Here’s the Deal.. Part II [F/M]

Leaning in to kiss me, I didn’t have the heart to stop him. My husband’s lips met mine in a long passionate endearment and his beard tickled as it brushed my face.

“I love you.” He said soberly.

Holding eachother tightly at the foot of the bed, we eventually broke apart and went to work on a quick fix for dinner. After devouring my food in silence, I immediately darted off to our bedroom and straight into the shower.

Tears again streaming from my face, I ran the water as hot as I could withstand. With suds in my hair, I shaved my legs, my arm pits and my still tainted pussy. Removing any trace of Ted’s violation, I scrubbed myself inside and out, and proceeded to rinse the conditioner from my scalp as the events of the day regretably replayed in my head.

Ted’s arrogance, my own actions, and the “bet” my husband had failed to mention, had created a circumstance I was going to have to come to grips with. I didn’t know what my husband was going to do about his friend, but I knew the thought of being “fairplay” made me cringe. The only thing that could come from this would be a more obnoxious and repulsive version of Ted.

Turning in early for the night, I climbed into bed and curled up facing the wall. I knew my husband would be settling in shortly and I laid waiting. Hoping for his eventual embrace I dozed in and out. Avoiding the afternoon’s travesty all together he never came to bed. I awoke to the sun shining brightly thru the open curtains and after throwing on a robe, I checked our guestroom and made my way downstairs to the livingroom.

A pillow and blanket were tossed across the couch and in looking in the garage, his car was gone. To grab my phone, I headed back to our bedroom when I noticed a letter in the kitchen. In exactly the spot my tits were pressed against the counter not even 24 hrs earlier, the note read:


I left for work early this morning because I couldn’t sleep. The image of you & Ted is torturing me and I needed to be alone. Please give me time with my thoughts while I figure out what to do.

Love you always,

As time went on, my husband never brought it up. Not another word was spoken about that day until I finally had had enough. About a week after sleeping with his best friend and being ignored, I couldn’t take it anymore.

My husband was barely speaking to me, and when he did, our conversations were short and shallow, talking about the weather or small pleasantries over dinner. Although he had came back to bed, he hadn’t touched me. Short of an arm slung over me when he’d roll over in his sleep, or a peck on the lips when leaving and returning from work, we were broken.

“So, are we ever going to get past this?” I blurted out watching him take a bite of his chicken alfredo.

“Move past what…” Ryan asked playing stupid, spinning his noodles on a fork.

“Oh I don’t know, maybe Ted fucking me?” I said sarcastically, stating the obvious.

He stopped. Looking up from his plate, his eyes focused on my expressions.

“Oh that…” He said, stabbing at his food. “Ted did ask me if he could come over tomorrow and hang out awhile..”

“WHAT!?” I snapped. “And what did you say!?” I inquired angrily, offended by the mere suggestion of Ted’s presence still in our lives.

“Well it’s a Saturday so I told him it’d be fine.” He replied calmy taking another bite.

His attitude infuriated me. Losing my temper and jumping up from the table my emotions ran wild. I grabbed my plate and walked off.

“Sure, I mean why wouldn’t you invite over the guy that fucked you over and fucked your wife..” I yelled throwing down my plate, slinging pasta across the counter.

Just looking at the mess I considered storming out of the room, but I needed to know exactly what in the hell he was thinking.

“You want him to fuck me again don’t you?” I questioned turning towards him. Crossing my arms I swung my hip and leaned against the counter.

“THE FUCK I DO!” He shouted, now jumping up from the table himself. I continued to rant.

“Why didn’t you tell me Ted told you he was trying to fuck me!?” I shouted back.

“I think you wanted him to fuck me and now you’re going keep him around hoping that he does.” I said provoking him.

As he approached my husband’s face was filled with anger and for an instant, I was scared I had pushed things too far. My adrenaline raced and I braced for his reaction. Walking right past me he set his plate in the sink and he washed his hands.

“I don’t think you should be here when Ted stops by.” My husband said drying his hands, squeezing the towel.

“That’s completely fine by me..” I exclaimed happily in agreement beginning to clean up my mess.

Retiring to our living room, my husband climbed into his favorite recliner and I took the couch. Flipping aimlessly thru the channels did nothing to distract from the issue on our minds, and as my husband stared blankly at the TV, I took matters into my own hands.

Rolling off the couch and springing to my feet I stood in his view of the television.

“So what? You just don’t want me anymore?” I asked stripping off my tshirt.

Standing topless in my pajama bottoms, I pressed my tits between my arms and leaned forward. Pointing my supple nipples directly at him I shook my chest and bounced. I watched his expressions as he fought a smile and I shimmied closer. Sliding my hands between my legs and to my mound, I reached the front of the chair.

“I know I want you.” I said reassuringly as I slowly stood back up. Rubbing myself through the front of my pants, my other hand found and cupped my breast while I looked down at him.

“What do you want?” I asked timidly biting my lip. My fingers twisting my nipple brought a warm flood below my beltline.

As my husband adjusted in the chair he looked hard in thought, beginning to speak I instantly pounced. Climbing into his lap I straddled his waist and sunk my butt between his legs. I had missed his touch so much. His attention has always driven me to thrill no matter how small the moment.

Pulling my husband in to kiss me I ran my fingers over his ears and threw my arms around him. Guiding him to my chest I rocked back and forth and began to dry hump him right in the recliner.

My cheeks made perfect handfuls as he grabbed my ass and begun to massage my hips. Bouncing my pelvis on his groin, I gripped a handful of his hair and pressed my breasts into his face. Latching onto my tit, Ryan sucked it into his mouth and rolled his swirling tongue around my nipple. Slowly rolling my hips, I spread my lips through the fabric and rested my clit on my husband’s shaft, growing and straining in his pants.

“Take this upstairs?” I whispered as I ground my pussy on the hard cock between my legs, my clit swelling with the friction.

Nodding his head and panting, he threw himself back and caught his breath. Dismounting from the chair I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on his thighs. Tugging at his trousers he lifted his hips and I helped him to removed them. As my husband stood up I held his legs and welcomed his cock into my open mouth.

“Oh God..” he moaned.

Pressing my nose against his abdomen, I felt his cock begin to pulsate on my tongue. Attempting to pull from of my mouth, I grabbed the edges of his bulging head with my teeth, and sucked him back in. With a swallow his dick found the back of my throat and I rocked my face against his waist. Squeezing his thighs as he flexed, I held my breath. Proceeded to drain his balls into my stomach, I looked up at my husband to show my approval.

Twitching and pulsing in my lips, I released my husband’s member. As Ryan reached to stroke his orgasm I shook my head and stopped him. Taking his hands in mine, I led the way upstairs.

Leaping ahead of him as we approached the bed, I removed my bottoms and assumed the position. On all fours and spreading my legs, I dropped my pussy inches from the edge of the bed and my feet dangled off the side. Taking my ass in his hands, my husband crept up behind me.

“Mmm baby, please fuck me?” I moaned, laying on the mattress and raising my arms above my head.

Starting to rub the head of his still hard dick between my legs my husband quickly slid back to find my wet waiting slit. It had been weeks since we had last made love and feeling him finally penetrate my tight hungry lips sent me into a frenzy. Throwing my ass back against his thighs, I bounced on his thick cock with a voracity I had never shown him before.

“Oh yes baby, fuck me.” I exclaimed lustfully.

Wiggling my ass as he pounded me, I giggled at my slutty outburst and felt completely turned on. With a consistent thrusting of hips his determination to please me was not going unnoticed, my pussy dripped with pleasure and an orgasm slowly grew within me.

“Oh I’m going to cum baby!” I shouted thrusting myself back onto his cock.

“Ohhhh… fuck baby..” I moaned feeling the rush flood my base of my skull. Sliding forward I removed my husband from my body and rolled over.

With a curling of my finger I motioned for him to join me on the bed. Climbing up next to me and rolling to his back, I mounted my husband’s face. Lowering my still quivering pussy to his lips, I took his cock in my hand and jerked with a quick tight grip. Pumping his stiff penis up and down I rode out my bliss and continued the dirty dialogue.

“You like that dripping pussy of your face don’t you baby?” I asked in my best sultry voice.

“You like it when I rub my ass riiight..thhhere.. ” I said grinding my asshole against his nose.

“Uhh.” I heard my husband sigh as his dick began to spurt for a second time.

Gripping his shaft with a finger and thumb, I pulled the skin of his cock tight towards the base and pressed my palm against his abdomen. Twitching in my grip as I squeezed, my own orgasm rushed from my pussy and his dick continued to pulse as cum dribbled down my hand.

“I just love making you cum baby.” I said playfully. Hopping off of him I rubbed my husband’s seed across his stomach and laid down beside him.

“I love you sweetie.” He said warmly, his fingers caressed my back.

“I love you too.” I replied.

My mind was at ease and things were going to work themselves out. I felt as if a huge weight had been lifted and our love had prevailed. “And I’ll just head to my grandmother’s for a few hours tomorrow and I’ll text you on my way home.”

Nodding in agreement we laid together in slumber. When morning came, we awoke in each other arms and the day began like any other. Cleaning myself up, I made a couple of calls and planned my afternoon. Reminding my husband I would text, I kissed him goodbye and there was a knock at the door. I knew Ted had arrived.

“Glad I’m leaving.” I laughed heading to the garage. Grabbing my purse from the kitchen on my way out, I turned and never looked back. My conscience was already in overdrive and seeing him would only make things worse.

Picking up my grandmother we found a spot to grab some lunch and did a little shopping. Back at her house she spoke of the glory days with my late grandfather, and the tribulations of their relationship. I wouldn’t dare tell her the details of my own struggles, but I hinted at our turmoil as I knew she could sense something was off about me. As we said our goodbyes we hugged and my grandmother offered a final word of advice.

“Don’t let ’em get ya down honey, and if they do, don’t get ’em up.” She winked and smiled, patting my shoulder.

Mentally, seeing my grandmother did me a great service and heading home feeling good and a little more self empowered, I sent a snarky text message to my husband that read:

“On my way now, send ur boyfriend home.”

When finally rounding the corner to our house Ted’s car came into view and I couldn’t believe he was still there. As I reached our driveway the garage was opened and from behind the door popped my husband and his friend. With a backpack slung over his shoulder and an energy drink in his hand, Ted watched as I pulled past them and into the garage.

“Hey Roxy..” Ted smiled and waved.

Ignoring his advance, I immediately fired back. “What’s in the backpack?” I asked snipniply gathering my bags.

“Oh, it’s a project I’m working on…” Ted answered unabashed. “Just my laptop, a six pack and the essentials.”

Turning to Ryan Ted grinned, “Thanks for the bang.” He said shaking the can in his hand. “Next weekend we’ll go big.”

My husband followed me inside as his friend took off down the driveway. I didn’t want to have to see him ever again, and disgruntled once again, I dropped my purchases in the livingroom and I turned to my husband to express my disappointment.

“You shaved?!” I blurted out, pausing in astonishment. “When did you do that!?”

My husband’s face was completely bare. His beard and goatee were gone and the scruff on his neck was clean shaven and smooth. It was a drastic change that I had never seen before, and I was immediately turned off.

“I did it while Ted was here.” Ryan answered rubbing his neck and feeling the change.

“Why?” I questioned, more dumbfounded and frustrated than before.

“I don’t know..” My husband said now with embarrassment, “Ted was playing on his laptop, I was bored, and I guess I wanted something different.”

Unimpressed by his new look, I thought back to what my grandmother had told me.

“Anyways, you let me down today,” I said scolding him.

“How?” My husband questioned with the beginnings of an attitude.

“I specifically asked for Ted to be gone when I got home and you couldn’t do it.” I yelled now getting in his face.

“I’m tired of being let down!” I proclaimed grabbing his balls thru his shorts. “And if you’re going to be making drastic changes, than so am I.”

Releasing my grip I turned and gathered my things. Retreating to our bedroom I gathered my thoughts. My grandmother’s advice had stuck with me, and I told myself my actions would mirror his. He was not getting it up if he kept letting me down. The idea had a very pleasing ring to it. As long as Ted was in our lives, our sex life was going to change drastically.

..To be continued in Part III


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