The Cruise, part Ten [FFF]

When Emily got back to her cabin she changed and fixed up her makeup, again. She checked her calendar to make sure she still didn’t have any appointments till Leslie and Brittany at 9, then stuffed all of her dirty laundry into one of the ships provided laundry bags and went to find laundry services.

Emily handed over the bag to the woman working the laundry desk and signed the chit to have the laundry folded and sent back to her room the next morning. Emily stopped off at one on the onboard boutiques. She bought herself some more mascara and eyeliner and a new makeup pallet, sighing a little at the cost. There was a substantial markup to buying on board as opposed to at home.

Then Emily went to one of the bars and ordered a steak sandwich that she washed down with a couple of beers. She was burning a surprising amount of calories so she figured she could afford the carbs. Most people still seemed to be ashore and Emily had no appointments so she enjoyed a little time to herself.

When she got back to her room Emily did her hair and makeup. She put on her strap harness with a sundress over top, not bothering with a bra. Then, realizing she still had 45 minutes before her date, she lay down on the bed and watched YouTube for a while.

Eventually Emily got back up, and arrived to knock at Leslie and Brittany’s cabin door at 9. Brittany opened the door wearing a white lace teddy that showed off her large breasts and rode up over her pregnant stomach, along with a white lace thong. She smiled when she saw Emily and gave her a kiss on the cheek and let her in.

Inside the large cabin, Emily saw Leslie. As promised she was handcuffed to a chair and gagged. She was also completely naked with her legs spread, ankles handcuffed to the chair to keep her that way. She had small firm breasts, six pack abs and a smooth pussy that was already showing signs of moisture.

As soon as Emily was in the room and the door was locked, Brittany pulled Emily in for a deep kiss, pushing her tongue aggressively into Emily’s mouth while Leslie watched on in rapt attention. When Brittany finally broke the kiss she went and sat down on the bed.

Emily went over and put down her purse beside Leslie, leaning over to whisper in Leslie’s ear. “You’re ok with this?” Emily asked and Leslie nodded frantically. “Good. Because I’m about to fuck your wife senseless.”

Instead of moving over to where Brittany was on the bed, Emily sat down in Leslie’s lap, her legs straddling the other woman and facing her, back to Brittany. Then Emily grabbed the hem of her sundress and pulled it off, showing off her naked back to Brittany and letting Leslie get a good look at Emily’s chest. Emily leaned forward and massaged Leslie’s breasts with her hands and sucked and licked at the butch’s ear before whispering, “I hope you like watching me make her cum and fucking her with my strap.”

On the bed Emily and Brittany began making out again, and Emily could tell that Brittany wanted her to take charge. Emily did, rolling Brittany onto her back then undoing her teddy and pushing it to the side. Emily broke the kiss, then began to suck on one of the pregnant woman’s large breasts while squeezing the other with her hand. When Emily switched which breast she was sucking on, she ran her hand down to Brittany’s lace panties and felt the heat radiating from them.

“Touch me,” Brittany moaned. Emily obliged, cupping her hand over the woman’s panties and beginning to rub. Brittany thrust her crotch into Emily’s hand and Emily gave her nipple a light bite, causing Brittany to moan. Then Emily began to move her head lower, licking over the tight rounded skin of the woman’s pregnant belly. As she approached Brittany’s crotch, Emily hooked her fingers into the side of the woman’s panties and pulled them off her legs, then tossed them to land in Leslie’s lap. Leslie moaned in pleasure.

Emily kissed Brittany’s legs avoiding her crotch, planning to tease the woman, but Brittany grabbed her by the back of the head and pulled Emily into her shaved pussy. She was wet and her lips were spread open, giving Emily the access to lick up and down her slit. Emily knelt in front of the bed as she licked and wiggled her ass towards Leslie. Brittany’s large belly made it a bit hard to get a good angle, so after a minute Emily sat up and suggested, “Why don’t you sit on my face?”

Brittany nodded eagerly and made room for Emily to lie down on the bed. Emily positioned herself so her head was and the foot of the bed. Then Brittany put one knee on either side of Emily’s head and slowly lowered down onto Emily’s mouth, facing her wife as she did. Emily grabbed Brittany’s ass with her hands as she began to push her tongue deep into the woman. Brittany arched her back and leaned behind her to fondle and massage Emily’s breast. Emily could see Leslie watching intently, panting a little in obvious arousal.

Emily drove her tongue deep into Brittany’s pussy, then swiped it up to begin teasing her clit. Brittany’s moans and rocking on Emily’s face got faster as it went on for ten minutes before she sat back on Emily’s chest, pausing to catch her breath. “I want you to fuck me now,” she said looking down at Emily’s wet face.

When Brittany got off her chest, Emily hopped up and pulled lube and condoms out of her purse, along with the two different sized dildos that fit the strap. “Which one?” Emily asked, holding them up.

“Just the small one,” Brittany said from the bed, watching. Emily slid the toy through the o-ring on her harness then buckled it tight. As she rolled a condom down onto the strap, Emily had a wicked idea. Instead of returning to the bed, she went and stood in front of Leslie, strap bobbing in front of the woman’s face. “I don’t think it’s fair that Brittany is having all the fun. Why don’t you suck my cock. Get it nice and wet for when i fuck your wife.”

Leslie nodded eyes wide and Emily pulled the ball gag from her mouth. As soon as she did, Leslie moved her head towards the strap, and Emily helpfully thrust her hips forward. Leslie opened her lips for the toy and began to give Emily an inexpert but very enthusiastic blowjob. Brittany got off the bed to stand closer and watch as her wife drooled all over the toy, eyes closed and moaning. Brittany even got her phone and took a short video, winking at Emily and mouthing, “For later.” Emily got the impression that Brittany had sucked Leslie’s strap plenty of times before but never the other way around.

Soon Brittany said, “I think it’s wet enough.” Emily pulled the strap away from Leslies mouth and replaced it with the ball gag again. Brittany had positioned herself on her hands and knees on the bed, ass in the air and face towards Leslie. Emily knelt behind her and began to rub the head of the strap up and down Brittany’s slit, covering it with her wife’s drool.

“Fuck me,” Brittany begged. “Shove that big cock into me!”

Emily obliged and the drool combined with Brittany’s own wetness let it slide in easily and smoothly. Emily thrust as deeply as she could, then began a steady rhythm. Brittany dropped her head, but Emily took a handful of her hair and pulled her face back up so she was looking Leslie in the eyes as she got fucked. Leslie began to thrust her own hips forward in the air, and Emily tried to match her thrusts so it felt like the two of them were fucking Brittany together. Letting Leslie guide the rhythm, Emily soon had Brittany panting and moaning. Brittany managed to slip one of her hands underneath her hanging belly and started to rub at her clit.

Leslie increased her pace and so did Emily, until Brittany’s whole body tensed up and she was gasping. Emily didn’t stop fucking trying to extend the woman’s orgasm as much as she could until Brittany collapsed under her and rolled onto her side. Emily got up off the bed and went to go untie Leslie, but the woman shook her head.

“Don’t worry,” Brittany pantted. “I’ll untie her soon.”

Emily shrugged. She wiped off her strap and pulled the condom off, then took it out of her harness and returned it to her purse. Brittany slowly got off the bed and handed Emily a pile of bills and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you so much, this was wonderful,” she told Emily. Emily pulled on her sundress and kissed Leslie good bye as well. As Emily was leaving Brittany crawled between Leslie’s legs and began to lick. Leslie’s groans of pleasure followed Emily down the corridor.

It was getting close to midnight, Emily had no new appointments and she was getting hungry. She decided to go back to the same bar as last night, wondering if she’d run into Ammie again.

Ammie was behind the bar as Emily sat down and came over after she finished making a drink for another customer. “Looks like someone was ridden hard and put away wet,” Ammie said with a wink.

“I did the riding and put away frustrated is more like it,” Emily replied with a smile. “I’ve never had this much sex with almost no orgasms before in my life. Get me something hard, dirty and on the rocks.”

Ammie laughed and started pouring Emily a drink. “Double Mt. Gay on the rocks,” Ammie told her. “There’s something about this rum that makes it very popular on the cruise but I’ve never been able to figure out what.”

Emily laughed then ordered a chicken burger and fries. She figured she could afford the calories. The bar was busier because it wasn’t quite as late so she wasn’t able to spend as much time chatting with Ammie. Emily finished her drink and food and waved to Ammie as she left and the bartender waved back. Emily was both relieved and a little disappointed that no one had approached her at the bar. She went back to her cabin and showered, then worked on her social media for a few hours, waiting to see if she got any new appointments. When none came by 3:30, she decided to call it a night and climbed into bed and turned off the lights.



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