The Hunt – Chapter 3

So, this chapter is a little less sexual and more about building the story, I hope you all enjoy all the same. As usual, all feedback is welcome!

TW: Primal, Werewolf, Hunt.

As you walk along, the gravel cracks and moves under your feet, and you think back over the last 24 hours. You cannot get the thought of it from your mind. You cannot believe that you allowed yourself to be used that way by anyone. You think over what happened and think about how it could have happened. You think about how tired you were afterward, when you passed out and even when you woke up alone in those woods.

You remember the feeling of the gravel path under your feet as you ran and the fear it filled you with. You remember the sound of the woods as it fell silent and the anxiety it brought forth in you. You remember the feeling of the branches whipping your body as you ran and the pain it gave you. You remember the scent of the dirt as you hid and the disgust you felt in your soul. You remember the feeling of sweat pouring over you and the dread it filled you with. You remember the sight of the darkness before you and the way that it overtook your mind.

Then, you think about how you feel right now, like you have fire coursing through your veins. You feel the need for release in every inch of your body. You think about how you would give up every ounce of the energy you felt now to feel even a fraction of what you felt with him.

You remember the feeling of the leaves on your back and the soft bed it gave you. You remember the sound of his growl in your ear and the urges it unleashed in you. You remember the feeling of his firm chest supporting you while his arms held you and the affection it showed you. You remember the scent of his musk invading your nostrils and the intoxication it brought to you. You remember the feeling of his teeth sinking into you and the release it gave you. You remember the sight of his silvery blue eyes and the way that they stared straight into your soul.

But mostly you remember the feeling of his throbbing cock pounding into you, his thick knot spreading you, his hot cum filling every inch of you. You remember all of this and you long for every single second of it all over again.

As you walk the path deeper into the woods, your eyes dart back and forth along the darkness beyond the trees and bushes. You long to find him. Your hunter. You need to discover if what you have read is right. Every account you have read on that site tells you that he is a werewolf, but you cannot believe it. You need to find him to know for yourself, to find out how he could do all of that. You have to know if you could ever get past this.

You hear the woods fall silent and your heart starts to thump out of your chest, you hope with everything that you have that this is it. That this is him. You start to listen for sounds of the trees moving around him. You search the shadows for any sign of someone there, for any sign of him coming for you again. You find nothing. You are about to give up all hope when you hear it.

The hair on the back of your neck stands on end as the silence of the woods is pierced by a prolonged howl into the night. As you hear it you stop in your tracks. It cannot be. That cannot be what you think you just heard. What you just heard was not be human. It couldn’t be him. It had to be just a wolf loose in the woods. It was a coincidence, that’s all.

There was one problem. Even with the way you felt, something about that animalistic howl pulls you in. Something about it seems familiar. Something about it gives you the same ache inside that you feel every time you think of him.

You step off the path, every inch of you shivering. You tell yourself that it is the cold night air giving you chills. That it is the fear at being alone in the woods at night. Whatever you tell yourself, you know the truth. You are quivering in anticipation of finding him, your hunter. The prospect of running to him, being with him, letting him take you. Mostly however, you are trembling apprehensively about seeing if what you have read is right. He couldn’t really have been a werewolf, could he?

You cannot bear the suspense and you step further and further into the night, the moonlight becoming farther and farther away the deeper into the trees you walk. As you get more and more remote into the darkness, your shivering overtakes you. Just as you start to wonder if you are ever going to find him, you hear the unmistakable rustle of branches. In the darkness, your eyes scour the trees in the hopes of seeing him emerge.

Your palms feel clammy and you feel your stomach flip over as your nerves take over. Hoping that the moonlight will bring you more comfort, you make your way back to the path, but you feel just as nervous as the sounds of the branches and bushes rustling get louder and louder. You feel like the sound is so close, he must be right behind you. All sense of bravery gone, you are unsure how to feel any more. Your excitement from earlier this evening has gone as you start to think about the predicament you find yourself in. You aren’t sure if you even believe the stories you have read, but even if they are, there is a huge difference between what you have read on the internet and being here, in this moment

You walk farther down the path in the hope that you could feel some form of comfort from the walk. At your footsteps, you hear the rippling of the bushes moving all around you as a low growl permeates the darkness.

You break into a run, and as you glance back, you see a tall, shadowy beast bound out into the moonlight, it chills you to your very core. You cannot believe that this is the same person you had met last night. It seemed to stand almost as tall as the trees themselves, and was all in black, as if it exuded the darkness that shrouded it. You suddenly feel an intense desire to go to it, to him. Fighting against the desire you felt, you knew in your mind that you couldn’t believe that this beast was the man that had made you act the way that you had last night. You had to get away.

As you get out onto the road, you flee. You focused on the streets in front of you and you ran until your legs couldn’t carry you any more. As you got back to your house, you didn’t even make it inside before you collapsed on the doorstep, seated with your back against the door, panting for breath as you cannot escape the fear that consumed you.

You let yourself inside and collapse on the hallway floor, your mind and body drained as you try to figure out what is going on. You cannot believe what you have read, but you cannot doubt what you have heard and seen yourself. You need to know what is happening to you. You begin to wonder if there is anyone who can help you to understand.

After what feels like an eternity, you rise to your feet, walking to your room, you feel yourself slipping into your bed seeking out a safe embrace. Determined to find the answers you seek, you open your computer and realise the daze you had gotten yourself into before you went out. Pages and pages of stories from that site littered your browser windows. You started closing them, then found one page that you had forgotten.

The wolf sanctuary.

A far cry from the stories you had found yourself reading online, you looked over the description with intent. Finding yourself drawn in by the peace of mind it offered, you booked to visit the next day, even taking the opportunity to stay at their lodge. At the very least, you could find out more about these animals to help with the fear you felt when you met that beast in the woods tonight, and at most, they may even be able to help you to understand your urges.

You lay back in your bed, thinking over the urges you cannot stop, the needs you long to have fulfilled. You cannot stop your mind racing at the thought of what you have been through, what nearly happened to you tonight. You need to know what is making you feel this way. You need to know if what you have read is true. You need to settle your mind, or you will not stop seeking this thrill.

You have to find peace.
