Step Sister Corruption Part 248 – Day 128 Interrogation (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)


I screamed “***FFFFUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!***” in frustration.

As my body tensed and convulsed but a strong pair of arms and legs held me in place so I couldn’t move……. much.

A hand was firmly wrapped around my neck but there was no pressure as to block off my air way as my head was cradled in the person’s arm and shoulder.

I felt Gabe’s massive cock pressing against my back as he firmly held me against his body keeping me from thrashing….or closing my legs…..or try to get away.

That’s if I wanted to get away that is.

I lightly whimpered as my body relaxed after having yet another orgasm *denied* from exploding in my body as Gabe’s hand moved away from my pussy.

And I was so close too.

Gabe repeated his question, “What happened Summer?”

I panted as I spoke loudly, “I already showed you!” was my answer to his question.

He smacked his impressive large hand against my moist plump pussy lips sending pain and pleasure up my body causing me to lightly yell out in pain before groaning.

I looked at Kelly who was sitting in front of me holding the camera on me as Gabe *interrogated* me as to what happened when I had my sapphic event causing Sabrina to be approved to fully join our *circle of fun*…..on a limited basis that is.

I guess I should back up a little bit and explain how we got here.

We had just started this level of *interrogation* as Gabe finally shot his load after a long *extended* blow job causing me and Kelly to lick up his impressive load.

And it tasted so *good* too as there was **A LOT** to lick up.

The video I had played for him while I gave him his blow job was long over by the time he finally grunted and I got a surprise as the first burst shot against my face to run down my cheek as Kelly and I were frenching his cock and massaging it with our tongues.

The video was meant to give him a idea of that night as it showcased my new love of eating pussy as I still hadn’t admitted to myself that I was slowly turning into a bi-sexual.

I had suggested to Kelly that *we* should do another Sappho video for our channel and use a dildo to masturbate each other.

So we rifled through her collection and was happy that she had said dildo.

Then we started the video of us kissing which I didn’t mind but wished it was Gabe and not Kelly that I was kissing.

I kind of got into kissing Kelly and was actually enjoying myself and decided to strip Kelly’s clothes off her using my teeth getting my usual view of Kelly’s naked body finding it pleasurable to look at.

Before I knew it I was lapping my tongue along Kelly’s body and inside her pussy finding her juices savory to taste and lap up.

Then the whole *fuck ourselves with an overly large dildo* was fun but it missed the usual end I enjoyed with guy’s…..getting filled up with their hot spunk which usually sets off a large orgasm in my body.

The whole act was fun but not really my forte as I preferred men….more so preferably Gabe.

But I was growing an appreciation to the difference between men and female’s as there was obvious differences.

Then after we got done with the act I come out to find Gabe was sitting on the couch instantly making me happy to see him….and make my pussy instantly get wet.

Then we talked. I got pissed as he relayed what his morning was like. Then he talked about Mia’s date upon my behest as I learned that not only did Mia have sister’s but a fucking famous one at that. And their individual *unique* sexual preferences.

And I found out he had a date with Sabrina….and Mia’s Breeder sister.

I don’t know what came over me as the thought of Gabe betraying me by fucking a confirmed *breeder* but that he betrayed me as he *might* have fucked her as well.

I dared not admit to myself as to why I got so pissed off other than the *possible* betrayal as well that Gabe wasted **my** cum inside some tart getting her fucking pregnant.

I was wrong in my thinking as he instantly denied it and had Sabrina confirm it.

After hearing everything, I decided to show him a taste of what happened during his day with Mia as Kelly and I had a massive sapphic circle while he was away making Kelly show Gabe our latest video while I gave him a blow job as my way of saying *Sorry for not trusting you* and *Sorry for choking you*.

The blow job was going fantastic until this asshat decided to challenge me and fucking *deny* me while **I** had his nuts in my mouth.

From there I decided to meet his challenge and show him I was better at *denying*.

Which in turn made him continue to *deny* me orgasms.

It turned into a game seeing who could out do who.

It was invigorating.

It was fun.

And him *denying* me was turning me ***on***.

Then eventually Kelly and I finally got Gabe to shoot his load as he sprayed his cum on me, Kelly and all over.

Naturally Kelly and I licked up *everything* leaving Gabe pretty much spent as he panted.

Eventually, after we licked everything clean…..and I got a good amount of Gabe’s yummy flavorful addictive spunk in my stomach, we sat there and Gabe asked, “So is that what happened while I was away with Mia?”

He was pointing to the show that had long since ended.

I shrugged, “More or less,” using the same tactic he did when he told me about his day with Mia and his morning with Sabrina….a broad brush stroke.

I don’t know how it happened but Gabe pulled me into him and I *thought* he was bringing me in for a kiss but at the last moment he turned me around to where I was inside his warm embrace.

Semi disappointed we weren’t going to kiss being inside his embrace was still good and made me feel warm.

Of all the things Gabe can do to me being in his embrace was upon the top five things that makes me melt.

Gabe asked, “That doesn’t explain how Sabrina got added Summer. So what happened?”

I smiled, “I just showed you.”

Gabe reached down and circled his fingers over my breasts instantly making butterflies to do somersaults in my stomach.

Gabe whispered in my ear, “Are you sure that’s all you want to say?”

I knew I was still horny after licking Gabe’s cum off everything it landed on as my nipples were hard as diamonds….though it doesn’t take much for those things to get hard now. Ok even before my *change* it didn’t take much for my nipples to get hard just now that I’ve *changed* it just happens faster and is much more sensitive…..and my areoles puff out making my nipples stand out even more.

Still I lightly moaned with a smile on my face liking where this was going before I answered, “I don’t know what you mean.”

Gabe immediately pinched my nipples and lightly twisted causing me to moan and whimper until he let me go of my nipples.

I heaved as my nipples shot nothing but pain and pleasure throughout my body….more pleasure than pain.

I heard Gabe speak his question again.

*What happened Summer?*

I panted and answered the same way, “I already showed you.”

Gabe lightly chuckled, “Is that the way you want to play it?”

I smiled as I arched my back to reach behind to lightly stroke my lover’s cock as I moaned, “*Mmaayyyyybbbbbbeeeeee.*”

I heard Gabe groan as he felt me stroke his cock.

I got a few strokes in before his free hand moved my arms out from behind my back and put his hand near my groin causing me to open my legs as I was *wet* downstairs.

I smiled as I was getting what I wanted….attention.

But it wasn’t the attention I was expecting.

I blinked in confusion as Gabe wrapped his legs over mine forcing me to keep my legs open and pulled me into him more so whatever gap there was was no longer there.

What was he up to?

I watched Gabe lift his hand to my face and whispered, “Wet my finger’s for me!”

I looked at his finger’s confused but did as he asked as I grabbed his hand and moved forward to wrap my mouth around his finger’s but heard him speak, “Just the two middle finger’s is fine.”



I shrugged but did as he commanded as I began sucking on his two middle finger’s letting my saliva coat his two middle finger’s careful to not suck too much off nor have too much on his finger’s confused as to what my lover was up to.

After a few moment’s Gabe pulled his finger’s from my suction and examined my *work*.

I heard Gabe chuckle as he spoke, “Perfect.”

I looked at his hand confused as to what he was about to do.

I watched his hand travel down and immediately understood what he was about to do….. he was going to play with my pussy.

I smiled thinking *I like where this is going*.

I relaxed my legs as his hand reached my pussy as his wet finger’s coated in *my* saliva touched *my* wet pussy.

*His* two saliva slick fingers easily slipped passed my pussy lips and continued into my opening to quickly massage my insides instantly shooting nothing but pleasure throughout my body.

I moaned and begged for him to continue.

He quickened my pace.

I moaned more and more.

I heard him speak while he finger fucked me, “You sure you don’t want to tell me more?”

I was loving what was happening and smiled while I moaned, “Nope!”

I heard him chuckled as he spoke, “Then you’re bringing this on yourself.”

I moaned but confused as to what he was talking about as the simple action of him finger fucking me for a short period of time was bringing me close to orgasming.

I got my answer as Gabe abruptly pulled his finger’s out of me and smacked my pussy causing me to scream.

This motherfucker had just *denied* me of yet another orgasm.

I writhed in his grip but couldn’t move and started to whimper.

I heard my *tormentor* ask his question and I answered exactly the same.

Gabe chuckled, “My my my. I know your defiant and stubborn but let’s see how long you last shall we?”

I gulped as I watched Gabe reached back down easily finding my exposed clit and lightly start circling my sensitive flesh.

I immediately started moaning as I felt my disappeared orgasm start rushing back making my body go into autopilot as my hips started humping towards his hand going to get more force just so my orgasm could get to me faster and explode in my body. But the asshole sensed my ploy and kept his hand in movement with my hip thrusts keeping his light touch on my circle as he continued to lightly circle it.

I panted and whimpered.

Gabe whispered, “I sense your close am I right?”

I whimpered even more as I bit on my lip knowing if I answered in the positive he was just going to *deny* me again.

It was best if I didn’t answer hoping he couldn’t tell that I was close.

My hopes were wrong as he stopped and trailed his finger up my groin and onto my stomach stopping the sensation.

Once again I thrashed against his grip but couldn’t move as I groaned, “***GOODDDD!!!!***”

Gabe *kindly* and *excruciatingly* left my sensitive areas alone only trailing his hand and fingers along my body staying away from my aching needy wet sensitive pussy and my diamond tip puffy equally sensitive nipples while my body calmed down and the orgasm that nearly was released in my body subsided to nothingness.

I panted, pleaded, and whimpered as my orgasm disappeared while I thought *oh I’m going to make you pay for this!!* but was in no position to do anything but hold onto my will.

I looked up at my lover who I loved who smiled at me, “So you going to tell me how Sabrina exactly got trusted?”

I smiled at him, “Then I guess I’ll have another **denial**.”

I hoped my ploy worked as I was at the threshold of going insane at having my orgasm denied from me in so many moments.

I instantly regretted my *ploy* as Gabe shrugged with a smile as he spoke, “Your funeral.”

I watched in pain staking slow motion as his hand moved down and glided along my pelvis region as my pussy yearned for release.

My last thought before my last shred of resistance still held *God why do I have to be **so** weak for him?*



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