How to Cuck-a-Succ Day 0 [fantasy, non-human, succubus, couple, romantic, voyeuristic, interactive(?)]

Too long, might read? How about a teaser?

A young couple is faced with a nearly impossible task, do not fuck the expert seductress! To receive the home of their dreams, Nick and Penny have to live with a succubus for one week and not have sex with it. With their eternal freedom at stake, the gamble could not be more risky. But what’s life without a little(a whole lot) of risk?

How to Cuck-a-Succ Day 0

Dealing with a Devil

Nick and Penny set out for a local flea market on a beautiful Sunday morning. They were in high spirits, the weather was beginning to warm up and their day was clear of all responsibilities. They were both dressed casually, blue jeans and t-shirts with sunglasses over their eyes and cups of steaming coffee in the cupholders. The day was starting out perfect and could only get better.

Feeling good with her curly brown hair wiping in the air, Penny reached over and put her hand on Nick’s lap. She squeezed and felt him respond instantly. One of the things she loved about her husband was his ability to get hard and stay hard. Even after an orgasm, he could stay hard enough to keep going until all participants were satisfied.

“Whoa! Isn’t it the driver that is supposed to get serviced?” Nick laughed, surprised by her sudden boldness.

“You want me to stop?” Penny asked while applying gentle pressure to his stiffening cock.

“Absolutely not.”

“Good. Pull it out.” Penny moved her hand to his thigh and waited on him to comply.

As Penny steered the car down the freeway, Nick unzipped his jeans and fished his penis through the slit in his underwear. She took it in her hand as soon as it was free. With a couple more loving strokes, he was fully erect and throbbing in her grasp. Penny teased him by placing the palm of her hand on the spongy purple head and rotated her wrist. The nearly overstimulating feeling made Nick squirm in his seat. After a few seconds, Penny felt wetness in her palm as Nick oozed precum into her hand. Penny smeared it all over his cock before beginning a slow and methodical handjob.

“Let me know when you get close.” Penny said as she picked up more speed. Every few moments she would squeeze her hand tighter on the up stroke in a milking technique. It was working, Nick’s cock was spilling out copious amounts of precum. The fact that the pull out method never betrayed this man was a wonder. He was always quick to make a sticky mess.

Penny’s hand was moving fast, thin stands of precum were stretching from Nick’s balls to her curled fingers. On the other side of her clenched fist, the cum had grown frothy and noisy with her motions. Nick nearly forgot to warn her as the pressure mounted in his loins.

“Oh shit! You’re going to make me cum!” Nick grunted as his body became stiff in anticipation.

Penny immediately released her hold and pulled her hand away. Nick’s cock lunged in the air as if it was trying to chase her. She waited a few moments before coming back with a light touch, just to make sure it would not instantly blow from the contract. Starting slowly, Penny resumed stroking him with unpredictable and random patterns. Nick could not use his hips to speed her up if he did not know what motion she would use. Each time he tried to thrust with her motion, Penny would pull her hand away. It was a pretty clear statement.

Out of nowhere, Penny’s hand ramped up speed. She jacked Nick’s cock as if she wanted him to spray his cum all over the car. He moaned as his hips automatically rose in response to her mad pace. “I’m so close!” Nick gasped as he neared the point of no return. Almost predictably, Penny let go again.

“Aha! Holy shit.” Nick flopped back down into his seat. “That was about as close as you can get! One more pump and we would have made a mess.”

Penny smiled as pride swelled her chest. She was becoming quite familiar with her husband’s cock. Learning how to manipulate it entirely is one of those unspoken pleasures of marriage. She had all the time in the world to learn exactly how to treat this cock. Now, she realized the fun was coming to an end. She pulled Nick along for as long as she could without making him orgasm. If she tried to edge him again, it would probably lead to one of those unsatisfying climaxes. As much as Penny loved to edge Nick, she hated giving him “ruined” orgasms.

The turn signal began to click as Penny maneuvered the car to the highway shoulder. She was riding in the slow lane so it did not take long to stop the car. As other cars and semi trucks blew by, shaking their car with the speed of their passing, Penny unfastened her seat belt. She bent over the center console, grabbed his cock at the base and shoved the whole thing into her mouth.

Nick moaned as he felt her warm mouth engulf his sensitive cock. He was momentarily shocked by what she was doing but quickly became too absorbed by pressure to care where they were. He glanced in the rear view mirror and saw the unaware faces of strangers passing by as his wife furiously sucked him. She was no longer playing the edge game, this was her “ready for cum” energy. Nick would not hold out on her for this exquisite work she was performing.

“I’m cumming!” Nick gasped as his cock exploded in a radiating point of pleasure. He felt his balls lunge as he deposited pulses of thick sperm into his wife’s mouth. She stroked him while holding her lips in a tight seal around the head. His salty seed ran out in gushes across her tongue and Penny dutifully swallowed every drop. It was another one of those wifey obligations that she absolutely adored. Even when his cock settled down, Penny did not move away quickly. She spent time using her tongue and lips to clean him up. Before sitting up, Penny placed one more loving kiss on his cock.

“Wow! That was awesome. Thanks baby.” Nick smiled as he put his drained penis away. “That’s definitely going into the Hall of Fame section of the spank bank.”

Penny laughed as she merged back into traffic. “No problem baby. Anytime.” She radiated the same satisfaction that Nick was even without gratification to her own sex.

The gravel parking lot of the flea market was packed full. It looked like everyone in the area had the same idea on how to spend the first warm day of the year. Though they usually avoided crowds, Nick and Penny were in high spirits and decided to tolerate being pressed into a mob. Though they did have a loose plan on what to look for, the couple were mainly here to browse for that yet unknown treasure. With post-coital endorphins in their bodies, Nick and Penny swaggered into the throng of plastic tables and colorful price stickers.

The young couple swayed through the vendors, lost in a press of a 1000 people but were in their own world. They flirted with each other and made jokes only they would understand. Nick seemingly could not keep his hands off Penny’s ass but that was not unusual when she was in jeans. They could get away with being handsy in public. Being shorter people, him 5’4″ and she an inch over that, they seemed to exist right below the sight line of most people. As exhibitionists, they found this advantage to be quite useful.

After an hour of wandering around, Nick and Penny were still in great moods but the novelty of the place was wearing off. At this point, they were barely noticing the items for sale and subconsciously angling towards the parking lot. How many confederate flags and used appliances could really be necessary in one shopping location? Just before disillusionment set in completely, Nick spotted a strange looking vendor sitting at an empty table.

“Someone had a good day.” Nick said as he smiled at the man and motioned at the empty table.

The man with a smooth face grinned back and Nick could see a strange flicker in his pale blue eyes. “Ahh, it would seem so.” He took a long look at the couple and gave them a slow wink. “It’s a lovely day and those springtime hormones are in full bloom, ehh?”

Nick turned red but Penny took the bait. “I think he was talking about your empty table.”

“I know, dear. I’m merely suggesting that I’m not the one who is having a good day.” He wiggled his black eyebrows suggestively. “In fact, my day is going to the pits. Not one customer was interested in my services.” The pale skinned man huffed as if defeated by the day.

“It’s a bit hard to be interested in something that you can’t see.” Penny said as if the problem was not that obvious.

“That’s true, I suppose. The thing is, I’m not really here to make sales. I’m here to make deals.” A long smile split the man’s face. “No one was intrigued enough to agree though.”

“Oh. You’re the devil! Who knew you’d be hiding out in a place like this?” Nick’s laugh became less confident when the man turned his full attention on him. That long, unsettling smile barely moved.

“The only thing that’s devilish here son is how hot this deal could be.” He made a rapid tapping sound as 9 of his fingernails clattered on the table. “Are you interested in hearing about it? You can obviously walk away at any point.”

“I’ll admit that you got me curious. What about you?” Penny looked over at Nick who agreed with her.

“Sure, let’s see this deal.” Nick stepped closer to the table.

“My deal is simple. Do you own a home or a mortgage?” The couple nodded and he continued. “Then I don’t need to tell you that the current housing market is completely on its head. Depending on when you bought your home, it could now be worth a lot more than you agreed to pay, am I on track with your situation?”

“We bought our house for the tax value 3 years ago. It’s absolutely worth a lot more now.” Nick said.

“Oh, you’re already thinking the right way! This deal would actually be perfect for you! Allow me to explain. I’ve got a situation that could guarantee a drastic increase of your property value and at no financial cost to either one of you. My associate will come to your home, fix up everything, redo the kitchen and bathrooms, pretty much anything they can to boost value. All you have to do is agree to my deal.”

“Nick. He really is the devil.” Penny whispered without the same humor he had earlier.

The man chuckled, “I’m really not the devil. He has little personal time left to play with mortals these days. I do however feel that in this point of our negotiations, it would be best to admit to being a supernatural creature. The deal I offer cannot be broken once accepted.”

Neither of the young couple laughed at this statement. Though they were not religious people, Penny and Nick were spiritual and could recognize something strange was happening here. They both believed in the paranormal and knew that things existed in this world that could not be explained easily. They could also recognize when something was too good to be true. A substantial increase to their home value at no financial cost was obviously not going to be free. But if this worked out in their favor, Penny and Nick could sell their starter home and be set for a really long time.

“So, uhh, what’s-” Nick cleared the lump from his throat. “What’s the catch, exactly?”

The man’s long smile grew even wider.

“The instructions are much more clear than I expected them to be.” Penny said as she carefully placed a lit candle into a mixture of herbs. She was sitting on the ground while a small fire made of thick sticks burned in front of her. The faint orange glow made her look ominous and exotic. The trees around them all seemed to be leaning in for a closer look as well. The nightly insects were suspiciously quiet tonight but the couple did not seem to notice.

“I can see that!” Nick smiled as he examined the area. It really did look perfect although he did not have experience to back the impression. He compared it to the schematic that the mysterious man gave them and could find no fault in the way Penny had set the items.

“Here, I need your spit.” From her place in the middle of the ritualistic objects, Penny held out a shot glass for Nick to take.

Nick was careful not to step on the circle traced in the dirt as he took the item from Penny. He held the small glass under his lip and carefully added his saliva to it. “Here you go.”

Penny took the glass back and added her own saliva to it before stirring it exactly 7 times. She checked the instructions again and stirred the contents again in the opposite direction. “Almost ready. What time is it?”

Nick looked at his phone. “It’s 11:55.”

“Good. We can go over the rules one last time. Do you have them?” Penny’s words came out fast and clipped. She was excited and nervous, part of her knew this was no game they were playing.

Nick reached into his back pocket and pulled out a laminated note card. “Yeah, I got it.” Though they read the card carefully several times before now, neither one was opposed to reading it again.

“Step one, use the diagram and items provided to set up the ritual. Be as near to perfect as possible. This must be done on the land you own.”

Penny ran her eyes over the objects placed around her. A symbol of life was a black candle that flickered in the light breeze. A symbol of death was the mummified rabbit’s foot that sat motionless on a wooden plate. A symbol of purity was a blonde lock of virgin’s hair, curled up on a stump. A symbol of lust was two pieces of jewelry meant for genitalia piercings in a small glass vial. The symbol of unity was their combined saliva in a shot glass that Penny just placed in the circle of objects. “Check.” She said out loud in confirmation.

“Step two, place the cauldron on low flames and carefully insert each object inside. The symbol of unity MUST go last and MUST be added between midnight and 12:01am.” Nick checked his phone again. “It’s 11:57.”

Penny placed the small cauldron that was made of cast iron but looked like a novelty on the burning sticks. She began to slowly add the symbols into the warming pot as Nick continued to read.

“Step three, while adding the unity symbol, both members of the deal must say out loud, ‘I accept the terms and conditions.'”

“Step four, absolutely do not, under any circumstances, have sex with the succubus. This will end the deal and forever bind you as servants to the demon named, Goormdon. After exactly one week, given that both members resisted the succubus, you will be granted your improved home and no service will be owed to the demon named, Goormdom.”

Nick grinned at Penny who did not look as carefree as he did. “That might be the easiest part of this whole thing. Don’t fuck a stranger for a week? Easy as pie.” Nick was not at all convinced this was actually going to work. He felt uncomfortable with the ritual but only because it felt a little disrespectful towards those who really did this kind of stuff.

Penny scoffed. “We’ll see. You know what a succubus is, right?”

“Oh, I know they’ve been appearing in legends and tales about as long as vampires have. Succubi, sirens, witches, they’re all as old as time but I don’t have personal experience.” Nick smiled again. “But that’s going to change soon, yeah? It’s 11:59!”

They waited as the last minute passed as slow as an hour might if they were not looking. Each second that ticked by made their hearts speed up. When the double zeros finally appeared, Penny picked up the shot glass. She held it over the cauldron and made eye contact with Nick. This was it, the last chance to back out. Nick gave a small nod.

As the thick saliva oozed into the hot cauldron, they said at the same time, “I accept the terms and conditions.”

A plum of thick white smoke erupted from the pot and surrounded them completely. They began to cough and wave their hands wildly in an attempt to clear the air. Penny was in the thick of it and could not see. She tried to scoot her ass backwards, no longer concerned about the unbroken circle in dirt. Nick stumbled back and one of the sticks that had been collected for the fire, rolled out from under his foot. The round limb sent Nick tumbling backwards and he fell to the ground with a groan.

As the smoke cleared, Nick stood up and walked over to where Penny was sitting with her glasses askew while rubbing her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it just burns like hell.” Penny blinked several times and tears ran from her bloodshot eyes. She could barely see through the blurry tears but was relieved that no permanent damage was done.

“Awh, shit.” A faint voice groaned out from somewhere in the smoke. “My head!” The voice sounded feminine and in pain.

“Hello? Is someone there?” Nick said as another coughing spasm cut off his questions.

“Of course I’m here. Didn’t you just do the whole summoning thing?” The feminine voice answered.

The smoke was almost dissipated now and they could just see within the faint cloud. A figure shaped like a young woman was slowly sitting up from a fetal position in the place the cauldron used to sit. They watched as it continued to move until it was standing. They could also see more now that the creature was up right. It appeared to have small, curled horns on top of its head and pointed ears. With the addition of a tail and two small wings on its back, they could tell this thing was definitely not human.

“We did…are you okay? That sounded painful.” Penny moved to stand closer to Nick.

“Yeah, you try plane shifting and see if you feel good about it.” The details of the creature were hard to see, even though the last wisps of smoke floated away, the woods they were standing in were still dark. The safety light in their backyard was just bright enough for them to see her silhouette. “Anyways, hi! I’m Karg(unintelligible)fa but you can call me Kelly!”

“Hi, Kelly. Aren’t you cold?” Nick slowly put an arm around Penny to hold her closer.

“Not at all, why do you ask?” Kelly sounded honestly oblivious.

“Well, uhh, you’re naked.” Even though it was dark, that was perfectly noticeable.

Kelly looked down at herself and shook her head in annoyance. “I’d say sorry but that’s kinda on you. I was in bed when you did the r word.”

“The r word?” Penny asked. “You mean ritual?”

“Oh yes. We’re not allowed to say that. It’s kinda like the safe word for my people.”

“Gotcha.” Nick looked at Penny with a troubled expression. “I think that guy drugged us.”

“Obviously.” Penny looked just as troubled. “What should we do?”

“Maybe just go inside? If this is a hallucination then, we’re probably just talking to a cat right now.” That seemed like the most practical explanation for what was happening.

“Can we please go inside? I want to see what I’m working with!” Kelly looked back at the house. “Oh, my devils! It’s adorable! I can’t wait to get started.”

“Excuse me, what are you talking about?” Penny did not feel out of sorts herself although she did get a big hit off that burst of smoke.

Kelly turned and looked at the couple with her hands on her bare hips. “I’m sorry but, you guys are acting really weird.”

“We’re acting weird? You just appeared out of nowhere in the middle of our woods! That’s what is weird here!” When had he started yelling? Nick mentally calmed himself down.

Kelly’s hands fell off her hips in a sign of perplexity. “You didn’t make a deal with a man who gave you a box of things to use and instructions on how to bring me here?”

“Well…” Nick started to speak but was cut off.

“I guess there was some kind of mistake then because if you would have summoned me on purpose, the reason would have been very clear in that deal.”

“I guess we…” Kelly again cut him off.

“My mistake! Sorry to have bothered you. Have a good night!” Kelly waved her fingers in the air in a playful farewell. “Ritu-!”

“Wait!” Penny just managed to stop Kelly from disappearing. “Please, wait. We did make the deal. We are just a little, shocked that this is real.”

“Yeah. I mean, we don’t really do this kind of thing every day. You know?” Nick scratched his neck and fought like hell to keep his eyes off her exposed breasts.

“That’s fair. I guess I did come on a little strong. But I was having a really good dream when you brought me here.”

“Sorry about that. We didn’t know what would really happen.” Penny was not at all avoiding looking at Kelly’s tits. They looked really sexy in the faint lighting, a bit mysterious and artistic.

“I know, I know.” Kelly waved her hand, dismissing the need to apologize. “Let’s start again. Okay. Hi! I’m Kelly and I’m a succubus. In the flesh, real life with no cartoon shades or “uwu” lines on my rosy little cheeks! I’m here to fix up your cute as hell house and be on my way. I am a sex crazed maniac by profession and a house flipping genus by hobby! You don’t need to worry about my needs, I’m all set but I do have just one request.”

“What is that?” Penny felt like this woman was going to avoid saying what she was really here for and was surprised at what Kelly said next.

“I’ve been in this game a long time. I’m nearly 400 years old.” Kelly looked 20, if that. “I can tell when I got an easy mark and when I’m going to lose a week of my life to fixing up a house. This feels more like one of those, ‘YAY’ for you guys situations but in case I’m wrong, my one rule is, you cannot put anything artificial inside my body.” Kelly did not so much as grin.

“Uhh. Okay. That’s umm. That’s pretty easy, as far as rules go.” Nick was blushing furiously.

“Right? I’m all about easy.” Kelly winked at them. “Pretty much anything else goes, just keep it organic. But like I said, this is just ground work. You guys seem like pretty smart humans. This week should be a breeze for you.”

Penny was confident she could hold out for a week but this creature already had Nick stuttering. Plus, seeing her naked right off the bat would not be good to help staunch curiosity. She had a bad feeling in her gut but Penny was aware they made this deal with an actual demon. They have to see it through. “We got a guest bedroom, if you’d like to get settled?”

“That would be lovely, Penny. Thank you.”

“I never said my name…” Penny should have honestly expected her to know their names.

“Please. You two basically spit in my mouth and dragged my naked ass out of bed and into the woods. That’s hot as fuck but only because I had already consented to my end of the deal. If I didn’t know your names, you’d already be dead.” She giggled lightly.

Penny and Nick exchanged nervous looks and then led the succubus named Kelly to their home.

This is just a prologue of the story to test interest. The actual chapters or “days” will probably be longer and I’m considering a diary type approach. I don’t know though. I got a lot of hot burners going right now. Might have to keep this one short and sweet if I decide to continue it at all. The good thing about this story is, the couple could fail at any point and I’ll be free to go about my business!

I’m also open to this being a bit interactive. If you have any ideas or suggestions of what you might want to see this succubus do to tempt our young heroes, feel free to comment. A few subjects I won’t touch; scat, insest, M/M scenes(lack of knowledge), and will not even come close to any age play. All fictional or non will clearly be adults. Anything else is fair game! Chime in or just read along.
