The Cruise, Part 2 [FF]

Emily took the elevator back up to the main deck, and found a railing and took a few hits off the juul she kept in her purse. Grates wasn’t what she had been expecting, but Emily figured she could keep the woman happy if it meant getting lots of clients and making back on the trip. She shrugged and headed back to her cabin, setting an alarm on her phone and laying down on the bed as soon as she got into it, not even bothering to strip.


Emily woke to her phone’s alarm shortly after three, and groggily pulled herself off the bed. She quickly stripped, tossing her dress and panties into a pile beside the door and took herself to the shower. She gave herself a quick scrub, then dried off and returned to the main room. She sat on the bed for a few minutes, checking her video sales and requests for custom videos on the three websites she used for custom content. She flagged a few requests as things she might be able to do while on the cruise, then dressed again in a fresh sundress and pair of panties, then did her makeup again.

Emily left her cabin at 3:45, and when she saw she was going to arrive at the orientation ten minutes early, she stopped to take another hit off her juul. As she did she checked the phone Grates had given her. She saw that an appointment had been added to her calendar for 5:30, and it gave a name and cabin number, with the note that she would knock on the door.

When Emily arrived at the muster point for her orientation group at 3:55, there were already a dozen women there milling around. Most were in their late thirties two early fifties, with one obvious couple who both looked over eighty and a few younger women. There was a staff member there who Emily checked in with and the staff crossed her name off the list she held on a clipboard, and handed out coloured bracelets to each woman as she was checked in. Emily was the youngest person in the group by at least five years, maybe ten.

“Alright,” the absurdly perky staff member said as the last two stragglers arrived and got crossed off the list. Emily had to work to stop staring at the woman’s breasts straining against the staff blouse. “All of you are here, so let’s get started!”

All of the twenty women in the group were first timer’s on the cruise line, and the first half of the hour-long orientation was going over safety procedures. Where the lifeboats were, what to do in case a fire alarm went off, where the medical clinic was and things like that. The next half hour was a quick tour of some of the amenities the cruise ship offered. There were multiple restaurants, multiple gyms, two saloons, a shopping arcade, multiple bars and two different dance clubs, with different decor and musical stylings. Almost all of the food and drink was included with the ticket price, and the wristband Emily had just put on would get her served at any of them, though she would have to sign a room chit to give a tip. The two fanciest restaurants on board, one Japanese and one French, were not included however, a point that the tour guide emphasized a few times.

The tour ended just after five as the ship began to pull away from the docks. Emily gave herself five minutes to stand at the rail and watch the cruise ship begin to slowly pull away from the dock. She was surprised by how little movement she felt. They were going to be at sea that night, continuing to move until they docked the next afternoon, but Emily wasn’t sure she would notice. Then Emily’s phone timer went off and she shook herself, rushing back to her cabin.

In her cabin Emily quickly tossed a few toys, lube and condoms into her purse. The booking in her calander hadn’t given any details and she wanted to be prepared. Then she consulted the shipboard map in her orientation package and made sure she knew where she was going. At 5:27 she found herself standing outside the cabin door that was listed in her calendar.

Emily took a deep breath and knocked. The door opened almost before Emily’s hand left it. Inside the doorway was a slightly overweight woman in her fifties. She had short grey hair in a faux hawk and was wearing shorts and a tank top with no bra. She let Emily into a cabin that was half again as big as Emily’s and had a porthole window looking out onto the ocean.

“So you’re the new girl,” the woman said as Emily entered the cabin, giving Emily an appreciative up and down look.

“Yes I am!” Emily said with her best perky smile. She stuck out her hand. “I’m Emily!”

The woman smiled and shook Emily’s hand. “I’m Mary. Nice to meet you.” Then Emily sat down on her double bed. “Why don’t you start by giving me a little dance and strip?” She asked as she leaned back into the pillows.

Emily turned around and put her purse down on the woman’s desk beside a pile of twenty dollar bills, then pulled out her phone and started up a playlist of her favourite striptease music. Emily kept her back to Mary as she started swaying along to the music as she kicked off her sandals. Then she began pulling up the hem of her sundress to show off a peek at her panties, before letting it fall again. Then she bent over at the waist, touching her toes and bouncing her ass, letting the sundress ride up and giving Mary a good view. As Emily stood back up she peeled her sundress over her head and tossed it to the side, leaving her wearing only her panties.

As Emily turned with one arm colt covering her breasts, she saw that Mary had stripped off her shorts and lay on the bed with her legs spread exposing a surprisingly small pussy on such a big woman covered with light grey-brown hair. Emily was about to start over to her when Mary asked, “Grab me a beer would you?”

Emily turned back to the minibar beside the desk and opened it, squatting down in front of it to show off her legs as she pulled out a beer. The more expensive cabin came with a better stocked minibar than Emily’s cabin, or perhaps Mary had stocked it specifically, and Emily pulled out a can of some microbrew she didn’t recognize. Emily stood and slinked over to the bed, opening the beer can as she did. As Emily bent down to hand Mary the beer she allowed her arm to fall from covering her breasts, giving the woman an intimate view of her small breasts capped with tight hard nipples.

“Start with my feet,” Mary said, lifting one of her feet off the bed, then taking a sip of her beer. Emily knelt down on the carpet of the cabin beside the bed and began stroking the older woman’s calf with one hand as she brought her face to the proffered foot. Mary hadn’t had a pedicure recently, maybe ever and the nails were unpainted, toes and heel calloused but it was clean. Emily started by licking up and down the outside of Mary’s foot, then taking it in one hand to turn it. She ran her tongue over the sole of Mary’s foot, then began to lick in between her toes, occasionally sucking on one toe or another as she did. Mary groaned and leaned back into the pillow that was propping her up on the bed, eyes half closed as she sipped her beer.

Emily spent almost ten minutes servicing first the one foot then the other before Mary slid down the bed and hung her legs off the side. She pushed her pussy towards Emily’s face and Emily took the hint. Emily began licking the wet slit, letting Mary’s moans guide her to the right places. As Emily licked she pushed two fingers into the woman’s pussy. “More, faster,” Mary grunted, so Emily added another finger and began fucking her faster with her hand as she continued to lick and suck at the woman’s clit.

Mary took a while to cum, and Emily’s jaw and wrist were starting to get some when the woman finally started bucking against Emily’s face and moaning. When Mary pushed her head away, Emily sat back on the carpet.

“Thanks, I really needed that,” Mary said. “I’m going to have a shower, but maybe I’ll see you again,” she said with a wink.

Emily took that as a cue to quickly get dressed, discreetly grabbing the pile of twenties from the desk and putting them in her purse as she did. In the hallway outside of Mary’s cabin Emily checked to see that no-one was around and quickly counted the twenties, finding $240. Emily smiled and tucked the money back into her purse then checked her work phone. She had another appointment booked at 7:30. There was another room number, along with a note to bring her strapon. It was 6:10, so Emily thought she should have time to grab a quick snack before the appointment. She checked the map and found the closest restaurant to where she was.
