Burned Out In College [MF]

Back in my late college days I was good friends with a 6’1” skinny blonde chick.  By chick I mean young woman.  She was in her mid-twenties and a non-traditional student like me.  We both weren’t much into the party scene and we really didn’t have many social connections, due to our work schedules.  We met intentionally every other weekend to blow off steam by going for a jog, tennis (we were horrible), some nature hike, or out for a drink.  

She had a boyfriend that she been dating for fourish some years up to that point.  Since we were good boys and girls at that time we cared about doing right for each other, so no hanky panky was ever on the table.  Now don’t get me wrong, we were both overworked and under sexed college students, so there were times we looked each other in the eye with the same same indecent thoughts.

Ok, we WERE cool for about a year, but we did eventually have our own things.  The night I’m telling you about was the first of a few encounters between us.  

It was after finals, we were beyond tired and needed to let loose.  The weapon of choice was booze.  We walked to the far end of town and started at a local bar. On our second stop I started getting nauseous from drinking on a empty stomach.  I pulled back from drinking for a few hours and munched on chips and salsa.  She slowed but didn’t stop.  By the time we were at our last bar her cheeks were flushed bright as a pale girl could get them.  We were drunk.

We were doing our thing with the slightest of flirtations added.  I paid the tab and we started our walk back up the long hill to our apartments.  She walked next to me laughing her head off.  I laughed at her boisterous laughter breaking the night.  I told her a joke about getting arrested for disorderly conduct and she gave me a hip bump that felt like a electrical shock that set the libido loose.  My hand snaped down and pulled at her beatnic skirt, the material was so thin, “Does a hippie girl like you even wear panties under these tapestries?”    

Not pulling away from me she answers, “Not always.”

“Anything tonight?”

“Pink ones.  Nothing sexy.”

I chuckle as i let her go and start our walk again.  We keep to our small talk for a few moments laughing at each other as we go.  She looked plain faced at me, “Those cops back there are going to get us for disorderly conduct.”

“No they are not, that was a joke.  They have much better things to do with the bars letting out. Well, unless they want to harass a pretty lady.”

“Shit! Act cool ok.”

“If your so worried then walk straight.”

She comes up behind me as i turn from her pressing her whole body against mine.  She looks at me a says, “Now I can walk straight and it looks like I’m with my boyfriend.”

I bring my arm around her waist to keep her there.  We keep to our walk, more quietly now.

We both ended up at her apartment. She bust out one more shot and some gatorade.  I take my jacket and shoes off and sit myself on her bed that was placed against the wall with too many colorful pillows scattered on it.  She starts to loosens her skirt in front of me to get more comfortable and her leg starts to peak out from the side.  I stare at her body. She stopped and stared at me staring at her.  I look up to meet her gaze, “I’m going to do anything about it, but you’re real fucking hot.”

She giggles with her hands still on her skirt (she taking her time with it) and says,  “God! I have been horny all night and if I wasn’t in love with my boyfriend we would be fucking right now.”

“Yeah… I should be going.”

“Not yet.  I’m not ready for bed.  Don’t worry.”  She tells me this as she pushes me back down and hands me the Gatorade she was holding.

Not a second later with flick of the arms her skirt is off.   She hops on the bed next to me and puts a pillow over her lap hiding most of her lower body from me.  She tells me to hang out for a bit and watch tv with her.  The TV is on?  When did that happen?  

Anyway, this woman is in bed with me with nothing but a tube top and panites.  Such bullshit.  I stood up and stripped to my boxer briefs and undershirt.  I sat back down on the bed and put a pillow on my lap to mirror her.  She smiled at me not saying a word.  After a few minutes she starts stretching her leg across the bed and taps my legs with her foot.  After repeated taps I grab her by her caf and lift her leg to my mouth as if to take a bite out of her leg.  She yelps in surprise and takes a few defensive kicks into the air. The quick action put our pillows on the floor and neither of us move to recover them.

Looking down at me she says, “Nice erection.  Looks like your shaven?”

“Thanks and yeah.”  

I look at her just sitting there criss-crossed facing me now. She’s quite now. I lean towards her and reach out.  My hand reaches over her legs to her painties.  I pull them forward and memorize her.   She doesn’t move to stop me and maintains eye contact as I retreat back to my side of the bed.  

She looks me square in the eyes and says, “I don’t want to cheat, so no touching, but lets watch each other.”

She doesn’t give time to reply and off her shirt goes landing on the floor.  Her legs go up in the air as she pulls off her panties.  I stare at her taking in the sight of her pale nipples that were silhouetted in her shirt a second earlier.  She places her back against the headboard and spreads her legs towards me.  She rubs herself ever so slightly staring at me. I stare at this woman in front of me.  I wondered what she looked like naked for so long and now she is bare to me and touching herself. I don’t even comprehend it all, but I followed her lead.  

We stare at each other as we sit feet away.  I masturbate in quick spurts and sit for a minute determine not to come before her.  She starts moaning and stretching her legs out.  She starts to put on a show for me.  She slides two fingers into herself effortlessly and starts caressing my legs with hers.  After I stare at her for a moment another moan from her encouraged me to scoot closer.  Both of her legs were over mine now with our thighs touching.  She looked at me in a quite warning and pleasure.  I leaned back to one elbow and touched myself slowly, now inches from each other. She sat halfway up flexing her abs and swaying her hips.  I stop again to watch her. I can barely stand it.

Now she slides herself to me so we’re touching.  I can feel her wetness and heat rubbing against me. I push towards her too in response. I mouthed some sort of noise that translated to, “Oh fuck, do it”.

She tells me not to move, so I lean back again to my left elbow and place my right hand on her upper thigh below her hip.  She lets me touch her, so I grip her more firmly.  We both watch as she lifts and lowers her hips sliding her lips up and down me.  She keeps a good pace while rubbing her clit.  Several times she stops above my head and then lowers her hips back down my shaft. She moans simulating my first entry into her over and over again.  I stare at her rubbing herself on me frozen in my lust.  

I remove my hand from her hip and use my fingers to hold my shaft firmly against her. Her lips part as she slides harder against me. I silently plea to be inside her. Its too much and I tell her I’m going to cum.

Her hips fall hard back onto the bed as she rubs herself feverishly.  I’m on the edge watching her as she gives the little signals she’s reaching her orgasim.  Her legs fold in from behind me, knees to her chest, and leaves out light moans.  I watch her body quake as I start stroking my shaft.  I was near for so long, it only took a few heartbeats to cum.  When her orgasm let her go her legs fell on me and I came.

   We both laid there breathing heavy for a time.   After I recovered from the bliss I sat up to stare at her.  She still laid awkwardly on pillows with her head against the headboard. I caressed her legs slowly smiling at her, one across my chest now the other up along my side. Her hips nearly on top of mine.

We stay there for time staring at each other’s body in the afterglow. After her breathing settled she worked her way to her feet. Facing me she touched my seed on her inner thigh with her finger tips and cuckles. Turning she walks casually to the bathroom. Looking back to me and says, “You’ll get in after me. Ok?”


She comes back wrapped in a towel and it’s my turn.  When I come back into her room she’s now lying comfortably under her sheets.  She smiled mischievously at me nakedness and my awkwardness at getting dressed in front of her.  She asks, “Are you good?

“Oh yeah.  You?”

“Ohhhhh yes I am”

We look at each other and started giggling like kids that stole from the cookie jar.

After my shoes were on I was thinking of kissing her goodbye, but thought better of it.  When I said goodbye she jumped up and came over to give me a long hug.  When she stepped back I looked her up a down and paid close attention to the matching red lace underwear she was now wearing.

We didn’t say it, but we both needed that in the worst way.  Going forward we were still just friends but now shared more intimate details about our lives with each other.  As time went on we did end up with a few flings between us.

P.s. story from a old profile thats going bye-bye. ☮️

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u5oykj/burned_out_in_college_mf


  1. *Sometime later.*

    I started my first “professional” job before I even graduated.  Then 3 months after graduation I ended up losing it to budget cuts.  For a while afterwards I was pissed, depressed, and lonely.  That job was supposed to be my first step to a decent career.  After some serious cursing about my shit luck I started a full time retail job and spent the rest of my time job searching.

    My lady friend from college was in the same boat.  She graduated a semester before me and couldn’t find a decent wage job.  We sent long emails back and forth every so often. I only saw her once since she graduated; then one day, out of the blue, she calls me up.   She had an interview not far from me and wanted to meet up beforehand. Taking the initiative I switch days around at work, so we could make a day of it.  The plan was that she would show up the day before the interview, we would hang, and she would leave early for her interview the next day.

    About a week later she shows up exactly when she said she would, which was not like her at all.  She had on short brown shorts and a sleeveless T.  Her long hair laid down across her back and shoulders.  When I went out to meet her she jumped towards me and gave me a long hug.  A much needed hug.  Despite her smiles and her embrace she was feeling down.  After a few kind words she kicked off her sandals and walked around my place without reserve.  A task that took her seconds.  The bathroom was directly to the right of the front door, the bedroom door was just past the bathroom, to the left was the living room, straight back was the kitchen.   You could spin around in one spot and see it all.

    “You weren’t kidding, it is small.  At least you keep it clean and it got big windows.” She says as she chucks her bag onto the bed and heads into the kitchen for some lemonade. 

     “Yeah, small and a bit unwelcoming.  I rented a small storage locker for a few things and trashed everything else.” was my reply.

    “It’s a stop in the road, not a destination.” she replies, “So how’s things outside of the job prospects?  Any girlfriends around here?”

    “Nope and nope.  I just sit at the bars, get depressed, and people avoid me like the plague.  I did find the nerve to ask a redhead out, but she ended up standing me up.  Twice.  Kinda quit trying after that.”

    “Well that’s the breaks when you have no game… like at all. You suck.”

    “Yeah, fuck my life.  Anyway, what about you?  How’s things with [boyfriend’s name]?”

    She looks solemnly at me, “There isn’t anything.  I haven’t talked with him in months and haven’t seen him since Christmas.  He wasn’t coming up to visit and I don’t have the means to just drive almost four states to see him either.  Last time I called him we weren’t pleasant.   Before I got my temp job I moved down there to look for work, but there was no prospects there, or much of anything.  I would never be happy living there.  We talked about him getting a job closer to anywhere.  After that I would move and try to find work again, but he is still at the same place.  He told me that he doubts that he could ever be happy living with me.  I yelled at him for not even trying and he has no right to say he loves me.  He hasn’t called me since then and I have nothing left to say.  We’re done.”

    “Fuck. Sorry.  How long was it? Five years?  I was pretty sure you would move away with him and I would never see you again.”

    She looks up from her lemonade, “Tried it, but we’ll get into that later.  I been in the car for over two hours to get here and I don’t feel like sitting around.”

    With that we were off to the nearby state park. This one had a long trail along a noisy river and thankfully not many people were there that day.  We hiked for hours before we stopped to rest and play in the water.  We talked some more, got muddy, washed off, and looked for critters under river rocks. After another hour later we turned around and came back.

    Both of us were sweaty by the time we were done, so we headed back to my place to clean up.  I was relaxing on the couch when she came out of the shower wrapped in a towel that pushed her modest breast together.  I stared openly at her.  She sternly tells me, “Really, you know what I look like naked and you’ve seen me in my underwear enough times.”

    “So!  I’ll ogle you if I want! I was staring at your butt and bra most of the hike anyway. No point yelling at me now.”

    “Yeah I’m not surprised.”  She replies as she walks into the bedroom to change.

    “You wore a bright colored bra with an open cut shirt you slut!”

    “Shut up and get in the shower! I want to get my god damn burger right god damn now, god damn it!”  She yelled through the bedroom door.

    “You’ll enjoy that meat too!” was my reply as I slammed the bathroom door in keeping with our theatrics. 

    As I left the shower for my bedroom with a towel around my waist a little whistle came from the living room.  There she sat, legs crossed,  in the same seat I was just in wearing a white blouse and a light blue skirt that hung passed the knee.  After my best eye roll at her I went to my bedroom, got dressed and we were off.  We went, ate, had two or three drinks, and returned.  A typical evening like we used to have, but this night had more flirtations and we were walking hand in hand. After all, we were both single and together. That never happened before.

    After the better part of the day together we were in good spirits. We got home after dark and we continued our conversations from earlier.  At one point in the night we found ourselves in a little waltz together in the middle of the living room, which had her giddy.

    Not long after she wanted another walk.  My feet were sore, but I figured what the hell, this place can make anyone claustrophobic.  Before I had time to put my shoes on she was out in the street swinging around to her own beat.  When I caught up to her she interlaced her arm with mine and we were off. 

    I was near the end of a long road that turned to gravel not far past my apartment.  Walking beside her I found her hips rocking against mine and coy smile on her face.  I was longing for her, so I broke our hold to place my hand on her hips and slid my hand down across her butt.  She turned and looked at my eyes agreeably, then we kissed.  What I thought was going to be a gentle peck was nothing of the sort.  She forced her tongue in my mouth as she pulled me in with my shirt.   Our kiss quickly broke off and our walk continued in a pleasant silence with a few more greedy kisses along the way.

    In no time at all we approached the only street lamp before the road turned down a hill and got dark with shadow from the tree canopy.  I looked over to her and saw what I already knew from her rubbing on me since we left, “Where did your bra go?  I never saw you take it off”

    “I’m just too sly for you to notice.”

    Her blouse was fairly shear and kept to the shape of her breast as the elastic brought it closer to her body just below them.  I placed my hand over her breast and slowly pulled her blouse forward.  She jumped from me and broke into a quick jog until she was a few dozen feet in front of me.  She turned to look at me and lowered her blouse down to her waist exposing her entire upper body. Her back was lean and muscular, arms were slender but strong, and her breasts were open to the night.  I watched this all as she twirled and walked.  I grinned feverishly and started towards her at a quick walk. She folded her arms behind her back and looked back at me as she waited.

    Her movements were springy, I was ridged, and she was no doubt happy taking me off guard tonight. So there we were in the middle of the street kissing and caressing.

    When our kissing ended she sprung from me again in the direction of my apartment and pulled her blouse back on.  After she got a few feet from me she lifted her skirt briefly and laughed as she dropped it back down.  I stopped, stared, and realized I froze.  When I regained my motor functions I ran to catch up with her. Our walk back was a bit faster.

    She walked right into my apartment and immediately removed her clothing and jumped onto the bed.  I followed her cue.  She spread her legs and was touching herself by the time I managed the feat of removing my own pants.  I jumped playfully onto the bed and headed for her.  She reached down and guided me in as soon as I was over her.  I slid in completely and held myself there.  We kept still for just a moment to feel each other.  After a few breaths I began working my hips.  I started slow, but when she started rocking underneath me I knew she wanted it hard, so being the gentleman I am, I fucked her hard as I could.  I watched her small breast sway up and down as she laid there as her hair reached out everywhere around her. 

    Occasionally, she looked up at my eyes, but then back down to watch my dick entering her.  She moaned heavily, and told me not to dare to stop. I kept to her wishes.  Sweat coated our bodies.  I cried out as she bit hard into my shoulder and neck again and again.  I took myself to my limits, but my need to breathe properly eventually caused me to drop to a richer pace.   Again, she urged me not to stop.  I continued, but I was going to cum soon.  I tell her.  She begins pleading, “Please, please, please, please cum, I want it.”

  2. Wow, the first time you two got together was super hot and romantic! Very hot you got to release inside her

  3. I’m all for the respect and boundaries you and your friend put up. Though, how your friend went back to her boyfriend I felt shouldn’t have happened. She deserves better, but they’re trying so that’s ok.

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