The Beast Within (Female pov, fantasy, nc, werewolf, creampie, forced transformation)

Trigger Warning!

While entirely fantasy my NC stories often contain non-consensual scenes that can feel raw, or have realistic elements to them. I don’t want to upset anyone, so please use your discretion when choosing whether or not to read.

Thanks and enjoy! 😊


It had been an enjoyable late summer day. I had spent it at my aunt’s house, helping her clean out her basement and catching up on all the local gossip. Now I was walking home. It was twilight, still enough light to see fine, but getting to the point I’d rather not dawdle more than necessary. Night was drawing near faster than I anticipated it seemed, a consequence of it being late August now no doubt. Those shorter days always caught me by surprise this time of year.

I had turned down a trail that led through the woods. A shortcut of sorts, which was frequently teaming with wildlife. Great for seeing deer or owls, chipmunks and otters, there even was a pack of wolves which lived in the area. Those wolves had caused no shortage of controversy in our small town. There was a bit of an ongoing feud over whether they should be driven away due to killing pets and livestock, or whether it was better to let nature be. I had little opinion on the matter personally, but some men in our town had an argument come to blows over it recently; it was quite the ordeal.

A good 15 minutes along, and I was just over half way home. I gazed up at the first visible star through the trees, and marveled at its shimmer for just a minute. Returning my gaze earthward I noticed a figure on the hillside above me. It was one of the wolves!

I froze nervously and stared at it in the distance there. It just gazed back down at me, curiously it seemed. It was beautiful, its white coat shimmered in the last glows of the setting sun. We held our gaze for a moment, and then it turned and headed down the far side of the hill out of sight. As it did so, I noticed it was lacking a tail.

“Poor thing,” I whispered out loud. I surmised it must have gotten injured at some point and didn’t have one anymore. My brief encounter over now I picked up my pace as best I could. A sundress and sandals were fine for walking, but hardly meant for anything more rapid. Being in the woods alone as darkness fell, with wolves around, didn’t seem like a good thing.

Still I hurried as best I could. The moon was coming up, large and full on the horizon, taking the sun’s place in the sky. Rounding a corner I froze again. Just ahead of me on the path was another wolf!

It was huge. It blocked the whole path with his body. His blue eyes stared right at me. They were different than I expected, more rounded and human-like. The beast growled softly under its breath and began to advance towards me.

I began to nervously back away from it when I heard another growl from beside me. I spun around and saw another, and then two more behind me. I was surrounded! I wasn’t sure what to do, there was nowhere to run! I spun around staring at them all in fright, the hair on my arms stood up straight. My heart raced rapidly. Spinning back around I saw the first wolf lunge and me!

I closed my eyes and screamed, long and loud.

My body slammed into the ground hard. I felt teeth on my forearm, a paw wrapped under my body, I could smell the beast’s breath, feel the heat as it panted.

Then to my surprise it didn’t bite down on my arm. His paw which was underneath me pulled my body tight against the scratchy hair of its belly. Then we started moving.

I opened my eyes and saw the ground racing along underneath me. We were moving rapidly, and the others were beside us. It was carrying me? Taking me somewhere? Wait, did wolves really do this? Not really wanting to find out, I tried to kick and push my way out of the beast’s grasp, but he just clung to me tightly. Eventually after several minutes of racing through the woods I gave up. Eventually we headed down a narrow ravine.

Rounding a corner the beast came to a stop. He dropped me unceremoniously onto the cold ground and stepped away. As I regained my senses I looked around. I was in an open area down this gully. The moonlight shone brightly down on me. The ground around me was mostly rocky, and I seemed to be at the opening to a small cave of sorts. The four wolves which had grabbed me simply lay down around me.

I sat up and dusted myself off as I looked around. An attempt to rise to my feet was cut short by a growl of warning from one of the wolves, so I just sat. My sandals were gone, I noticed, and my dress was a bit torn and ragged from my ordeal. You could see teeth marks on my arm from where I was bitten, but the skin wasn’t broken. Physically I was fine it seemed, though my mind was a confused muddled mess. What was going on?

“She’s a cute one,” A voice came from the darkness of the cave.

“Hello?” I called back hopefully.

An older man stepped out of the cave. Maybe in his late 50s. He looked strong, with a muscular and surprisingly well kept frame. He was extremely hairy, from his beard to his chest, to his… oh!

I averted my eyes when I realized he was entirely naked!

The man chuckled, “What’s the matter cutie? Never seen a man in his prime before?”

“I… I… no well I…” I stammered.

The chuckle grew to a laugh, “I recognize you now, you’re Alex’s daughter right? Kaitlynn?”

I paused and looked back at him. He was standing there confidently, hands on his hips, his naked body bathed in the moonlight. “Yes… who are you?” I asked, very confused.

“I was Nathan, if you remember that name.” He said in a rather cryptic tone.

“Nathan from the homestead on the outskirts of town? Off of Plum St.?” I remembered Nathan, yes. “Didn’t you leave town?”

He smiled and laughed, “Yup, found my new home, and a whole pack of friends.”

I looked around at the wolves surrounding me, “these wolves are your friends?”

“Oh they aren’t wolves sweet thing,” He smiled an evil grin. “Boys, show her.”

With that there was a small flash of light from each wolf in turn. When the light faded, each beast was replaced with a man. My mouth hung open dumbfounded. “You… you’re…”

“Werewolves sweety, aren’t we a sight? Bet you’ve never seen so many naked men before huh?” He mocked me.

Looking at the men I recognized a couple of their faces. They were others who had ‘moved away’ in recent years. “What do you want with me?” I demanded in a frightened voice.

“Tell me Kaitlynn, do you like feeling free?”

“I… I suppose so, yes.”

“Do you enjoy the beauty of nature?”


“Are you tired of society forcing their norms and values on you?”

That one did definitely strike a nerve, “Yes, it actually does frustrate me to no end.”

Nathan smilied, and looked lost in thought for a moment. “Beth, I think we have a new member.” he said gazing at the stars.

He then continued, “see my wife, Beth, passed away last year. There’s no females in our pack anymore. How are we going to have pups? We need new blood if we’re going to have a future.”

A different kind of fear was welling up in me now, not what I felt when surrounded by the pack initially, but still equally alarming.

Nathan called into the cave and two younger men hurried out. One was holding a bowl of sorts made from a hollowed out stone. It was filled with water, or at least some kind of liquid.

“Now, Kaitlynn, you look exhausted. Why don’t you have a sip and join us for a while.”

Something told me I didn’t want to drink whatever that was. “Thanks for the offer, but I really should be getting home. It’s late and…”

“Kaitlynn, it wasn’t a question.” Nathan told me firmly.

There was a flash of light, and two of the men next to me returned to their wolf forms.

“Nathan… I…” I stammered.

“You should come drink this Kaitlynn. You know we can’t let you go right, now that we’ve revealed ourselves to you…”

I hopped back to my feet and backed away from Nathan, “Please, I won’t tell anyone I swear!” I begged, stepping backward. I wasn’t sure what I could do, run? fight? It all seemed futile, but my mind wanted me away from the drink so I simply backed up. It’s all I could think of to do.

Nathan nodded at one of the men who had transformed back into a wolf.

He lunged at me!

I screamed and ducked down. We hit the cold rocky ground with a thud. One furry body crashing into my own.

I screamed again!

There were hands on me now, and paws and I felt teeth on my shoulder.

There was a rip of fabric and I screamed again!

Another rip and a tear. I felt my breasts fall free. There was cool air on my butt as well. I felt a bit of a shiver from a cool breeze. Then there were hands at my crotch.

I screamed as I never had before. My cries pierced the still night air.

More tearing of fabric. My body felt very exposed now. My bare skin was uncovered nearly everywhere! The teeth on my shoulder moved to my neck. They grasped my neck tightly, forcing my head down towards the ground.

I screamed again and again.

There was some final tearing and I could feel the last of my sundress give way. I was on my knees and elbows on a cold slab of rock. One of the transformed wolves had my neck in his mouth and was holding me in place. I was completely naked, my body shivered from the cold and fear.

“Kaitlynn, Kaitlynn…” I could hear Nathan’s voice closer behind me now. “You had to make this hard didn’t you?”

“Let me go!” I shrieked at the top of my lungs!

“I told you already we can’t do that.” Nathan replied. I felt a hand touch my butt!

“Stop!” I shrieked again, “Don’t touch me!”

Nathan gave my plea no thought. His hand traced butt and dove inward towards my sex. He parted my folds with his fingers.

“Lovely,” he said simply. Then I felt the press of his finger on my clit.

“Don’t! Stop!” I shrieked again. I tried to twist and squirm, but didn’t manage much movement. I could feel the teeth on my neck bite down as I moved, and the wolf who had a hold of me growled menacingly.

Nathan started moving his finger in small circles on my clit, stroking it softly and slowly. His other fingers traced my labia and teased the entrance to my vagina. I began to get moist.

Nathan noticed it too. “Well there’s a good girl. Glad to see you’re coming along.” He laughed. “Nature always takes over at some point. Guess you know what’s coming next.”

“No!” I screamed again. I wanted to struggle but could barely move. Anything more than a breath hurt as the wolf’s jaw pinched my neck tightly.

I felt Nathan’s fingers push my folds apart, then there was pressure on my sex.

“Sorry cutie, this part probably isn’t going to feel so good.” Nathan warned, “should have drank like you were asked to. It would have helped.”

The pressure on my sex grew suddenly. I could feel my vagina being wedged open as Nathan’s shaft burrowed inside.

“Don’t! Please!” I screeched!

It didn’t matter though, Nathan slowly and steadily slid his whole length inside, as he bottomed out I could feel my cervix aching a little as my body struggled to accommodate his length. I winced and groaned a little.

Nathan must have noticed because I heard him laugh. He grabbed my hips in his hand and began drawing his hips back and forth, fucking me. Each time he’d bottom out I’d feel another ache in my cervix.

“You know,” he began chatting, in a manner that seemed completely detached from this predicament, “once you’re transformed, this will feel a lot better. Our bodies change, we never really are the same in human form again. Slightly different features, body hair, and well, I think my dick never was like it was before.”

“Please, stop!” I begged again. I’d given up struggling now, and just stared straight ahead at the rocky walls of the gully.

“You don’t like this huh?” Nathan asked, sounding amused.

“No I don’t!” I pleaded back.

He sighed, “Fine fine, I’ll make this fast. Hold on.”

With that he gripped my hips tighter, and drew himself back out of me all the way before plunging his dick back in, hard!

“Ahhhh!” I groaned in agony.

Then again, and again.

“Ahh!… Owww!… God!…” I gasped with each thrust. He was doing this on purpose. My face grimaced and my body spasmed. It hurt, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

Nathan kept thrusting his hips, like he was trying to penetrate deeper and deeper inside me. He stopped thrusting after a bit and then bent over and whispered in my ear.

“You know the other thing that changes about your dick?” He asked.

I didn’t answer, and just used this moment’s respite to catch my breath.

“You get a knot,” he said jovially.

“What’s… what?” I gasped for breath.

He just chuckled, “you’ll know it when you feel it.”

With that he resumed thrusting. My hips were pounded without mercy. I just grimaced and moaned in discomfort as he railed my captive body for his own pleasure. He continued on, and on, and on.

Before long his thrusts became shorter and sharper. I noticed he wasn’t withdrawing as much anymore, just pressing and pressing his hips against my pussy. Then I felt something I hadn’t felt before. I felt my hole being stretched slightly. It felt like Nathan’s girth was growing inside me!

Nathan must have felt it too because he moaned with delight. His grunts became quick. His thrusts became short and sharp. An unexpected fullness began to fill my hips. It was mildly pleasant yet terrifying at the same time. Nathan felt like he was building and building. His dick began to harden inside me, becoming stiffer than ever.

Then a sharp piercing thrust slammed into me, pushing my body forward. The wolf let go of my neck as my body was tossed. Nathan’s hands gripped my hips tightly.




Nathan thrusted sharply 3 times and pressed his hips firmly against mine. His cock lurched inside of me. Then I could feel it twitching, pulsing. Over and over it tensed inside me, depositing its load as Nathan held me firmly in his grasp.

As his dick slowly finished its sinister delivery we both fell to the ground, panting in exhaustion.

“Now!” Nathan called out.

The two younger men were upon me in a second. One pinched my nose shit, in the other’s hands I saw the hollowed stone with the unknown liquid inside.

I tried to pull away, but as I did there was a sharp pain in my vagina. Like there was a huge mass wedged inside me. I couldn’t free my hips, they were locked against Nathan’s!

“Owww! damn cutie, watch the knot!” Nathan chuckled. “You’re not going anywhere for a few minutes at least.”

I was trapped! One of the men poured the liquid into my mouth. It burned, like alcohol and vinegar. It had a strong earthy scent, dirt mixed with a hint of mint and rose perhaps? I choked and swallowed some of it inadvertently.

“That’s enough, let her be now.” Nathan told the others, who promptly released me.

“Come here, cutie.” He said, wrapping his arm around me. We lay on our sides on the ground. He was the big spoon, I was the little one. We were still locked together at the hips. That wolf-like bulge in his penis holding it firmly inside me, his seed locked away deep inside my body. I continued to cough and choke.

My body was a mess now though. I flashed hot and cold. I sweated and shivered at the same time. Sounds seemed to morph and twist. Smells, the smell of the forest, the smell of sex, was almost overwhelmingly strong now. The night seemed bright as day. Then it got brighter and brighter. I closed my eyes and felt my body shake and convulse. I wanted to vomit, but couldn’t. The nausea was overwhelming. I closed my eyes and howled in pain.


Wait, was that me?

I opened my eyes, and looked at my hands. Only they weren’t hands, was that a paw! What? I was seeing things? No! I freaked out and there was another bright light.

I was back to normal now. I had hands, they were hairy. There was hair on the back of my hands? When did that get there?

Then a sweet comforting release. I felt Nathan’s cock finally slide out of me. I shivered a bit as cold air rushed inside me, and a warm trickle began to leak out onto my thigh.

I wobbled my way to my feet. As I trembled upwards there was a gush, and a stream of semen dripped from me, splattering its sticky slime down the inside of my legs. I rocked a little from side to side as I tried to get my balance. I was dizzy and my head felt like it was swimming in a whirlpool.

“Take her into the den.” I heard Nathan command, “I’ll stay with her, it’ll be a few days before she is well enough to venture out.”

One of the men’s arms wrapped around and steadied me. My vision was bright, but blurry. I could tell he was leading me into that small cave though, the one Nathan and the others had exited earlier. The man guided my weakened body down to a corner, where I collapsed to the floor. There was something soft there, softer than the rock at least, moss and straw.

“Just relax,” the man told me. We’ll make sure you’re taken care of.

Over the next couple of days I was kept in the den. Not that I could have strayed far if I had wanted to. As time went on the nausea faded and I began to feel strong. Stronger than I ever had before.

I began to understand my new body. The drink had changed me. I could see at night without light, I could run and barely tire, I could smell and hear better than ever before. Shapeshifting took longer to learn and was frightening to me. It felt unnatural, and I had to learn to walk and run all over again. Still to be a wolf was wildly exciting for me, I had an eagerness to learn to master it.

Still I despised the others for some time because of what they had done to me, but I had no choice but to stay with them. I was a captive in this small den, not that it mattered. I couldn’t exactly return to my old life anyway.

As time went on bonds grew however. I learned to run and hunt with the rest of them. It was liberating in a way, just to be out in nature, as all the demands and norms of society were stripped away. I could roam the woods with the others and just be free.

At least it was that way for a couple months. One day though I awoke and noticed a strange odor coming from between my legs. I wasn’t sure what it meant, and didn’t give it any thought until I emerged from the den. The men all caught wind of the scent quickly, and there was an agitation, a change in their demeanor.

Nathan abruptly stopped me, and gave me a sharp order “back in the den, now!” He followed and pushed me in as we went. I was rather upset with him about this.

“What? What’s the matter with you?” I demanded.

He simply smiled at me, “That smell, you’re in heat.”

I froze in shock.

His erection grew.

Nathan warned me of this on that first night. It seemed my newfound freedom had a price, and I was about to pay it.


Hi again everyone! 👋

So one more fantasy story by popular request! I hope you liked it! As always I’m eager to know what you thought! 😊

For my next NC story, I’ve brought back some of the same choices as before, but with new stories replacing less popular options. If you have a preference for what you’d like me to write next, please comment your vote!

Otherwise I hope you have a safe and sexy day! 😘

Story A: Part 2 of [The Odd One Out!]( (nc, virginity loss, light BDSM themes)

Story B: A hacked webcam leads to an exploitative situation as a young woman tries to keep images of her from going public. (nudity, masturbation, blackmail)

Story C: A college party goes into the wee hours of the morning. However, going to bed before the others is a recipe for disaster. (fear paralysis, bedroom intrusion)

Story D: A stroll to the local market goes wrong, when a group of men notices a lone shopper. (kidnapping, light BDSM)



  1. GREAT!!!, Making Your own Werewolf Lore (Ancient Stone Bowl) with a dash of Alpha/Beta/Omega Kink/Trope Thrown in. I Vote A-gain for Stories Story A OR D, want to see YOUR Take on BDSM. Keep up the Great Work!!!

  2. This!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I loved it!! Can’t wait for a part 2!!

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