A Woman’s Needs – Chapter 2 (age gap, flirting)

Chapter 2 – Jake

Senior year was much better for Noah than his Junior year had been. He noticed Jake was wanting to hang at his house all of the time and he didn’t mind. Jake was his best buddy and Noah knew that the Dupree house had all of the cool gadgets plus he knew Jake wanted to get out of his house as much as possible. I don’t think Jake did much to warrant it, but Jake’s parents were getting even more strict with him. It was supposed to be the opposite; you were supposed to get more freedoms the closer you got to 18. It seemed to be the opposite for Jake.

Still, the two friends made the best of it and Jake was practically living at their house. Noah’s mom seemed to be really happy to have him over so much and really spoiled them, bringing snacks during some of their gaming sessions and generally being an amazing mom. Noah could see Jake was eating it up, not getting anything close to that at his home.

One day, during a particularly long gaming session, Caroline brought a plate of cut up fruit and some drinks down to the gaming room. Crossing in front of the TV to set the fruit tray down, Noah lamented, “Mom, you’re blocking the TV.” Always loving to needle her son, Caroline teased, “Oh am I? “Gee, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.” She wriggled her butt and jumped up and down in front of the TV.

“Funny, mom, funny,” Noah joked. After setting the drinks down, Caroline left the room without too much more teasing.

Turning to Jake, Noah remarked, “Sorry about my mom. She likes to tease and she’s been in a really upbeat mood all day.” Jake seemed to be spaced out. “What?” Jake shook his head as if to clear his head, “Sorry, dude, just zoned out for a minute.” It seemed to Noah that Jake had been acting a little strange lately, but figured it was just that they were close to graduation now and things were going to change a lot soon. And Jake dared not talk to his friend about what was really going on in his mind.

And change they did. Noah got into the prestigious nearby private school, Biltmore, but Jake got into the smaller school, Bartlett, that Caroline worked at. Bartlett had a scholarship deal they would hand out to local students. Since it was so small, most people thought of Bartlett as a commuter school, so this program would give out generous scholarships to local kids (basically full ride), but they had to live on campus. Jake was the lucky recipient of one of those scholarships and was happy to be out of his parents’ house.

Freshman year was busy, but Jake and Noah still hung out when they could. Both had gotten girlfriends, so they didn’t have much time to see each other. Well, Noah had a girlfriend; Jake had many. Jake was a handsome kid in high school, but, after he turned 18, he really blossomed, bulked up and was generally a girl killer. Dark hair, about 6 foot even with a fit, trim body, and a confident, fun personality, Jake seemed as though he was loving college life.

On one of their chances to hang out, Jake told his best friend, “Damn, Noah, college girls are so amazing. It seems like they are horny all of the time. I’m getting pussy 2, sometimes 3 times a week. How about you?”

“Well,” Noah started, “Tracy and I aren’t ‘doing it’ yet.” Shocked, Jake says, “What? You and Tracy have been together for over 3 months and she hasn’t let you get in on her stink yet?” Noah grimaced at the coarse sexual language his friend was using, “Well, yeah, we’re just taking it slow.” Jake interjected, “Well, you do you, man, but I’m telling you that you are missing out. I’m in my sexual prime and I can’t keep the honeys off of this!,” pointing to his crotch while smirking. Noah loved Jake like a brother and probably always will, but the way Jake was about girls and sex was not his cup of tea. Admittedly, Noah was a virgin until his Senior year in high school and his experience with sex just made his relationship worse, so he carried some baggage for sure. Noah was no prude; he liked to jack off to porn as much as the next guy with the next guy sometimes being Jake, although they only jerked off together a few times. Still, Noah was still feeling his away around sex and girls, whereas Jake had hit his full blown prime and was loving every minute of it. Jake had explained to Noah that, sure, you want to like and maybe even love the girl you were doing it with, but the feeling of getting a girl to squirm, moan, and groan all because of the power of your cock was one of the great discoveries he had made since high school ended.

It seems that Jake was partying and hooking up a little too much, though, as he was informed towards the end of his Freshman year that his grades were too low and his scholarship was being revoked. Jake was stunned and was not sure what he would do. He guessed he’d have to move back in with his parents. The last thing he wanted to do was go back under their strict rules, but what choice did he have?

That choice was taken away from him. When Jake talked to his parents, not only did their suspected disappointment come out, but they said that he “was 19 almost 20 and needed to figure this out for himself.” They said he could stay with him for the summer if he got a job and paid them rent, but he had to move out for his next semester of college.

Angry and worried, he called Noah and explained the whole situation to his best friend. Jake could only hope that Noah could help.

[Chapter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82icf/a_womans_needs_chapter_3_age_gap_masturbation/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u82htv/a_womans_needs_chapter_2_age_gap_flirting