A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 3 (age gap, masturbation)

Chapter 3 – A New Housemate

The next Sunday was the last Sunday before the Spring semester was over for both Biltmore and Bartlett. Caroline was in the living room reading a book when Noah approached her.

“Hey, Mom, you got a minute?” Noah asked. Putting her book down, “Sure, honey. What’s on your mind?”

Noah said, “Well, I don’t know if you know from the school or not yet, but Bartlett is revoking Jake’s scholarship due to poor grades. “Oh, that’s too bad,” Caroline said sincerely.

“Well,” Noah continued, “It gets worse. His parents said he can’t live with them next semester. He’s out on his own. He’s not sure what he is going to do. You know he doesn’t come from money.” Caroline sincerely said, “Well, do you think we could help out in any way?”

Noah breathed a sigh of relief, “Well, that’s why I’m coming to you. Do you think Jake could come and live with us for the year? I mean he used to practically live here our Senior year of high school and you guys get along, right?”

Caroline nods as Noah continues, “It’s just he’s let his grades slip and I know he wants to buckle down and not having to worry about room and board would be huge. And I know we could afford it. He could have the spare room upstairs or I can move in there and he can have my downstairs bedroom if that’s better.” Caroline stopped him, “Okay, slow down. Slow down. Of course Jake can stay here. He is like family any way. And no sense in having you move all your stuff upstairs; Jake can have the spare room and then he will have the upstairs bathroom to himself since you use the one downstairs and I have the master bath in my room.”

Noah gave his mom a peck on the cheek, “Mom, you’re the best.” Caroline did feel proud of herself, but also wondered if she would be able to handle a young, hot 19 year old living here full time.

The next 2 months zip by and it’s the first week of August when Caroline suggested to Noah, “Hey Noah, I know that Jake said he could be with his parents until August 23rd, but I think it would be better if he came now. That way he could get settled and have a few weeks to relax before school starts back up.” Noah agreed, “I’m sure Jake would love that. I’ll let him know.”

Two days later, Noah gets out of the car with Jake in tow with a big suitcase, a duffle bag, and his guitar. Jake looked positively beefy in his shorts and tank top. Caroline was not too much of a mom not to notice how hot Jake looked, but she shook those thoughts out of her head, “Hi boys, let me help.” She grabbed his guitar case. “Come on Jake, I’ll show you your room.”

Caroline went first up the stair and a strange thought entered her mind: “I wonder if Jake is staring at my ass right now?”

“Get a hold of yourself,” Caroline told herself, “Why would he be interested in an old throwaway like me?” Getting to the top of the stairs, she stopped. “The bathroom right ahead will pretty much be yours as I have a master bathroom inside my bedroom,” Caroline nodded down the hall to the right. Walking to the left, she went into the room at the end of the hall, “and this will be your room, Jake. I put fresh sheets on the bed and feel free to redecorate if you want, seeing as you will be here all year. Of course, you know where the fridge is, so help yourself to food whenever you want. I try to cook sometimes, but things get busy at the college, so you’ll be on your own a lot. I keep the fridge stocked, but also, I got a debit card for you, Jake, so you can get takeout or Grub Hub if you need to. I put $500 on it to start.” Looking to Noah, “Am I forgetting anything?” Noah simply shook his head.

“Oh,” she remembered, “Rules. Look, you two are adults now, so I will treat you as such. You can stay out as late as you want, but a text before midnight if you are staying out all night or coming back really late is appreciated; Jake I’ll give you my number so you can text me. I know that Noah stays over to Tracy’s sometimes and it’s just easier to plan dinners and breakfasts if I know he will be here or not. I want you guys to live life to the fullest, but please just let me know when you’ll be gone for the night or more. The same for you, ok, Jake? Um, do you have a girlfriend, Jake?”

“Um,” Jake stammered. “Um, not really, Mrs. Dupree. I mean nothing serious at the moment.”

“Ok, well, you know it’s also okay if you have people over as long as you guys are not too loud. And, this should go without saying, do not drink and drive please. Well, I think that’s it. I’ll let you get settled. It’s so hot today, I thought I’d hit the swimming pool now. You boys can join me if you want once you’re settled, Jake.”

Noah went downstairs with Caroline and Jake started unpacking his stuff and putting his clothes into the chest of drawers in his room, leaving his bathing trunks out on the bed. He was so happy to be in this much healthier home and he was lucky to have such a good friend in Noah. He was lucky too, he thought, to able to be living with a legit hot mom. He thought back to just minutes earlier as he was going up stairs and noticed what a nice ass Mrs. D has. Jake always knew Noah’s mom was pretty. When they were in middle school, he didn’t think about it much at all and later in high school, certainly he noticed, but she was his best friend’s mom so he put those thoughts out of his mind quickly. What’s the difference now, he thought? Well, he figured it was because of his sexual awakening this past year. Sure he respected older females like his professors, counselors, etc., but he had also come to see them as the women they are. Besides, he was an adult now, so it was ok. “Anyway,” he thought, “I’m just appreciating Mrs. Dupree’s, um, assets. It’s not like we’re going to date or hook up or anything!” Still, she had model good looks and a pretty great body to match.

Suppressing his rising cock, Jake slipped out of his clothes and put his bathing suit on. Down the stairs and toward the back door, Jake calls out, “Noah, buddy, if you’re in here, I’m heading to the pool!” Slipping open the pool area fence, Jake closes it to find Caroline in a red two-piece bikini lounging on a pool chair and reading a book. He did a double take at her curves; if she had put on any weight over the years, Jake could hardly tell. A fruity drink is nearby and the sun is glistening off her body and bronzing up her beautiful skin nicely. Finally clearing his horny thoughts, he tried to play it cool, and yelled out, “Hey, Mrs. D, Noah not here yet?” Caroline looked up from her book, “Uh, no, sorry, he’s not here yet. Probably got caught up texting Tracy or something.”

Jake walked to deep end of the pool and dove in head first. With long sure strokes, he made it the shallow end in no time flat. Turning, he did another lap and a half before he burst out of the water, “Wow, now that’s refreshing. Boy it’s hot today.” Caroline agreed, but also thought: “The sun isn’t the only thing that’s hot around here today.” Watching the water bead over Jake’s nearly hairless, but well defined chest was giving butterflies to this 47 year old mom.

Wanting to change her thoughts, “Dammit, where’s Noah. He should be out here to play with you.” Jake agreed, “Yeah, Tracy is probably the only thing on his mind most of the time these days. Maybe you will need to jump in, Mrs. D.”

“Ok,” Caroline agreed, “but only for a minute. I don’t like to be in the chlorine for long. It’s not good for my skin.” Jake thought to himself that whatever she does to her skin she should keep doing it. Caroline took a long sip from her straw, put her book down, took off her sunglasses and got out of her lounge chair. When Caroline wasn’t looking, Jake watched every step and every shake of her fine MILF ass as she walked to the deep end, quickly averting his direct gaze once she turned towards him. Prepping for her dive, it was impossible for Jake not to notice her large breasts being held up by her string bikini top. Sure, her body wasn’t as tight as the 19 year old hotties that Jake’s been dipping his cock into the last 12 months, but there was just something undeniably sexy about this older lady. Caroline executed a graceful dive and then swam underwater, emerging just feet from where Jake was standing. Hoping that Caroline hadn’t noticed, Jake thought he counted a 3 bounce jiggle once she surfaced above the water line.

“Noah,” Caroline yelled loudly, “Get out here. You’re missing all the fun.” Soon Noah did come out and he and Jake played, swam, and had fun. Caroline joined in a little bit in the swimming, but let the boys have their fun for the most part. About 5PM, Caroline got up to go in. “I have to get dinner ready. It’s just an easy pasta salad and fruit, so it won’t take long. Finish up and come inside within 30 minutes, boys.” An enjoyable dinner and a fun board game was just about the perfect end to a great day, but it was getting late.

After showering and climbing into bed, Jake was tired and figured he’d drift off to sleep quickly, but for some reason, sleep wouldn’t come. He figured a little wank would help him relax. He envisioned his most recent conquest, Jackie. Jackie was short and petite with black hair, small breasts, and the cutest little ass. He was conjuring up an image of Jackie in her bra and panty when the image in his mind was replaced by the image of Caroline in her little red bikini. “No,” Jake thought, “I can’t think of her like that.” However, his cock was already harder the instant he thought of Caroline, so he let his fantasy go. “It’s just a fantasy,” he told himself. In it, he was sitting poolside, tanning in a chair when Caroline got out of the water and started walking toward him. As she sashayed toward him saying, “Jake, I want you so bad,” she was undoing her bikini top a la Fast Times at Ridgemont High. It wasn’t too long into the fantasy seduction when Jake started shooting hot spurts of cum all over his belly. Grabbing his t-shirt, he sopped it up and drifted off to a deep sleep.

Unbeknownst to Jake, just 25 feet down the hall, Caroline was having a similar fantasy. She was in the kitchen when Jake came in. “Jake,” Caroline pouted, “I can’t reach that can of tomatoes and lift it because it’s so heavy. I need someone big and strong. Can you get it for me?” Barely moving out of the way so she was rubbing on his hard body, Jake reaches up and grabs the can in one hand. “Ooooh, you are so strong Jake,” she says, rubbing her hands up and down his toned biceps. “Yeah, I am strong. Strong enough to do this,” and Jake grabs her by the hips and lifts her easily to the kitchen counter, getting between her legs and forcing her to spread them. “Strong enough for this too,” he says as he kisses her strongly. As her fantasy is playing out, Caroline is soon moaning, “Yes, Jake, take me right here” and fingering her pussy. Within minutes, her whole body tenses up and she suppresses a squeal as she has a marvelous orgasm.

[Chapter 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82iwy/a_womans_needs_chapter_4_age_gap_flirting/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82icf/a_womans_needs_chapter_3_age_gap_masturbation