A Helping Hand – Chapter 2 (MF)

Chapter 2 – Morgan Brings a Meal

The next day was pretty routine: get up, make breakfast, get the kids off to school and settle in to my work from home job. I have to say I cleaned a lot of the house and took extra care in the shower to get nice and clean for my impending visit, something I haven’t done in a while. To be honest, I had kind of let myself go the last few months. I hadn’t packed on the pounds as I didn’t have much of an appetite lately, but I wasn’t hitting the gym and didn’t really care about hygiene or my appearance. It felt good to want to look good for someone, although I’m sure she could care less about how I look.

Throughout the morning, I kept looking at my watch to see if it was one o’clock yet. It made the morning go by really slow, but it was nice to have something to look forward to for a change. After a small lunch, I did more cleaning of the kitchen and living room to make the place presentable. Finally, at 12:58, I see her SUV pull up. Out of my second story office window, I was able to get a good view of her as she got out of the car. She looked stunning in a tight pair of jeans and red blouse. I pulled back slightly from the window so she wouldn’t see me as she made her way around to the passenger side, presumably to get the food out. Her ample mommy ass was simply spectacular as she bent over to pull out the crock pot.

Shaking myself from my reverie, I adjusted my cock in my pants, waited a moment or two (or three) for it go down a bit and then headed downstairs and out the door. “Hello,” I called out. “Need a hand with anything?”

“Yes,” she said as she smiled and walked up to me. “Here, you take the crock pot and plug it in on low and I’ll go get the salad and the brownies.” I took the crock pot from her and turned to go in the house, but not before stealing a long glance at her ass as she walked back to her car. “Get a hold of yourself, Dan,” I muttered to myself under my breath.

I set the crock pot down on the counter and plugged it in and she quickly was at the door which I had left open. “Here, let me help you with that,” I said as I took the brownies from her and put them on the counter. “Let’s put the salad in the fridge.”

I started, “Again, Morgan, thanks so much…,” but she stopped me short. “No need to thank me again. I was happy to do it. Honestly, it’s good for me to have something definite to do, too.”

“Yeah, I know what you mean about that,” I chuckled. “Well, can you stay for a minute? I can pour us some iced tea and we can chat in the living room if you have the time,” I queried hopefully. “Sure,” she said. “I’d love to stay and chat.”

I fetched our ice teas and settled down in the living room, her in my sitting chair and me on the couch. She looked around, “Wow, Dan, honestly, this is cleaner than I expected it to be. I was going to offer to come and clean for you too, but I guess I don’t have to do that.” The idea of watching her bend over to vacuum, straighten, etc. was a good one I would love to entertain.

“Fuck,” I thought to myself. “I guess I cleaned up too much.” Out loud I say, “Well, if you had been here yesterday, you wouldn’t be saying that.”

She laughed at that, “Well, I won’t tell anyone if you won’t.”

Having everyone only want to talk about me the last few months, I jumped at the chance to get her talking instead. “So, how are you holding up? What’s it been? Over a year now since, you know, the divorce?”

“Yeah, about 14 months now I guess. The first few months were really hard. You know, Mike and I were together for over 20 years, so it’s weird to even be waking up in the morning without having someone beside you.” She could see I started to tear up a little bit at that comment and said, “Sorry, Dan, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s not the same as for you.”

“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be so weepy, it’s just…” and I break up a little bit. She gets out of her chair and sits next to me on the couch and places her hand on my leg, “No that was stupid of me.” Patting my leg, her gesture was purely meant to console me, but just that human touch from a female sent a little bolt of electricity through me. “I’m a mess,” I think to myself, “I’m crying and getting horny at the same time.”

Sitting back on the couch, she takes her hand away and crosses her one leg underneath her and states, “Alright, then, let’s change the subject. Tell me how Adam is doing in soccer.” Adam is 14 and a freshman in high school and is my soccer player. “Oh, he’s doing well. I mean, at first he was disappointed he didn’t make Varsity as a freshman, but I think he’s loving it now because he’s getting so much more playing time on the junior varsity team. He’s more or less the star and his ball skills are progressing so much faster than they would have. At least, that’s the way I see it. Of course I said as much to Adam when it happened and he didn’t believe me and I thought I was just being stupid. He wouldn’t say it aloud, but I know he agrees with me now.”

“Oh, I know all about kids thinking their parents are stupid,” she remarks. “Oh?” I say, eyebrow raised.

“Yeah,” she continues. “Margie, my 15 year old, hardly talks to me anymore right now. To her, Mike is perfect, so I must have drove him away. I’m sure she’ll get over it eventually, but it’s awfully tough right now.” She starts to just show just the briefest bit of a tear, “Damn, I guess, it’s my turn to start crying.”

I reach out and touch her shoulder, “Well, aren’t we the pair?” And we both just can’t help but laugh. That lightened the mood a bit, but it was hard to deny that there was a sexual charge to the air, too.

Seeing our tea glasses empty, I say, “Well, I’m sure you have to go.” I get up from the couch and grab her glass and start to head to the kitchen. “Not really,” she says, “but you probably have to get back to work, right?”

“Well, that’s the nice thing about being your own boss, I get to take off whenever I want. And I’d like to chat some more if you have the time.” She looked me in the eyes and said, “Dan, I would love to stay a little longer.”

“Awesome,” I say as I put the glasses in the sink. “Say, Morgan, would you be against having our second drink be a little stronger?” She smirked, “Not one bit, Dan. Not one bit.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u45ovk/a_helping_hand_chapter_2_mf


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