the hunt was on. A few hours later, she came back saying that she had found it. But how would I know if it was actually me that she had found? I guess I wouldn’t…

The next day I opened the conversation with…

“What is?”
“Just something I saw”
“Which is?”
“An awesome photo online”

The game was up, we had found each others posts, we had seen each other fully naked now and we both knew it. At first, she couldn’t believe that I had found it and I still wasn’t sure whether she had actually found my ones or not but as we spoke about it a bit more it became obvious that we definitely had. I took the opportunity to ask whether she would ever post again, hopeful that the answer would be yes.

“Maybe” was her response.

Over the next couple of months I made a few posts and I kept a keen eye on her profile too. She verified on one sub, which brought with it a great set of photos. Including one from behind, showing off her ass for the first time, which looked fantastic! A short while later, a candid shot of her boobs too. I had no idea whether she was seeing mine, but I was certainly seeing hers. Then it went quiet, we were still talking regularly as always, but the posts had stopped. I playfully questioned but didn’t want to push my luck.

Until one morning when I got a message…”Been on Reddit lately”. I assumed this was a hint and went onto Reddit immediately, forgetting that I was standing in the middle of a pretty busy area at work. I was gobsmacked. There I was staring straight at a picture of my friends pussy! A very close up, fully exposed photo of her pussy, and she had led me straight to it.



  1. So wait… You 2 basically exchanged nudes (via Reddit) and … Just sat on that for months?

    No sexting? No hooking up? No compliments or talk about how hot it is?

  2. Wow, very hot. It going to be interesting to see where this goes.

  3. Na I just want the sub that just sounds fun wondering if this is op’s friend

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