The time my 31y/o girl[f]riend banged her [F] 8th grade teacher #TrueStory #ChicPorn #SwingClub

Heads up, this is a super long one. I’m not a fan of reading stories broken up into parts, so I’m not going to write one that way. I’m sure the ladies will read the whole thing, but for the men, I’ll assume that you will immediately want to skip down to the sex marked with *****

I was once stationed on I&I Duty in a major southern city known for its decadence. You can probably guess where, but to give this story at least some element of mystery I’ll leave the city name out. (Comment below if you figure it out)

I was maybe 31 years old and my girlfriend at the time was two years younger than me, we’ll call her Juliette. She was born and raised in this city, but never knew of the place we ended up visiting many times before we parted ways. This story is the first of those visits.

It all started when she and I were in one of the local porn shops. She had recently taken a liking to expiramenting with other women and she was looking for something that she and another woman could play with together. Her story was that she had recently departed from her longest relationship with her high school sweetheart, and up to that separation had only been with him. Now that she was newly free, the first time since she was 17, she wanted to open up before she was locked down again. While checking out at the counter there was a flyer for a local swinger’s club that was only a few blocks from where we were. We took a flyer with us and went back to enjoying our evening.

After a couple of weeks the subject came up again. The flyer explained that single ladies could get in free, single men were $100, but a male/female couple was only $50. We built up our courage and decided to go and see what there was to see.

We dressed in typical club attire, slacks and a nice dress shirt for me (typical SNCO attire); and a tight-fitting, low cut black one-piece dress for her. We drove downtown to what is called the CBD (Central Business District) and parked our car at a familiar park-by-the-hour parking lot then started walking. The CBD is an historic part of the city with classic 20 – 40 story marble business buildings with ornate scrollwork etched in the stone, some even with Gothic style gargoyles intended to intimidate any demons who might venture through.

The entrance for Colette was unremarkable in it was just an ornate heavy wooden door between two carved beams marked with a red post light and the number 822 carved onto the face. Once inside there was a large mahoghony standing desk where an attractive well-dressed young lady checked you in. What we didn’t know before arriving was that one was supposed to email ahead to make a “reservation” for the evening. No reservation, no entry. Period! I guess we missed that part on the flyer.

Just as we thought the night was going to be a bust and as we turned to leave the young lady mentioned that the crowd forcast for the night was light and gave us the email address. With a wink and a nod she hinted that if we left to go have dinner and sent her a reservation request that she may very well have a vacancy to offer us in a few hours.

Being that it was still pretty early, we took her advice and went to a local restaurant a few blocks away that was famous for its Trout Almondine. After we ordered our meal we sent a message requesting a table at Colette, and before her BBQ oysters and my turtle soup was served we had a confirmation number and a showtime for 23:00 (11pm for you American civilians).

Dinner was lovely. This particular restaurant was over 100 years old and famous as a place where naval officers would frequent before and during WWII. This particular city used to be a “Navy Town” that was a major supply hub for the fleet, where ships would replenish before going to sea. As time wore on and with the cyclic growth and reduction of the U.S. Department of Defense, the navy left this city leaving only brass placards and monuments throughout the area to mark a history long gone.

As dinner progressed, so did our anticipation over what we were to expect at Colette. Neither one of us had been to a swinger’s club before, but we’d read as much as we could before committing to a decision to try it out. By this time Juliette – Juli for short – had chalked up a few bisexual experiences and was ready to have her pussy licked by someone new. Little did either of us know that one of the many women to go down on her that night would be someone that she least expected to hook up with, much less see in a swinger’s club.

Dinner ended and we passed on dessert, instead opting for some liquid courage before we left. One thing we did learn in our online research was that Colette didn’t serve alcohol, that you had to bring your own. We didn’t. After downing our drinks we headed back to the club. Upon entering there was a different women at the desk. She took our names and checked us off the guest list. I paid the door cover and she invited us in, taking us on a quick tour of the first floor.

Colette was a multi-level establishment with the entry level being a dance club with a bar in the center of the room. A dance floor was on the opposite side of the entry, while the side closest to the door was a casual seating area with curvy couches and loveseats along the walls and high top bar tables in the center of the room. The room was dark, dimly lit by neon and floor lights while the walls were decorated with large artworks depicting seductive women in various states of undress. Overall there was a classy, yet sexy vibe to the room. We were shown to a fabric covered Victorian loveseat with dark wood legs and frame, from which we had a good view of the room. The club was about half full. Not packed, but not empty either, maybe 50 people. There were a few mid-30s aged women dancing together on the dance floor to a heavy beat of club music while an equal number of men sat on the sidelines and watched approvingly. Other couples sat at the tables while still others, like us, relaxed on the furniture. Overall I’d say the female to male ratio was 60% women, 40% men. Not bad, and clearly due to the “women enter free” policy.

I went to the bar and got us a couple of $10.00 sodas and we sat back and watched the crowd. Directly across the room and to the left of us was an elevator. Over a period of maybe twenty minutes we noticed about an equal number of people going up to (?) and coming down to the club to socialize and dance. We finished our drinks and decided to see what was upstairs.

************ Sex Starts Here ************
We stepped into the elevator and went up. The numbers on the elevator skipped a second floor and went straight to the third, then up floor by floor to the twentieth, skipping the 13th floor. As I mentioned earlier, we were in an old building in a historic city with lots of superstitions. When the elevator doors swished open we stepped into a small alcove maybe ten feet wide by ten feet deep with two long leather couches on either side. This was our first view of what was to come. On both couches, facing one another were men and women receiving oral sex from their partners, or partners for the moment. One of the couples seated were a male female couple holding hands while members of the opposite sex went down on them. We slowly walked past them, ogling as we did with Juli making eye contact with one of the women being pleasured by a man. As we stepped past them into a long perpendicular hallway we looked left and right for an idea of where to go first.

To our right was a Victorian library with bookshelves on each wall packed with ancient looking tomes and small statues of human busts, vases, and animals in various poses. Quite frankly it was something out of a James Bond movie. In the room was more period furniture forming a square and facing inward. Couples there were engaged in casual conversation, laughing and having a good time. Women sat on their men’s laps with subtly parted legs while one man had his woman’s breast out massaging it seductively. There were a few obviously single men hovering along the walls ith their hands in their pockets hoping to be invited into a conversation.

To the left of that room were two double doors that opened up into a larger media room with black leather couches arranged in concentric semi-circles facing porn projected on the far wall. In this room there were no less than 10 people engaged in various sexual acts ranging from oral to full on intercourse, and more single guys watching and stroking their exposed cocks.

As interesting as these two rooms were we decided to go back out in the hallway to see what other delicacies the second floor had to offer. As we stepped back out into the hallway we followed it to a sharp left, after having passed the oral sex couches now to our left flanking the elevator, then a sharp right to another long hallway.

Immediately to our left was a series of three rather large openings covered by sheer white drapes pulled together and tied at the middle by ornate tassled cords. Upon further inspection each one of these openings was a medium sized room with what looked to be four queen sized beds pushed together. Each room opened up to the next, but was also seperated by more thin drapes. We stopped at the first room to watch two women and a man having a 3sum while others like us watched from the hallway. There were maybe 20 people of both genders watching from any of the three openings. After a few minutes we walked the ten or so steps to the second opening to see a woman totally naked being fucked very well by a man, while two other women, observers like us, held her hands and arms restraining her from touching her man.

I looked to the right towards the third set of drapes to see a woman from the crowd climbing onto the bed. We stepped over to see two groups of people having sex, separate from each other. In the far left corner were two women together, in the closer right corner closest to the drapes were two men and one woman. The lady we saw climb in was sitting on the left edge of one of the beds getting undressed. We didn’t wait long but we did watch her join the two women to make an all-female 3sum.

It was at this point of the hallway that we noticed that behind us was another crowd of people lined up against what must have been a 10 foot long by 4 foot tall pane of glass. We stepped across the hall to see what we could see and behind the glass was another room with six king sized beds squished together with at least fifteen people in that room having sex. There were couples, there were 3sums, and there was a group of no less than five, all furiously fucking. In the hallway on a wood and glass tall sofa table there was a large crystal bowl filled with condoms. We stood there and watched. Juli stood in front of me while I had my arms around her waist. With her left hand she had reached back and was massaging my very hard sock through my pants. A very attractive older (than us) woman in her mid-40s was chatting Juli up by offering commentary on the folks on the other side of the glass.

It wasn’t long before the party of five finished, gathered their clothes and left. At this point the older lady leaned into Juli and gave her a very deep, sensual kiss. Juli eagerly responded and after maybe 20 seconds her friend grabbed her hand and pulled her into the narrow entryway that lead to the door to the back of the room. I watched the two go down that hall and watched then undress and hand their clothes on brass hooks before entering the room. They immediately fell onto the bed and started to make out while feeling and groping each other’s bodies.

My girlfriend was now naked with a sexy older lady maybe 15 years her senior on the other side of a glass wall while other people in the same room were engaged in their own acts of sexual congress. It was amazing to watch.

As I looked to my left and right I watched the crowd watch Juli and her partner. The ladies were now in a 69 furiously lapping at each other’s pussies. After maybe five minutes, two more women from my side of the glass joined the party and there were now four women enjoying each other, at one point ending up in a daisy chain as each woman went down on another woman as she was being consumed as well. At some point two of the ladies who were already in the room crawled across the beds to join the foursome; their men fucking them doggy style while they kissed and nibbled and squeezed the breasts the women in the circle.

This must have last a good thirty minutes. At some point not only were the people on my side of the glass solely focused on the now group of six, but the remnants of the other groups on that side were watching as well. These ladies had stolen the show. When the last woman had cum and all were spent, one by one the ladies picked themselves up, stepped into the dressing hall and rejoined the men and women they arrived with. When Juli finally stepped out she was approached by one of her now dressed partners from the room who formally introduced herself. In the somewhat brighter light of the hallway Juli recognized the woman as being her 8th grade biology teacher.

The look of horror that spread across her face was alarming. She immediately dismissed herself to the ladies room where she did whatever she had to do to get herself back under control. The woman apparently didn’t recognize Juli, but Juli sure did recognize her. The former teacher had thousands of students over the course of a career, but Juli only had one eighth grade Biology teacher.

I know somewhat how how Juli felt because some ten years prior I hooked up with my former gymnastics teacher. The difference there is I immediately recognized Ms. Elrod, but Ms. Elrod didn’t recognize me. But that’s a story for another time.



  1. With thousands of former students… That can’t be the first time she’s hooked up with a former student!

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