My narcissism took me to cold places [MF]

*If you’re going to try this at home, be warned. It’s very painful. Ice play always is. I don’t do it now without a safe word and generally lower doses.*

When I was younger I was many a man’s manic pixie dream girl. Today I know I was actually just kind of manic, but I’m cute and smart so I spent many years labeled as “quirky.”

*I just read this opener to my husband and he informed me that my hobbies include writing a sex blog and studying a certain insect, so there are some who might say I’m still weird AF.*

Anyway, I wrote about this dude once before. I found an album labeled “Viola” in his phone with photos from my social media. He used them to jerk off. In one of my more sound moments of judgment I seduced him when he admitted this and then we dated for bit.

I kind of thought getting to know me would absolve his obsession.

*This has happened to me before. Folks get to know me and find out my weirdness is not always adorable.*

Us dating did very little to humanize me though. In fact, I think it kind of fueled his obsession because he remained infatuated. Like, I stayed up all night once to paint a mural on a wall of an apartment I was renting (RENTING) and he took a photo and showed it to his frat brothers for weeks. It wasn’t even good and perhaps someone should have been concerned that I was just randomly staying up all night to paint a wall I didn’t own, but whatever.

I digress.

So we were not a very good match. The imbalance of power is never good in that scenario. However, we did have a lot of sex and it was fun.

I have an extremely high sex drive to the point that it’s an actual addiction, and he was fucking the girl he has just spent a year compulsively jerking off to. There was a lot of enthusiasm behind our fucking.

So the thing is, it’s actually really flattering learning that you were someone’s fantasy for a year. Call me a narcissist, but it was fucking hot. What was more fun was that his fantasies were just tame enough that I’d basically let him do whatever he wanted to me. We played out a lot of shit he had jerked off to.

One day he tells me that he used to get himself off to the idea of fucking me with a popsicle and I was like, “Alright let’s do it, but leave the wrapper on.” I had never really done ice play before, but why the hell not? I had popsicles in the freezer and an adventurous soul.

*Why leave the wrapper on? For hygienic purposes. Although I have since read that ice can be dangerous generally. I’ve never had an issue but proceed with caution I suppose.*

Anyway, I grabbed a popsicle and laid back on my bed. I still wasn’t sure how this was going to play out.

“How did it go in your fantasy?”

“I don’t know…”

“Tell me exactly.”

He was still kind of shy and it was sweet.

“Ok… like I’d put it in your mouth and then drag it down your body before I fuck you with it. Then you fuck yourself with it as you suck me off.”

“That sounds lovely.”

“You’re ok with it?”

“Yeah let’s try it.”

Having someone slowly dip a popsicle in and out of your mouth is way more sensual than you would imagine, even with the wrapper shill on. I think I just liked the way his face lit up when we had sex. He really was obsessed with me.

When he finally took it out and started dragging it down my body It was very hard not to stop him. He was going very slow and making me shiver. He stopped at each nipple and swirled it around for a bit before dragging it across my stomach.

Tears sprang to my eyes and I couldn’t stop shaking as he very, very slowly took it in between my legs.

“How’s the fantasy so far?” I asked through gritted teeth.

“Hotter than I ever imagined. Are you ready?”

I nodded and screamed when he stuck it inside of me. Ice is very painful in that area, but it also naturally tightens and feels weirdly good. This was pretty fucking intense though. A cube is one thing, but an entire popsicle hurts like hell. I am a trooper though.

*In hindsight, I really was made for rough sex.*

He fucked me like that for a while and let me cry below him. He took it out at one point, put it back in my mouth for a while and then went back inside me. It was blissful agony. I moaned every time and finally asked him to hold me down because I kept jolting forward.

Finally, he told me to get on my knees and to start fucking myself with it as I got him off with my mouth.

I got on my knees and kept moving the popsicle in and out as he pulled his pants down and put himself in my mouth. I let him slide down my throat and moaned when I kept pushing the popsicle in and out below.

He was very easy to blow. He came in like 30 seconds. I think I only had to move my head a few times before he came in my mouth.

With that, I finally fell back and threw the popsicle away, relieved and trembling because it was freezing. I couldn’t even fuck right away and had to shower to warm up. We did fuck again in the shower and I finally got off but it really took like 30 minutes before he could even finger me.

So I guess what I’m saying is, my narcissism really worked in this dude’s favor. We experimented a lot with his fantasies, but that was the last time we got to sub below temperatures.



  1. Is it narcissism or just a praise kink?

    Have you ever met (or fucked) anyone with “sexual narcissism”? Someone who will look at themselves in the mirror while fucking; someone who looks deep into your eyes only to get off to their own reflection in them.

  2. This sounds awful. I know what the cold tub feels like and how painful it is.

    I applaud your… perseverance.

  3. That’s interesting the dynamic you two had.

    Great writing as usual!

  4. Was gonna do a Frozen reference, but decided not to and just *let it go*

    So what insect are we talking about here? Is it a Cicada? Those guys are dope as fuck.

    Ok cold aside, my concern would be the wrapper, they’re plastic right with little triangular ridges. Didn’t that hurt or was it overturned by the cold?

    Narcissistic or not, everyone needs an ego boost every now and then, the important thing is knowing when to call it off, and it seems like you do know when. Again you do you Ms. V! Pump that ego up lol

    I guess in the end *the cold did bother you anyway* lmao

  5. Will their be more stories about his tame fantasies? Was he ever submissive to you? Seems like he might want to be 🤷🏻‍♂️

  6. Sans the actual insertion, I had a similar experience once when a FWB pulled out half a mango from her fridge and ran it up and down my body. The combination of cold and stickiness drove me nuts!!

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