Drunken Night Out in Thailand [MF]

Ok, this happened when I was traveling through Northern Thailand, my friend and I had split of for a week where I wanted to see the tigers and ride some elephants. I signed up for an elephant excursion and just wanted to see the country and the culture. I’m not blind however and when a gorgeous ebony woman and her boyfriend showed up, I took notice. It was a great group, we had fun laughing and joking as we traveled through the country side, checked out several villages, and ultimately ended up at the town we had set out from.

We were about to head our separate ways when this beautiful girl askes me if I’d like to join a few others for a drink at a nearby pub. I couldn’t say no. We got a table and I think there were about six of us around this table and we proceeded to start taking shots of vodka. We’re laughing, joking, but I honestly only remember this one girl and her boyfriend. I’m getting to the point where I am quickly losing the battle to the vodka, and I remember playing this “never have I…”drinking game. Stupid, but somehow in the middle of this game the beauty I’m sitting next to say, “ok, now… take a shot, and kiss the person across the table from you”. I’m confused, I remember having to actually see who it was across the table from me, and its this Auzzie girl, cute blonde with a sexy body, I had gotten along with well with her but I didn’t feel like there were any sparks flying. Anyway, I had no time, and all of a sudden I’m kissing this girl, and I’m not hating it. We proceed to make out for a few minutes and I’m so confused.

The girl, lets call her Cara, goes to the bathroom with a friend and the girl I was actually interested in fills me in. Apparently Cara has been into me the entire trip, and has enlisted the girlfriend to help hook us up. This blows my mind and I’m so confused, but so drunk at this point I’m like whatever I’ll go with it.

The next half hour is a drunken blur with Cara and I all over each other, and finally we decide to head back to her hotel. Its only now that I realize she has her best friend with her, and we all pile into this tuk tuk or ripshaw to take us back to her place. We make out unashamedly the entire trip, and I remember her friend being completely disgusted. I also have no idea where I am. We pile out, and I discover the friend has no interest in sharing a room with us, which I can’t fault her for. I think I mentioned she could join us, but to be honest its still a little foggy. I do remember paying for another room for her to stay in.

We make it back to Cara’s room, we are ripping clothes off, and I am enjoying every aspect of Cara’s body. We are on her bed completely naked, I’ve got a nipple in my mouth as my hand works its way around to get a full hand full of her firm Ass. I’m kissing my way up and down her body, she is moaning, and I’m feeling like a stud. She is sopping wet, I have two fingers deep inside her and she is fucking my fingers back. Somehow my camera is on the bed with us and gets under her. She reaches back and grabs it and smiles at me and turns it on. She starts snapping photos of me, I laughed and decide I should actually be taking photos of her, I start snapping pictures, shes posing and its great. She grabs me, pulls me close and kisses me, tells me to go and grab a condom, and that she needs to freshen up quick. Then she turns around and gives me this weird look, and asks how many girls I’ve been with. I’m confused and tell her like ten, nothing crazy, I look at her and ask how many guys have you been with? She blushes and is like oh I don’t know like 80 or 90. Honestly, I don’t care at this point, I’m just super confused. She laughs and carries on to the bathroom.

I get up and I don’t know what comes over me, but I start to have a moment of clarity. Maybe the vodka is finally wearing off, but regardless I don’t usually think that clearly when I’m as erect as I am. I start thinking about what the fuck am I doing, I’m here with a girl I hardly even knew existed until she was thrust into my face and we’re making out. Her question before she went into the bathroom confused me and got in my head, did I actually want to fuck this girl. I also realized at this time I had a bus booked the next morning at 7am that I needed to catch as I was headed to Laos next. This is crazy, but I panicked lol, and I threw my clothes on and ran before she came back to the bathroom. However, because of how our clothes were spread all around the room I couldn’t find my boxers, I said fuck it and ran.

I remember finding myself in some dark street at like 3am no one insight, and I started walking. Eventually a ripshaw came down the street and there was this couple in it and they yelled to me if I wanted a ride. I say sure and jump in. The couple is Israeli, and we get to talking, I tell them the story and they laugh and give me a hard time about ditching this girl. Eventually I get back to my hostel and find my way into my room. I’m tired, but I fire up my laptop before I crawl into bed quick, and sure enough Cara is online on facebook. Lol, she sends me a message and is like “uh where’d you go?” I didn’t know what to say, and before I could answer she’s like, “also… I have your boxers here.” I’m crying laughing as I write this, but I told her she could toss them, and I went to sleep.

The next morning came, I’m super hung over, but my alarm wakes me up and I get ready to catch my bus. I crawl into the bus and take the last seat, and just look out the window. When I hear a roar of laughter, I turn around and sure enough the Israeli couple is sitting directly behind me. They had just finished telling the entire 15 seater passenger van the story about my night and sure enough I take the last seat. I took a lot of ribbing the entire way to Laos, I didn’t end up sleeping with Cara, but I’ll never forget this story.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u3rerv/drunken_night_out_in_thailand_mf

1 comment

  1. I’ll tell you one thing, that’s a funny way of getting to the bus on time.

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