A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 8 (age gap, MF)

Chapter 8 – The Thing that Should Not Be

“What?,” Caroline asked of Jake, fearful for his answer.

“I am about 90% sure that Noah knows about us.”

“Shit,” was the first word out of Caroline’s mouth. “Dammit, Jake, what are we doing to do?”

“Well,” Jake offered. “We’ll all sit down like adults and talk it out. We will explain that, despite our age difference, that we love each other and…” Caroline broke in, “Wait? Did you say ‘love each other’?”

Jake replied, “Did I? I guess I did. Well, yeah, there’s no denying it any longer. I DO love you, Caroline. I’ve been aware of it myself for probably a week or two, but I didn’t want to say anything because I wasn’t sure if we had a future at all. Do you, uh, feel the same way?”

Caroline faltered, “Yeah, I think so. I mean, to be honest, I thought it was just two people that were attracted physically and I know I was in need of physical intimacy. I thought maybe we’d fuck a few times and I’d be over you and realize that we should just move on with our lives. Frankly, I figured you would tire of me pretty quickly.”

Jake went to her, holding her body tight to his, then kissed her hair, neck and then mouth. “Caroline Dupree, I will never, ever tire of you. Sure, at first I thought it was infatuation or even just a kink for me to sleep with an older woman, but I’m long past that now. I think of you constantly and can’t wait for our times alone. And I’m not just talking about the sex. I love just laying next to you or talking to you about mundane things or watching how good of a mom you are to Noah. Compared to the girls I’ve known, you are amazing and, I don’t want to say all girls my age are like this, but there’s an immaturity and vapidness to them that’s actually a big turnoff, regardless of how physically attractive they are.”

Caroline started to cry, “Jake, I don’t know what to say. I mean I’ve never been so confused in my life. I love the time we have together and I, too, appreciate you for who you are, but I have been trying to not let myself fall in love with you. As much for you and Noah as for me. Besides, you’re saying this now, but, Jake, you’re still only 19…” Jake cut in, “I turn 20 next month.”

“Ok, 20. Still, you have your whole life ahead of you. I don’t know that we SHOULD be together even if we want to.”

Jake was numb and struggling to counter her argument. “Look, Caroline, I know I don’t even have a degree yet, but I do know I love you and I know I want, no, I NEED to be with you.”

Caroline faltered, “Oh, Jake, I don’t know. I mean we don’t even know how Noah is going to take this, let alone others. We will be ridiculed, maybe even shunned.”

Jake agreed, “Maybe so, but what I care about is you and me. You deserve to be happy, especially with all you have gone through the last 3 years.”

“But what about your parents, Jake?” Caroline interjected. “What about them?” Jake replied. “Fuck ’em. They’re shitty parents anyway. To be honest, as long as Noah is cool with it, I’m ready to face the world.”

“Oh Jake,” Caroline said as she melted further into his arms. “I love you.” Jake kissed her softly and deeply. “I love you, too.”

They decided they would sit down with Noah as soon as he came back. They would text him that he needs to come home for a ‘family’ meeting if he didn’t come back on his own within the next 2 hours.

With that settled, they both breathed a little easier. Caroline grabbed Jake’s hand, “Jake, would you make love to me again?” Jake replied, beginning to harden merely from her words, “Of course I will” and they laid back on his bed and made quiet, beautiful love. After Jake spilled his seed into her and slid next to her for some cuddling he thought to himself, “I think I’ve fucked a lot in the last few years, but I think that was the first time I’ve ever made love to someone.” The feeling of euphoria was quite overwhelming for the pair.

[Chapter 9](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82l5v/a_womans_needs_chapter_9_age_gap/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82kuc/a_womans_needs_chapter_8_age_gap_mf