My [F] first time dogging

When I was 21, I got my first proper job within the field I’d been training for. I quickly befriended a bunch of people there and began hanging out with them after work. They were all pretty straight-laced people, apart from Damien. I naturally gravitated towards him.

We’d smoke weed together, go to gigs and get fucked up, and occasionally hook up. My boyfriend never knew about us fucking, but he still hated him.

One day after work, Damien took me for a drive and a smoke. We pulled up in a small car park next to some woods and bitched about people at work. We eventually went walking in the forest and had another joint.

While walking back to the car, we came across two guys who looked like they just got caught with their hands in the cookie jar. They played it off like they were just talking but they had clearly been up to something.

On the drive home, Damien told me that they were probably dogging, as the place was a notorious dogging spot. I laughed about it and pretended to be shocked, but in reality the thought was a turn on.

That night, while my boyfriend slept next to me, I kept fantasising about going back to the woods. I envisioned all sorts of naughty fun with random strangers. I didn’t really give the idea any serious consideration and ended up falling asleep.

The next day, work was a fucking nightmare. Long story short, I got screamed at by my boss. The rest of the day I just felt like crying/screaming/burning down the building. After I’d finished, I drove towards home with the intention of drinking and jumping my boyfriend.

I got to a junction and realised that left was home and right was the dogging spot where Damien had taken me. It was one of those moments where you pretend to weigh up the pros and cons, but in truth you’ve already made your choice. I turned right.

As I pulled into the car park, nerves began to hit me and my pulse started racing. I’d never done this before and I had no idea what I was doing. There were a few cars in the carpark, but no one occupying them. I decided to go for an innocent walk to get the lay of the land.

I walked around the woods, finding no one, until the sun set. It started to get dark, so I accepted defeat and made my way back to the car. I got in, buckled up, and turned on the engine. Just as I did, I noticed one of the cars flashing their lights.

I paused, not knowing what was going on. I thought that maybe it was an invitation, but didn’t have the evidence to back up my hypothesis. I just sat there, engine running, trying to figure out what I should do. I decided to turn my engine off. Several seconds later, they began flashing their lights again.

I thought it couldn’t be a coincidence that they flashed as soon as I turned my car off. I formulated a plan: walk up to their car and ask why they were flashing me. That way, I didn’t risk any embarrassment. I got out and nervously approached the car.

I peered in the window, not knowing what to expect. As soon as I peeked in, their car unlocked. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I saw a guy jacking off. Jackpot! I quickly got in.

The guy was massively overweight, but I hadn’t come for beauty. He didn’t say a word, just continued stroking himself. Not a girl who needs encouragement, I leaned over and began sucking him off. He put his hand on the back of my head and pushed down, as he began fucking my mouth. I just remember letting him use me until he shot a tasty load down my throat.

Pleasantries be damned, I immediately got out the car and headed back to my own. He quickly drove off. I was riding a high! I’d found somewhere I could basically get drive-thru cock. I considered leaving, but there was still another car there and I could always go for more milkshake.

I sat waiting for another sign. Nothing happened, though. I kept thinking about where the other driver was, as the woods were pitch black now. As I peered into the darkness, I suddenly realised that I could see movement. There was someone out there!

Nerves returning, I mulled over my next move. I decided to brave my fear of the dark and got out. As I approached, a guy came into sight. He was standing under a tree, jerking himself off. His strokes got faster as I got nearer.

He politely said good evening, which I found hilarious coming from some rando in a dark forest, dick in hand. I said hello and swiftly got on my knees. He lowered his dick into my mouth and I eagerly got to work.

It was such a messy experience. My knees and legs were mud-soaked and I was giving some slobbery head. His dick was a pretty nice size and, textbook people pleaser that I am, I kept trying to deep throat him. I’ve never been great at it but that never stops me trying. I kept gagging, which was making my eyes water.

Eventually, he let out a big moan and started releasing cum down my throat. I stroked him as I swallowed it all. Once I was done, he thanked me and I walked off. I got back into the car and I looked a right mess. As he drove off, leaving the carpark empty, I decided the evening was done.

I got home and suddenly started freaking out. How was I going to explain to my boyfriend why I was covered in mud with my make up streaking down my face? I thought up some bullshit reason and went inside. Thank God he was on the computer. I stripped off and threw my clothes into the wash, then jumped in the shower.

The next time I went back to the carpark, I made sure to bring a change of clothes and some face wipes!



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