Up on the rooftop [MF]

Living in downtown Los Angeles has advantages, particularly when the building I live in has a root top lounging area. I wish it had a pool, but at least with a lounging area I can get some sun—not that sun is particularly good for my skin, given I am a redhead. I don’t really tan but getting my freckles to grow together has been a lifelong goal.

While my building isn’t the tallest in the area, there are only a couple of buildings close enough that might get a view, should I choose to layout without clothing. The biggest concern is whether any of my neighbors choose to enjoy the deck at the same time. Up until recently I had avoided any company.

I normally head up around lunchtime, to enjoy both lunch and sun, but I was running late. It was almost half past one before I could pull myself away from work for a break. After packing my lunch and grabbing a towel, I headed to the elevator for the rooftop deck.

When I arrived, I peered through the door to the deck to find a woman enjoying the sun. She had medium length dark hair, fair skin, and a host of tattoos. I opened the door and her dog started barking. She tried to call him back, but he was too excited to have a new friend with which to play. As I petted the dog, I approached the woman. “Hello. Enjoying the sun?”

“Don’t worry about Frisco. He’s super friendly.” Her Australian accent was delightful, as was the very small white bikini she was wearing. It covered her large breasts well enough, but the bottoms were loose, occasionally shifting to the side. I didn’t catch a glimpse of her vulva, but I saw enough to know she shaves.

“It’s OK. I love dogs. I just came up to get some sun.”

“It’s a beautiful day, but not surprising. This is LA.” She had spread her towel out over a long, padded bench. Seeing my towel, she pulled up a spot for me to sit down.

“Oh, no, thanks. I tend to sun up on the upper deck. It’s a bit more private.”

“OK, you do you.”

“I also prefer to go clothing optional, if that won’t offend you.”

“No. Not at all. Knock yourself out.”

“Thanks.” I didn’t want to leave as I could stare at her breasts and bikini panties all day, but I was here to get some sun.

There are a dozen chairs on the upper deck around a long table. I pull out the farthest from the rooftop entrance, hiding from anyone coming onto the upper deck. I can see the door to the rooftop open, so I have time to pull on my shorts before they see anything. I wasn’t afraid of the woman seeing anything as she’d already given her approval. It’s other residents, or management, that might cause problems.

I pulled off my shirt and shorts, and sat down to soak up some vitamin D. A few minute later, Frisco comes bounding up to say hi. I petted him some, but then he decided the coconut oil I used on my skin tasted good. He started licking my legs. “Hey Frisco, no. That’s to help me tan.”

After a brief friendly tussle, we’d made enough noise to get the attention of the dog’s owner. The woman walked to the edge of the upper to see what was going on. “Is Frisco bothering you?”

“No. He just likes the taste of oil on my skin.”

“Yeah, he does that to me sometimes too.” She climbed the steps and walked around the table. She gave a once over my body, but then acted like a naked man was the most natural thing to see. “Come on, boy. Leave the man alone.”

I rose to shake her hand. “My name’s Carter, by the way.”

She stepped up and shook hands, “Becky. Nice to meet you.” Nodding toward my crotch, “You got, uh, your hair is really red. Looks like copper in the sun.”

Looking down, I pulled on the long strands. “Yes, I’m quite fond of it. It’s unique.” Normally my cock is fairly small when relaxed, maybe a couple of inches. But I’d been thinking about Becky’s bikini bottoms before she arrived. While I was still relaxed, I was closer to four inches, so not completely embarrassing. Pulling on my pubic hair knowing she was watching encouraged it to grow a bit more.

We stood there is silence for a bit, my cock slowly getting hard, and her watching it.

Finally, she broke the spell. “I’ll leave you to your sun. Come on Frisco.”

“You’re welcome to join me up here if you’d like. I would join you, but given my state of dress, I’d prefer to have a bit more distance between me and the door.”

“Oh, yes, that would be lovely. Let me grab my things.”

Enthusiastically, Becky skipped down to the lower deck, got her stuff, and came up to join me.

I pulled out another chair next to mine, then sat. When she arrived, Frisco in tow, I pointed to the chair. “It’s not quite a full sofa, like you have on the lower deck, but you can lay on the Astro turf if you want.”

“Nah, the chair’s fine.” She laid out her towel and twirled to sit. As her ass hit the cushion, I could tell the bikini bottoms had shifted again. The lower part of her vulva was visible. It wasn’t for long, for she quickly pulled the fabric back in place, then crossed her legs. Still, long enough for my cock to throb at the prospect.

For twenty minutes we chatted away about life in downtown Los Angeles, Covid, and the apartment build. I checked my skin, and it was time for me to turn around. Rising, I turned my chair around, “Time for me to work on my back side. Being a redhead, I can’t stay in the sun too long.”

When I sat back down, our chairs were kitty-corner to each other. It gave me a semi-obstructed view between her legs, and I’m sure she had the same of me. I wanted to move over but thought that too blatant.

Becky had no such objections. “Let me move my chair so we’re facing each other.” She picked up her chair and moved it, so we were directly opposite. When she sat down, rather than cross her legs, she spread them slightly, our knees almost touching. The tiny bikini bottoms were still covering everything, but just barely.

I tried to keep my eyes focused on hers, but—between her full breasts with the nipples being to poke through the fabric, and the tiny bottoms that kept suggesting I might catch a glimpse if I was patient—my eyes kept wandering down her body. My cock was aware of this and had grown to maybe five inches and not resting between my legs anymore. It was definitely pointing in her direction.

Finally, unable to avoid the conversation anymore, I asked, “I hope this isn’t too personal, but do you shave or wax?”

She looked down between her legs, spread them even further, then pulled the tiny triangle to the side. Completely bare, her vulva was puffy with her lips peaking out at the slit. The nub of her clitoris was like a round ball at the top. My cock jumped. She spoke nonchalantly, “I shave because I find waxing too painful, but I keep meaning to get laser done.” As she spoke, she ran her fingers down the side of her vulva, then spread them to run fingers up each side. Another couple of quick glide of the fingers, then she tapped the clit twice. “I like how smooth it feels, not that I have anything against your hair.”

Looking up, she realized my cock was a full attention. There was no doubt I had an erection. Her eyes rose to mine. She was slightly embarrassed, but unsure what to say or do. So, she kept rubbing her fingers long the sides of her vulva.

“I, uh…” also not sure what to say, I reached down and wrapped by fingers around my balls, causing my cock to throb again. “I don’t mean to offend you.”

“No. I’m not. I just. I didn’t intend…” she stopped rubbing her cunt and pulled the tiny triangle back in place.

“Sorry. This is my fault. I should go.” I leaned forward to stand.

She reached, putting a hand on my shoulder. “No, that’s not necessary. Stay.”

I sat back. “At least let me put a towel over it.”

“No!” she blurted out. “It’s nice. I mean, flattering. I am assuming that’s for me.”

I reached down again, cupped my balls, then ran my fist up along my cock. “Yes, definitely.”

She watched as I pulled on my cock. So, I slid my hand slowly back down the length. I wasn’t exactly masturbating, but I wasn’t exactly not either.

After two more very slow strokes, she responded by reaching down between her legs and moved the triangle back out of the way. Her lips were more visible. She followed my motion, slowing sliding her fingers along the sides of her vulva as I slid my hand down my cock. Another two strokes and on the up stroke she slid a finger in between her pussy lips. As her finger reached the top, it was obvious both finger and lips were very wet.

My hand picked up the pace. Her fingers kept in sync. As I felt myself getting closer, I realized I wanted more. “I would love to eat you out, to taste you, to replace your finger with my tongue.”

Becky had been lost in the revelry of masturbating while watching me stroke my cock. My words broke the haze. She looked up at me and said, “Oh, I, uh, I’m sorry. No. We shouldn’t.” Her words said no, but she continued to stroke her pussy.

I slowed my stroke but didn’t stop. “That’s OK. It’s just, I’m getting close.”

“Oh!” She looked at my cock and pressed a couple fingers just beneath her clit, making rapid circles. Her hips shifted forward, and she gasped.

“Do you want me to cum?” I asked. “I can. I just don’t want to do anything you’ll regret.”

“I, uh…” her fingers were moving at lightning speed. Her breasts were bouncing in small circles in time with the movement of her fingers, her nipples practically ripping through the white bikini fabric.

Figuring that was my cue, I picked up the pace. Stroking my cock while watching this lovely woman masturbate was heaven. It wasn’t long before the urge was too strong. I shot a stream of cum across the space between us. It didn’t land on Becky but fell just beneath the lip of her seat. Almost as if to catch it, Becky thrust her hips forward, pushing her vulva to the edge of her seat.

Another stream shot out, but not as far. Becky responded by jerking her knees up and her shoulders forward. As three more shots were fired, Becky spasmed with her own orgasm. Finally, cum oozed out the head of my cock as I watch this beautiful woman sigh and relax in her seat.

I spoke first, “Thank you. That was nice.”

“Fuck nice. That was amazing.” Having come back to Earth, Becky slowly slid a finger over her pussy lips to ease the reentry.

“If I may ask, why are you opposed to me going down on you?”

“I have a boyfriend. He wouldn’t like it much if you did that to me, even though I must admit I was sorely tempted.”

“Ah, I see.”

“I doubt he’d be much pleased about our little play session either and I’m not likely to tell him. But, if I let you go down on me, there would be no stopping. I know me, and after a few minutes of face time, I would be in serious need of some cock. I can just imagine how nice that cock of yours would feel, too. So, knowing myself, I can’t let you eat me, no matter how tempting. Fingering myself with you here, I can tell myself nothing happened. We didn’t touch. The moment you started to lick me; I’d be a goner. Fuck, just thinking about it has my pussy wanting another rub down.”

Disappointed, I understood her reasoning. Still, to be so close and not taste her. “Would you let me suck on your fingers?”


“I’d like to taste you, your fingers. I know you don’t want to go any further, but… I just want a taste.”

She looked down at her hand still rubbing her cunt. “Yeah, I think we could do that.” She lifted her hand up and reached out to me.

I leaned over and slid the two fingers she’d been diving with into my mouth. She was soft, sweet, slightly salty, and very tasty. My eyes closed as I savored both the aroma and the flavor. Cunnilingus is my favor sex act. My cock responded. Even though I’d just cum, and hard, my cock was getting hard again.

“Holy shit,” she exclaimed as she pulled her hand back. “Are you getting hard again?”

“Yes, I really like how you taste.”

“But you just came. Look at the fucking puddle under my seat.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. The idea of eating you out really turns me on.”

“Oh, fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” She sat back in her chair, legs still spread, triangle still to the side, and her pussy lips spread open begging to be sucked. “My boyfriend is generally good after a few hours, but fuck. You’re hard again.”

“I should go.” I didn’t want to distress her any more than she already was, and I wasn’t going to get soft anytime soon. Reaching to the side of the chair, I grabbed my shorts, and stood up. This put my erect cock at head height right between her legs. Before I could step aside and put on my shorts, she reached up and grabbed my cock.

“Fuck, it’s hard.” She slid one hand along the shaft while the other grabbed my balls. “I mean, hard enough to fuck. Would you cum again for me?”

“Probably not for a while. I can get hard after I cum, but it will probably some time before I can cum, and even then, not very much.”

Still stroking my cock, “So, what you’re saying it you’re going to be hard for a long time.”

“I could be, particularly if you keep doing that.”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Her hand was earnestly jerking me off. The look in her eyes suggested she wanted to suck on it, and I knew, if we did that, it wouldn’t belong before we were sixty-nine-ing it on the Astro turf, followed by serious fucking. I wanted that. My cock wanted that. But, as much as she was craving more sex right now, she didn’t. She would regret letting it go that far.

I stepped to the side and pulled her hands from my cock. “We can’t. You can’t. I can’t. We…” I took another step back and put on my shorts.

She didn’t protest. Once I was practically dressed, she slid the triangle back into place. “Thank you for this afternoon.”

“No, thank you. I will let you get some sun in peace. I’ve probably been out here too long already.”

“Do you come up to sun every day?”

“I try.” I looked at her face and realized, if we met up on the rooftop again, we wouldn’t say no. So, I made up an excuse. “But I’m moving in a few weeks, so this was likely my last time.”

She mumbled under her breath, “Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Then looked up at me. “That’s probably for the best.”

I grabbed my things and left the rooftop.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u3ovxa/up_on_the_rooftop_mf