The Cruise, Prologue [F solo]

Emily turned off her camera and ring light then grabbed some baby wipes. She wiped off her crotch and ass, then tossed all the toys she had been using into a plastic tub to be washed later. She pulled on a large sweater dress she kept on a chair behind her camera and began to tally up the credits and rating she had earned from the session. ‘Not too bad,’ Emily thought. It would work out to a little over a hundred dollars when she cashed out at the end of the week. The 4.6 star rating wasn’t the highest she’d ever received but it would help keep on the first page or two of results on the cam site she used.

Then Emily started to check the messages she had received from her viewers after the show. Most were from regulars thanking her for the show and asking when her next one was, plus the usual assortment of lewd messages and sexual propositions. One caught her eye. It was from Debbie, one of Emily’s very few female regulars.

“I have a proposition you might be interested in,” Debbie had written. Emily figured it was going to be a request for a custom video, or perhaps a night of escorting, though she didn’t think Debbie was close to her.

“What is it?” Emily typed back.

“You’re into women, right?” Debbie asked.

Emily was very out about being a lesbian, and told Debbie as much.

“Ok, this might sound strange, and I won’t be offended if you say no,” Debbie sent. “But I work for a cruise line that does voyages in the Caribbean catering to queer women.”

“Ok…,” Emily sent back.

“Well we always like to have a few ‘working’ girls on the cruises. It helps keep the single women happy, some of the couples too. Anyways, one of the girls who was supposed to be going on a cruise that starts next month just had to cancel.”

“You want me to be a hooker on a cruise ship?” Emily asked, incredulous.

“Crudely put, yes. You’d get a half price room with food and drink included, and could set your own rates for the women you see. The staff would help steer interested women your way.”

“What would the room cost? How many women would I be seeing?” Emily asked. “How much do girls usually make working these cruises?”

“Your single one bedroom cabin would cost you just over $500, and the cruise leaves from and returns to Miami, Florida. Most of the girls in the past have charged around $250 an hour. You would also have to give a 20% cut of whatever you make to the head concierge who will tip out the staff who help send women your way. You can see as many or as few women as you like of course, but most girls have three or more clients a day.”

Emily started to check flights to Miami on her phone. With the price of the room, plane tickets, some new clothes, makeup and other incidentals it would cost her about $2000 to go ‘work’ the cruise. If she saw three women a day for the eight days of the cruise, excluding the first and last day when there probably wouldn’t be anyone, she could gross almost $5000.

‘Three thousand for ten days’ work, plus a fancy cruise isn’t a bad deal,’ Emily thought to herself. ‘And I’ll be paid in American dollars, not Canadian, so the exchange rate works for me.’ It would start just after school ended for the summer, and she hadn’t planned on getting a job for the summer anyways. It would cut a bit into her cam profits, taking a working vacation, but she doubted she’d lose too many regulars being gone for less than two weeks. Plus she could up the frequency of her cam shows over the rest of the summer to make up for it.

“Alright, I’m in,” Emily said. She then spent the next three hours with Debbie getting all the details sorted, buying her plane tickets there and back, as well as ordering a few new swimsuits and sundresses and setting up appointments to get waxed and have her nails and hair done just before she left.


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