The Stunning Redheaded Soccer Mom Ch. 2 [MF]

If you haven’t read the first part, you may want to start with [Ch. 1](

Ch. 2

I was still high with arousal the rest of the afternoon. It finally wore off a bit in the evening.

It is amazing how being really turned on can lower my inhibitions as much as any drug or alcohol. I need to do a better job at not getting in these situations (see previous stories) because I can make some poor decisions.

I love my wife and my family. I don’t want to screw up my life. But much like the alcoholic, I make these same mistakes even knowing the stakes. 

Fortunately, I had never exchanged phone numbers with her. So I wasn’t tempted to text something I would regret later. That didn’t stop me from looking up her social media accounts. 

Since we aren’t friends on either platform, I couldn’t see much. A dozen or so photos on one. There were surely more visible if I was her friend. But only profile ones available to non friends. Her other account was set to private. 

I debated sending a friend request. To be clear, that was not just one short debate. It was an ongoing fight in my head for days. 

We are friendly. Why wouldn’t we be connected on social media? I am connected with many people I know less well than I know her. But what would my wife or her husband think? Probably nothing. But would I seem too eager to April and scare her off? If we connected, would I jump to saying something inappropriate?

So I looked at the dozen pictures a few dozen times and did not make the request. I was going to see her at soccer practice in a few days anyway.

Tuesday comes and I am excited about soccer practice. And to be candid, a bit scared. The horny-high had worn off a bit. Now the rational side of my brain was thinking about the consequences. I was also wondering if I had over thought this and maybe she was just a bit flirty and nothing would ever come of it. 

Then just before noon I get a text from my friend who I split basketball season tickets with. He can’t go to the game tonight and wants to swap me for another day. It is a game I would normally want to go to, good opponent. But this will ruin my soccer practice. I check with my wife to see that she can cover soccer and I reluctantly take the tickets.

My wife tells me the next day about the great mom she hung out with at practice and says I would love her. She jokingly adds that April is really pretty and just my type. Ugh.

We’ve been married 15 years and she isn’t very jealous. She knows my type and occasionally will point out a woman who fits it. I do the same for girls who are her type. She likes blondes who dress “classy.” 

No, my wife is not bi and we have not ever had a threesome, at least outside of my mind. She just admires pretty women.

I got a little nervous now that my wife met April. Would she suspect anything? Is there really anything to be suspicious of…yet?

So now I have several more days of torture before seeing April on Saturday.

The next few days are much the same as the previous. The devil and angel on my shoulders, etc. 

Then Saturday comes and my wife decides to go to the game with us. No baseball that day. April’s husband also comes with her. 

It is really cold that day. March is funny where we live. It can be 75 or 45 and windy. 

We were poorly prepared for the cold. It was 65 and sunny the day before.

April sees us on the bleachers and comes over to sit with us. She has her husband carrying blankets and she has a giant thermos of hot chocolate, with extra cups. Damned Mary Poppins has nothing on April. 

She was wearing leggings (yoga pants, whatever you want to call them) and a thick sweater. Her hair was up. First time I had seen her do that. It left her neck exposed and damn, even her neck is sexy. 

I guess I can be a little judgmental. It is funny that I usually reserve judgment on normal working class people (my roots) but am quick to stereotype richer people. But I immediately decided her husband was not for me.

He was a little shorter than me, maybe 5’8″, big barrel-chested but not a beer gut. Thick. Wearing a sweatshirt with the logo of an expensive golf course. Hair combed straight back. Jeans (also kinda too small) with some type of leather loafers and no socks (I guess that is okay in the East). Giant expensive looking watch. Oversized aviator sunglasses on a mostly cloudy day.

They sat down next to us. My wife was on my left, April on my right, and her husband on her right. I’ll call him Biff because he reminds me of a shorter version of the Back to the Future character. 

April introduced us to Biff and he seemed indifferent to our existence. Then he saw a dad a few rows over who is a state senator and made a beeline for him. Guess he assessed us pretty quickly, like I had him. And we didn’t seem to rate for him.

I had known the state senator since college. We differed somewhat politically, but a rare genuinely good guy in politics. We were friendly, but didn’t hang out together. He surely evaluated Biff like I had. 

April quickly offered to share her blankets. She only had two. She offered us two choices: my wife and I could have one and she and Buff the other, or if we didn’t mind squeezing together we could sit on one to protect our butts from the cold metal and put the other over us. 

I hesitate to answer. Praying my wife chooses option 1. But she says that April prepared well and shouldn’t have to have a cold but to help us out. So we all cuddled up.

Uh oh. This cannot go well for me. Just touching April does things to my body and makes my mind mush. 

We squish together and Buff rejoins us telling us about his good friend the senator. He gets under the blanket next to April. 

April pours us all some hot chocolate and the game starts soon.

That’s when I feel her hand on my thigh. Not between my thighs, but clearly on it in not just a casual way. While I was semi erect from just squishing against her. Now I am fully hard. She removes her hand occasionally to clap for the kids. But always puts it back. Sometimes higher. Sometimes lower. Sometimes more toward the inner thigh. 

I put my hand on hers a couple of times and it was like that surge of electricity I felt when touching her before. We caressed each other’s hands a bit and it was sexier and more intimate than most actual sex I have had.

At this point, I can hardly think. If my wife or April talk to me, I can barely process what they are saying. I hear myself speaking back to them but don’t even know what I am talking about.

At one point my wife sweetly put her hand on my leg and it was like cold water to the face. I immediately panicked that their hands would meet and I’d be busted. Not sure for what as I hadn’t really done anything. But I was terrified.

I had been hoping one of these times she would just go for it and rub me through my pants. But now I wanted her to take back her hand. 

All I could think to do is wait for the next kinda big play and to stand to clap.

Fortunately a few minutes later our goalie, a super sweet girl we’ve known for years, made a good stop. So I got to stand and cheer. My wife didn’t put her hand back on my leg. April immediately did.

Most of the game went this way until it was finally over. I didn’t get caught. I hoped no one would look down and see my hard on. It was kind of angled down and to the side in my jeans, so maybe no one would notice. 

As the next few days go buy I am try to decide if I think April is really in to me, she is just really flirty, or if she is just toying with me because she likes seeing the reaction from a guy and the power it makes her feel. 

Not in an evil way. I just think her husband is pretty self-obsessed and it gives her some validation she doesn’t get from Biff. 

It is now Tuesday and I am determined to make soccer practice tonight. Hope she does, too. But it is cloudy, windy and cold. They may even cancel practice. 

But as the day goes on, there is no notice of cancellation. So I go.

Most practices parents bring folding chairs and sit on the sidelines to half watch and half talk to each other. Some bring laptops to do work. Other play on their phones. 

But it was so cold that most parents decided to watch from their cars. You can see the practice field pretty well from the front row of the parking lot. But I didn’t get a front row spot. So I took my chair out. There were three of us sitting there. 

Then April walked up. Jeans that were mostly loose around her legs but somehow right around her little ass, and a sweatshirt. Hair up again. Damn, that neck. I never knew I had a thing for necks. Pretty sure at this point  I just have a thing for all things April.

She told me it was too cold to sit outside. I mentioned I didn’t get a good parking spot. She said she did and offered to have me join her in her car



  1. Excellent writing, great detail, amazing characters, interesting pacing. Wow, I’m impressed.

  2. As someone who knows the thrill of risk and pushing the lines, but hasn’t done so in a very long time…. Your stories are really interesting.

    My horny brain is all about it. The thrill. The risk. “Not really” cheating, but feeding that secret sexual connection with someone. The secret desire.

    My sober brain says dude… YOU ARE CHEATING. Do not kid yourself if your family truly is important to you. If she found out any of this, she’d be heart broken.

  3. Is this going on at the same time as your encounters with Olivia at work?

  4. Wow! I mean, WOW! Such frisson!

    So, and I’m just thinking out loud now, what if you and your wife traded nights again and she sat with April again… If April told your wife about her sexless marriage, mebbe your wife would come to the idea that she could share her sexy man with this nice lady who she thinks is your type. She’d come off feeling like she’d made all three parties happier, no? Then you could ditch that Hollywood-style guilt and paranoia!

  5. Absolutely loving this! Well written at a good pace! Eagerly awaiting the next chapter!!

  6. Why is it the little head overrules the big head almost every time?

  7. I didn’t think I’ve seen so many comments for one simple story. A guy sees a lady who’s beautiful and they’re both married. Guy fantasizes about the lady and we’re all hooked! I guess we all want to see where the story ends. NOW!

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