Going to the Kellers’ (Part 1)

Here’s a story about a trip I went on with friends last summer. Thought I’d share. Enjoy!


The cool wind rushed through my fingertips as I (23M) let my left arm glide in the fresh Washington air, my right arm planted firmly on the steering wheel. The girls laughed as I gave my best impression of Doja Cat while we sang along to “Juicy.”

“Alex, you belong on tour with Doja Cat!” Lexi exclaimed.

“Oh, yeah right!” I shot back. “Have you seen the way that woman can dance?”

“Of course!” chimed Bri.

May confidently proclaimed, “I can dance just like that with a few shots in me!”

Bri and May whispered and giggled about something in the back while Lexi and I made sure I didn’t miss an exit.

“Lex, are we pretty close?” asked May.

“Yeah, we’re about 15 minutes out,” Lexi replied.

Lexi’s family (the Kellers) are loaded as fuck and have a house on Lake Chelan that they are kind enough to let Lexi have to herself whenever she pleases.

I was lucky enough to have joined her last summer after meeting and becoming friends our freshman year at the university.

“Oh my God, I’m so excited!” May squealed as she did a little happy dance.

“You’re gonna love it,” chimed Bri.

May missed out on the lake trip last year due to family plans. She’d endured a year of hearing our fun stories and finally she could make new ones with us at the lake this year.

The girls yipped and giggled as we caught a glimpse of the lake. Sunshine glimered on the water and a gentle breeze swayed the cluster of trees nearest us. We rushed past the “Welcome to Chelan” sign, certainly moving a few miles per hour above the speed limit. We could hardly wait to reach the house. Lake Chelan is a gorgeous lake with deep blue water and perfect weather, nestled between scenic mountains and the arid highlands of Eastern Washington.

Soon enough we were pulling up into the Kellers’ wrap-around driveway and the girls were darting out the doors to check out the place before I had my car in park.

As soon as Lexi turned the house key, Bri and May quickly made themselves welcome. Bri tugged at May and Lexi to go get their dibs on the master bedroom with its California King bed and remote-control custom lighting. Not to mention the stellar bathroom with an open walk-up shower that drizzled water that felt like soft rainfall. Everything in the master bedroom was basically state of the art. Including the fancy-pants nano fiber bamboo memory foam mattress, the heated blankets, and the walk-in closet. The Kellers spared no expenses on this vacation home.

“No need to sprint! I won’t take the master bedroom from you. And the others won’t show up for two whole days!” I teased.

Dan, Jack, and Sarah couldn’t get work off and were thus not showing up until Friday evening.

“We know, Alex! We’re just so excited. Let’s bring in our bags and then go show May the backyard and the jet skis,” declared Lexi.

“The jet skis?!” May almost slipped on the wood floors as she rounded the corner coming out of the master bedroom.

The bags were strewn across the living room in a jiffy and before i knew it, we were out on the lake enjoying the beautiful, sunny sky and crisp, clear water.

We zipped across the lake, criss-crossing wakes and whipping donuts. We got to Lexi’s favorite cove and beached our jet skis.

Lexi was the first ashore and the first to take off her life vest. I was taken back for a moment seeing Lexi in just her bikini for the first time in about a year. I don’t think her physique had changed at all, but the mental image had faded over time. She had a killer body. She was about 5’7”, blonde, with an athletic build. She has the most gorgeous green eyes you’ve ever seen. She’s been a gym girl for a few years so she is muscular in all the right ways. Her workout program kept her in tip-top shape. And boy, was she looking good today in that white bikini. Her ass was round and plump, nearly bursting the stitches off her bikini bottom. You could just see that muscle in there but somehow her build was such that it was squishy too. It is the type of ass you just want to slap and squeeze and use as a pillow. Lexi had well-defined abs. Her obliques always impressed me, as did the curvature of her torso from her hips into her abdominal area. She had sculpted hips with hip bones that protruded a bit, complemented on either side by her plump, firm ass and her chiseled abs. Her torso curved smoothly from her wide hips to her narrow waist and showed off her abs perfectly. And as if all of that wasn’t enough, her tits were phenomenal. They were just the right size and proportional to her frame.

Seeing Lexi strip off her life vest and beach her jet ski, I became a bit too focused on her figure which I hadn’t seen in so long. I started to notice a disturbance in the tension of my trunks. I did not want to have to stand up anytime soon. I maintained my stealth by rolling off the side of my jet ski into the water from the seated position with the excuse of wanting to enjoy the refreshing water. No one could see my enlarged dick beneath the surface- or at least I hoped!

Soon the girls were darting up the sand hill which overlooked the cove. This was a classic lake trip activity beloved by all. Unfortunately I did not feel comfortable joining at that time, what with the protrusion in my trunks. And watching the girls climb that hill in their bikinis did not help my situation.

Picture the scene: I’m floating lazily in the shallows near the shore and in front of me are three of the hottest girls i know essentially bear crawling up the sand hill. You can imagine the scenic ass which I was witnessing. All three wet bums glistened in the sunshine and jiggled in all the right ways as they struggled up the hill.

And mind you, the other two girls are no less stunning than Lexi. Bri is often mistaken as being Lexi’s sister. Blonde, 5’6”, fit as hell, and the most dazzling blue eyes you’ve ever seen. She choose a blue bikini to match those beautiful eyes of hers. Her bikini seemed to cover just as much of her body as was required by law to be innocent of public nudity charges. It was one of those that was mostly string which little patches of cloth where patches are needed. I noticed too as she splashed ashore that the water was making the material cling tighly to her body. And damn it, her ass looked fine as hell with that tiny blue bikini clinging to it! The thong bottoms rode up between her glorious ass cheeks. If the waist string wasn’t so easily visible, you might think she was bottomless. My cock grew harder watching her butt wobble around with each strong lunge up the hill.

May has luscious black hair with brown highlights. Her dark complexion was complemented that day by a bright yellow bikini. May is absolutely gorgeous. She hardly goes a day without hearing the same from strangers out in public. And God, that smile! So charming. She’s a few inches shorter than the other girls (perhaps 5’4”) and has the tight body of a gymnast. She hasn’t competed since high school but continues to practice at a gymnasium close to our university. She has small boobs. A perfect size to slightly spill out of s handful if you can imagine. They looked so perky and touchable in that yellow bikini she was wearing. For her slim build, she really has quite a nice ass. The girls tease her about having small tits (not even that small, they’re a b cup) but a huge ass. The teasing is playful and it is outweighed by the girls ogling at her figure more than anything else. I’m getting horny thinking about her ass and picturing the way it hangs off her small frame. It’s immaculate. God, her body is just perfectly defined all over. For whatever reason, I have a thing for small boobs and big butts. I can appreciate a lot of body types, don’t get me wrong. But that one might be my Kryptonite. May’s abs were actually the most chiseled of all (which is saying something).

All three of these babes came bounding down the hill, inducing little avalanches of sand in their wake. It really is a fun game seeing how far you can leap and seeing how far you slide in the loose sand. The fanning of sand grains down the hill looks very satisfying. I would’ve loved to join given different conditions. I loved to spectate given these.

The girls protested at my refusal to join. I really didn’t have a good excuse on hand not to join them, but I insisted that I couldn’t get enough of the cool water. It seemed to appease them.

When the girls realized that I was not going to join, they schemed together and came up with an alternative plan to get me involved in the fun. Under the guise of continuing their hill climbing, they ascended to the top of the hill (I looked on happily), exchanged a few words at the top, and came bounding down the hill again in unison. But this time they didn’t stop at the base of the sand hill.

The girls came barreling down the hill, kept their momentum at the base, and flew towards me, jumping on me when they made it to the water. It caught me by surprise and I didn’t have enough mobility in the water to dodge them. The girls splashed me and jumped on me. Lexi jokingly pushed my shoulders down as if to drown me (she let up as my head submerged).

When I surfaced, May pushed me over and splashed water in my face to blind me while Bri decided to cannon ball as close to me as she could. Bri’s body collided with mine. Once underwater, she aborted from her cannonball shape and pulled on my body to resurface for air. Because i was recovering my balance from Madi’s shove, I didn’t quite have control of where Bri’s body met mine. In the mix up, Bri ended up basically straddling my body underwater. Not only that, but I had to thrust my hips up against hers to get her off me so I could resurface as her momentum had sunk us a few feet underwater. I felt my hard dick poke up into her bikini bottoms in the manuver. It was totally happenstance, but I felt embarassed that Bri felt my dick poke her. It would be a dead give away that I was turned on by the girls. She might be disgusted, offended, or feel unsafe. I always make an effort to make sure my girl friends feel none of those things around me. This little collision might have just put that effort in jeopardy. I quickly pushed Bri away and swam away in retreat from the splashing.

Once I had retreated, I paused and looked at Bri. I was worried that she’d be startled or say something.

She smiled, winked at me (her back was to Lexi and May) and splashed water my way. The other girls continued to splash as well. After a small water fight, we laughed and decided to get back on the jet skis and get some lunch at the house. A huge relief came over me after receiving that wink from Bri. I didn’t know exactly what to make of it, but I thought about it the whole ride back to the house.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tyx45q/going_to_the_kellers_part_1

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