The Virgin Priest Pt. 16- The End [MM]

Even through the chains, she should have felt the essence of her Priest. However, it was gone. Rage coursed through her. Lily had never known emotion quite like this, and she wasn’t sure how to process it. The last time she had felt this empty was when Asmodeus kidnapped Luke into this realm. There was no way that her father would have allowed her uncle to travel that far with the Priest, was there?

There was no way for her to find out. Her father had left her in the floor of this cell for what felt like days. She was sure it had probably only been a few hours. Surely Samael wouldn’t keep his heir locked in captivity. She meant no harm to Luke. The chains Samael placed her in weren’t like the ones that had detained her uncle. For one, they were more like cuffs. There were no actual chains. Just a cuff over each wrist to ensure that she didn’t have access to her magic. Maybe that was a ploy to keep her from tracking Luke?

Lily cried out in frustration. Even the Guard was ignoring her pleas to be released from her dank prison. Her father had made sure that she knew her place. But even then, shouldn’t his heir be treated with more civility? Surely she had more power than this, more sway.

“I want my father, you imbeciles,” she shouted towards the door.

Lily paced back and forth. Not even her mother had tried to come visit her in here. Not that she blamed her at all. This place wasn’t suited even for her uncle. Samael had made sure to clear the room of any type of entertainment. There wasn’t even anything for her to throw around in the cell. She had no way to manifest her anger other than to scream. Lily turned to face the cell door when she heard the knob rattle. It seemed like an eternity before the imposing form of her father walked through the doorway.

“We will be fine, station yourselves outside the door,” he commanded. Lily turned to face him.

“What did you hope to achieve by doing this?” Lily demanded.

“I do not need to explain myself to you, daughter,” Samael said calmly. He didn’t move from the entry of the room.

“You gave him to Asmodeus, didn’t you? I can’t feel him anymore,” Lily asked quietly.

Samael nodded, “I gave him to Asmodeus, yes. But he wasn’t mine to give. He belongs to Asmodeus. I have no claim on the boy.”

The rage boiled up in Lily once again, “I have a claim to him, father. He is mine; he was not yours to give away.”

“That is where you’re wrong, Shynra. By demon custom, Luke and Asmodeus are married. They have claim to each other. You don’t have any hold on him other than your dual claim to the throne. My throne, I might add. You do not yet rule this realm.”

“Where did they go?”

Samael shrugged, “Wherever they please, I suppose. I did not ask.”

“Is that because you know I would hunt him to the end of the realms, father? I will find him. I will execute Asmodeus for treason for this.”

Samael sighed and let his power rise in the room, “You will do no such thing, daughter, because you hold no power here. You are an heir, not a ruler. You would do well to know the distinction. Asmodeus is also an heir, but he governs over his own territory along with your Priest. They both hold more power than you. You do not have the authority to execute a governing Prince for treason. He has not committed treason. You will stay locked, powerless, in this cell until you know your place.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” Lily said, her gaze narrowed.

“I don’t have to dare, daughter. I just did it. The difference between real power, such as mine, and fake power, which is what you think you possess, is that my power is respected. Yours is tolerated with little regard. I have loyalty, you do not. I suppose it’s my fault for not raising you properly, though. We will fix that now.”

“Get out,” Lily spat, “Leave me be. I will find my Priest and we will take your throne. I will have the power you say I lack.”

Samael laughed, “Good luck with that, daughter. The realm is on your Priest’s side. He has softened my brother. Sit and think about your actions, and I will let you go.”

Lily growled low in her throat as Samael left the cell. She meant what she said. She would take what was hers in every sense of the word. Her Priest, her throne, her power. She would chase it until she was no longer able.


Luke looked around his new scenery in awe. They were at a seaside estate, but it was very much in his own realm. The smell of salt water assaulted his nose, but the breeze was delightful. His Prince was collapsed across his lap, seemingly tired from their travel. Luke dragged his fingers through the demon’s hair and down the side of his face. He was sleeping soundly.

This was a moment that Luke could get used to. He felt nothing but peace here, even with Asme asleep. The demon would never allow anything to happen to him.

“Will it stay this way, Asme?” he asked quietly. The demon grunted in response. Luke smiled softly. He could get used to this.


Author’s note: Thank you everyone for going on this journey with me! I know there have been twists and turns, and I fully plan on expanding this story! No worries, I know I’ve left Shynra’s story open, but she will have her closure in due time. She’s still fierce, and she deserves happiness of her own.
