Lovin’ in the Apocalypse Ch.11 [Apocalypse, romance, horror, loving wife, flirting, teasing, cheating]

Last time on, Lovin’ in the Apocalypse!

Rachel invited Kelsey over for dinner but was gone when the young woman arrived. Safely behind walls and with hours of alone time, Tom and Kelsey finally take it all the way.

What was Rachel doing during all that adultery? Find out now!

Chapter 11: Guard Duty 2: Electric Boogaloo

Rachel walked to the front gate with a light head and squirming gut. The air was thick from the excitement she felt. It was strange to be this excited and not even be the one getting fucked. But the facts were undeniable. When Rachel pictured Kelsey walking into their cabin and going for Tom, it made her pussy feel like it was on fire. How long would it take before her husband was buried inside that seductress? Rachel would be willing to bet it would not take more than a few minutes. The only thing that could make this better would be a peep hole she could watch them through. She would have to talk to Tom about installing that.

There was a small group of people gathered at the gate and ready to start their shift. The sun was just starting to set and everyone looked in good spirits after another calm day at camp. Rachel felt like she was too obvious, paranoid that everyone could see she was holding an illicit secret. She found it especially hard to look Cameron in the eyes and was a little dismayed to find herself partnered with him for the shift. Rachel would have preferred to spend the guard shift with a stranger and daydreaming about what was happening in her home but now she would have to be more attentive.

Rachel was dressed practically, just jeans and a t-shirt. It was still warm in the evenings so her shirt was a bit more low cut than it probably needed to be. She was not a bra buster so did not mind letting her skin show. Cameron was dressed practically the same way as her only his shirt was tucked in and revealed none of his chest. He looked well groomed and happy to be alive as he smiled at Rachel.

“Who cuts your hair? It looks like you have it done, like, every week.” Rachel sat down on the stool and put her feet up on the railing.

“Kelsey does it. About once a week, yeah. It’s kind of a tradition for us.” Cameron used a pair of binoculars to scan the bushy wood line that surrounded the camp. He wondered if they should work at thinning the area. The foliage was great at helping against the infected ones but were too useful for raiders. “Her mother was a hairdresser.”

“That’s sweet. I bet you really enjoy spending that time with her.” Rachel wondered what seeing Kelsey in a tender moment was like. She seriously doubted she would see that anytime soon.

“I do.” Cameron looked at Rachel as if he wanted to say something but reconsidered it. “Times like that are rare even before all this, you know? Kids love to be all over you when they’re young and it can drive you crazy at times. But then, they get older and stop hanging around as much and you miss it. A lot. But with that little thing, as simple as a haircut, it lets me know she’s still close to me.”

Rachel swallowed as she turned her face away from Cameron. She tried to force the burning in her eyes away as a sudden pain filled her heart. A warm weight settled on her left shoulder as Cameron tried to comfort her. He noticed her moment of weakness in the suddenly silent stiffness she held.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t think about what I was saying.”

“It’s okay.” Rachel breathed out in a shaky voice. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” She placed her small hand on his large one and soaked in some of his offered comfort.

“You wanna talk about it?”

Rachel just shook her head, still not quite able to turn and face him. “I can’t.”

They sat in a companionable silence for a few moments before Cameron gave her shoulder a firm squeeze and pulled his hand away. Rachel cleared her throat and roughly wiped her cheeks. She gave Cameron a small but convincing smile. Her mood was not changed by the sudden memories. “I’m good, really. Just snuck up on me is all.”

“I understand. But you know, if you ever wanted to talk about that or anything, you can come to me.”

“Thanks, Cam.”

“You’re welcome, Ray.” Cameron smiled a little mischievously before saying the secret nickname.

Rachel let out a genuine laugh that cleared the sad air from the area. “I thought you forgot about that.”

“Nah, I just didn’t see an appropriate moment to pull it out.” He put the binoculars to his eyes again.

‘This is an appropriate time to pull it out.’ The thought crossed her mind quickly and made Rachel wonder what she would do if Cameron did actually pull his cock out. That would probably depend on what he wanted her to do with it. The thoughts were sudden, clear and they shocked Rachel. She never before felt so sure about cheating on her husband. But, was it cheating? Considering what he was doing with Kelsey right now the obvious answer felt like, no. However, she did not believe it was the same. Tom has permission to be with Kelsey. If she did anything with Cameron now, it would be crossing the line. So what if she only toed the line? If Tom could have his extra marital fun, what would be the harm in her having some too?

Rachel could not think of what to say to help keep the conversation going. She was too absorbed in wondering about Tom and Kelsey and fantasizing about what this moment could be like for her too. Likewise, Cameron did not seem to be in a hurry to fill the silence. She thought he was just lightly brooding until he finally spoke. It sounded as if he had been trying to work up a way to ask something. Rachel was amused at seeing the normally confident man a little nervous.

“So, uhh. How are things going with you? You seem happier lately.” Cameron rubbed the back of his neck.

“I am happier now. It just took some time for me to want to be around people again.”

“I guess I can understand that.” After a few more quiet seconds, he continued, “and things are good at home? With Tom?”

Rachel looked at Cameron with an eyebrow raised. “Yes, things are fine with Tom. Why do you ask?”

“Oh, no real reason. Just trying to make small talk.”

Rachel scoffed. “That’s a lie. No man has ever asked a woman about her relationship to make small talk.” She laughed and pushed his arm playfully. “What do you really want to know?”

Cameron looked a little chastened. To cover his awkwardness, he pulled his radio to his mouth and said, “time! Rotate and report.” After clipping his radio back to his belt, Cameron and Rachel began walking to the next post on the wall. Finally, he said what he had been wanting to say. “I don’t know, I guess I was just wondering if it was good between you two. I don’t want to step on any toes, you know?”

Step on any toes? “We’re doing good, honestly but what do you mean about toes?” Rachel looked up at Cameron but he was not looking her in the eyes. He kept his eyes on the ground as if he needed to place his feet in the right places.

“I don’t know, Ray. It just feels like I’m picking up a certain vibe from you and I don’t want to have misinterpreted that. I don’t want to make a move and upset you.”

“Oh.” It was Rachel’s turn to be quiet. Make moves? She found it suddenly difficult to take a full breath.

“If I’m wrong, I’m sorry. It’s been a while since I’ve tried to be involved with anyone. I guess I’m just not used to picking up signals.”

“No, it’s okay.” Rachel felt the thin ice crack a little more. “You’re not wrong…” Rachel swallowed the lump in her throat. “I think you’re attractive and being alone with you isn’t the worst thing I can imagine.”

Cameron laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, that’s pretty direct.” He sobered slightly but his smile did not go away completely. “I guess that puts us in the same boat.”

“You think I’m attractive?” Rachel felt her stomach flutter in excitement. She wanted to hear him say it more directly.

“At station, all clear.” A voice came through the radio and made them jump a little.

“Uhh, yeah. I mean, I guess so.” Cameron sounded like a much younger man asking for a date. It was quite endearing. “Not that it really matters though.”

“The sexiest bachelor in New Washington thinks I’m pretty?” Rachel exaggerated as if she was a young lady being asked out on a date. “That definitely matters to me. Can you think of a better compliment?” Rachel smiled at Cameron and saw in his eyes he could indeed think of a couple good compliments.

“At station, all clear.” Another group checked in just as Cameron and Rachel reached their station. As leader, Cameron had to wait until all of the others checked in before he could radio the all clear. After another minute, the all clear was given and everyone relaxed into their station for the period.

Rachel felt like she was floating on a cloud. This illicit fun in addition to what was happening in her home was like some twisted fairy tale. If this is what being a princess was like, she would sign up any day of the week. It seemed almost fated that she would end up in the only situation left on this planet that could be more exciting than thinking about Tom and Kelsey. She could not entirely doubt those thoughts were the cause of her current reckless behavior. She felt strong, confident and extremely horny. Rachel tasted the naughty words on her tongue and spoke them before her brain had a chance to analyze the flavor.

“What moves?”

“Huh?” Cameron turned to Rachel, slightly confused. Her question popped his own contemplative bubble.

“You said, you didn’t want to upset me by making a move. What move did you have in mind?”

“Wooh. It’s been a while since a woman has put me on my back foot like this.” Cameron laughed and scratched at his arm nervously.

Rachel laughed too. “Why are you nervous? It’s just us up here, you can say whatever you want. I promise I won’t get mad and it’ll be between us.”

“I’ve just never been good at the quick, witty flirting and one night stand kind of stuff. I always had to play the long game.”

“That’s really sweet. You’re tall and hot as fuck, I seriously doubt you couldn’t have any woman that was interested in that kind of thing.” Rachel rotated on the stool so her whole body faced him. “You could probably have any woman you wanted at camp.”

“Not true.” Cameron smiled as he turned to face her in kind.

“Why not?”

“Because some of the women in camp are off limits.” Cameron moved a little closer.

“A straight woman off limits to a man like you? No way.”

“The ones who are off limits to everyone, except their husbands.”

“Oh, you’re worried about jealous husbands? That’s all?”

“That’s a pretty big thing.” Cameron chuckled but stepped a little closer. He was almost touching her knees now.

“True. But who’s going to tell the husband that gets jealous? If you’re with the right woman, she’ll keep your secrets.” Rachel felt the point of no return and stepped right through it. She decided she would not make any outward moves. Like Tom did when Kelsey first seduced him, she would only respond to what Cameron did. That felt fair to Rachel and if this came around, she would have a solid defense.

“Yeah? How can I tell which ones would keep secrets?” Cameron was standing so close that Rachel could feel his body heat.

“For starters, you’re looking right at one.” Rachel whispered, not trusting her voice to stay even.

Cameron leaned forward, hesitated and then kissed Rachel lightly on the lips. He left his mouth against hers for a few heartbeats and started to pull away.

Rachel was stunned to find Cameron’s lips on hers. Intellectually, she knew where all that was leading. She had been provoking this exact situation. But as it happened, she found herself frozen with indecision. Before she could make her mind up on how to respond, Cameron began to pull away from her. Rachel let go of her thoughts and gave her body free reign of its own choices. As if it had been waiting for her permission, Rachel’s body came to life. She reached for and pulled Cameron’s neck back down and pushed her lips against his.

For the first time in years Rachel was kissing and being kissed by someone who was not Tom. It felt refreshing and invigorating, like a gulp of orange juice, right out of the carton at 3 in the morning. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and Cameron stepped even closer as his tongue responded. His hands were in her hair and on her back. In a reverse parody of how Tom and Kelsey looked when they fooled around up here, Cameron was standing between Rachel’s legs as they kissed.

Rachel put her hands on Cameron’s waist and gently pulled him closer. Finally, his crotch was pressed firmly against hers. She could feel his impressive bulge as he held it against her. He did not thrust or rub his cock on her, he just stayed there as if he wanted her to know it existed. She believed in it, completely. Rachel began to lightly move her own hips, causing just a little friction inside their separate jeans. Cameron responded by moving his own hips but did not become impatient or forceful. He held his lust in check and his control was driving Rachel crazy. She wanted him to fuck her, right here and now but would not push him farther than he took on his own.

After an eternity that passed in an instant, Cameron lightly ended the kiss and stepped back. He was flushed and out of breath. “Whoa. I forgot how hard it is to breathe during all that.”

Rachel watched him with hooded eyes and waited for him to step back up to the plate with his bat. The burning ache in her pussy wanted to feel his weight pressed against it again. Rachel felt fine with plenty of air left. She was not out of kissing shape and could have taken a lot more. Cameron did not seem to be in a hurry to come back in for more though so Rachel tried to calm herself down. “It can be a workout.” She smiled sideways at him.

Though Cameron did not push for more, he and Rachel spent the time on guard duty as if it was a date. They talked, kissed and snuggled but only occasionally. Cameron was leaving her hanging on purpose, although she did not think he was being mean. Each time they started a kissing session, Cameron would lightly back off just as it would start to get wild. He had a boundary that was clear and Rachel did not try to push past it. She did wonder about his hesitation though. It was not like they could date conventionally. If his interest in her was sexual, he could have that. Part of her was already aware of Cameron’s ways but she purposely ignored the red flag. He would be emotionally involved in this if it went farther. But, she realized without much fear, so would Kelsey.

When the shift ended, they somewhat awkwardly grouped up with the other guards that would be passing the watch to the next rotation. Rachel felt guilty and was sure everyone knew what they had been doing. Cameron seemed like himself but on closer inspection, Rachel could tell he was feeling some sort of pressure. He did not give his usual end of shift motivation speech. He dismissed everyone briskly with a polite but shaky smile. Rachel walked close to him when everyone started to break apart and head home.

Rachel felt a strange desire to stay near Cameron. Part of it was attraction but she was also strangely paranoid that he would lose feelings for her when they separated. She identified it as an overly needy and toxic feeling but felt compelled to hold off their separation for as long as possible. “Care to walk a lady home?”

Cameron looked up and smiled. He glanced around to make sure no one was in hearing distance. “I’d love to.”

Cameron’s hands were in his pockets as they walked. Rachel was a little amused, it was as if he thought she would try to hold his hand or something. They did not move quickly, each of them were fine with making the walk back last. They occasionally bumped into each other but did not apologize at the contact as friends might do. The contact was mutual and they privately enjoyed it for what they knew the touching meant. Rachel was eager for more contact but knew she would be getting some soon. She felt bad that Cameron would be alone with this energy they created.

“You know, the house next to me is empty. If you want to pop in there for a few minutes, I’d be okay with it.” Rachel’s stomach was roiling.

Cameron chuckled. “That’s right, I nearly forgot about that.”

Rachel took that as a polite refusal and tried not to feel disappointed. She was completely thrown off when Cameron angled towards the empty shack. He looked around before quickly opening the door and stepping inside. It was pitch black in the home but Cameron did not need lights to grab her and find her mouth. He kissed her with a passion that he held back for most of the night. She responded by melting into his strong arms. She was wholly his in this moment. Rachel surrendered to the stronger person that held her in their hands. It was the only way she knew how to respond to such exquisite dominant behavior. Cameron could pick her up and use her as a toy, if he wanted to.

It would turn out that Cameron only wanted to kiss her before heading home. “I needed that.” He whispered with his forehead pressed to hers. “I’m going to go crazy thinking about tonight.”

“Me too.” Rachel whispered back. She was drunk with this man’s taste in her mouth. She wanted to ravage him, if he did not leave soon, she would not be able to hold her personal promise to not push things further.

Cameron kissed her deeply for several seconds before hurrying back out into the night. Rachel stood in the darkness for a few minutes, trying to catch her breath. Her thoughts were in a storm of lust. She felt like she was in high school, standing on her parent’s stoop and trying to straighten up before walking in. She nearly laughed as she realized she needed to do that. Rachel was already subconsciously making a decision that she was not yet aware of. She had, after all, told Cameron she would keep it a secret. As far as she knew, Tom did not make that promise to Kelsey.

Not long after coming home and seeing a pair of black lace panties spinning on Tom’s victorious finger, Rachel was on her back and stuffed full of her husband’s cock. She wanted to moan out in pleasure but Kelsey’s panties were stuffed in her mouth and muffled her cries of pleasure. Tom was in her ear, telling her in vivid detail of how he just fucked the young seductress that been sniffing around.

Rachel was far away, the parts of her that were human took a vacation as her body was fucked into unfiltered bliss. All the taboo moments of the night piled on her like a football team and the release of that pressure was trying to consume Rachel. Just one last thing anchored her to the moral plane. She needed to know something vital, Tom was not saying it but she had to know. Her hands were bound to the bed frame with scarves so she could not pull the pussy flavored panties out of her mouth. She batted at Tom until he noticed her struggles.

“You want to say something?”

Rachel nodded and waited.

Tom slowly stopped thrusting as he considered his helpless wife. His head tilted to the side as he assessed her in a calculating way. It made Rachel’s heart race to see him looking down at her like that. “Okay. But only because I’m curious about what detail I forgot.” Tom dug the panties out with fingers that smelled and tasted like pussy. He had not yet touched hers with those fingers.

“Was it better than mine?” Rachel breathed out as she tried to move her hips against Tom’s cock.

“Was what better?” Tom began to thrust with her rhythm.

“Her pussy. Was it better than mine? It had to be tighter, right?” Rachel encouraged him to pick up speed.

“It was so tight, Rachel! Holy shit! Talk about vice grip.” He thought he was dodging her question but she would not let him off until she got off. All he needed to do was be honest.

“So she was better? Better than my old, used pussy?” Rachel wanted to grab Tom and make him fuck her harder but he seemed to think this was a trap. His brow furrowed as he considered her words. “Tell me, Tom. Tell me.”

He looked into her eyes for several seconds before giving her what she needed. “It was so much better. She was so tight and deep, Kelsey has the perfect pussy. Of course it was better than this one.”

The humiliation shot through Rachel like nerve shock and her body began to twist against the restraints. “OhmygodTom!” The orgasm hit her like a semi going full speed. Tom did his best to keep fucking her as she came but Rachel moved like a tied up bull. “OHMYGODTOM!” Rachel squealed as her brain could only repeat itself in a state of shutting down. Though she tried to make an effort to hold it in, the restraints and might of the orgasm made her control slip. Rachel sprayed Tom with a jet of piss as he forced his cock back into her still bucking body. “AGGGHHH!” A vein in Rachel’s neck pulsed as the orgasm hit her with one more debilitating wave.

Tom pumped his hips hard and fast, going way too deep with his cock but Rachel was almost unconscious from the orgasm. She would notice in the morning when she struggled to walk straight but right now, he was free to pump as deep as he needed.

“I’m cumming!” Tom groaned just before burying his cock deep inside her.

Rachel hissed in pain but held still as his orgasm pumped out. She felt him throbbing against her cervix and tried to adjust herself so it was a little more comfortable. After a few seconds, the stinging became a bit too much and it was no longer tolerable. “Tom.” She whispered. “You’re hurting me.”

Tom held still for a couple more seconds and then pulled out just enough to give her relief. “Sorry, I got a little carried away.” He lightly kissed her lips, then her chin, then her neck.

“S’okay.” Rachel purred as she wrapped her arms around him. “Was she really that much different?”

“Oh yeah. She took the whole thing. From the beginning, I shit you not.” Tom lightly nibbled the skin that covered her collarbone.

“Wow. That’s impressive.” Rachel inhaled the scent of Tom’s hair as he began to nibble at the soft flesh of her breast.

“It was the first time I’ve been all the way inside someone.” Tom ran his tongue around Rachel’s pink nipple.

Rachel felt a stab of jealousy but fought it away. She and Kelsey were as different as two women could be. From skin tone to height difference, they were complete opposites. Sure, Kelsey has the big tits and deep pussy but Rachel has a fanatic ass and deep throat. Tom really was getting the best of both worlds and it made her happy to know he was being satisfied so thoroughly. It was her way of showing that she truly loved him.

“Good morning, Bruce. Are you feeling better today?”

Bruce walked into Kenneth’s comfortable suite and sat down at the cluttered dining table. “Hell yes, I am. I have to admit, I pushed it a little too far that time.”

Kenneth walked over to a bar and started to pour a couple of drinks. He did not need to ask Bruce if he wanted one. Kenneth handed the big guy a glass of whiskey and sat down across from him. “I noticed. You were pretty out of it when you finally got back. The guys haven’t been able to find your bike yet.”

Bruce took a big swallow of the brown liquid. “Yeah, I’ll find it. I just need another day to get my body right.” Bruce began to pat at his many pockets. “Oh, I got you something.” He finally found what he was looking for and tossed the felt sack on the table.

Kenneth recognized the familiar purple color of the whiskey sack and rolled his eyes. “God dammit, Bruce. This shit is useless. Why do you keep bringing it home?” Kenneth dumped the contents out on the table. There were rings, necklaces, bracelets, all kinds of jewelry and gems. Some of it was clean but most of it was stained in blood and grime.

“I know. I know. It just seems like a waste to leave it out there. Besides, Jess’s girls seem to like it.”

“Fair enough. So, tell me about this, New Washington.”

Kenneth listened as Bruce told him about the almost medieval-like settlement. He sometimes read from a notebook but used his notes less as he got deeper into his report. By the time he was finished, Kenneth was leaning back with a troubled expression on his smooth face. Bruce noticed the Bossman had bags under his eyes as if he missed some sleep recently. He decided not to comment on this. “Anyways, I’d say it would take about 4 days on a straight shot. And that’s without any interruptions. With the way the infected move in the summer, that 4 days would be unlikely.”

“I see. Yeah, that’s probably too far. We could just flatten them and pick through what’s left but that would be a waste of resources. Hmm.” Kenneth rubbed his chin while he considered the problem. “What if we played the long con here? We could see if they’re the friendly type and try to get real cozy with them. Maybe see what they got on the inside and then come up with a plan.”

“That’s gonna be a tough juggle. We’re not the most savory people.” Bruce finished what was left in his glass.

“True. We’ll have to get a little group together that looks decent enough. Some of the ones who aren’t quite disillusioned on what we got going on here. Just give me some time to work out a plan.” Kenneth began to make a mental list of some of his people that might make a good envoy. He was interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

“Bossman? It’s Stephen. You in there?”

“I’m here, it’s unlocked.”

Stephen walked in, dressed in his military uniform and armed to the teeth. He was going out on a trip today, it was surprising to see the meticulous man here instead of berating his squad. “Sorry, Bossman. We were getting ready to head out when I got some news I think you want to hear.” Stephen reached into the hallway and grabbed someone who seemed too nervous to walk in on his own.

Stephen bodily moved the skinny man to stand in front of Kenneth. He was sobbing and would not look up from the floor. “Come on, man. We don’t have all day.” Stephen jabbed a thumb into the man’s ribs.

The lanky man with long, greasy hair began to stutter through sobs. Bruce smacked the table with a heavy hand. “Don’t talk to us like that! Pull your shit together, Kyle.”

After a minute, Kyle gathered his breath and could speak normally. “I’m sorry, Bossman. I tried to give it up but I can’t do it. Now it’s more expensive and I’m going to starve if I keep going like this.” Kyle’s eyes filled with tears again as he tried to stay even. “This is what happened before, right? That man was stealing and got his hand chopped off?” Kyle started ringing his hands together as if he was scared they might want to take them.

“Yeah. Why? Did you steal something?” Bruce narrowed his eyes on Kyle.

“No! No. I just came close to doing it, you know? That’s why I came to you.” Kyle turned pleading eyes at Stephen. “I wanted to make sure I didn’t break the rules.”

Kenneth stood up and marched towards Kyle. His face was an unreadable mask and it did not shift as he got close. Kyle wanted to retreat but knew better. He was completely stunned by the right hook that knocked him to the floor.

“Why’d you do that, man?” Kyle whined as he put a hand against the swelling spot on his cheek. “Whoa! Wait, please don’t!” Kyle closed his eyes and flinched as Kenneth grabbed his shirt and yanked him up to his level.

Kenneth’s face was red and nearly pressed against the simpering man. He realized his reactions were a bit over the edge but the lack of good sleep was starting to get to him. He was being tormented by nightly nightmares about his dead wife. Worse than that, this wrathe-like version of his wife was showing up in daydreams. He occasionally caught a glimpse of her crawling through the shadows with that awful body dragging behind. Kenneth knew he did not need to beat this man. It was obvious he was here to play the rat. The release of frustration was good for Kenneth so he did not let up or apologize.

Kenneth shook his right hand to clear the pain away. His body ached from the fight but Kenneth felt refreshed. Kyle laid on the ground, curled into a fetal position as he quietly sobbed. “There. That’s sufficient justice for your crimes. Next time you want to put poison in your body, come on back and I’ll give you some more.” Kenneth crouched down low and stroked Kyle’s face almost tenderly.

Kyle flinched from the contact and shook slightly. “Shhhh, easy now. You’re gonna want to be real quiet so you can hear this next part. I will not be repeating myself.”

Kenneth glanced at Samuel’s door. In the heat of the moment, he forgot his son was home. He saw the boy’s eye through a slight crack in the door. Father and son regarded each other silently for a few seconds before Kenneth turned his attention back on Kyle. “Who is the supplier?”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tyxcar/lovin_in_the_apocalypse_ch11_apocalypse_romance