The Day Out… [MF, Public, Romance]

The Day Out…

She places the white leather box on the glass countertop in front of us. It’s only a container, and yet its quality hints at what’s waiting inside. Tilting back the lid on its brass hinges, she reveals an exquisite wristwatch, dazzling as it reflects the display lights shining down on it.

“It’s beautiful,” you say. “Can he try it on?”

“Of course!” She says with a brilliant smile. She can’t be any taller than 5’2 and the counter stands more than halfway above her torso. It doesn’t seem to get in her way. She takes the watch from the case and reaches for my arm. 

She’s had this warm smile on her face since we came into the store. It’s not a salesman’s smile, full of feigned friendship, but genuine. Her caramel skin contrasts beautifully with the platinum gold of the timepiece as she slides it over my wrist. Her skin feels soft as silk as it brushes against mine. She expertly latches the band into place. A perfect fit.

You rest a hand on the back of my shoulder and lean in to look at it.

“Oh, wow,” you say. Its face is a cobalt blue, with miniature diamonds placed at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock. A crystal display port just below the base of the minute and hour hands shows the delicate clockwork, click-clicking away. “I love it.”

“I’m so glad, it’s my favorite piece here.” She presses her palms together under her chin. She has thick, naturally curled hair, highlighted with copper throughout. She’s dressed professionally, a black blouse with grey slacks. A bronze name tag sits over her left breast. Illiana is engraved on it with Assistant Manager just below it. She has an ample bosom, downplayed by the dark color of her top, but a hint of cleavage still peaks from her neckline. Her big brown eyes light up when I look at her. “So, what do you think?”

“Gorgeous,” I say. I think the watch is nice too.

Your finger brushes the back of my ear, and you say “I think you should get it.”

“I’m not really much of a watch guy,” I say, admiring the weight of the piece in spite of myself.

“Well I think it looks great on you,” you say, nudging my arm.

“It really does,” Illiana adds. You look at her, your red lips curling into a grin.

“A handsome man needs a nice watch.” You take up my wrist and squeeze. I look into your green eyes and know that there’s no arguing the point.

“Alright,” I say. “We’ll take it.”

“Yes!” Illiana exclaims. She holds out her hand and I rest my wrist in it. She unclasps the band and slides it off me. I savor the brief touch of her skin one more time. A faint smell of vanilla wafts away from her. “You’ll start to love it soon.”

“Oh, I’m sure he will.” You haven’t taken your eyes off me the whole time.

Illiana rings us up with the efficiency of experience, the price tag putting a pit in my stomach. I pay with cash, and wince at how much thinner my wallet feels in my pocket. The lovely white leather box has been neatly tied with a blue ribbon and put inside a gift bag that you take from the counter. Our new friend comes around the corner and escorts us to the door. My eyes are drawn to the form fitting cut of the pants around her buttocks as she leads the way.

“It’s been so good meeting you two,” Illiana says, the sunlight making her eyes glow like honey.

“Thank you, Illiana. You’ve been wonderful.” You reach out and shake her hand.

“Please, call me Lilly!”

“Thanks Lilly, it’s been great,” I say.

“Have a beautiful day!” She calls as we walk out into the afternoon sun. 

The sunlight catches the yellow of your dress, reminding me of pleasant spring days and our rendezvous in the park. The look’s completed by a wide brimmed hat. You take my hand, but we only get a few paces away before you pull me to a stop.

“Wait here,” you say. I’m curious what for, but when I see you turn and walk back toward the store, I don’t need to guess. I see you head inside and approach Lilly. She smiles and welcomes you back. The two of you chat for a moment and I see you reach into your bag. You pull out a business card, and offer it to her. She nods enthusiastically and takes it from you. You make your way back, waving at Lilly as you go, and you return to me.

“So….” I say.

“You think she’s cute.”

“I do.”

“I saw you staring at her ass.” I feel a flush rising on my cheeks. “She has a nice ass.”

“She does,” I agree.

You lean into me, your voice a whisper. “And I think you want to fuck her.” You reach down and run your hand up my groin. I flinch at the touch, not because I’m uncomfortable with it, but because we’re in the middle of the plaza. It’s a Friday, and this outdoor mall is full of people. Couples, families, teenagers. You frown at me, narrowing your eyes. “Maybe I want to fuck her too.” I see you make a decision in your mind. “Come on.”

You grab my wrist, and start pulling me along with you. We storm past ice cream parlours, shoe stores, and dozens, hundreds of people. We find ourselves in front of an old style diner, the staff all wearing uniforms inspired by the 50s era of Greasers and soda shops. There’s an alleyway between it and the next lot of shops. You half drag me into it.

As we make our way down, a sweaty man in an apron comes out from a doorway leading to the diner’s kitchen. He tosses a bag of garbage into a can and goes back inside, closing the door behind him. You take us to the door. It’s obscured in an alcove in the wall, enough to break line of sight with the passers-by on the main walkway.

We haven’t even come to a complete stop when you spin around, put a hand behind my head, and pull me in for a kiss. The brim of your hat brushes against my forehead and it tilts back on your head. You’re kissing me hard, pressing your lips on mine. You run your tongue along my upper lip, exhaling hot breath into my mouth. You bite down on my lower lip, and you drop everything you’re carrying to the ground behind me.

Your hands free, your reach down again, feeling me stiffen at your touch. You adjust your hat and lower yourself to your knees. You press your lips to my pants where my cock is resting just beneath. You pull back and undo my button and zipper, opening them enough for you to get to me. I fall out, and the touch of your lips to the head makes me have to reach out and steady myself against the brick of the alcove. 

You start to suck on the head of my cock, your lips making that soft smacking sound I daydream about at work. You press on and take more of my flesh into your mouth. I let out a heavy sigh. My shaft runs over your tongue, and the heat makes me shudder. I push myself deeper into your mouth and I feel your nose brush up against my pelvis. You gag as I near your throat, and take a steadying breath through your nose. You start to suck, and the compression nearly drives me insane.

“Fuck,” is all I can mutter between my shallow breaths.

You pull back your head and I fall out of your mouth, the breeze cool around my wet flesh. Red lipstick is left all up and down my length and you smile up at me. You reach up a hand and start massaging my cock, pressing your palm up into the base of my shaft.

“God,” I let out as I feel the pressure. You know me so well.

You lean in, and wrap your lips around the head of my cock again. You run your tongue up and down the tip. I know if you keep going like this I’ll burst, and you know it too. You stop, seeing the strain on my face, and you grin, and bite down gently on the head for a moment before releasing me and standing back up.

I pull up your dress and loop my fingers around your panties. I lower them and reach up to your face and push my fingers into your mouth. You suck on them for a moment, giving me the lubricant I need for the task ahead, and I reach back down between your legs. I find your pussy and push my middle and ring fingers up and into you. I rub my thumb over your clit. It’s what you called my ‘Spider-Man grip’ one night in the car.

I push into the spongy flesh of your G-spot, and you wrap your arms around the back of my neck, pulling me into an embrace. You bury your face in the side of my neck while I work my fingers around inside and over you. I reach around with my other hand and take a firm grip on your ass. The wetness of your pussy makes a soft smacking of its own with my motion.

You let out a muffled cry into my shoulder as I work you faster and faster. You lift your head up and kiss me, moaning as I continue. You open your eyes and say “Fuck me.”

I pull my hand away from you, and peek around the corner of the alcove. There’s a metal trash can. Hardly sexy, but it’s just the right height and just within reach. I dash around the corner, trying to keep my cock out of view of anyone passing by, and drag the can into our hiding place, cringing at the metallic grind it makes along the pavement.

I lift you up on top of it, your panties dangling from your ankle as you wrap your legs around me. I hold your gaze and reach up to brush my thumb over your lips. You start to suck on it as I grab my cock with my other hand and push myself inside you.

“Mmm…” you groan, taking my thumb out of your mouth. “Fuck me hard.”

I grab your hips, and I start thrusting. I lean in and kiss those red lips of yours. Your other lips greedily grip around my shaft as I slide in and out of you. Our motion makes the metal of the can clink and clang, and I can hear it echoing down the alleyway. I break away from our kiss, slowing my pace, and look around the corner again.

“No, fuck me!” you pant. I resume my thrusts, slower, distracted. My rhythm is off, and you can feel the sensation inside you slipping away. You pull my face to yours and kiss me again, but you bite down on my lip and I wince at a sharp spike of pain. I pull my face away from yours, and see redness on your teeth. I reach up to my lip and my fingers come away a similar wet shade.

“Are you going to fuck me or not?”

I take your cue, aggravation tightening my jaw, and press my hand to your throat. The motion pushes your head back, and it hits the brick wall behind you. You scrunch your face at the impact, but I squeeze the sides of your neck and push myself all the way into you. The moan you let out eggs me on.

I thrust deep, and I thrust hard. The rattling of the can becomes a cacophony of noise in the alleyway, but I ignore it. I fuck you harder, faster. You wrap your hands around my wrists, begging for more with your eyes. I press harder, and those green eyes start to roll back with the rush of adrenaline that your body’s terrified nervous system is pumping through you.

Your whole being quakes with the crashing sensation of your orgasm. Your pussy tightens around me, and I push through my final thrusts. 




My grip around your throat tightens dangerously for an instant. You make a tiny, breathless noise as consciousness threatens to escape you. Then I release you and drop my hands to your waist. You feel the heat as my cock pulses cum into you. I press my forehead into your shoulder as the shivers make their way through me. You flex your pussy around me again, and I feel myself let out a final trickle as you press your mouth to my neck. I lift my head and kiss you, pushing my tongue into your mouth. Our lips smack one last time as I pull away, and work myself out of you.

My cum is already dripping out onto the metal lid. You look up from the sight to me, biting your lip. I help you down and you raise up your ankle and grab your underwear. You stuff them into my pants pocket, saying “I’m not ruining these. They’re my favorite.”

I kiss you again and put away my cock, then turn and pick up our things. I look back and see you blowing a kiss, but it’s not to me. I follow your line of sight, and see a security camera pointed straight at us. I feel my stomach lurch as you grab me by the hand and lead us back out into the thoroughfare. We’re a few steps away when we hear the creek of a door and an impact against our makeshift loveseat.

“What the fuck?” we hear from inside. You look at me, surprise written on your face, and we dash away and around the corner, laughing as we go.

