One Girl’s Hell, pt. 2 [Succubus][Demon][Gangbang][Rough][Non-Cons]

If I’m being honest with myself, the first few weeks (or were they months?) of my ‘eternal torment’ were quite unpleasant. With minimal rest between the two succubi, followed by a long tongue slithering deeper and deeper into me, or hundreds of tentacles writhing around and through me, or the relentless pounding of the other succubi’s massive cock, I felt as though I was going to completely break. They never seemed to play with me at the same time, but the tentacles generally made an appearance with every session.

Somehow, I managed to become used to the near constant fucking, and even looked forward to their attempts at torture. I found myself requiring less and less sleep, until I eventually stopped with that pointless waste of time all together. Every now and then I’d lose consciousness during a session, and that appeared to be all the rest I needed. Eventually, I even found myself wanting more, not that I’d ever bring it up with them. Who knows what else they could come up with?

Then it happened. They changed their little game on me, in an unexpected and terrible way. I thought they had just forgotten, or were maybe busy with something else, but one session ended and another didn’t start. I laid on the bed, covered in the slick juices of the last experience waiting for the next, and time kept ticking by. My quick breaths became more steady after the relentlessly powerful orgasm the cocked demon drilled out of me, my heartbeat slowed to normal. The semen (or whatever it was her massive cock pulsed into and onto me) began drying, becoming a sticky mess all across my naked body as I laid waiting. But the long tongued demon never showed. I sat up, the now delightful pains of the back to back encounters rapidly fading, leaving me with a desperate desire. I stared into the choking darkness, hoping to find some clue.

My hands began to wander after what felt like hours of silence. It had been too long since my last stimulation, and my pussy ached to be touched, teased, filled. My body demanded more, made clear by the stiffness of my nipples as my arm brushed against my breasts as my hand approached my hungry organ. The sticky, congealed remnants of the last session set my body ablaze as my hands and arms contacted my covered flesh, sharp breaths escaping at every touch. As my hand finally settled between my legs, the world dropped out from under me in shock.

My pussy was gone. No slick lips, no delicate hooded bead, no nothing. “What the _fuck_!?” The words fell from my mouth as my fingers pressed into the smooth patch of skin where my beautiful womanhood should be. I still felt the needy aches, the deep desire, my horniness urging me to rub and dig out an orgasm, but there wasn’t anything to rub. No velvety walls to dig into and itch against. No natural lubricant where an endless stream used to flow. I fell back against the bed, groans of defeat echoing into the darkness.

Now _this_ was Hell. How could they visit over and over, teasing me with no hope of release and then an ever intensifying orgasm, then just leave. And take away my pussy, so I couldn’t even handle myself?! 

Tears of frustration ran down my cheeks and into my hair as the situation remained. Then they turned to sadness and despair the longer I stayed without any contact. Of any kind. I felt alone and abandoned, like discarded trash. Thoughts of self loathing swarmed my mind, the war within raging harder and deeper as the hours turned to days, then weeks. I even started sleeping again, that realization coming when I was abruptly shaken awake.

Hands forcibly gripping my shoulders shook me from the nightmare I was experiencing, bringing me back to this one. My eyes flew open to see a panicked woman holding me. She was naked as well, her pale skin reflecting with a familiar sticky substance. The sticky blue fluid clung to her face and chest in messy splatters, long strands dripping down the rest of her body.

“Finally, you’re up!” she yelled in a harsh whisper. “We gotta go, they’ll be after us by now!”

“Wha- who, what?” My confusion at the whole situation made turning thoughts into words difficult. The door of my room (was there a door before) stood open, red/orange light pouring through as she slapped a hand across my face.


“Keep your fucking voice down!” she scolded in her yell-whisper. “We gotta go, now!”

I let her pull me from the bed, hopeful at the prospect of an escape. We headed for the door, and she peered out. Her curly red hair stuck to her face in the blue gunk, and rolled down her back falling just beyond her shoulder blades. More blue covered her lower back and ass, dripping it’s way down her legs.

“Looks clear,” she said, pulling me by the hand as we left the only home I’ve known for the past few months. I reluctantly followed, entering a hallway walled in flame. The hall was cold despite the fires roaring on either side of us, and we held our arms against our chests. She appeared to know where we were going, so I followed her down the hall.

We passed no doors as we walked, the hall growing colder and colder. Our progress slowed as we struggled against the cold, wind somehow blowing onto us in the hall. Just as I was about to break away, give up and return to my room, the hall widened. A massive door came into view, and we redoubled our efforts against the sourceless wind and bitter cold. The woman in front of me reached out to push on the door, and let out a blood curdling scream as the fires along the walls around it leapt forward, igniting her flesh. She fell screaming to the ground, a delicious meal for the flames, and vanished. Nothing remained, not even a pile of charred bones or ash.

I stood there in stunned disbelief, the unbearable cold blowing against me from all sides, and no idea what to do. I jumped when a loud click echoed from the door and down the hall. It slowly groaned open, the hulking wrought iron barrier swinging towards me. My feet shuffled me back, leaving enough room for the door to move, and I gazed into more darkness. A light could be seen, but appeared to be far away, and I could hear something like muffled sobs somewhere inside. I looked for a while longer, my naked body trembling in the cold. With a deep, shaky breath, my legs carried me forward into the massive darkness.

As soon as I walked into the room the heavy door slammed shut behind me. It was so forceful and loud, I found myself on the floor, unsure if it knocked me over or if I dove. The coldness was gone, replaced by unpleasant warmth. The air was heavy with humidity, and my skin stuck to the smooth floor as I pushed myself back up. I carefully rose to my feet, my eyes fixated on the small light so far away. Sweat beaded up over my body, already heavy enough to start rolling down my curves. My first step nearly slipped out from under me against the floor, like I was taking wet steps on marble tile. Slow, deliberate movements led me closer to the light.

The muffled crying became louder, suddenly ringing out through the darkness, then cutting off sharply. I stopped dead in my tracks, listening for any other activity, and could faintly hear the sounds of a struggle. Maybe the owner of the scream being subdued, likely violently. But how did they cut her voice so suddenly? Visions of horrible tortures in this hell scape ran through my mind, one after the other. Each idea became more and more grim. I took off in a sprint, determined to not suffer whatever fate the damned soul of this room was experiencing.

I ran closer and closer to the light, my pace never slowing as I abandoned any attempt at stealth. My recklessness caught up with me as my foot slipped wetly on the floor, and I fell back to the ground. Hard. I tried bracing myself with my arms flailing out, but my hands slipped too, and I felt rough contact against my head. Stars burned in my vision, and ringing filled my ears as I lay on the floor, hoping that anything else in the room would remain ignorant to my clumsy presence until I could recover. I brought my hands to my face, feeling all around my head for injury as the stars and ringing faded, and trying to slow my heaving chest.

As I lay there, something occurred to me. The noise of struggle was louder, like it was much closer. And it wasn’t necessarily a struggle, so much as the discernable sounds of sex. Hard, wet slapping of flesh against flesh, and now soft moaning. Despite my predicament I could feel the horrible ache of arousal that I could never relieve, a hand absentmindedly reaching for a pussy that no longer existed.

My eyes widened in delighted surprise as my fingers brushed against the familiar texture of my labia. Slick wetness coated my fingers, and I couldn’t help but slip a couple inside to experience the pleasures I could so expertly work out. A moan escaped my lips, and I stopped suddenly. I waited in the dark, two fingers still half buried inside me as I tried to hear any signs that something had discovered me. The sloppy noises continued somewhere behind me, more vigorous than ever, but nothing else could be heard. I went back to my pleasure, lip bit to keep any other noise contained as my fingers worked into me. My two hands rubbed and probed happily, orgasm approaching as torches along the wall flickered to life. The dancing flames spread to the walls, similar to the hallway, and the room lit up. I froze immediately, eyes turning up as I carefully craned my head along the floor to look towards the aggressive sounds of sex.

The woman who lured me into the hall was laying on her back atop a scaled pedestal. Slimy tentacles wrapped around her arms and legs, pulling them apart and holding them to the sides of the table. Her skin looked scorched, now covered in patches of red and smeared ash. Her pretty red curls were singed at the tips, and looked shorter than before. A familiar green demon was crouched between her trapped legs, face pressed firmly against her. Long fingers held her thighs apart as she squirmed against the pedestal. The blue succubus stood at her face, bulging her throat beyond the limits of nature as her mighty cock plunged through her mouth. The demon’s hands squeezed at her soft breasts, pulling and groping at her as she thrusted her hips against the poor girl’s head. I realized in both horror and excitement that the blue demon, though busy with the trapped girl, was looking at me. And smiling wickedly.

“Did you think we forgot about you?” she asked, menace heavy in her voice.

I rolled over, fingers pulling free and hitting the reflective ground. I tried standing, but couldn’t get enough traction to lift myself. So I crawled haphazardly toward where the light used to be. Or was it the other way? The light I had allowed myself to believe was the exit had vanished, no opening in any part of the large, domed room.

“Or did you honestly think you could just, _leave_?” She spat the last word mockingly as she forced her cock from the woman’s mouth.

The woman gasped for breath, “I’m sorry!” she cried, “I’m so fucking sor-” Tentacles rose up from the pedestal around her head, one large one surging through her mouth and down her throat, cutting off the screamed apology. The other tentacles explored her features, potentially probing other orifices, but my attention was on the blue demon strutting to me.

I turned to look at her, the soft tones of blue spread across her powerful body. Long, thick, scaled shaft bobbing with each step she took at me. Her hips swayed seductively, and her smile was absent of happiness as she approached. My crawl had become a crab walk away, though there was nowhere to go. My back pushed into something, much sooner than expected. No way was I to the burning wall already! I looked away from the demon, still at least twenty yards from me, and up at a pedestal similar to the one under the other girl. Tentacles reached out at me, and I pulled away from it. The blue demon was right there to catch me. Her strong fingers wrapped around my neck, and she lifted me effortlessly into the air. She held me in one hand, looking me up and down as I struggled breathlessly in her grip.

“Now what should we do? Can’t very well double team you both, so what punishment would best fit your treason?” She pushed me against the wet surface of the pedestal, holding me down as the long tentacles coiled around my arms and legs. They pulled harder and harder until my appendages touched the sides of the pedestal. “Oh, I know,” she said with a wicked grin. She clapped her hands by her face, as if to summon someone.

The ground shook violently, a crack forming and spreading wide. A deep red glow flooded from the gash, and large clawed hands emerged. They slammed against the floor, hoisting up a grey monstrosity. Seven red eyes glowed in its head, pointed ears like a bat flicked by its face. Snake-like slits for a nose at the center of the creature’s face flexed as it sniffed the air. Sharp teeth flashed in the illumination of the room, and a long tongue extended out in a fearsome roar. Hardened muscles rippled along the creature’s arms, legs, and torso, patches of rough hair grew on its shoulders and down its sides. The legs were shaped like a wolf’s, and as it turned to the other pedestal I could see a bristly tail sprouting just above its butt.

A relieved sigh fell from my mouth, but I felt some level of pity for the other girl. At least I’d be taking the succubus, instead of that monstrosity. The blue succubus gazed down at me, giggling at my apparent relief. Another set of clawed hands sprung from the crevasse, followed by an identical beast. Then another. And another. I looked up at the demon, fear plastered across my face.

“Maybe we’ll release you from the trap. Give them a good run before they rut into you?” Her hand caressed my face as she rounded the table. Her cock hung solidly over my head, extending down to the lower ribs of my chest. “I think they’d like that.” The tentacles loosened around my arms, but held tight to my legs. I sat up on the table, looking at her.

“Did you notice their similarities to your K-9 friends of the physical world? Their faces are a bit off, but they’re dog where it counts.” Two had approached my spread legs on the pedestal. The demon raised her hand to halt them, another three climbing through the large crack. “When they penetrate you, their small cock will grow. Almost as long as mine.” She slapped it against my arm. “The real fun starts when they cum. A large bulb forms near their base, knotting them to their victim. You’ll be stuck to them as spurt after spurt of their hot cum fills you. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

The tentacles at my legs released, and I sat there completely dumbfounded. “You should probably run now,” she instructed, her wicked smile sending shivers along my spine. I slipped off the pedestal, looking past the creatures gathered near. The other woman appeared to have been offered a similar opportunity, and was running from the green demon. Her creatures remained by the pedestal, seemingly waiting for a command.

“Go,” the demon ordered, and off I went. The large room wasn’t endless, to be sure. But it did appear to be roughly the same size of a hollowed out football stadium. I passed the green succubus as I ran toward the other girl, maybe we’d be able to come up with some sort of plan. Something to get us out of this hopeless situation. I had almost caught up with her when I heard loud, snarled roars from behind. She turned back, a look of sheer horror in her eyes, and then slipped on the smooth floor. My pace faltered, and I found myself falling and sliding next to her. The creatures were coming.

We’d made it about a hundred yards, but they were quickly gaining. We struggled to get back to our feet once our slide had stopped, as if this part of the floor was devoid of friction. One creature leapt into the air, rising high before coming back down between us. We bounced as he impacted the ground, cracks spider webbing under us. The veiny, red rod between its legs was rigidly protruding outward as he reached a clawed hand to the screaming girl, grabbing her by the wrist. He lifted her up, her legs and free arm flailing against her captors, and snagged her other arm. A ferocious roar belted from his fanged mouth, blowing her hair back, and silencing her. Two other creatures ran up, surrounding her.

Apparently, we had our own specific groups of these monsters, mine were still trying to catch up. I had just enough time to see two of the creatures grab her legs, suspending her flatly over the ground, while the first beast released one of her arms and placed his hand on her head. He guided her face to his large cock, and forced it through her mouth. The two holding her legs spread them, allowing the fourth to take his place between her thighs. My group arrived, taking my attention away from her torment.

A rough hand gripped my hair, turning my head to face it. It pulled me to my knees, bringing me eye level with his impressive erection. A noticeable bulb rested at the base, the red shaft extended to my face where it throbbed inches from my mouth. The tip formed with a narrow, half inch point, stringy precum swinging from it. He brought my head closer as his hips rocked forward, surging his full length into my gaping mouth and down my throat. My lips stretched around his thickness, finally pressing against the bulge at his base. My nose brushed against fine hairs at his waist, feeling the open air when he pulled his hips back only to be buried against him once again as he began thrusting into my face.

Claws sunk into my thighs as more hands lifted me from the ground. My feet dangled over the slick ground, toes barely able to graze across the surface if I tried hard enough. It felt like I was in the rough grip of only one other, as the second cock pushed into the flesh between my round ass cheeks. I squealed into the meaty shaft plugging my throat as I felt the other one reangle, then push forward again. The thin tip found its way between my pink lips, leading the thicker shaft deeper into me. My velvety walls struggled to stretch around the thick probe, and my legs curled up next to the creature behind me, toes clenched at the sudden, deep penetration. It pulled out a few inches, then plunged the rest of the way in. My pussy lips stretched painfully against the pounding bulb at the base of the creature’s organ as his full length dug further and harder through me. My breasts swayed forcefully under my chest as the two creatures used my body for their own pleasure.

The monster at my face held me by the neck, strong fingers wrapping around my throat as it bulged with each deep thrust forward. Stringy saliva was drilled from my mouth, oozing it’s way down my chest and onto the floor below. My hands pressed against his muscled thighs, trying to get some level of support or control between the surging beasts. The creature pounding between my legs squeezed his hands at my hips, the pressure sending painful jolts coursing throughout my body with each thrust. Fluid leaked around his plunging shaft as my own unwanted arousal building into an orgasm.

The face fucker put his free hand behind my head, and forced his now larger bulb into me. My jaw opened wider than ever before as the knot of flesh forcefully entered, growing steadily larger with every passing second. With the constant battering of my face over, I could feel the pulses of his cock against the restrictive tightness of my throat. _Was he cumming already? When did that start? Was it more than just drool dripping from my mouth? Was the other one filling me with more than just his cock, too?_ Hot spurts of fluid drained into my stomach as he held my head firmly against his pelvis, the veins of his bulb throbbing against my squished tongue.

The assault into my pussy continued harder than ever, the muscles of my walls unable to get used to the unnatural size plunging in and out. _I’ve taken toys bigger than this_, I thought. _Why am I struggling so much with this one_? The answer came to me when I glanced over at the other girl. I looked over just in time to see the creature between her legs pull free, a bowling ball sized bulge nearly pulling her pussy away with it. Black fluid gushed out around the thick shaft as it emerged, inch after inch pulling free until the whole thing drooped away from her gaping hole. It was easily two feet long, and wider than a tube of softballs hanging between the creature’s legs. The black goop poured out onto the floor as her body trembled in the grip of the creatures suspending her. My eyes widened in abject horror at the thought of that happening to me, then felt a solid push against my butt.

The bulbous base of the creature behind me pressed painfully against my pussy lips, stretching them more than I had ever wanted. The pain abated at my entry, but found itself deeper as the bulb slid through. A sharp, incredible pain shot through me as I felt something pushing against my innermost point, squirting hot fluid into my womb. _I thought they got rid of that?! Did they just put it back to make this whole situation worse?? …of course they did_. Fear welled up inside of me, but was quickly replaced with blissful agony as my orgasm erupted. My body convulsed between the two creatures, wave after wave of spasms rocking through me as they filled me with their essence.

The pleasure sweeping through me erased the fear, and most of the pain. I hardly even noticed the growing knot buried in my pussy, or the sudden expulsion of the one from my mouth. My eyes flew open at the increased screaming from the other girl. The creature’s veiny, bulbous knot throbbing at my lips blocked most of my vision, but I could see a new crack tearing through the ground between us. The creature at my face moved, as if to give me a better view as his hot semen pulsed down my throat.

Black rivers of cum ran from her face, down chest, over her stomach, and along both legs. It dripped to the floor under her flailing body, cuts from clawed hands adding small streams of blood to the juices coating her. Large, clawed hands extended from the newly opened pit, the foreboding red glow from within casting wicked shadows as the creatures carried her to it. She shrieked and screamed, desperately fighting her handlers, her pleas of mercy falling on deaf ears. They tossed her into the crevasse, the creatures below quickly snatching her as she fell. Their sharp claws dug into her bare flesh before dragging her beneath the floor, the three who had been enjoying her hopped in just before it closed. Her screams became muffled when the crack sealed, as though nothing had ever been there. They faded slowly, almost imperceptible as my own beasts growled around me.

I kept one hand pressed against the lower stomach of the creature at my face, trying to keep him from forcing the impossibly large bulb back through my teeth. My other hand reached down to my belly, eyes widening even further at the round shape it had taken. The creatures kept spurting more and more of their near scalding cum into me, inflating my body with their seed. My orgasm peaked, eyes rolling as the pleasure surged higher under the primal urges of my tormentors. 

The creatures seemed satisfied, and began trying to pull away. My aching pink lips struggled around the buried knot of the one between my legs, and I feared he would tear me apart as they spread wider and wider around it. My eyes clenched shut at the tremendous pain, but it finally popped through, the remaining length quickly sliding from the gaping hole afterwards. The creature at my face retreated, his thick cock slipping from my tight throat for what seemed an eternity. He was almost out of reach, my fingertips just barely grazing the rough fur under his stomach when the pointed head filled my mouth with one final spurt. When they finally pulled free, their meaty plugs escaping my battered holes, a hot stream of blackened semen poured out. I could feel the stretched skin around my stomach relaxing as their fluids drained out. They let me fall to the floor, their hot fluids pooling around my quivering body.

I looked up at them as the gushing sensation eased. They stood there, eyes on me, half erections angled towards my slowly recovering figure. Panic welled up inside at the thought of sharing a similar fate as the first girl, cast into a pit filled with more of these beasts, but they made no attempt to grab me. Instead, the two succubi walked over. They sent the creatures away, and I watched as they faded into the oppressing shadows surrounding us. The clacking of their clawed feet on the hard ground diminished as they went, and I found myself alone with the two demon women. Smiles were etched on their faces, but both lacked any traces of humor, or happiness.

Their wicked smiles broadened as the ground pushed me up, my drenched body supported by another pedestal as it rose from the floor. It lifted me just above their hips, no straps or chains restraining me as they leaned in. I had been laying on my side, but rolled more onto my back as it lifted. My body twisted at the waist, one hip still on the surface.

“You didn’t think we’d toss you to the pit, did you?” the green one asked, tauntingly. Her breasts swayed as she lowered her head over me, licking some of the cooling fluid off my skin. It had begun congealing as it cooled, becoming thick and sticky on and around me.

“You’re not really the _breeder_ type, anyway,” the blue one said. She took her place at my feet, taking an ankle in each of her strong hands. “We have other things in mind for you…” Her words trailed off with a sinister hiss as she pulled at my ankles, spreading my legs around her before lowering her head. Her tongue sunk into my sore pussy, licking and slurping at the juices left behind.

My mouth opened in a short moan, more than enough time for the green succubus to send her long tongue deep into my available throat. The two probing tongues wriggled deeper and deeper, swirling around my inner walls before whipping out. Their sudden withdrawal was almost enough to rocket me into another orgasm, but the release was once again refused. Green sent her elongated tongue down my body, wrapping around a breast. It flicked at my nipple as the long muscle squeezed my fleshy mound. Blue had started rubbing the thick head of her massive cock against my tender folds. My other breast found itself in the painful grasp of a green hand, sharp nails poking into my soft skin.

I’d never been used by both before, but the thought of it sent a new level of excitement through me. Despite the recent, brutal fucking just moments ago, my body desperately ached at the prospect of both demons pounding me. Licking me. Kissing me. _Filling me._ I coaxed them both on, building climax driving me deeper into their lust. I knew, _knew_ that the orgasms felt from both succubi at once would be pure bliss. Like the strongest, most wonderful eruptions of pleasure I could hardly remember from life. Green’s hands were back at my shoulders, her tongue trailing down my abs on the way to my dripping pussy. As Blue’s thickness began spreading my lips, bulbous head starting to slide inside, the green succubus’ tongue tapped my hardened clit. Her hands began shaking my shoulders as Blue’s girthy length sunk deeper.

Hands forcibly gripping my shoulders shook me from the dream I was experiencing, bringing me back to the waking hell. My eyes flew open to see a panicked woman holding me. She was naked, her pale skin reflecting with a familiar sticky substance. The sticky blue fluid clung to her face and chest in messy splatters, long strands dripping down the rest of her body.

“Finally, you’re up!” she yelled in a harsh whisper. “We gotta go, they’ll be after us by now!”

“Wha- who, what?” My confusion at the whole situation made turning thoughts into words difficult. The door of my room (was there a door before) stood open, red/orange light pouring through as she slapped a hand across my face.


“Keep your fucking voice down!” she scolded in her yell-whisper. “We gotta go, now!”

I let her pull me from the bed, hopeful at the prospect of an escape. We headed for the door, and she peered out. Her curly red hair stuck to her face in the blue gunk, and rolled down her back falling just beyond her shoulder blades. More blue covered her lower back and ass, dripping it’s way down her legs. “Looks clear,” she said, pulling me by the hand. Something about this seemed all too familiar, but I followed her from the only home I’ve known for the past few months…


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