Cuckolding for us is very cerebral. Unfortunately most replies online are along the lines of “what’s she look like” or “I’ll fuck her”. This only pushes her away from pursing it.

Years ago my wife had a coworker that lead us down the cuckolding path. Now here we are, with all kinds of thoughts on it but can’t find the same thing.

He slowly befriended her and that lead to me meeting him at work functions. Next thing you know we are all friends and he is in our lives. There was never a “wham bam” moment where it was cuckolding. It was more of a slow burn. Innocent flirting at first. Then more obvious flirting that just seemed erotic. Angie or I never stopped it because it just seemed fun and erotic. Looking back I feel this was either his plan or he saw this and exploited it. He was never an ass and would slowly push things but then back off. Such as… One time we all went out together to a bar. He was dancing and flirting with her, hands on places and such. I really felt like a third wheel and I feel they noticed this. I wasn’t upset but was like wow. No one talked bout it. Maybe if we had talked about I would have been negative enough it would have stopped. After that night we never talked about it and it didn’t happen for awhile. Like he wanted us to yearn for it until he would do it again. And that’s exactly what happened. It was like an addiction. I wanted to see them dancing, I wanted to see her excited, I wanted to feel like a third wheel. I really feel like he sensed this in Angie and I. It was part of his power play.

The steps along the way were the hottest. The “play” dates. The joking about her being his GF. The first time he suggested they go out alone. The talk that lead to her saving herself for a date with him. The time he parked in my parking spot. So many little things that seem to be missing on what we see online.

For Angie it was the naughty feeling. The taboo. She’s a married woman and shouldn’t be doing this with another guy or to her husband. Yet here she was unable to say no. And here I was seeing that it was his fault, not hers. She oddly liked that he was this alpha type leader and loved that we both had to face that.

Here we are wanting it again. Yes we want the crazy naughty mind fuck games but we don’t want just that. We can’t stand the send pics guys. We don’t want a guy who says how he will fuck her. We want a friend and an alpha. It’s just seeming impossible to find. I wish that guy was in our friend circle but it doesn’t seem that way. I keep hoping I’d meet that guy here and then introduce him as a friend. Maybe I’m crazy?
