I looked at the open door and thought *Aaawweeeee **SHIT**!!!* as I sighed and bowed my head.
Lola spoke, “What’s wrong?”
I pointed my chin towards the open door and replied, “That.”
Lola and Maxine looked towards the open door as both seemed confused on why the open door would mean anything to them. Lola looked at me, “So the door’s open. So what?”
I sighed, “It’s not that the door was open. It’s all who’s in the house as they **more** than likely heard everything that we did.”
Lola looked at me, “So?”
I sighed, “*So*. I **really** didn’t want my **daughters** to **hear** everything we just did.”
Lola looked at the door for a moment before it dawned on her as she spoke, “*Oh*.”
Maxine spoke, “Well if you want I could close it.”
I sighed, “It’s pointless now.”
I grumbled, “I’m sure I’ll get shit about it later.”
Lola looked at me, “From your daughters?”
I nodded.
Maxine looked confused, “I don’t see the big deal. You’re an adult and they’re all big girls.”
I sighed, “It’s more of a courtesy you two.”
Maxine and Lola both spoke, “*Oh*.”
Lola was the first to speak, “I’m sorry baby. I didn’t mean for the **whole** house to hear us.”
Maxine looked at me, “Besides I thought you **liked** when we’re loud?”
I smiled, “I’m not saying I **don’t** like that either of you are *loud*. It’s just a courtesy thing for me.”
Lola smiled, “I’m sorry Max. Next time I’ll make sure we close the door.”
I nodded thankful my *ploy* worked but I still have to deal with the fact my door was open and no telling **who** may have stumbled onto me fucking either Lola **OR** Maxine.
Lola spoke, “So you never told me what was in the bag?”
I blinked and looked at the bag remembering what was in there before I answered, “Oh just a thumb drive and a duplicator.”
Both Lola **and** Maxine blinked at what I said. Lola spoke, “A what?”
I smiled, “It’s nothing. Just a project I was starting.”
Lola looked at me, “And what project are you doing?”
Maxine spoke, “Is there anything *we* can do to help to say we’re sorry for leaving the door open?”
As Maxine asked the question an *idea* formed into my head.
Na it’s **too** silly that it wouldn’t work. It *couldn’t* work.
*Would it?*
I would never know until I tried.
But what would I tell them as I asked them to help me retrieve Abby’s thumb drive.
Well here it goes….
I looked at Maxine, “You wouldn’t happen to be into *anime* would you?”
Maxine looked at me, “You mean those stupid Japanese cartoons that **everyone** seems to be interested in?”
I smiled, “Yes those.”
Maxine instantly gave a disgusted look and quickly shook her head, “No.”
Lola spoke, “I *think* my nephew is into *anime*.”
Maxine spoke, “You talking about Justin?”
Lola shook her head, “No, I mean Kyle.”
Maxine chuckled, “Of course he would.”
I looked between them, “Kyle?”
Lola nodded, “Yeah he’s my nephew.”
I blinked, “I didn’t know you had siblings?”
Lola nodded, “Yeah I have two older brothers.”
She continued, “I’m the baby as the youngest between them is ten years my senior. My oldest brother is fifteen years my senior.”
I spoke, “And would your *nephew* like a copy of some anime?”
Lola shrugged, “More than likely. I haven’t **spoken** to either of my brother’s or nephews in at least six years.”
Lola pointed to Maxine, “Last time they *saw* her she was nine.”
Maxine spoke, “We’re the black sheep of the family.”
Lola spoke to Maxine, “We’re not the black sheep honey. Just that we’re not that close.”
Maxine clicked her tongue, “Uh huh.” Maxine rolled her eyes, “Anyways **why** would you want to get some anime. You don’t seem the type Max.”
I smiled, “I’m not. But I do want to surprise my daughter.”
Maxine looked at me, “How?”
I quickly thought of a lie, “Well if I could get a copy of her drive. I was thinking of taking it to someone to help fill in the gaps she doesn’t have.”
Lola spoke, “And I imagine you don’t want her to know about the drive going missing?”
I nodded as I looked at Lola, “Yes.”
I sheepishly smiled, “I kind of wanted to surprise her and get her the things she **doesn’t** have. But I would like to know what she **already** has so I don’t get double stuff.”
Maxine immediately spoke, “That’s sweet.”
Maxine sat up, “So what do you need from us?”
I thought out loud, “Well I would prefer some misdirection and have her drive without her knowing.”
Maxine perked up, “I can do that.”
She stood up and put on the clothes she had laying next to the bed as she put on a pair of sweats and tank top before dashing off out of the room.
I looked at Lola a little perplexed, “Ook!”
Lola smiled, “Relax. Maxine is sneaky. She’ll get the drive without your daughter knowing.”
I spoke, “You mean stealing it?”
Lola smiled and nodded, “Yep.”
I thought *might be kind of hard to steal if I think I know where Abby **hides** the drive*.
Within a moment Maxine ran back, “Quick which one is Abby’s room?”
I looked at her perplexed but answered, “It’s the far one on the first floor. Last door down the hall on your left.”
With that Maxine bolted out of the door.
I looked at the cloud formation that used to be Maxine before looking at Lola, “Alrighty then.”
Lola chuckled as she stood, “Don’t worry she’ll get the drive for you.”
Lola stretched with her back to me, “Think I’ll take a shower.” She looked over her shoulder smiling at me, “Want to join?”
I looked at Lola’s nude backside as my inner caveman growled at Lola’s near perfect rump as it wanted to bite down at the ample flesh causing my blood flow to leave my brain as I looked up at Lola causing her smile to turn mischievous as I nodded like an idiot.
I stood from my bed ready to follow Lola into the shower and maybe go round four on her, before I could start moving I heard a loud *SMASH* behind me.
I turned behind me to see Maxine stand after obviously crashing against the door.
Maxine lightly dusted herself off as she held up a thumb drive with a loud proclamation, “GOT IT!!!”
I blinked at her in confusion thinking *How in the hell!*
While I starred at her in confusion Maxine took one look outside the door and proclaimed *OH SHIT!* and dashed towards the bathroom before locking it as my daughter…Mackenzie came waltzing into my room shortly after Maxine had made it to the bathroom.
Mackenzie quickly looked away as soon as she saw me as she held her hand up, “*JESUS* wasn’t expecting that*”
I looked down completely forgetting I wasn’t exactly clothed so I quickly covered up my hanging friend with my hands, “Sorry.”
Mackenzie looked at me seeing that I had at least covered myself up and spoke, “Thanks.” Then she looked towards the bathroom before addressing me, “Is there *any* reason **why** your fuck doll was running through the halls just a second ago?”
I looked from Mackenzie to the bathroom door before sheepishly shrugging while still holding myself and replying, “No idea.”
Mackenzie looked at me and I could tell she was either *very* tired or had just woken up because she looked irritated but without the full story or all the facts she was clueless as to what was going on so she accepted my answer as that….pure mystery.
She sighed, “Anyways next time you have your fuck buddy and her fuck doll over could you *at least* close the door when you’re fucking them?”
I sheepishly smiled, “Sure honey. Sorry if we woke you up.”
She rolled her eyes before turning and leaving as she stopped at the door, “Here let me get this for you,” as she closed the door.
The moment the door closed my bathroom opened as Maxine stuck her head out, “She gone?”
I looked at Maxine letting go of my hanging appendage and nodded.
She smiled and waltz out handing me the drive and spoke, “I think this is the one you were looking for as I think I *was* in Abby’s room.”
Then she stripped down and waltzed back to the bathroom, “Don’t be too long,” and entered the bathroom leaving the door open as I could hear the water running.
I looked down at the drive instantly happy that I *finally* had it.
And all it took to find this was spending a *crap* ton of money for a new video surveillance system, massive updates, and happenstance to find this. Then lying to Maxine and Lola **why** I wanted the drive as Maxine immediately stole it for me.
I didn’t dwell on it too long as I quickly grabbed the tote bag and walked into my closet. I unpackaged the duplicator and plugged it in giving it power. Then reading the instructions I learned I needed to put the drive I wanted to copy in the USB port labelled ‘*source*’ and plug in my empty drive into the plug labelled ‘*target*’.
I quickly unpackaged **my** drive putting it into the target slot and plugged in Abby’s drive into the source plug.
Then if I was reading the instructions I simply turned on the device and held the *COPY* button until it lit up. After five seconds the device turned on and lit up as the display started displaying words.
After a few seconds the display quickly read:
*Duplicating 16TB USB Drive….00.00%. Estimated time 59:59*
I watched for a second as the timer went down to 59:50 as the percentage read 00.10%.
Right! I was *now* duplicating the drive.
I closed my closet and decided to *add* to my security as I walked up to my bedroom door and flicked the lock locking the door.
Now no one will come in and find out what I was up to….and if they did the most they will hear is the sounds of Lola or Maxine.
I smiled and walked off towards the shower with a little pep in my step.
I walked into my bathroom to find that Maxine and Lola were already in the shower as Maxine was the first to notice as she smiled at me and pressed her bare ass against the glass before turning around and crooking her finger at me.
I smiled and opened the door to the shower, “Is there room….”
That’s as far as I got before two different hands wrapped around my neck and *yanked* me into the shower as I exclaimed the only thing my rationally brain could muster….a *Woah!* was all that escaped me and the fun we had on the bed was resumed in the shower.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/u3mqzx/a_fathers_struggle_43_binding_explanation_fiction
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