Confessing my sins (P.1) [MF] [Forbidden] [teasing]

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Confession was the last thing I wanted to do, but I promised I would go so I decided to stop at the church.

It was a vast space, and very quiet. There was nobody there, and the confessional was close enough to the door on the left-hand side.

I stepped inside, not too sure if there was anyone on the other end.

“Bless me father for I have sinned. It must be 10 years since my last Confession.”

A deep voice answered.

“Don’t worry, my child. What are your sins?”

I was surprised to hear somebody there at all.

“Well, I’m not entirely sure honestly. I suppose a sin would be that I haven’t been to church in a long time. I’m not familiar with what you guys even think is a sin.”

“Really? That’s no problem. If you would like to make this less formal, let’s get out of this confessional. It can be a bit impersonal. ”

The priest left the box. I opened mine up to see a handsome man, very tall, with a tanned complexion and black hair.

“Now, as you can see, I am incredibly busy tonight, but I’ll take a few minutes out of my hectic schedule to bring you up to speed with our church. Follow me. ”

I followed you towards the back of the church to the vestry. We sat next to each other on a large sofa against the wall.

“This is a nice room.” I say

“Thank you very much.” You respond. “While we’re here, there is no pressure to confess your sins. That would be a bit unprofessional. Usually, confession is anonymous so you can come back if you want to do it anonymously. That being said, you can tell me anything in complete confidence. I won’t tell a soul.”

“Thank you, father”

“So, you don’t know what sins are?”

“Not really. Even the 10 big ones are a bit hazy.”

You laugh. You have a wonderful smile.

“Well, I think it’s safe to say you haven’t committed murder?”

“No, and I’ve no plans to.”

“That’s great. So far, so good. The most common confessions are something like gluttony, but I mean, I doubt you-”

You catch yourself looking at my body for a split second. I nearly do a double-take.

“Eh, yes, lying would be a big one” you say.

“Oh, I am all good there believe it or not. I don’t lie. I’m a pretty good girl like that.”

“Are you?” You asked. That look returns for more than a second. You look away and start fiddling with your black shirt, rolling it up, trying to distract yourself.

“Yes, so, there are lots of sins. Another common ones would be blasphemy. Taking the lord’s name in vain.”

“Oh yes, I have done that.”


“Unfortunately, yes.”

“Great, there you go. That’s one for the confessional.”

Something changed about his attitude. He seemed to look intensely at me, then look away.

“What’s the most common sin, father?”

You look at me and turn towards me on the sofa.


I forgot that was even a sin.

“Oh.” I simply say.

“Would that be a sin of yours? There are elements to it.”

You are looking at my lips.

“What are the elements?”

“Well, it’s not just sex.” You say. “Lust is the engagement in carnal pleasures. It’s pleasure for the organs, in a sexual way. It’s quite broad.”

“Oh, I think I’m guilty of lust,” I say.

At this point, I want to be guilty of lust again. This priest is incredibly attractive, but I suppose I’ll never get to experience anything lustful with him.

You put your hand on my shoulder.

“Well, that’s not very good. I thought you were a good girl?”

“Apparently, I’m not.” I say.

I look at your hand on my shoulder. We’re sat on the couch facing each other. I scooch a little bit closer.

“What kind of lustful activities did you partake in?” The priest asks.

“Oh my, I’m afraid I touched myself.”

“Touched yourself? What were you thinking about? ”

“I was thinking about men. Thinking about doing things to men I really shouldn’t do. Like putting my hands on their groin grinding on them.”

“Oh wow.” You say.

I notice you have a massive erection.

“I’m afraid you’ll have to do penance for that” you say.

“Penance?” I ask.

“Unfortunately, yes. But this is not ordinary confession”


“Yes, you’ll have to do what I say, when I say it for as long as I say it. Do you agree?”

“Father, yes I agree. I want to be a good girl for you. I can’t take these lustful thoughts any longer. ”

I slide my hand over to his knee, up his trousers toward his erection.

“Oh my gosh” he says. “You need to be taught a lesson.”

“I do.” I respond.

He is finally starting to waiver and I know he’s given in to his urges.

“I am going to sin with you ” he says, and for some reason, it sounds like the sexiest thing anyone has ever said.

“Open your legs for me.” You command.



  1. Come onnnn, you talk about sins and then you stop as soon as we are getting to the good part ? That is sheer blasphemy !!

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