Zane’s secret life and Amber’s secret (part 6) [trans] [creampie]

Chapter six. A night out. Dinner and a creampie.

Zane sitting on Amber’s bed in a towel, looking through the duffel bag his mother bought. “There’s nothing here that doesn’t have blood stains on it. How long have walked around looking like a butcher? I feel like I have been in a fog. I’ve been only concentrating on one goal for so long, will I be able to do this? Be a part of a relationship and continue what I have planned? Will she still stick with me when I tell her, what that plan is.” Zane getting lost in his thoughts.

“Zane? Zane. Hello Zane,” Amber says trying to get his attention. “Oh sorry. Just thinking about shit, ya know. So none of these clothes are gonna work, I mean just look” Zane holds up a bloody shirt that was a nice shirt at some point. “I don’t think I have any clothes that don’t look like this.” Amber says, “We have a few hours before we are supposed to meet my friends, we can swing by your house?”. “Na, since we have time how about we go hit the mall?”- Zane. “We have the time but I’m…”- Amber, Zane cuts her off, I have us covered babe, don’t worry. I also don’t think that I have any clothes not blood stained.” “Ohhh yeah, Zane can we talk about that?”- Amber. “Of course but how about we just have fun tonight. I won’t be able to fight for at least a week anyways, well unless Gloria’s favor has something to do with the ring. Of which I’m hoping it does cause at least I’ll know what to expect.”- Zane “Ok Zane let me figure out what I’m gonna wear then we can go to a couple of places that I like.” Amber says opening her closet. “Let’s go now I want to get you something to, ok?”- Zane. “Well we ju…” Amber gets stopped by Zane kissing the back of her neck. “Babe I know, I know we literally just started dating, like what a week ago and you’re worried about going to fast, right?- Zane. “Yeah of course aren’t you?”- Amber. “No, I have zero doubt in us.” Zane said with a serious expression. “We are supposed to have doubts, aren’t we?” Amber thinks. “Well let’s go and get something that we both like for each other”-Amber. “That’s what I was thinking.” Zane said while pulling Amber’s towel of dropping it to the floor. Amber turns around facing Zane looking up at him. Zane pulls her in tight and they start kissing, Amber feels Zane’s member starting to get hard again. “Come on Zane we don’t have the time if we are going to a mall.” Amber said trying to stop her girl-cock from getting hard to. “Your right, but it’s hard not to, you are just so damn sexy.” Zane says while looking at Amber. He looks over her shoulder and Zane spots a sweater in Amber’s closet she wore that to class. “How was I even able to walk around school looking like that?” Zane said pointing at the clean but blood strained clothes on the bed, while chuckling. “Seriously though, that’s the crazy part nobody said a damn thing, I couldn’t figure out why everyone never said anything about it. I thought I was going crazy. I tried to talk Ms James about it because you know that teachers have to report abuse, but she just said “we have been told to leave Zane alone” and that was it.” Amber said with a laugh.

Amber and Zane are walking through a little boutique clothing store at the mall, with the clothes that they picked out for each other. “Zane this place is really expensive are you sure.”- Amber. “Amber do you trust me?”- Zane. “Yes of course I do.”- Amber. “Then let me do my thing, I want to buy you some sexy ass clothes and I need some that aren’t you know”- Zane. “Bloody?” Amber says with a laugh. “Ok, will that be card?”- the cashier. “Cash”- Zane.

The two of them walking to Amber’s car. “Zane is all the money you have from the fights? Amber asks. “Most of it yes, but don’t worry I don’t plan on do that for the rest of our lives.”- Zane. “Ok glossing over the “our lives” part of that, why do you always sound like you have some grand plan?”- Amber. “Because I do, babe.”- Zane.

“He does seem to be a step ahead of most people. Well I guess not of me or he wouldn’t have ripped the drawing, unless he did it when he was younger? I guess if it was, then I can’t pin down why. It could have been for a number of reasons.” Amber thinks.

While walking to Amber’s car, Amber’s phone rings. “Hey girl, what’s up… Where we eating? Rick’s stake? Ok who’s all going tonight… she bringing Jack? Seriously… Ok well I’m bringing my new boyfri… Yes, it’s the guy I told you about… Ok see you.”Amber puts her phone away and grabbed her keys.

“I’ll drive”- Zane. “Ok, but why?”- Amber. “It’s cold out and we are going to a restaurant that is most likely packed, so will the parking lot. I’ll drop you off at the door, you get are party on the books and I’ll get us a parking spot.”- Zane. “Oh ok.”- Amber. “What?”- Zane. “Well for a second there I thought you were gonna be like you didn’t want my friends seeing me drive you around.”- Zane. “Oh, I don’t give a shit about that.” Zane said while pulling Amber close, they kissed Amber’s legs go weak. “I don’t care how people see us, Amber. All I care about is you.” Zane said while opening the passenger door for her. “I love you Zane.” Amber said while feeling like her heart is going to burst for this man.

Zane’s driving around the parking lot of the restaurant finally finding a spot. “God damn, took long enough,” Zane said while getting out of Amber’s car. “I know right this place is packed,” Zane heard a girl’s voice talking to him in the dimly lit parking lot. “Ok. did not mean to say that out loud,” Zane said laughing off the embarrassmen of being caught talking to himself. Zane looks around trying to find the person talking to him. “Hello you going to Rick’s stake?” Zane sees a well built redhead, in a tiny red dress walking towards him. “Fuck me, this chick has at least D’s up top and I can almost see her panties that skirt is so short.” Zane thinks. “Yeah, you?”- Zane. “Well maybe I’ll see you in there, I’m Liz.” Liz says reaching out to shake Zane’s hand. “Ok, then I can introduce you to my girlfriend.” Zane said trying not to sound aggressively dismissive. “Oh so it’s like that, well that’s to bad.” Liz says while looking Zane up and down. “Sorry to disappoint but your not my type… I bet you’ve never heard that before,” Zane said with a laugh. “Oh fuck, boy you got me. I was about to go off.” Liz said laughing. “Fuck…He saw straight through me. He shot me down, He called me a whore,,,well Kinda, in a nice way !AND! I’ve never wanted to fuck a stranger so bad in my life. He did all that with no effort and he never told me his name, who is he?” Liz thinks then turned and walked towards the restaurant. “I’ll see you inside.” Liz says over her shoulder. Zane decided to let her get into the restaurant before he starts walking in. “What the fuck was that all about.” Zane says out loud forgetting himself.

Amber is sitting at the bar waiting for the pager, the hostess gave her to buzz. “Hey Liz, what’s up you sexy bitch,” Amber says waving and shouting over the crowd. “W. O. W. you lookin fine as fuck Amber, what’s that dress, hold up is that designer? “Liz says pulling up a bar stool next to Amber. “I thought you were broke? Did your new man buy you that?-Liz. “Well yes he did.”-Amber. “You lucky ass, so check this out, Amber, I just ran into a fuckin sexy ass dude outside,”-Liz. “Did you try to fuck him in the back seat of your car again?”-Amber. “Hey I only did that once and it was an ex-boyfriend,”-Liz. “Well what happened?”-Amber. Liz tells Amber the about the interaction with Zane in the parking lot. Liz finishes telling her story, looks at Amber who has the biggest shit eating grin. “What is so funny Amber?”-Liz. Amber points at Zane standing behind her. “OH Fuck.” Liz says face turning flush. “Liz I’d like to introduce you to Zane, Zane I believe that you’ve met Liz.” Amber says laughing. Zane walks around positioning himself behind Amber. “Nice to meet you Liz,” Zane says with a shit eating grin to match Amber’s.

Liz smiles “well no wonder you called me like a hundred times Saturday, Sunday and Monday.” “Oh shut up it wasn’t that many times,” Amber says blushing. “So who else is coming? Ya know, so I don’t accidentally tell off anyone else who I’m trying to make a good first impression with?” Zane asks but is also apologizing to Liz. “Stacy and her boyfriend Jack. Jack’s is a prick and a big like MMA guy, that’s all he talks about and He’s always picking fights with people, it’s annoying.”-Liz. “Yeah fighter’s are annoying,” Amber says jokingly and kisses Zane on the cheek. “Zane play nice ok,” Amber says in a serious tone. “Hmm no promises,” Zane says smiling. “Ok, I’m sure there’s a story about why that makes sense?” Lis said confused. “Well it seems that our table is ready,” Amber said holding the pager that’s buzzing.

Being shown to their table, Zane pulls out Amber’s then, liz’s chairs. “Thank you babe.”-Amber. “What a gentleman,”-Liz. “I’m going to go to the restroom, excuse me”-Zane. “Ok quickly before he comes back. tell me everything that happened, that changed you from a crying mess to the happy, bubbly girl who we all know and love?”-Liz. “What do you want to know?”-Amber. “Well apparently he doesn’t seem to have an issue with the trans part of you, right?-Liz. “No he doesn’t”-Amber. “You told him that your never going to get the surgery?”-Liz. “Yeah he’s fine with it please stop asking about it, Ok.” Amber said getting a little annoyed. “I’m sorry I just don’t want you to get hurt.”-Liz. “I know, I know but you know how much, I’m not a fan that topic.”-Amber.

“Hey Stacey, Jack over here!” Liz said getting out of her chair and waving at a the couple. Jack’s a six foot, blonde, gym addic with tribal tattoos and Stacy is a 5’10”, thin and most people think that she is a model. “Hey girls.” Jack said sitting down next to Liz. “God damn Liz you looking fine.” Jack said putting her arm around Liz’s back. “Ok big guy personal space.” Liz says moving Jack’s arm from her waist and moving a seat down closer to Amber. “Like you don’t crave the attention,” Jack said smiling looking down at her large chest. “Calm down Jack.” Stacy said looking annoyed. “You looking cute as hell Amber, How are you doing?” Stacy says trying to hide her irritation. “I’m amazing Stace, I’m happier then I have ever been.” Amber said smiling. “Where’s this new boyfriend of yours?” Jack asked. “He went to the restroom, a minute ago must be a long line,”-Amber. “Maybe for the lady’s room.” Jack smirked. “This guy just can’t be happy if there is another dude around taking the attention off him, can he?” Amber wispers to Liz. “No shit, I’m going to fuck with him when Zane gets back, you Ok with that?” Liz wispers to Amber. “Ok but don’t take it to far, Zane is an actual, no joke fighter.”-Amber.

“I just hope he doesn’t try to mess with Zane. Zane will eat him alive.” Amber thinks getting turned on by the thought.

Zane sitting down at the table in-between Amber and Liz. Zane puts his arm around Amber, then Liz scoots closer to Zane putting her arm on the back of Zane’s chair. “Ok guys this is Zane, Zane that’s Stacy and Jack.” -Amber. Zane reaches over to shake Jack’s hand. Jack reciprocated, by squeezing Zane’s hand hard. Zane’s not ever impressed with guys that pull this bullshit. When Zane pulls his hand away Liz leans forward making Zane rest his arm on the back of her chair. Zane looks at Amber, “it’s fine she’s just messing with Jack,” Amber wispers to Zane. “Ok I guess, but I can tell this guy is a powder keg.” Zane wispers back.

They eat their dinner with little issue. Zane does notice that Jack kept looking at him, making Zane’s warning bells go off, every time.

The five of them are now standing in the parking lot of the restaurant. “Hey its still early you guys want to go to a club and dance?”- Liz. “Well I’m taking P.T. from work, Zane you want to g…” Amber pauses remembering Zane’s only 18…” Well Zane’s not quite old eno.” Zane interrupts Amber, “I know where we should go.” “Where?”- Liz. “Have you ever been to The Black Out?” Zane asks the group. “So that’s where I remember you from!” Jack says suddenly. “I knew I’ve seen you somewhere before tonight!” “Yeah I do hang out there sometimes.”-Zane. “Hangout? Your the fighter, umm what was they call you… oh yeah “the Berserker” right?”-Jack. Zane just nodes “yup that’s what I’m called.” “Your lucky that they don’t let guys with real training like me in that ring.”-Jack. “You might be right about that, buddy” Zane says just trying to get off the topic. “How do you even get in that ring?” Jack asked. “Well first you need to have about 20k.” Zane answered. “Oh I got that easy.”- Jack. “Well then all gotta do is get on the club owners radar, well let’s go ok?” Zane said still trying to change the subject. “Ok sounds fun I’ll roll with you and Amber”-Liz. “We’ll meet you there.”-Amber.

Zane’s driving the three of them to The Black Out. Liz leans forward from the back seat. “Ummm Amber since it’s just us can I ask Zane some questions?- Liz. Amber sighs, “ok, I guess if it’s alright with you Zane?” “Yeah it’s fine, asks away bud.” Zane said a little irritated. “So, Zane… are you gay?”- Liz. “ELIZABETH come on.”-Amber. “It’s fine Amber, No I’m not.”-Zane. “Well then what are you?”-Liz. “I’m with the most gorgeous woman on the planet, that’s what I am and I’m way to fortunate. Does that answer your question?”-Zane. “That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say.”-Liz. “I’m not going to pretend that I understand what you mean, but I’m glad that you, approve. I guess.”-Zane “so what’s the Berserker stuff about?”-Liz. “Well I’m an underground cage fighter, that simple enough right?”-Zane. “Are you any good?”-Liz. “Is he any good,” Amber says laughing. “I watched him beat four other fighter’s his size and bigger Saturday night, not one even came close to knocking him out and the owner of the club said that he’s their biggest draw.” Amber said proudly kissing her man on the cheek. “Hey when we get there I can ask Gloria if we can use the vip room just us two for awhile.” Zane said as his dick jumped with that kiss. Amber nodes, “that’s sounds yummy.” Amber said that knowing full well it would get a rise out of Zane. “I heard that, are you guys trying to make me jealous. I haven’t gotten laid in forever.”-Liz. “Well I’d say that’s on you though.”-Zane. “Why.”-Liz. “Really? Come on you know how you look I bet you can walk in to the club and get any dude in there.”-Zane. “Yeah seriously Liz, what guy wouldn’t want to fuck a hot redhead with big tits?”-Amber. “Well apparently I’m not everyone’s type.” Liz says flicking the back of Zane’s ear.

They all arrived at the club at the same time, there’s a line all the way to the parking lot.

“Fuck that I’m not trying to wait all night to get into a club.” Jack said turning around to walk back to his car. “Na, I don’t wait in line here, let’s go.”-Zane. The group of them walked around the crowd up to the front door. Amber hadn’t been to this door before, but she saw the same two bouncers she did the last time. “Hey D, how’s the night treating ya?”-Zane. “Oh shit what’s up B?”-D. “I just came to hang tonight.”-Zane. “Alright brotha.” D, said as he held the door open for Zane’s little group. “D real quick is Glo around?”-Zane “You know it.”-D. “She busy?” “Not that I’m aware of.”-D. “Alright then I’ll go see her when I get them settled.”-Zane. “Go ahead and take them the the balcony where the girls hang, you know where it is don’t you pretty mama?” D says to Amber. “Excuse me?” Zane said raising an eyebrow. “Oh shit I ment nothing by it promise”-D. “Her name is Amber”-Zane. “Well what’s her name?” D says pointing at Liz. Zane smiled “why don’t you ask her?”

After Zane got everyone taken care of. He went and got the key to a vip lounge, for him and Amber.

Amber says to the group “have fun we will be back in a bit. “Hey can I come?” Asked Liz. “No.”-Zane. “She can come if she wants,” Amber said with a devilish grin. “Well, if Amber’s cool with then I guess.” Zane said blushing with embarrassment. “You two have fun, I got bottle service for us.”- Zane. “Hey Amber, I love your new man.” Stacy said. Jack’s grinding his teeth “fuck that guy”. “Whats your problem he just got us in the club with no wait AND got us bottle service?” Stacy said getting irritated again,”What are you jealous.” “Shut up” Jack growled.

They get to the VIP room there’s big sofas and even a bed. Zane locked the door. “Hey Umm your just gonna watch right?” Zane asks Liz. “Hell no i want in.” Liz says pulling her dress up and over her head. “Ok, I have one rule, when Amber cums that’s mine” Zane growls. Liz’s nipples get hard hearing that. “Fuck that’s a major turn on!” “Wow Liz you have perfect tits look at those perfect red nipples.” Amber says while she takes her little white dress off. “Come on Zane don’t be shy.” said Liz. Zane takes his shirt off then walks past the two ladies and sits on the bed. “Oh God damn Amber your man is made out of steel.”-Liz. “I know, just wait till you see his cock.” Amber coos while cuddling with Liz rubbing their soft tits together “Amber you have the most perfect tits I’ve seen!” Liz says. “Thanks I grew them myself.” Amber says with a little giggle. That does it Zane he stands up walks over to the girls and picks up Amber and placing her over his shoulder and picks up Liz by the waist and carried them to the bed and laid each one softly on their backs. “Fuck your strong Zane,” Liz says as her cunt floods with her sweet smelling juices. Zane then rips off Amber’s white panties her girl-cock bounces out. “Amber you have a big girl-dick.” Liz coos and reached over to stroking Amber. Then Zane rips off Liz’s red panties. “Wow Ok your a natural redhead” Zane said looking at the perfect little red runway strip leading to her plump glistening pussy. “Liz you have like the pinkest pussy ever” Amber says while reaching over and starts to lightly caressing Liz’s cute little folds that are starting to drip with excitement. “Come on Zane I really want to see you.” Liz says excitedly. Zane looks at Amber and raised an eyebrow. “Liz scoot over.”-Amber. They give Zane space between them Zane lays down. Amber and Liz put a leg over him, laying on their sides. “Zane is very orally fixated.” Amber says while getting to her knees. “Watch his pants” Amber say as she begins rubbing her she-cock around Zane’s lips. Zane’s cock instantly gets rock hard turning his pants into a tent. “Wow you could have a circus in that tent.” Liz coos. Both Zane and Amber laugh a little. “That’s exactly what I said the first time I saw that tent.” Amber says still rubbing her girl on Zane’s lips, teasing him. Zane unbuckles his pants. Liz get up and rips Zane’s pants and shorts off. “Holy fuck.” Liz gasped. “I know right.” Amber says proudly. Amber’s done waiting and pushed her she-cock into Zane’s mouth. Liz gets closer wanting to watch Zane get fucked in his mouth by sexiest girl she’s ever seen naked. “Wow that’s hot” Liz says rubbing her pink. “You think that’s hot Liz? You want to get even kinker?” Amber says starting to slow down. “Hell yeah” Liz replies while rubbing her clit. “Then watch this, hey baby you look thristy.” Amber says pulling her girl out except her tip and let’s go, filling Zane’s mouth with her golden nectar. “God damn that’s hot.” Liz says getting closer to Amber. “Amber, can I?” Liz asks praying for a yes. Amber pulls herself out of Zane’s mouth, then Liz straddles Zane’s face. Zane gets to work licking Liz’s pink folds up then down then getting to Liz’s clit. Liz holds Zane’s head still with her thighs and says “still thirty Zane?” “Yes miss Liz.” When Zane said that Amber’s girl got even harder. Then Liz filled Zane’s mouth with her golden nectar, while rubbing her clit and getting close to cumming she stopped herself and asked “Amber I want to cum on his huge cock is that ok?” Amber gets behind Liz and pulls her hips down to Zane’s fully hard cock. Liz sits up a little and Amber guides Zane cock right into her dripping hole, slowly. “Liz you might be to tight to take all of him.” Amber giggles. “Give me a minute and ill take him whole.” Liz says slowly sliding up then down a little more with each thrust. Amber then crawls back to Zane’s face and straddles his face pushing her girl down his throat, Zane gags. “Isn’t it saxy as fuck when he gags on my girl-cock?” Amber asks Liz. “I almost came the first time I heard him gag on your pink girl.” Amber’s so excited she’s started pushing her girl down Zane’s throat deeper than ever before, making Zane gag over and over again until she says “I’m going to cum babe.” “Oh shit, his cock got harder” Liz says while getting close to taking all of Zane’s gigantic dick. “I’m cumming Amber says filling Zane’s mouth with her girl cum. Liz’s body starts to shake, “I’m cumming too” Liz says as she squirts all over Zane. Amber turns around facing Liz and says “watch this” and positions her ass over Zane’s face. Then Zane grabs Amber’s hip and pull her sweet little hole to his lips and starts licking and sucking Amber’s hole then he begins sticking his tongue as deep as he can in Amber’s ass. Liz is now jumping up and down on Zane cock. “Wow take it all Liz.” Amber says surprised. Then Amber’s girl get hard again. “That’s fucking sexy Amber.” Liz says riding, Zane faster and faster. “Zane, I’m going to cum in your mouth again I want you to cum in Liz at the same time. Zane pulls his tongue out of Amber’s ass “yes babe”- Zane. Liz keeps going faster, while Amber’s fuck Zane throat again. Zane pulls Amber’s girl out of his throat and says “I’m cu..” He gets cut off by Amber shoving her girl back into his mouth cumming again, as Liz yelps “I’m cumming again,” as she does Zane starts shooting long ropes of cum deep inside of Liz’s pink pussy. Spent Liz slowly pulling Zane’s enormous cock out of her and lays down next to Zane. Amber then lifts Liz’s legs and pulls Liz’s pink folds up to her face and say “push his cum out and then licks and cleans all of Zane cum out of and off of her pink as Liz twitches and squirms. Zane sits up and says, well that’s was fucking amazing and scoops up Amber in his arms and swings her around the room saying “I love you with all of my heart and soul.”
