I [F] and two of my friends [also F]spent a week being wood nymphs

I just got up the courage’s to post this. I’m sorry if it not as impressive as some of the other stories here. Also, everyone’s names are fake.

I have two very close friends we’ll call them Astrid and Emma. We are all either lesbian or bisexual and have all slept with one another at various times. So when we started talking about all vacationing together we knew what we were going to be doing.

My friends and I love camping and decided to go camping at a very secluded lake. To get there you have to do a very long and difficult hike in. It takes about 10 hours to do and almost all of it is up hill.

We had a late start for our hike in and we did make it to the campsite until well after dark. We were exhausted and the weather was nice so we just laid out our sleeping pads and went to sleep.

We all woke up just in time to make coffee before watching the sun rising over the lake. That alone made the whole trip worth it. After that we went about our day exploring the area, taking photos of the plants, etc.

In the middle of the day I was hot and decided to go for a swim. Since we were alone I just took off my clothes and walked in the water. It was so clear and cool and the sun was so warm I just laid in the water and floated for while basking in the nature.

Some time later I heard Astrid laughing so I looked up. I misted haves looked silly cause she was pointing at me and laughing with Emma. I stood up and through my hair back like a mermaid then started flopping around like a fish to ham it up. After some more jokes and teasing they both waded into the way with me. We splashed around laughing for a while longer.

When we got out Emma flopped down onto a blanket and Astrid and I lied down beside her. Laying there I felt so free. It felt like the three of us were the only people in the whole world.

I rolled over and put my head on Emma’s shoulder and my arm over her waist. She pulled me in and kissed my forehead and Astrid rolled in and kissed Emma.

I don’t really know how to describe sex in words so I’m going to leave the rest up to your imagination.

It was warm enough what we didn’t bother wearing cloths in the camp after the first day. We spent the rest of the week basking in the water and the sun.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u6okzl/i_f_and_two_of_my_friends_also_fspent_a_week


  1. Sorry I’m not very good at writing, I’ll probably delete this later lol

  2. Ooh, this is so hot! I went on a vacation with a girl in the south of France once, and it did end up like the same. Her bringing me to an orgasm, me bringing her, we doing ourselves, with one guy, with one guy and a girl; it was probably the hottest holiday I went on, in like forever! Ah, even reading this, thinking about it gets me wet…

  3. People need to see this kind of story, don’t delete. Sometimes sex IS more than just sex. Sometimes it’s a genuine connection between people.

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