ASMODAL INN: FINAL [wake-up][anal][strap-on][ffm][creampie][poly][dp][anal][bondage][ritual][cnc][the end]

Previous Parts: [1]( [2]( [3]( [4]( [5]( [6]( [7](


PART EIGHT: The Finale

“Baby, please can I? He’s so hard and I am so horny right now just thinking about it.” Jake woke to their whispering again.

“Steph… oh man that feels good… we woke him up… ohhhh… last night. Lets let him… mmmmmm…. sleep.”

Jake opened his eyes and saw Amber leaning with her side against the wall above him, elbows resting on the pillow. Stephanie’s face and hands were buried between her legs as her back pressed against him, playing his little spoon. He felt his hard cock sticking between her legs and his hand up on her hip.

“Baby, please. You make me so horny I want it.”

“Not… mmmmmm tonight…. maybe in …. ohhhhhh yeah…. the morning.”

“Oh, all riiiiiiii….” She started to whine before Jake interrupted her. He didn’t say a word, he just grasped her hip and pulled his cock back and pushed it into her. “I think he woke up.”

Jake answered by slowly pulsing in and out of her, letting her feel every inch of him slipping through her hole. He reached both hands up and grabbed hold of Amber’s wonder mounds. While he slowly made love to Steph.

“Amber… Baby… uuuuh…. do you mind if he…. I mean if I try… uuuuuh… I want what you had tonight. I want to try it.”

“That’s up to you and him. Oh yeah, keep going just like that. But, it hurts like a mother fuUH UH UH UH CKER!” Her hands grasped Steph’s head and pulled her deeper. Steph rocked her hips and Jake felt himself slip out.

“Please Jake, I just want to see if I can?”

“Go ahead, Honey… DO IT!”

Jake let go of one of Amber’s breasts so he could grab his cock and pushed it against Steph’s back door bell.

“Yes, Baby, please. I wanna know how it feels. I want from you, only you.” Steph asked as she braced herself between Amber’s legs.

Jake pushed forward lightly, building pressure watching his tip press her tight hole apart. Steph screamed into Amber’s pussy.

“HEY, NO BITING ME!” Amber said as Steph’s ass opened up to accept him. He started making short slow strokes into her that got longer as she accepted more of him inside. Once he was fully inside he pressed into her firmly and held her while he waited for the muscles to relax around him.

“I’ll be right back.” Amber said as she got up and left the room. They heard rustling and rummaging in Steph’s room and then silence. As soon as Jake started to pulse his cock in and out of Steph’s ass, Steph rolled on top and placed her legs to either side of his. She raised her ass up and gave Jake a view of her hole wrapping around him before she slid back down until her full weight pressed into him.

Amber stepped back in the room and pushed Steph’s shoulders back until she laid on top of him. Amber pulled Steph’s legs apart as she knelt between them and pushed the giant strap on into her pussy while Jake slowly fucked her ass.

Jake marveled at the feeling of the large rubber dick slipping through on the other side of the thin flesh wall. He could feel every vein as the two dicks passed within her. Jake and Amber alternated their pressure, one going in as the other came out.

Steph laid on top of him silent and rigid, her body locked in a cacophony of pain and pleasure, the two combining into a paradigm shattering ecstasy. Jake reached around and took hold of her tits and used them for leverage as he and Amber worked together to fuck her. Amber placed her own hands over his and let their fingers interlock as they just fucked the shit out of Steph’s completely stiff body. The only sound coming out of her was the wet sloshing sound from her pussy telling them they were doing it right.

Amber slipped out and knelt up, slipping the belt off and carefully buckling it around Steph’s hips. She turned around and lowered herself onto it, letting it slip into her pussy.

“OH MY FUCKING GOD!” Steph finally managed to say while Jake paused inside her gave her a break. “THAT WAS FUCKING INTENSE.”

Steph sat up, her full weight pushing her self further down sending Jake even deeper into her ass. She put her hands under Amber’s ass and lifted until she could see a few inches of rubber. She began to thrust her hips up and down. Into Amber and off of Jake, onto Jake and out of Amber. The two ladies began cumming in unison. Jake pushed his hips forward as he felt his dick begin to pulse as load after load exploded into her.

“OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!” Steph screamed, loud enough that people downstairs must have woken up. She collapsed back onto Jake but tried to keep flexing her hips into Amber, more of a jerking motion than anything as she laid on his chest.

Amber slipped off and unbuckled and removed the strap on. Jake rolled and held Steph to his chest as he started pulling his hip’s back but Steph shot her hand back and grabbed his ass. “NO!… Please Jake. Leave it there, please. Let me enjoy it. Let me feel your love still filling me. I love you.”

Amber was spooned by Steph. Steph began crying as she was spooned by Jake with his cock still going soft in her ass. They cuddled and loved until they were asleep.

Jake woke up, his flaccid penis still in between Steph’s ass cheeks. The glow outside the window showing that it was day time. As he rolled away from her, he felt his dick detach from the dried and sticky mess they had made. He got up, kissed both his sleeping girls, then got in the shower.

He let the water pour over him as he thought about all the events so far and pondering all that could happen in just two days. The pictures, the plane ride, the accident, they all just came one after another. Then finding out and coming to terms with his wife’s promiscuity, and discovering his own. And Steph… sweet Steph. So in love with her boss that she fell in love with his wife too, and now, here they are in some kind of polyamorous entanglement. To top it all, now he had to get ready to go downstairs and sign a contract with Duane that will change all their lives forever… again.

He felt a bar of soap running along his spine and across his ass, then another bar cleaning his dick. He looked down and saw Ambers hand holding the soap at his crotch. Steph stood on the other side as the girls washed last night off of him. He turned and took them both in his arms and held them as they soaked in the water and his loving embrace.

Jake looked out the glass and saw Vidi and Libi sitting on the couch watching them. “Don’t let us interrupt,” Vidi said. “Duane sent us to get you, but this is way more interesting.”

They got dressed and followed the two little women downstairs. They stepped into the dining area and saw Duane sitting at one end of a long table, or a couple tables pushed together under the black table cloth. In front of him he had a briefcase and behind him, a man Jake had never seen before stood, wearing a suit. At the other end of the table, there was a bottle of wine and two glasses, next to those, two ink pots with old fashioned feather quill pens sticking out of them. They were guided to the end with the wine and pens and Libi and Vidi slid the chairs out for Jake and Amber while Steph stood behind them.

The man in the suit walked down and placed a contract on the table between Jake and Amber. “What we have here is a standard transfer of property agreement. You agree to sell your house and business to Mr. Asmodeus, in return, he agrees to sell you each a 30% share of Asmodal Inn for the assessed value of your property. Duane retains 40% interest. Together, you are majority owners at 60%. There is also a behavioral and management contract, basically saying that you understand that this is to be run as a sexually uninhibited couples and singles retreat. Please take a moment to read over the documents and then sign when you are both ready.”

Jake read the property agreement. Very straight forward documents and he flipped through to the behavioral and management contract. A bunch of legalese. “The undersigned hereby agree to operate within the guidelines set forth in the Asmodeus charter. They also hereby agree that they will take the Asmodeus name as their own on any and all legal documents and behave in all ways and at all times as a representative of the Asmodeus family.”

When Jake read that last part he looked at Duane, “So, you want us to take your name?”

“Jake, I told you that I am an old man. I have no heir. By giving you my name, you become my heir and will inherit all shares of all my properties. Otherwise, it gets split among the board and the other shareholders.”

There was a lot of other language that Jake didn’t understand but he didn’t want to delay, he looked at Amber who nodded, “Okay… We’re ready.”

Jake took the quill from the ink pot and let the black ink drop from the tip. He and Amber both put the tip to the papers and he felt a stabbing sensation in his chest. Not super painful, just like a mild heart burn. As he finished signing his name on all the lines, he noticed. Black ink came out of the pot, but the writing was red.

Before he could think on it, The wine was opened and a glass was poured and placed in front of both himself and Amber. They picked up their glasses and looked at Duane who held up his glass to them. “To the future of Asmodeus.” They all drank.

Jake’s vision got blurry and wavy as his head got light. He felt his muscles relax and his head fell to the table. Amber’s head crashed to the table after him. He felt himself being lifted and dragged as his vision went black.

Jake awoke to the resonating sounds of drums pounding out a quick, deep, ominous beat and a rumbling din shaking like an earthquake. He opened his eyes to a pitch black room. He tried to move but his hands and feet were bound and stretched, arms and legs spread wide. He felt the wind on his dick and skin and realized he was naked. A torch lit in front of him and he could see that he was bound to a large wheel. The cross bars of the wheel formed a star in the center. Jake started to see and feel the world spinning. He did his best to look for Amber but only saw Steph, spinning him as he lay on his back on the wheel.

Above him, he saw Amber start to come down from the beams in the ceiling. Her arms bound behind her back and her legs bent and bound with her knees pulled to her chest as she was suspended from the ceiling. As she got closer, he could see her nipples being lifted by clamps linked by a small chain which was attached to a rope that ran to another pulley. “You have been brought here to consummate your union to the Asmodeus family. As my partners, it befalls you to represent me.” Duane’s voice rang out from somewhere in the darkness. Another torch lit and he stood in front of them. Wearing the leather cape Jake saw in his dream. Cow head over his right shoulder, horse head to the right, fully clothed under the cape this time though.

Libi and Vidi climbed on the wheel with Jake and Libi took him into her mouth, sucking and licking until he was hard. Meanwhile, Vidi stood on the frame in front of Amber and licked her pussy as she was restrained and dangling. Libi and Vidi got off the wheel as it began to spin again. Amber started spinning in the opposite direction while she was lowered until her clit spun into Jake’s tip as it spun under her.

“You will now be joined in union symbolizing your devotion as a couple, a union carried out before the witness here.” Torches lit all around them and they could see hooded figures standing all around. Directly to the right, Steph faced them as she was bound naked to an x shaped cross.

The spinning continued. As he could, he looked Amber in the eyes. The fear and the shock mixed with the stimulation of his cock rotating against her clit. She began to moan softly and building intensity in her voice.

“Jake, do you agree to represent me and conduct yourself as my forbear until such time as you take my mantle upon yourself? Do you agree to serve by Amber’s side, with her as your equal? Do you agree to this union of souls?”

“Yes.” Jake felt his mouth say, though his mind still buzzed from the shock and the drugs and the spinning and hormones.

“Amber, do you agree to take Jake into yourself as my representative? Do you agree to serve at his side, as his equal, and to act as my forbear? Do yo agree to this union of souls?”

“YES!” She half moaned half yelled it.

As Jake spun on the wheel, Amber was lowered onto him, slowly getting impaled on his spinning cock. Once her weight was fully on him and the ropes holding her legs up were slackened, her spinning stopped until her legs parted over him and they ebgan to spin in unison. Jake watched the chain between her nipple clamps tighten upward and her nipples rose, the pleasure and pain evident on her face until she lifted her hips and arched her back, then the chain went slack again and she lowered. He looked and saw that it was Steph who pulled the rope that lifted and lowered Ambers nipples and made her fuck Jake.

Jake looked at Amber who looked down at him, no longer in fear, no longer in pain, just looking at him with love and hunger as she fucked him.

“Their union together, symbolic of their union to me, is complete. Your bindings here, symbolic of your bondage to me.” Amber was lifted off of Jake and rolled along a gantry and then lowered to the floor as Jake felt himself dropping until the wheel rested on the ground. Libi appeared over him as she stood straddling him. She dropped down over him and he felt the pressure as her tight pussy spread around his cock. Her body obscuring his view of Amber. She spun around on his cock and started unfastening the belts that restrained his feet. Once his feet were free, she spun back and sat straight up, taking him further in than she was able the other day. As he watched her start rising up and down, she transformed in front of him.

Dark wings appeared over her back as she rode his dick and small black horns sprouted from her head. Jake heard Amber scream and knew that Libi must have transformed too. The succubus placed her hands on either side of his chest and ripped at the flesh as he felt his heart stop beating in his chest. Jake screamed but not out of pain, he loved the feeling as he took it in willingly. She began pressing her hands into his chest with a pistoning action. Amber’s screams turned from pleasure to cries of pain and agony.

“It will all be CLEAR soon.” She said as a bolt of energy shot through him and his vision went white momentarily. She continued riding him and thrusting her hands into his chest, his ribs pulled and pushed and stretched and contracted under her.

Amber was sobbing and screaming next to him, but her still couldn’t see her, and he could hear Steph screaming and crying too.

“Is it CLEAR yet?” His vision went white with light again…

“We have sinus rhythm.” He heard a woman say, his eyes still filled with bright white light. People with blue cloth masks stood all around, looking over him. Another woman pulled two corded plastic paddles with shiny metal panels away from his burning chest.

“We almost lost you, son.” A man said from behind a blue mask looking into his eyes. Jake’s vision adjusted and he could see Amber and Steph standing on the other side of a small room, holding each other and crying. Duane, Libi, and Vidi, stood outside a pane of glass watching into the small room.

“What… where am I?”

“You are in St. Anthony’s Hospital in Boise. You were in a car accident after you hit a deer.” The man in the mask said. “You were hurt pretty badly and almost died.” The man patted his arm.

As Jake looked over at Amber’s tear stained and smiling face, his vision faded to black.

He opened his eyes, expecting to see the familiar caramel colored or even dilapidated and rotting walls, but saw tubes and wires coming out him into IV bags and the bed had plastic rails. Amber and Steph sat on the other side of the room playing cards on a small table.

“How long have I been here?”

“We flew in by helicopter a few hours ago.” Amber said as she and Steph got up and came over next to him.

“So, what day is it?”

“Um, Friday?” Amber answered.

“Friday. No, it’s Sunday. We were in the hotel and then…”

“Jake, we never made it to the hotel. You hit a deer that crashed through the windshield into you. Thank God Steph and I were in the back seat together.”

Jake took a minute to gather his thoughts, “Where’s my phone?”

“Here, they had to take it out of your pocket in the Ambulance.” Amber handed the phone to him. He opened it and looked at the date. Friday, November 11, 8:00pm. He opened his texts. The last messages were the 3 am pics Steph sent and their conversation about them, no frantic messages looking for him, and no video. He scrolled through the pics and found Steph licking cum off another woman’s tits. The hands with blue or violet nail polish grasping at her hair, the ring finger empty but discolored where the ring would be. He reached out for their hands and placed them together in his own.

“Amber, I need to know and I want you to answer honestly.” He said as he painfully tried to squeeze their hands together.


“Who is the second woman in this photo?” He asked and he held the phone out to her other hand, the picture still open.

Tears started to roll down Amber’s cheeks. “Me,” she said timidly as she lowered her head. “But how…”

He scrolled through the rest of the pics, “And these? Also, where’s your ring?” He pointed to every picture that showed her hands.

“Yes, all of them, me,” she sobbed. “That is your grandmothers ring, I couldn’t wear it while being such a…” She paused. “A slut… I wanted to tell you. I just couldn’t… I couldn’t find the words. Steph and I talked about how we should tell you but…”

He made a kiss motion with his lips and she bent and pressed her lips to his.

“It’s ok, I know… I know and I love you. Another question… Have you ever let a man fuck you in the ass?”

“God no, there is only one man I would ever want to do that… but he’s kinda incapacitated right now.” She said playfully as the mood lightened.

“Honey, never be afraid to tell me anything. Who you fuck is up to you, as long as your heart and ass are mine and you don’t hide it from me. And you never take the ring off again. That ring tells every guy that no matter how much he enjoys fucking you, you are mine!”

“Steph, about you. I know you sent those to me on purpose and I know why you did it… thank you. You probably saved our marriage. Also, I know why you work for me and it’s not for the shitty pay. I… no… WE love you too.” He reached up and grabbed at the front of her shirt and she leaned down and kissed him, he grunted through the pain but held her lips to his. “I have more for you as soon as I’m able.”

A tear fell from her eye as she stood back up “Boss, I, how…?”

“You guys say that it’s only been a couple hours. I just lived three days in that inn. Three days of denial, torment, conflict, pain, acceptance, and finally, love. Three days of rediscovering who my wife has become and learning to accept and even embrace it.”

“But, I … “ Amber tried to find words. “I was meaning to explain it all to you, and tell you everything this weekend. But… how…?”

He told them the story of what he went through while he was apparently unconscious. As he finished, Duane walked in, tapped Jake on the leg, and stood, leaving Libi and Vidi in the doorway. “I’ve got to get to the inn but I wanted to check in on my new business partner.” He handed a stack of papers to Amber, turned and walked through the door with Libi and Vidi in tow. Jake watched the window to see them pass but the window stayed empty. Only an almost imperceptible sulfuric smell wafted over as they left.

“Jaaake? Honey? When did we sign this contract?” Amber asked as a nurse came in holding a small white cup.

“It’s time for your medication, Mister Asmodeus.”



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