A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 9 (age gap)

Chapter 9 – The Talk

Noah did indeed come home within a few hours. He had driven to the park and talked to himself about what was happening in his house. At first the thought of Jake with his mom repulsed him and he was pretty pissed at Jake for adding his mom to his bevy of conquests. After a while, though, he was more rational, and realized he was being selfish. He was an adult and could act like one. Besides, why shouldn’t his mom be happy? His dad sure as hell didn’t care about her happiness. Noah would always love his dad, but he had come to realize that his dad was kind of a smug, selfish prick. Honestly, his mom was way too good for his dad. “Would Jake be good enough for her,” he wondered to himself.

He didn’t want to face them, but knew it was the responsible thing to do. When he came in the door, Jake and his mom were sitting side by side on the couch, holding hands.

“Noah,” Caroline started. “We’re glad you came back. We need to talk to you.”

“I know mom,” Noah agreed, sitting down in the chair opposite them. He noticed that Jake was staring at the floor.

“So, we know you know about me and Jake.”

“Yeah, I heard you guys pretty well.”

Not wanting to address that statement, Caroline cut in, “Yes, well, Jake and I are seeing each other and we probably should have come to you earlier, but we weren’t sure how you would take it.”

Curious, Noah asked, “Just how long has this been going on?” Jake piped up, “From the second week I got here, so about 3 months now.”

“Three months?” Noah gasped.

“Yes, well, that’s right Noah,” his mom continued. “Jake and I are going to be together and want you to be okay with it. Jake and I love each other.”

“Love?” He turned to Jake. “You’re in love? Yeah, right,” he scoffed. “Look I get you are attracted to my mom and, as much as that grosses me out, I have a hard time believing you’re in love.”

Jake, more confidently, “Yeah, I know. But this is different. You’re mom is different. The way I feel about her is something I’ve never felt before. I promise you this is for real.”

“Ok…” Noah said slowly. “So what do you want from me?”

Caroline spoke up, “We want you to be okay with it. Jake and I already talked about how our relationship will be difficult, but we both decided that the only person’s opinion we really care about was yours.”

“Well, this is really too much for me to handle right now, but…” Noah hesitated, “But, I guess I’m okay with it. You two are the most important people in my life. Mom, you, of course, have always been there for me, but so have you, Jake, for the last 10 years almost. I mean I want you to be happy. What right do I have to stop you?”

“Ok, then,” Caroline said, “You give us your blessing, then?”

“Blessing?” Noah questioned. “Not sure I’m in a position to give that, but sure, I give you my blessing.”

Jake said reassuringly, “Wow, thanks, man. So I know things might be different around here, but I’m telling you I love her.” Jake squeezed her hand as he said this.

Caroline squeezed back, “Great. Anything you want from us?”

“Well,” Noah said, “Maybe keep the PDA to a minimum for a while. It might take a little time for me to get used to this.”

“Can do. Jake and I are going to take things slow and we will see what happens.”

[Chapter 10](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82ljh/a_womans_needs_chapter_10_age_gap)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82l5v/a_womans_needs_chapter_9_age_gap