A Helping Hand (MF) – Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – The Smiths

I had known Morgan and her family for years. Our families were part of a co-op (starting about 10 years ago) and once a month, everyone would meet up to get our bulk food and divide it up. It was a fun time, with whole families coming to help, so there were kids running around and it was almost a party atmosphere.

My wife, Melissa, introduced me to Morgan Smith and her husband Mike at one of these events. “Dan, this is Mike and Morgan” and I shook hands with Mike and Morgan. Their oldest girl, Allie, at 9, was just a little older than my son, Gary, and they had two other kids that were somewhere around the ages of our other two kids. Our kids seemed to hit it off and enjoyed playing during the co-op meetups. Over the course of many months, Morgan and I would talk and realized we graduated high school the same year, so we talked about 80s music and the like. At the time, we were both in our mid-30s. She was cute and it was hard not to notice her ample breasts, but I was happily married and so she seemed to be, so I did nothing and she just a nice friend in town.

Over time, we dropped out of the co-op and so did the Smiths. However, we would still see them around town or at kids’ youth sports. We had them over a few times for a cookout and they would reciprocate. I would say our families were somewhat close, but we didn’t see each other consistently. Melissa and Morgan liked each other, even if they didn’t become the best of friends. I liked Mike and enjoyed talking to him as well.

Fast forward about 9 years and things were going to change for both families. Unfortunately, Mike and Morgan got divorced just as Allie was heading off to college. I was able to talk to Mike about it and it was your typical story of him working too much and being away from home and the marriage just sort of drifted away.

Then, about a year or so later, my life changed in a drastic way. My wife got cancer and we were caught up in a whirlwind and, before I knew it, she was gone. I was now 45 with my oldest off at college, but still had 2 at home. I was devastated and pretty lost in general. I felt like I was just going through the motions of life–no joy to be found. Morgan and her family came to the funeral and, of course, I had plenty of family help at the time. Eventually though, everyone else got back to their life and I tried to figure out my new one.

One day about 2 or so months after the funeral, I get a call from Morgan. I had talked to her plenty over the years, but it used to always be Mike that would call me if our families were going to get together, but I guess their family dynamic had changed, too. I answered to hear Morgan say “Hey, Dan, this is Morgan. Just want to check in on you and see how things are going.”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I remarked passively. “Just trying to make it one day at a time. It all feels so bizarre, like things just happen around me and I’m not really living.”

“I think I understand a bit,” Morgan said slowly. “I mean, I know it’s not the same thing, but after Mike and I got divorced, I was in a haze for the first 2-3 months.”

Our conversation went on like this a while and talking to her was honestly making me feel much better. She asked how I was managing all of the household stuff on my own. I laughed (boy I hadn’t done that in a long time). “Well, that is something I need to get better with. I mean, the kids help, but I’ve been getting take out way too much. We were all spoiled when Melissa was here, making homemade meals virtually every day.”

“Well, that settles it then. I’m going to come over tomorrow and bring you a nice homecooked meal.” I tried to politely decline, but she was having none of it. It had been hard for me to accept help from people since my wife had died. I guess it was a pride thing, I don’t know. Anyway, Morgan left me no out: “What time tomorrow works for you, Dan?”

Seeing she would not take no for an answer, I say “We have a soccer game at 4 and we wouldn’t be home until 6 to eat.” She answered, “Darn, I have to pick up Allie at the airport at 5. She’s on break from college.”

I say, “I’m working from home all day before that, so you could bring it over earlier and I could just reheat it at 6.”

“Tell you what,” she says. “I can come over at 1. I’ll do a crock pot meal and just put it on low for you. Then, it will be ready for the kids and you to eat when you get back from soccer.”

“That would be great,” I replied sincerely. “And, Morgan, thanks. I really appreciate it.” Morgan cheerfully says, “Not a problem. Our families go way back, I always say we should always be ready to give a helping hand.”

That night, as I lay in bed, my thoughts drifted to Morgan. Though my thoughts started innocently enough, somewhere along the way they veered a different direction. I found myself getting hard thinking about Morgan. I pulled my boxers down and started stroking my cock. I closed my eyes and thought about Morgan’s large breasts and nice curves. It wasn’t too long before I was releasing a hot stream of cum on my stomach. I guess I really needed the release because it felt really great. Obviously I hadn’t had sex in a while, but with the grief and all, sex wasn’t really on mind the last few months. Before my wife died, I thought about sex all of the time and was super horny almost constantly. Just the way I was wired I guess and my wife gave it to me often enough to keep me satiated. I hadn’t realized how badly I needed to cum until tonight. Afterward, I quickly drifted off to sleep and had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u3rkhr/a_helping_hand_mf_chapter_1