When I fucked a model [FF]

This is a story from my slay period. I went through this horrible breakup which left me emotionally unavailable and inexplicably unafraid of rejection because I cared so little. Folks mistook this for unbridled confidence so I started hitting home runs in a league I didn’t know existed.

*Yall get hung up when I say stuff like this. I like the way I look and I’m not lacking in confidence. I’m just self-aware of the fact that I was not always the more attractive one in the relationship.*

I interned in an obscure country that summer which is when the dominos really fell. I REALLY went crazy for a bit.

*I cannot describe how few fucks I gave which is why this story is going to sound off.*

My first full day in this country I stumbled into this restaurant on the beach and could barely afford an order of fries. I was people watching and highly entertained by this couple beside me who were speaking English. She was obviously not into him and he was talking about all the things he could buy her. She was just kind of mumbling politely about each of his offers.

She caught my eye at one point and I smiled. She was older and so hot it didn’t even register right away that she was potentially checking me out.

“You’re not from here, right?” She asked.

“You can tell?”

“You look American.”

*How do people always know??*

“You’re not into your date, right?”

She laughed. “Is it that obvious?”

“You’re too hot for him and he seems desperate.”

We talked for a bit and she was fascinated by my internship and the research I was doing. When her date got back she pointed at me and said, “Buy her a drink and ask her to join us.”

*I mean, I’m not going to say no.*

I move my chair over and smile awkwardly as she orders me a drink I don’t recognize. I try to make small talk and learn pretty quickly she’s not really one for vapid conversation. She dives right in and starts asking me about my political beliefs and then COMPLETELY out of nowhere says, “You’re gay, right?”

I don’t get this very often. I dress pretty simple, but I have long hair and am pretty fem presenting. I’m not at all offended, but I’m impressed.

“Kind of, I like men and women.”

“Of course you like women. You have to be crazy not to like women. We’re marvelous.”

*She has a point.*

I’m going to be totally honest, she’s so hot it doesn’t even occur to me that she’s hitting on. I kind of just think she’s a little weird.

*She was actually a little weird btw. People that hot don’t have to be normal.*

“What do you do?” I finally ask.

Her date burst out laughing. I do not get the joke.

“I’m a model,” she answers.

“Oh! Like a full-on runway and everything?”

I did not really understand the industry. Also, as it turns out the joke was that she was on a billboard across the street from us in underwear.

*Which also begs the question… did she pick this restaurant to look at herself? I’m just saying there’s a chance.*

“I’m bored,” she announced. “Do you swim little one?”

*Yes, she would call me “little one” for the rest of the day.*

“Um yeah… I swim.”

She thanked her date and said goodbye and then motioned for me to leave with her. This woman was a trip.

We stripped down to our swimsuits and head into the ocean… and holy fucking shit. Her body was banging. This woman was out of my league. Completely and totally out of my league. This woman doesn’t really have a league.

She kept asking me question after question about my work and definitely gave too much credit to my brilliance.

“Swimsuits are awful aren’t they?” She finally said. “This stupid beach doesn’t allow us to swim naked. We should go to my place.”

*To swim naked?*

I mean, should I be going to a stranger’s house in a foreign country? Probably not. This is DEFINITELY how the plot of Hostel started and I am somehow doubting this super hot woman just wants to swim naked with me.

She senses my hesitation. “Are you nervous about going to a stranger’s house or at the thought of getting naked?”


“Let’s have dinner then so I’m not a stranger and then you can decide if you want to see me naked.”

This is hard to argue with.

We have dinner and she finally stops asking about my work long enough for me to get to know her. She’s completely autodidactic, and I pick up vibes that she’s naturally quite brilliant. She knows more about world politics than me which was saying something at the time.

“Why do you model?” I ask at one point.

“Because I like seeing my ass on a billboard.”


“I’ve modeled since I was 14. The money is good and I enjoy it. Why are you an attorney?”

“I’m not yet.”

“Are you going to save the world?”

“Not likely.”

*I didn’t.*

“You’ll do well I suspect.”

“I hope so.”

Our dinner went just like that. Slightly weird and clumsy because she was simply a bit awkward. However, it took me a solid two hours to pick up on that because her hotness kind of hid it.

*I should also probably note two different sets of men tried to buy her drinks in the two hour period we were sitting there.*

Finally at the end of dinner she looks at me and straight asks, “Are we going to part ways or do you want to go back to my place and get naked?”

Apparently I learned nothing from Tarantino because I said yes.

Her “apartment” was a fucking penthouse with a balcony that overlooked the ocean complete with a damn hot tub.

“You live here?” I asked upon entering.

“Nah, my friend owns it so I just stay here when I’m in town.”

“I need better friends.”

“I’d offer but we’re not going to just be friends.”

Literally until that moment, I still did not think we were going to fuck. I realize this is crazy, but I thought the getting naked part might be a joke.

It was not.

She just takes her clothes off, pours us wine naked, and gets in her hot tub.

I realize this is going to sound hard to believe, but I am a bit intimidated. My confidence has apparently found it’s breaking point upon glancing the D cups in front of me.

She smiles. “You don’t have to get naked, but I’ll be disappointed.”

I finally take my clothes off slowly and join her. She smiles and hands me a glass of wines

So… I am in a foreign country, in a penthouse over looking the beach, in a hot tub with a naked underwear model. I realize I’ve had some crazy ass stories, but this does not just happen to me. I’m still not totally convinced I’m not about to get murdered.

“Have you never been with a woman, darling?” She asks when I get weird.

“No, no, I have. I’m just slightly intimidated by… you.”

“You don’t like the way you look?”

“I thought I did until I saw you naked.”

She laughs at that and winks at me.

“Do you only sleep with women?” I ask.

“Yes, but I date men in public. This isn’t a great country for people to know that specific truth.”

“That makes me sad.”

“Don’t be. I have sex when I want.”

“Yeah, I was impressed by how you just got naked.”

She shrugs. “I rarely get turned down.”

*No shit.*

“How did you know I like women?”

She just smirked. “You’re not as subtle as you think, little one.” She moved around slightly so we were closer. “Am I allowed to kiss you then or are you still afraid?”

I finally nodded and she reached her palm to my cheek as I closed her eyes. When she kissed me her breasts pressed against mine. When she moaned into my mouth I lost it and reached to put a hand in her hair and gently pulled her head back so I could kiss down her neck.

“You *have* been with women,” she laughed as I put a hand to her breast and started playing with her, pinching her nipple slightly as she cried out.

She crawled into my lap to straddle me then and stuck her tongue deep into my mouth and starting moving it in circles, flicking my own tongue slightly with hers in a way that made my body tremble.

We both had a hand on each others’ breasts at this point and she’s squeezing me so tightly I cry out, but beg her not to stop.

“I’m too hot,” she announces as she gets up and takes my hand. I follow her out and she wraps a towel around me and starts gently drying me off. She gets on her knees as she wipes the rest of the water from my stomach and legs and then very slowly kisses my stomach.

*Mother fucker, she’s going to kill me.*

“What do you like?” She asks.


“I want my fingers inside of you.”

“I accept.”

“Lie down,” she says.

“Can we do it like this?” I ask as I grab the railing of her balcony and look over the beach.

She smiled. “Yes.”

“People can’t see?”

“It’s too high up.”

I bend over so I’m overlooking the beach and she gets on her knees behind me. She kissed my ass twice before putting a hand on my knee and and then moved her fingers very slowly up my leg.

“Fuck,” I cry. When she finally gets to my entrance and circles me very, very gently.

“You like this?”

“This might be the best moment of my life.”

She laughs and then I feel her fingers slip inside of me. She kisses my ass again as I moan. I cry for her to keep going, but she moves very, very slowly in and out of me as I whimper.

Also, the beach was really beautiful. This moment was surreal.

“It feels good?”

“Yes,” I cry. She slips another finger in and I buckle and bend over more.

“Tell me,” she whispers.

“I’m so fucking tight and your fingers feel like heaven.”

She really pounds her fingers into me now as I start building and let out a whimper. “I’m going to come.”

She kisses my ass again and tells me she wants me to come around her fingers. I finally cry out and hit the railing with my hand as I climax. She fingers me through it and then wraps an arm around me and pulls me down on to the tile. Her legs wrap around me and we spoon as I catch my breath.

“You’re good at fingering,” I breath.

“I fuck a lot.”

I look back and smile. “So, I do too…”

I climb on top of her and we rub against each other for a while. Until I start kissing down her body. When I get between her legs I watch her for a while because she’s squirming a little which means her breasts are bouncing.

*Like how many people have jerked off to her billboard and I was watching her tits move beneath me.*

“I’m going to put my mouth on you now,” I whisper.

“Thank god.”

I don’t want to brag, but I’m good with my tongue. I lick her very, very slow from her entrance to her clit. I start sucking gently and then circle my tongue around her before I really dive deep and go to town. She grabs my hand and puts it on her breast as her leg wraps around my head and pushes me down deeper.

She doesn’t even say anything, she just moans as I keep going until she squeals that’s she’s close. I don’t move from that spot and keep licking her until I feel her shudder with pleasure as she pulls my hair.

We cuddle for a while and she’s disappointed when I can’t stay the night. I was still slightly afraid of getting Hostel’d.

We actually hung out a few times over the next few months but we only hooked up one other time. I met a guy the next day who I saw for most of the summer. We once passed her billboard and I was like, “I fucked that girl.” I’m not sure she believed me.

She’s actually still on my social media and I just showed her photo to my husband and I’m not sure he believes me either.

Whatever, I once got finger banged in a penthouse by an underwear model.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u2fbzg/when_i_fucked_a_model_ff


  1. I have a similar story about hooking up with a model that ends with my alarm going off so I can go to work.

  2. >I didn’t.

    Yes, you did. Or at least that part of the world that us GWS readers inhabit.

  3. So many of your stories make me want to see photos that I’ll never get to see. It’s actually sort of maddening; I’m prepared to not be jealous of only witnessing the actual sex secondhand, but the urge to see the visuals as well is an unfortunate bonus.

  4. I love that you referred to it as your “slay period” hahaha.

    Also, what the hell? god has her favorites and I’m not one of them.

  5. I’ve fucked a few (male) models but god damn…. this sounds weirdly picturesque. Like you said, women are marvellous.

  6. Well…. I’ll be thinking of this as I go to sleep tonight lol. Just for the chance I might experience this in my dreams

  7. I was watching Zoolander (clips) a few days ago, then you post the model story. Shirley you understand that I *have* to do this now….*cracks fingers*

    > Yall get hung up when I say stuff like this. I like the way I look and I’m not lacking in confidence. I’m just self-aware of the fact that I was not always the more attractive one in the relationship.

    “There’s a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. *Blue Steel face*”

    > I move my chair over and smile awkwardly as she orders me a drink I don’t recognize.

    Is it an “Orange Mocha Frappuccino?”

    > I’m going to be totally honest, she’s so hot it doesn’t even occur to me that she’s hitting on.

    “Hansel… so hot right now… Hansel.”

    > “Because I like seeing my ass on a billboard.”

    “Be professionally good looking”

    > I’m still not totally convinced I’m not about to get murdered

    Should’ve prepared a eugoogooly

    > When she kissed me her breasts pressed against mine.

    Bit of an interlude. You’ve said it before that this is one of the best feelings in the world and you’re sorry for us dudes that will never know what it feels like. As a dude I wholeheartedly agree lol

    > “You’re good at fingering,” I breath.

    “I’m a hand model, mama. A finger jockey. We think differently than the face and body boys (girls)… we’re a different breed.”

    > Like how many people have jerked off to her billboard and I was watching her tits move beneath me.

    There it is *Magnum*

    > We actually hung out a few times over the next few months but we only hooked up one other time.

    *2oolander confirmed*

    I think that’s enough of that, though I do have one last question…..

    But why male models? *zing*


    Yet another one for the books, cheers Ms. V !!!

  8. Normally I am very respectful with my comments but for this one I’m gonna let my down a bit.

    Your stories have completely changed the way i think about sex. When I read your stories I go back and think about many of my own experiences. It’s the little details of your stories that allow me to visualise these stories in my mind. Before this sub and your stories, I never thought about sex in that way.

    Your writing grips me. I can visualise this story happening. The way you met, blowing the guy off (not literally!), going for dinner, being intimated by her naked in a pent house that you’re also intimated by, the hot tub scene that leads to the balcony scene. This is not just a short story for Reddit, it’s a Vixen short film.

    So I guess this is a thank you for opening my mind.

  9. Oh my god what a dream. So jelly. I would probably be frozen in flight or fight if that happened to me. That would be so intimidating to me

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