A Father’s Struggle 40 – Thumb Drive (fiction, family, bond, m/f, con, torture, exhib, teasing, Spying)


I grumbled after the collision thinking *NEW RULE: EVERYONE HAS TO WEAR BELLS SO THIS SHIT DOESN’T HAPPEN!*

I looked at the person I had collided with and blinked to see it was the **same** person….Reagan.

I smiled as I looked at her, “Ok I’m beginning to think you’re doing this **on purpose**.”

Reagan groaned, “At least this time you’re not jabbing me in the side.”

I thought *when did I jab you?* then I thought back on our previous collision….when I had watched Abby masturbate to me which caused a *normal* reaction.  And I was still hard when I *collided* with Reagan.

*Oh right!*

I smiled, “Sorry about that.”

I stood up and held out my hand to Reagan, “You should really be more careful.”

She looked at me, “And you shouldn’t be running **all over** the place without ***looking***.”

I smiled, “It’s **my** house Reagan.”

She groaned but accepted my hand as I pulled her up, “This is twice now.”

She spoke, “I know.”

I added, “And **this** time you’re at **my** door not wandering around.”

She spoke and didn’t look at me, “I know.”

I spoke, “So speak before I get the *wrong* idea as to **why** you’re at **my** door.”

Reagan rubbed her hands, “I just wanted to apologize for earlier.”

I leaned against the wall remembering I was on a clock, “You’re gonna have to be **more** specific Reagan.”

She spoke, “The collision.”

She mumbled something else I didn’t quite hear.

I looked at her, “What was that last one?”

She looked at me before looking away, obviously flustered….and embarrassed as she spoke softly but this time I could hear it, “The whole outing you to your daughters.”

I clicked my tongue, “So you’re apologizing for the earlier collision?”

She nodded.

I spoke, “Why?”

She looked away, “Because I *was* trying to apologize for outing you to your daughters.”

I clicked my tongue, “Uh huh.”

I took one step aside and before moving, “Listen Reagan **you’re** the one who decided to **out** me to my daughters about **your** rifling through my shit even after I caught you.  AND messed up a really fun **idea** I had for you.  Which *means* either you didn’t want the fun that I had planned or was too scared to see where it took you.  Either way **you** messed up.  Now if you shall excuse me I have *other* fires to deal with.”

And I left Reagan in the dust, still a little irritated with **HOW** that went down.

Reagan followed me, “But you **never** told me your *idea*.”

I kept walking ignoring Reagan as she followed me.

I walked into my man cave making a bee line for my laptop and exited…nearly bumping into Reagan….again.

I walked back to my room as Reagan followed me like a lost puppy as I could tell she was trying to find words to *apologize* for her actions.

I stopped in my room and listened, hearing that Abby was still in the bathroom and the water was still running.

*Good* I thought *there’s still time*.

I walked over to my TV and pulled the drive out of its socket and sat down on my bed as I opened my laptop.

I plugged the drive into my laptop as I heard Reagan speak, “What’s that?”

I looked at Reagan, “None of your business,” and returned my attention to the task at hand.

I waited for the drive to pop up on my laptop which it did.  I opened the file structure and found it had quite a few folders.  One was labelled ‘*SCHOOL*’ then ‘*DOCUMENTS*’ then ‘*BOOKS*’ then ‘*ANIME*’.  I lightly chuckled when there was a literal folder labelled ‘*Hentai*’.  I lightly rolled my eyes at the labeling.  But I found the folder I was looking for as it was labeled ‘*Adult*’.


It’s password protected and I can’t see what is inside the folder *without* the password.

I heard Reagan speak, “What **were** you going to do to me?”

I looked at her, “Really?”

I spoke without any heat or menace in my voice, “Now you want to know what I was going to do after you messed it up?”

She blushed but nodded, “Yeah.”

I sighed, “Well if you **MUST** know I was going to tie you down.  Attach some devices after you take some enhancement supplements and see how long you would last before you **begged** me to fuck you.”

I watched as Reagan blushed more, “Oh.”

I leaned down and retrieved one of the straps from under the bed as I had tucked them under now that they were of no use.  I held up the strap, “And I even bought bindings that wouldn’t leave marks.”  Before retucking the cuff under the bed and refocused on the tasking at hand.

I looked at the password protected folder and thought maybe I can just transfer the folder onto my laptop and re-watch the footage again to get the password.

I clicked on the folder and was about to simply copy the contents from the drive to my laptop but something told me to click on details.

So I did.

I watched as a window popped open as it started showing me the contents of the folder.  At least the password protection didn’t keep me from at least seeing **what** was in the folder content wise.

I watched as the numbers started growing….and growing….and growing.

I heard Reagan speak that I didn’t exactly catch.

I looked at Reagan, “I’m sorry you said something?”

I watched as Reagan rubbed her hands and lightly smirked as she said, “That sounds like it would have been fun.”

I looked at her nonchalantly, “Yeah it *would* have been,” as I looked her up and down as I added, “seeing how long you would last.”

I looked back down and was going to address the size as it was still growing when I heard Reagan, “Is…..there…..any…..way…..we….could……”

I stopped and looked at her, “Really?”

She nodded but her face was completely red.

I squinted at her, “You **really** want me to do **ALL** that I had *planned* now that you **know** what I was going to do to you?”

Reagan was completely red faced from pure embarrassment as she stood there for a few moments before she finally nodded as she resolutely spoke, “Yes.”

I sighed as I looked down and blinked as I saw the final tally of the contents as it listed a bunch of folders and even more files which I didn’t care about the actual numbers.  What I cared about was the final size……2.12TB.

I blinked?


I navigated ALL the way back to where my laptop told me the size of my internal drive with was a measly 500gb where I had added a 2tb stick inside the fucker for extra space.

That’s not what made me blink as my little girl’s fucking thumb drive was 16TB.


Nothing is EVER simple.

At least that explains HOW she had so many fucking anime’s on her drive.

And the WORST part was that it was only HALF full. Or a little beyond half full.

I wanted to pound my head on something solid.

I don’t have ANY spare drives that can hold 2.12TB.

I think the BIGGEST thumb drive I have floating around my man cave was an old 1TB drive.


I’m not a BIG techie so I don’t have those types of things just lying around here.  I don’t have drives and drives just laying around.  I need to plan if I’m going to copy this drive.

And I sure as fuck can’t simply empty my 2tb secondary drive and throw her 2.12tb folder of porn onto it as it will NOT simply fit.

AND without the passcode to unlock the folder I can’t navigate around anywhere and grab what I need to PROVE that Abby was my SPY.

I just have the video….a video where she punched in the password to unlock it.

I looked at the bathroom door and thought to myself *Maybe I can convince her to let me **borrow** the drive another time.*

I hissed to myself of course that wouldn’t **simply** work.

I needed a plan and currently I wasn’t thinking of shit.

I looked at Reagan and realized I was still irritated as I growled, “What?”

That made Reagan jump as she stuttered, “Yes I wanted to do your plan.  T-that’s i-if you still *want* to do that to me.”

I looked at Reagan as I pulled the drive from my laptop and got up.  I walked over to my TV and plugged the drive in before tossing the laptop into my drawer too frustrated with how everything was going.

I pulled my lips together and blew out my frustration from my nose as I regained my composure.

I walked up to Reagan, “You **REALLY** want me to do that to you NOW?”

Reagan’s face remained red but she found her resolve, “Yes.”

I looked at her still having my lips together as I let my tongue roll along the front of my teeth trying to keep my irritation in check.  I sucked in a sharp breath through my teeth before slowly exhaling in front of Reagan and looking at her.  Then I asked the **ONLY** question that came to mind, “Why?”

Reagan blinked, “Why?”

I nodded, “Why come to me AFTER you had already won your undies back.  After you had OUTED me to my daughters.  WHY?”

Reagan blushed but she spoke, “Because I had time to think about it.  And your daughter, Abby, was right.  If I *secretly* didn’t want a go at you I would have **never** put my phone number on my undies….especially If I wanted them back.”

I looked at her before sighing, not really agreeing with her nor disagreeing with her.  I was letting her speak for herself.

Reagan continued, “And after HOW you handled me the other day I thought simply if I outed you to Nicole it was an easier way to get my undies back.”

I nodded and spoke, “Ok.”

I turned and walked over to my bed and pulled out the cuff for her to see as I spoke, “So **NOW** you want this?”

She blushed more but nodded.

I continued, “So now you’re willing to do this?  Even AFTER **ALL** that you have done?”

She nodded.

I clicked my tongue and spoke, “Well I’m afraid getting to this,” I held the bindings, “will cost you something to get you here.”

I let the bindings drop, “And because of **HOW** you handled the situation MAKES me want to simply decline you.”

That caused Reagan to gulp.

I looked at her, “So what GUARANTEE do I get that YOU **WON’T** DO what you did last time?”

Reagan looked at me not saying anything beyond being embarrassed.

I spoke, “How about I think upon it.  AND if I feel you are WORTHY of this,” I held up the binding again, “then I will tell you how you can get here.”

Reagan didn’t say anything just as I heard the water turn off in my bathroom.

I spoke, “And IF you don’t want to answer more questions I would leave.”

Reagan blinked, “Huh?”

I sighed, “Abby is in the bathroom.”

She nodded, “Right.”

She turned and was about to walk out as I spoke, “*OH* Reagan.”

She turned to look at me as I spoke, “You burn **THIS** bridge and run to ***ANY*** of my daughters about this consider yourself unwelcome in my house.”

That made her go wide eyed as she quickly nodded and quickly left.

I looked up at the ceiling and thought *Well that sucked*.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tz3wcd/a_fathers_struggle_40_thumb_drive_fiction_family


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