[FM] how I became a naughty masseuse (pt.1)

Thanks for the positive responses and messages to my first post.

That all motivates me to tell the story of how I got into… extras… in the first place. I realize as I’m writing this that it is a super long read and barely sexy at the end. You’ve been warned!

Big Tipper, or BT, is the man who started me off on the path. I had other clients that had propositioned me earlier on, there was no defining feature that brought them all together other than the fact they’d ask for it and I’d turn them down.

BT himself was loud, friendly, and lived a storied life that he loved to share. I don’t know what business he was in, but he owned a company and it was common for him to give out nice tips. Whenever he would pass by our spa, he would always tip all the staff on hand (it was usually two or three in the waiting area) and tip the people that gave him service on top of that. He had a back issue, so he would come by pretty often, and he joked about how his medical insurance was covering it, so that is why he could afford to be so generous with us.

For a few weeks he had massages with different masseuses, making his way through our list of available people. When he finally got to me, I wanted to be as attentive as possible to see if I could land more appointments with him, as he had already seen a few other masseuses a couple of times prior to seeing me.

I walked with him to the room and let him in, and while he was talking he immediately started getting undressed before I even had a chance to turn around or walk away. He acted like it was completely natural, talking and laughing as if nothing was happening. To my credit, I took a stride from his attitude and acted like it was totally normal, nodding along and commenting at the right spots. My mind went kind of blank in that moment though, and I have no idea what he was even saying.

As the massage went along he kept talking, asking me questions about my thoughts on politics, religion, life in general. He didn’t pry into my personal life, but if I said anything about it he would listen. The hour went by pretty fast, and I have to say that I didn’t feel creeped out or anything by him. At the end of the massage he got up off the table (still naked) and walked over to his pants, then gave me a cool $100 tip while saying thank you. He then started getting dressed, again as if nothing was off color or odd about it.

He skipped me for a couple of weeks, and then came back, and the MO was the same. Stories, laughs, getting naked while I was there and watching. As I knew what to expect, I let myself move around the space without it disrupting my activities of preparing the bed or oils. The massage went the same, still conversing normally, and then at the end when he got up to get his pants and hand me my tip, he asked if he had bothered me in any way.

Mind you, he was standing stark naked at this moment and had just given me another hundred bucks. I said no, still chipper and polite, and he said that was nice and then picked up whatever we were talking about before the massage had ended while getting dressed.

The next couple of weeks were the same, except it was now down to me and one other masseuse that had become his “regular” masseuses. The conversations were getting more explicit, he seemed to mention every time about how he caught his first wife cheating on him with her legs in the air in their marital bed. Anytime he’d push those boundaries he’d always ask if he had offended me, and I’d always respond that I didn’t mind.

It must have been a month or two down the line when my feet were really hurting due to a new pair of shoes, and he suggested that I take off my shoes and socks so I could rest my feet on the cool tiles. I thought nothing of it, but he mentioned how cute my toes were when I was massaging him and he was facing downwards. I laughed about it and he didn’t say anything else until the end of the massage when he gave me a bigger tip than usual and said I should get a different pair of shoes.

Next time I saw him, instead of saying something about seeing my feet, he asked if they were feeling better. It felt nice that he wasn’t being creepy about it, so I told him the truth that I was feeling better and the shoes had actually broken in after a bit more and my feet were feeling better. I joked about giving him the money back, and he said something about how it was worth the extra to have seen my feet. This then motivated me to joke about getting a bigger tip if I showed more skin.

He let out a big laugh before saying that he’d be happy to pay for as much as I’d be willing to show. He complimented me a lot and said it would be a treat just to see me in my underwear.

At that point it fell on me that I’d decide how things would go. He was already naked and had his pants in his hand. It felt like an eternity that we both waited there for me to speak, but it was probably only a few seconds, because I blurted out that I didn’t wear bras (a whole different story).

He said that’d be an even bigger treat, and that he’d be happy to pay to see it. I said it would be the first time I had ever done something like that, and I had no idea what to even charge. He took a few hundreds out of his wallet and left it on the table where I put all my stuff before laying face down on the table, saying that he hoped what he put down was enough.

My heart was in my throat and I could hear my blood pounding in my ears, but my body moved as if it wasn’t in my control. I took off my shoes and socks first, then I remembered the door wasn’t locked so I ran to the door and locked it, then I took off my pants and finally my shirt. When the massage started he began talking again like normal, and then when I was near his head and he could see my legs through the hole in the table he thanked me for trusting him enough to show myself to him.

When he flipped over he did give me a look and started getting hard, but he never suggested I touch him. Instead he complimented me a bit more on my confidence, said I was lovely, and then went back to his stories. At the end of the massage he got up and started getting dressed, still while talking and looking at me. He joked this time that he hoped I would use the extra money to buy some cute panties, and I laughed about how the ones I had worn were like some of the not pretty ones I owned and I had debated about taking them off because of how embarrassing they looked.

The next time… well…

He started to get undressed like normal, but then he leaned against the massage table, fully naked in front of me, and asked about my comfort level. He asked if I liked where things were going, if I’d be interested in having them go further. He said that if I was interested, he’d drop the other masseuse and it would be just me, because he had asked her the same thing and she had said “no”, to which he had paid her a handsome amount to keep it private.

I’m usually not brave or confident, but in that moment I pulled a full 180 and started undressing while he watched. I hesitated at my panties, since I HAD worn a cuter pair, but I dropped them as well because I felt like I needed to in order to make my point. Standing in front of him fully naked I nodded and just said “okay”.

During the massage he was nice, but I could tell he was holding himself back. He complimented me plenty on how I had been, and that I was a sweet person. He said he liked listening to what I had to say. As he spoke though, he started to try various things. When he flipped onto his back his cock sprang up and he touched my leg with the hand that was closest to me. He would always pause what he was saying and ask “is this okay?” when trying something new.

I felt like touching a bit wasn’t too scary, so he went from my leg to my side and then down to my butt. He did the same with my breasts as I continued to massage him, and I remember distinctly that he stopped pinching my nipple because he saw I was wincing when he’d do it. To his credit, he apologized and never did it again. As the hour ran down, I looked and saw how painfully hard his cock was. It had a tiny spot of precum at the tip that was growing into a big bubble.

There wasn’t any thought or confirmation, I just reached out and grabbed him, squeezing the length of his shaft and rubbing the precum around with my thumb. I’m always surprised by how soft the skin is at the tip, and I like how velvety it is in my hand.

He shuddered at that first touch, groaning loudly, and I jerked him pretty firmly while he squeezed my ass. I cupped his balls with my other hand and he spread his legs, letting me rub the skin underneath. I went fast, neither of us saying a word, and suddenly he started spasming and bucking upwards, ropes of cum spraying out across his stomach and all over my hand. I tried to slow down and not jerk as hard, but he put his hand over mine and stopped me, saying it was too intense.

I grabbed some hot towels to help him clean up, and then we both rushed to get dressed before the time was up. He laughed and talked as if nothing had happened, but when he handed me my tip it was much more generous than usual and he told me he was looking forward to seeing me the following week.

The rest is gonna have to come in part two!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/u2vt5c/fm_how_i_became_a_naughty_masseuse_pt1


  1. Updateme!

    This is hot. Many times I’ve wanted to broach the subject with a masseuse but never had the courage

  2. I wish I had this guy’s bravado. My masseuse is friggin hot, and I’d be happy just seeing her naked and never touching her.

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