Noises Through the Wall Chapters 9 and 10 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!

Chapter 1

Chapter 2


Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6 [](

Chapters 7 and 8 [](

Chapter 9

As time went on, I grew fond of Gwen. We even met up several times without Christopher. Gwen and I would smoke pot, laugh, talk about life, and I would eat her out. Despite what she’d done, I fell for her. It’s not my fault, really. It’s just how my brain works.

When we were still dating, my husband and I used to joke about how we were wired differently. When I slept with someone, I was immediately smitten. When he did, it was like meeting a friend for tennis. It took a lot of work on my part to reel him in after I’d already fallen for him. Gwen and I didn’t talk about it, but I think we had the same dichotomy.

One day, while we were lying in her bed soaking up the aftershocks of our orgasms, I formally forgave her blackmail. She laughed, smacked my ass, and said “Thanks.”

Not to bury the lede, but my period didn’t arrive that month. I waited patiently, hoping I was late. But no. When I got the pregnancy test, it was positive. There was some small chance that the baby was my husband’s. But I was pretty sure I was carrying my own grandchild. I thought about aborting. But once pregnant, I knew there was no way I could get rid of the precious life we’d created. I did cut out the pot smoking once I found out, which was too bad. It was legal now, after all. And I was really starting to enjoy the high. But, heck, sex was enough of a drug to sustain me. And between Christopher and Gwen, there wasn’t a day I didn’t go without several mind-bending orgasms.

Christopher took it well when I told him about the baby. He asked if he should maybe delay going to college to be a good father. That was a very sweetly intentioned offer, but I shot down that business right away. I would raise the baby with his father. He would go live his life. Christopher agreed. When I told Gwen, she just about fainted from excitement. As we rubbed our pussies together that day, she was louder than I’d ever heard her. There’s a chance that eighteen-year-old woman was a pervert. But so was I. Who was I to judge my son’s ex-girlfriend?

Oh, and there was one other thing. Gwen and Christopher started “dating” again. But they really weren’t going out. Gwen explained it to me.

“I don’t really want a boyfriend right now, Mrs. Green.” Gwen kissed her way down my bare chest.

“Oh, I thought you and Christopher were back together?” I shivered at her gentle touch.

“That was just a cover so I could spend time with you two.” She smiled around my nipple. “You and Christopher are boyfriend and girlfriend. And also …” She sucked on my nipple for a moment and then released it. “And also, you’re my girlfriend. Isn’t that funny, Mrs. G? You’re my girlfriend, and your son’s girlfriend, and Mr. G’s wife. I don’t know how you keep it all straight.” Her sweet lips moved to my other boob.

“I don’t … know … either.” I cupped her silky hair and moaned.

From that day on, she called me her girlfriend with such pride. But only in private, of course. Months passed and my belly swelled. Christopher and Gwen neared graduation. I was in for another surprise. It was the early afternoon, and the two of them found me in the kitchen after school.

“Hello, Mom.” Christopher’s voice startled me as I chopped vegetables. I put the knife down, turned, and smiled at them. “Don’t you two make a handsome couple.” I started undressing, knowing what was expected of me. I wondered if Christopher and I would do it while Gwen watched. Or if Gwen and I would make Christopher watch. I loved to see him masturbating as he stared at us with wide eyes. Or maybe it would be all three of us together that day.

“Hold on, Mom.” Christopher smiled sheepishly.

“Yeah, we have something formal to talk about. We don’t want your tits dangling out in the open for this.” Gwen smiled mischievously.

“What is it?” I pulled my dress back on and waited.

“Prom is coming up, and …” Christopher fiddled with his fingers and looked down.

“What the big dummy is trying to say is, we want you to be our date for prom.” Gwen smiled and held out her hands with magnanimity. “We were going to flip a coin. But then, I came up with the brilliant idea that Christopher and I could pretend to be each other’s dates. And you could pretend to chaperone us.” She giggled with excitement.

“What?” I looked back and forth between them. I was being asked out to prom more than two decades after I’d graduated high school?

“Will you be my date, Mom?” Christopher regarded me with the sweetest smile.

“Will you be my date, Mrs. Green?” Gwen looked genuinely enthused.

“Um … okay.” I held out my hands. They each took a hand and kissed it, Gwen’s lips were on my husband’s ring. I was now going to prom. Yet another milestone on my regression back to a teenager.

Of course, their kisses did not linger on my hands. They traveled up my arms. Soon, I was naked, laying on my back on the kitchen floor. Gwen’s lovely pussy was pressed into my face. Christopher’s marvelous cock plowed my pussy.

Later that afternoon, we rested in the living room. We were all naked, catching our breath. “Can you order us a limo, Mom?”

“Yes.” I looked over at his hard, eighteen-year-old body. I would have to make sure the limo had privacy features.

“And I’d like you to wear a prom dress, Mrs. Green.” Gwen was lying on her belly, swinging her feet languidly in the air above her butt. She was so cute, I wanted to taste her again. But instead, I thought about how ridiculous I’d look in a prom dress.

“I’m going to have to say no to that one.” I stretched and lifted my hips so my son’s sperm wouldn’t leak out of me too quickly. I was sitting on a towel, but I didn’t want it to become overwhelmed. “It’s weird enough that I’ll be joining you as your ‘chaperone.’ I’m not about to make it weirder by wearing a prom dress. Also, I don’t think they make prom dresses for pregnant women.” I rubbed my belly protectively. “I’ll just wear one of my everyday dresses.”

Gwen and Christopher exchanged a look. They might not be boyfriend and girlfriend anymore, but they still had a connection for sure.

“We’ll see, Mrs. Green.” Gwen rolled her eyes and smiled like I was being a stubborn child.


The big night was finally upon us, and I struggled into my prom dress. It turns out that they make very nice maternity evening dresses. And Gwen is quite convincing. I readied myself, triple checking my makeup and jewelry. Then, I went downstairs. My husband and son were both waiting for me.

“You look beautiful, Mom.” Christopher blushed when he saw me. To think he could still blush after everything we’d been through together.

“Thank you.” Once at the bottom of the stairs, I gave him a little curtsy.

“Yeah,” Carl said. “You do look great.” My dumb husband looked me over. He had no idea what was in store for me that night. “You sure you want to do this? I don’t think they need a chaperone, do you?”

“I think they do.” I smiled at Carl.

“Here, Mom.” Christopher presented me with a gorgeous corsage.

“Why, thank you, sweetie.” I took it from him and affixed it to my bodice.

“Isn’t that for your girlfriend, Christopher?” Carl scratched his head in confusion.

“Yeah, Dad. It is.” Christopher winked at me.

“Then why are you …?” Carl shrugged. “Oh, never mind. Have a good night, you two.” My husband gave me a kiss on the cheek and returned to watching baseball in the living room.

“Don’t wait up, we’ll be home late.” We walked outside and climbed into the waiting limo. Christopher looked so handsome in his tux.

It was awkward making small talk with Gwen’s parents while we waited for her to meet us at the front door. It was clear from their expressions that they didn’t have a clue why I was dressed like the teenagers. When Gwen descended the stairs, Christopher and I both held our breath. She looked stunning.

“What do you think?” Gwen twirled for us. I had to shut my mouth tight to avoid any inappropriate comments in front of her parents.

“You look gorgeous, Gwen.” Christopher offered her a corsage and posed for several photos with his pretend girlfriend.

Then they brought me into the photoshoot. I stood between my boyfriend and girlfriend, a big dumb smile on my face.

When we settled in the limo, Gwen presented me with another corsage. My cheeks went crimson. Such a gesture from this young woman shouldn’t have meant anything to me, but I was touched. It was crazy! She’d been blackmailing me only a few months ago, and now I was head over heels for her. Good sex is a powerful drug.

“I … um … didn’t get you one.” My smile faded.

“Don’t worry about it, Mrs. Green.” Gwen’s smile was bright on her perfectly made-up face. “I’m sort of the man in our relationship, don’t you think? And men are supposed to give their ladies corsages.”

I nodded as I pinned the corsage to my hair. I had two now.

“I’d kiss you Mom if I wasn’t worried about ruining your dress.” Christopher looked uncomfortable. He clearly had an erection.

“Thank you, sweetie.” I checked the divider between us and the driver. We were completely screened off.

“I would make out with you if I wasn’t worried about ruining our makeup.” Gwen laughed.

“Do you mind if I take care of Christopher with my hand, Gwen?” I scooted along the seat until I was sitting next to my son. I smoothed out my dress and unzipped him. “His hard-on looks downright painful.”

“It does.” Gwen nodded. She had that gleam in her eye that she always got when watching us. “Go for it.”

“Would you like that, sweetie?” Without waiting for a reply, I freed his penis, pulled a hand towel from my purse, and started jacking him.

“What’s with the towel?” Gwen raised an eyebrow.

“A mother always comes prepared.” I smiled and worked Christopher with both hands. Ten minutes later, he was jerking and cumming in the towel. I cleaned him up, and tucked his penis back away just as we pulled into the parking lot. “All better?”

“Thanks, Mom.” Christopher’s smile was lazy.

“I need something to take the edge off.” Gwen fished a joint out of her purse.

“Please don’t smoke around the baby.” I rubbed my belly for emphasis.

“Sorry.” She put the joint away. “You’re right. You just got me all worked up. I’ll get my energy out on the dance floor.”

Going in, I thought I could hang back on the sidelines while the young people danced. I was wrong. Gwen pulled me onto the dance floor with her girlfriends. I was stiff at first, but all those young eyes on my bouncing boobs and shaking ass got me going. Soon, I was just one of the girls. I was sweaty and exhausted by the time a slow song came on. Several young men moved toward me at once. A big burly guy got there first. I think he was on the football team. He asked me to dance, and I said yes. My heart was fluttering, being desired by so many. But Christopher cut in quickly. I couldn’t blame him, but now I was dancing to a slow song with my son. I felt like the whole room was watching us. I gave him a motherly kiss on the cheek, and backed away. I found a table with some empty chairs and sat down. But Gwen pulled me back onto the dance floor not long after. I danced for the rest of the evening. I was sure, however, to leave the dance floor every time the DJ switched to something slow.

Several of Gwen and Christopher’s friends invited us to a party. But it was clear that my boyfriend and girlfriend wanted me to themselves. We left and told the limo driver to drive us around for a while. To this day I wonder if he felt the vehicle rocking and heard our moans. He must have!

Once back in the limo, we didn’t worry about makeup or ruining our dresses. Gwen lifted up her dress before I’d even closed the door. I was quickly underneath it. The little minx hadn’t worn any panties. That was a bit of a surprise. I ate her out under her dress while Christopher undressed. After Gwen had cum, I crawled out and saw the hard cock waiting for me. With Gwen’s help, I took off my own dress, removed my underwear, and mounted Christopher. The whole night had been one huge buildup, so I came almost at once.

“Sweetie … oooohhhhhhh … you’re so big … ooohhhhh … I’m the luckiest girl at prom … to have you two.” I didn’t know what I was saying. It sounded stupid, but I, a married, pregnant mom, really did feel like a lucky girl.

“Ride him, Mrs. G.” Gwen fingered herself under her dress. “Maybe … when you have that baby … ugh … Christopher will put another in you. You two … are so hot together.” She knew how to push my buttons. I humped my son hard until he came inside me.

The limo ride lasted a few hours. We certainly got our money’s worth. I didn’t bring enough little towels to clean up the mess on our bodies. But we did the best we could and dressed. Just before two in the morning, we dropped off Gwen. She kissed me passionately before opening the door and skipping up her front walk.

The limo dropped us off a little while later. I tipped the driver handsomely. His face betrayed nothing. As he drove away, Christopher and I walked arm in arm into our house. We knew my husband was fast asleep and Christopher hadn’t gotten it all out of his system. So, he lifted my dress and did me one more time in the front hall. I pressed my hands against the wall near our family portrait, and pushed my butt back at him. We grunted as quietly as we could. Eventually, he came in me one last time on prom night.

Disheveled, we each took a shower and went to bed. I was utterly exhausted.

Chapter 10

I sat in the stands of the football stadium watching Christopher and Gwen graduate. I looked around at all the other mothers smiling with pride. I couldn’t be the only one, could I? There were so many of them. At least a handful must be as perverted as me. And at least one or two of those had to have acted on it. Of course, even if they’d bedded their sons, it was unlikely that they also had a girlfriend in the graduating class. I wish I could somehow find my fellow degenerate mothers and tell them all about my crazy year. And I would love to hear what they had to say.

“Here comes Christopher.” Carl patted my hand. If only he knew that his wife was living the life of a wild teenager. “Doesn’t he look handsome?”

“Yes, very handsome.” I was so wicked. All I could think about was spreading my legs for Christopher later that day. I would make him wear his silly cap and gown while he mounted me. “We have the perfect son, Carl.”

My husband nodded his agreement.

High school ended, and the weeks moved on. With both Gwen and Christopher out of school, we spent a ton of time together. My belly grew bigger and bigger, but that didn’t seem to cool their interest in my body. Quite the contrary.

“I want you to wear your bikini again, Mrs. G.” Gwen was pulling on her own swimsuit as we changed in my room. Christopher was already down by the pool waiting for us.

“I look ridiculous, Gwen.” I unhooked my bra and pulled it off. I watched her squeeze her tight body into her suit. I was enamored of everything about the teenager. even the way she aggressively pursued me. You’ll have to agree that blackmail is quite aggressive. But, smitten as I was, it was just more evidence of how much she desired me.

“Be a nice girlfriend and do what I say, okay?” Her smile was as mischievous as ever. “Don’t worry about sunscreen. I’ll rub it on.”

I sighed. “I bet you will.” Not surprisingly, before I could even put on my bikini, she got carried away applying sunscreen. We made out for quite a while. Eventually, I broke free and we joined Christopher by the pool.

“What took you two so long?” Christopher was floating on an inflatable lounger. I couldn’t take my eyes off his hard body. He was going to break so many hearts in college.

“We had to put sunscreen on.” Gwen struck a little pose for him and winked. They seemed more flirty as the summer wore on. “Safety first, right?”

“Said the girl that made me bang my mom without a condom.” Christopher splashed water at Gwen. I thought he was angry at first, but he was smiling. That was my son, always so easygoing about everything.

“Quiet, Christopher.” I looked at the neighbor’s fence. I didn’t think they were home.

“You got me wet.” Gwen jumped into the pool with a big splash. “And now I’m soaking.” She pushed Christopher into the water and rode around on his back.

I eyed the fence one last time, relaxed, and found myself a seat under an umbrella. I watched them play like any other eighteen-year-old couple in public, semi-innocently grabbing each other’s tight young bodies. It warmed my heart. It all seemed so natural. If I didn’t know better, I would have been surprised to learn that they had both been fucking me for months.

We had fun all summer. Sometimes I was with both of them, sometimes I was with Gwen, and sometimes I was with Christopher. Very rarely, I was alone. We didn’t talk much about their upcoming departure in the fall, other than discussing the practical necessities with Christopher. But I think we all felt the joyful summer coming to a close as we worked our way through August.

One scorching day, I found myself with one of those rare moments of solitude. I loved my husband, son, and girlfriend, but it was nice to have a moment of peace and quiet. Gwen and Christopher were off doing something or other with their friends. Carl was at work. I was reading in the living room when I thought I heard something in the house.

I cocked my head and listened. Could it be coming from the basement? I slowly rose to my feet and made my way to the stairs. It wasn’t the wind, since the air outside hung hot, humid, and lifeless. Descending the stairs, I strained my ears. Soft voices rose from the basement. It was Christopher and someone. I stepped into the mechanical room and put my ear up against the wall. They were talking in low voices, so I couldn’t hear the words. But, of course, I recognized the tone and cadence of Gwen’s speech.

What on Earth were they doing together? I know Christopher would jump at the chance to be with his ex-girlfriend, but Gwen had made it very clear she didn’t want a boyfriend. I’m sad to say, I was a bit jealous. Especially when her familiar moans made their way through the wall.

“Just like old times,” I whispered and lifted my dress. I worked my pussy while Christopher did whatever amazing thing he was doing to her. I brought myself to a climax right about the time his deep grunting started. It was time to crash the party. I left my spot by the wall and walked to Christopher’s room. The door was closed, but unlocked. I pushed it open a crack.

“God … Chris … uuuggghhhhhhh … slow down … you’re bigger than all my vibrators put together.” Gwen was on her hands and knees, looking over her shoulder at Christopher.

“I … can’t … help it. You’re … uh … uh … uh … so hot.” Christopher’s hips were a blur. Having been on the receiving end of that cock many times, I could see why she’d want him to slow down a bit. My fingers and tongue were not the same. And I guess her toys weren’t either. I looked closely and was relieved to see that his fat shaft was covered in latex. They were being safe.

“You’re … ugh … going to break me … you big … oooohhhhh … dummy.” Gwen gritted her teeth and clutched the sheets tightly.

“For heaven’s sake, Christopher. Slow down.” I stepped into the room with my hands on my hips. “She’s not used to your dick.”

Christopher’s hips slowed immediately. He looked over at me without surprise, like they’d been expecting me. “Sorry, Mom. I just … uh … uh … get really excited … sometimes.”

“I can see that.” I turned my focus to Gwen. “Is that better, sweetie?”

“Oooohhhhh, yeah.” Her eyes rolled upward. “Waaayyyy better.” She bit her lip and nodded at me.

“What are you two doing? I thought it was over between you.” I tried to keep the jealousy out of my voice.

“We’re both … leaving … soon,” Gwen said. “One last … ugh … tumble for old times’ … sake.” When she saw the frown on my face, she beckoned me over. I sat down on the bed, leaned down, and kissed her. It was odd kissing her as her head lurched forward with each slow thrust from Christopher’s hips. We broke the kiss and she smiled at me. “Don’t be … ugh … sad, Mrs. Green. I’ll still visit.”

“I’m not sad,” I lied. “I’m happy for both of you.” That was true. “You’re going to have so many adventures in college. I wish I could go with you.”

“Hey … Mom … can I … do you … too?” Christopher nodded to the empty space next to Gwen. I got the idea.

“Okay, duty calls.” I kissed Gwen quickly this time and undressed. I crawled onto the bed and got on my hands and knees next to her. At first, Christopher fingered me while he humped Gwen. That was nice. Then he pulled out of her, took off his condom, and slid into me. That was heavenly. I turned my head and stared into Gwen’s eyes. “I’m … ugh … going to miss you … so … uh … uh … uh … much.”

“You’re the best … mom … ever.” Christopher’s voice was thick with pleasure. He slapped my ass and I shrieked. “Think of … how much … I’ll miss you!”

“Me too, Mrs. G. Me too.” Gwen kissed me. It was my turn to lurch into her with every thrust from Christopher. It was perfect. But even the sublime must end eventually.

A couple more weeks passed, and Gwen came over for her last summer visit. Christopher was out with his friends, and my husband was over at a friend’s house watching the game. With the lights out in the living room, Gwen and I made out for a while, and then we fingered each other sitting side by side on the sofa.

“You won’t … forget me … when you’re dating college boys … right … Gwen?” She looked quite alluring in the streetlight falling in through the windows. Her smile was brilliant in the dark.

“Who said anything … about college boys … Mrs. G?” She pulled down my dress and bra, and licked my boob. Her fingers continued their magic. “I’m going to go after an … ugh … older woman. Some smart, uptight professor … that needs to learn to loosen up. What do you think? Do I … have a shot?”

“I have no doubt you will date … whomever you set your … oh … mind on.” I melted into the sofa. All my nerves vibrated. Rather than jealousy, the thought of her taming one of her professors cranked up my desire. “Ride me … one last time.”

Gwen laughed. “Sure thing.” We undressed, she helped me onto my back, and she scissored her legs around mine. There were tears in my eyes when I said goodbye that night. She was going to make her own destiny. Of that, I was sure.


Despite being as big as a house, I insisted on driving Christopher to college. My husband offered to come along, but when he saw I was determined to spend alone time with Christopher, he acquiesced. He was glad to avoid the trip. He didn’t want to miss golf with his buddies.

I drove and Christopher slept most of the way there. The car was filled with the sounds of Abba, and my mind was filled with memories of the last year. I had lived every delinquent teenage girl’s dreams. But at the end of the day, I was still a married mom in her forties. I wasn’t leaving for college, or moving anywhere, or meeting new people. Instead, I was going to have a baby.

I woke Christopher when we arrived, and we went to find his dorm room. I was so jealous that the excitement of youth was laid out for him like some fabulous banquet of new experiences. But I kept my words positive and supportive, pointing out a cool statue here or an interesting building there. We met his RA, got his key, and found his room. His roommate hadn’t arrived yet.

“Well, what do you think?” Mixed emotions pretzeled my mind. I focused on my happiness for him and smiled.

“It’s a little small.” Christopher was right. His room had the dimensions of a prison cell. I wondered how he’d feel having to share such a tight space.

“I bet you’ll have all sorts of girls visit this room.” I gave his butt a friendly pat. “You’re going to have so much fun.”


“Yes?” I was surprised when he quickly closed the door, locked it, and kissed me with the passion I’d come to expect from him. He broke the kiss and gave me a serious look.

“I want you to be the first girl in my dorm room.” Christopher undressed me with clumsy, hurried fingers. I think he was nervous his roommate would show up any minute. I knew the thought worried me a little. I found myself naked, watching him pull the clothes off his young, hard body.

“You mean you want to christen your new room with me?” I dropped to my knees and took him into my mouth. My son never ceased to excite me.

“Yes … yes … Mom.” Christopher took hold of my hair and pumped my head on his cock. We both knew he would soon be swimming in pussy, yet he still wanted me. I was thrilled.

After a quick, sloppy blowjob. I rode him on his unmade mattress. Well, at least I hoped it was his! It could have been his roommate’s, I suppose. I urged him to cum in me, and he did.

Afterward we dressed quickly. Just as I was pulling on my dress, I heard a key in the door. A second later, in walked his new roommate with his parents. I’m not usually one to blush, but I could feel my cheeks grow hot. I wondered if they could smell what we’d been up to? We made short work of the small talk and left the dorm.

I took Christopher out to dinner that night. We laughed and talked about Gwen, wondering how she was getting on with her college experience. Christopher was sure she’d already seduced some unsuspecting woman. I thought it more likely that she went for cock first.

After dinner, we took a walk arm in arm in the warm September night. We ambled through a quiet park. It didn’t seem like there was anyone else around.

“I’m going to miss you so much.” I squeezed him tightly.

“Me too, Mom.” He squeezed me back.

“Remember that first blowjob I gave you?” I looked over at him and could see by the smile on his face that he remembered it well. “That was crazy.” We walked in silence for a while. “I’m so glad we did that.”

He laughed good-naturedly. “Are you sure you’ll be okay to drive back tonight?”

“It’s only a couple hours, sweetie. I’ll be fine.”

“Can we do it one more time?” He pulled up my dress and gently pushed me up against a tree. “I want to send you back to Dad with a pussy full of cum.”

“And your baby in my belly.” I let him have his way with me. He took me from behind while I pushed back at him. My pussy was overflowing when we finished. I drove him back to his dorm, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and made him promise to visit soon.

On my drive home, I was still a mixed bag of emotions. One thing that fixed in my mind was how lucky I was to have heard Christopher and Gwen through the wall. What an opportunity I’d been given. I liked to think I’d made the most of it. I hoped other mothers out there would get the same chance.


All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!
