The Stunning Redheaded Soccer Mom Ch. 1 [MF]

Chapter 1

My kids are involved in a ton of sports and activities. I usually enjoy going to them. It is a good learning experience for the kids and I usually have a parent friend or two I enjoy hanging out with. 

Spring soccer season is the exception. The beginning of the season is so cold and by the end it is so hot. My daughter is decent at soccer, but doesn’t like it enough to play on a year-round club team. So she is not as good as some of the other kids and most of the parents formed a clique from club soccer.

The parents seem nice enough, though a little intense, they just have their crew that I am not part of. My wife and I split duties in the spring and she usually takes our son to baseball.

This spring soccer season would turn out to be the best ever.

The first game was unseasonably warm. It was in the mid 70s. People were wearing shorts and some women in summer dresses. 

I was sitting on the bleachers when I first noticed her, the tall thin redhead. I had seen her a few times over the years. Her daughter played on a different team so I never had a chance to interact with her.

She looks to be early 30s (I later learned she is my age, mid 40s) with long beautiful red hair, a pretty face, long legs, slender build. She is about 5’8″ with pale skin and perky b cup breast.

When I say pretty, that is a disservice to her. I am usually pretty confident when speaking to anyone. But a couple of times in my life I have met a woman so pretty that I can’t concentrate on what I am saying or what she is saying. I just stare at her face. She is that pretty. 

This year she came to sit down next to our team, just a row in front of me and a few spots to my left. I then noticed a girl on our team waving to her. 

“Is your daughter new to the team?” I asked her. I figured I have no parent friends and she is new, so this would be an opening to talk to her and maybe make a game friend. 

She explained that she moved across town and it was much more convenient to get to practices with our team. 

I introduced myself and learned her name is April. 

She was wearing a little summer dress, white with small flowers, strappy shoulders, lowish cut, and short with sandles. Thank you Mother Nature for this warm spell.

Her legs were so long and beautiful. While I like playing with a woman’s feet and having them play with me, I am not what you would call a foot guy. It is not the part of the body I tend to check out or obsess over. But I noticed that even her feet were really pretty. They were big, maybe size 10. Usually if I like feet at all, they are on the small side. But hers were truly beautiful. 

From where I was sitting, I could see her long legs stretched out on the bleacher in front of her, her feet, her shoulder, and sometimes the profile of her face. Thankfully, I was behind her so she didn’t notice me staring at her for inappropriate lengths of time.

We chatted a bit throughout the game. She seemed really nice, genuine, and down to earth. We live in a somewhat upscale area and some of the parents like to show off and try be too cool. We are adults. They should’ve left that nonsense in high school. So I was glad to have someone normal to talk to.

Over the next few weeks I would see her at practices and games. We’d usually say hello and sometimes sit near each other and chat quite a bit. 

I really liked her. I am married and wasn’t thinking of her as anything more than a parent pal at soccer. Well, a smoking hot parent pal. But I didn’t imagine anything sexual would happen between us. 

Well, I mean, I of course fantasized about her and jerked off thinking about her, but didn’t actually have any intentions of anything happening. I am an average looking middle-aged dude. Not bad looking, just average. Not fat, but could lose a few pounds. Just didn’t think I was in her league. 

Besides, we are both married. Even though I had toed the cheating line a few times, as you can see from my other stories. And that line seems to keep moving for me.

After one of the games early in the season most of the parents and kids went to pizza. April sat next to me and at one point my arm and April’s arm touched 

While that may seem innocent enough, I felt a surge of electricity run through my body. Normally, in that situation someone says “excuse me” and moves their arm. Neither of us did, for a long time. I even ate my pizza left handed so I didn’t have to move my arm.

I was sure I was reading too much into this. But my dick was hard just from our arms touching for 10 minutes.

Then my daughter came up to us and needed something. So I got up from the table to help her. I had forgotten about my erection and as I pushed the chair back, stood up and turned, it was right in front of her face. 

Did she notice? Is she going to think I am a perv and freak out? She was looking right at me when I stood up. I don’t think she could have missed it.

A few minutes later I sat back down next to her, hoping she didn’t think I was a creep.

It was a bit colder that day, she was wearing jeans with a sweater, but wore sandals. I was wearing shorts, a sweatshirt, and flip flops.

Not long after I sat down, she rested her arm against mine again. This clearly wasn’t on accident, was it? 

One of the dads across the table was talking to her when I got back. Telling her about his boat, all the important people he knows, etc. She has such grace she politely listened to his stories and acted interested. I was a bit concerned she may actually think this blowhard was interesting. Later I learned she thought he was an asshole, but she carries herself in a way that she never let on.

My first hint that she was not enthralled with his story was when her foot started running up and down my leg.

She kept looking forward and seeming to be engaged with the loud mouth’s story.

She kept rubbing her foot on my leg. I was so turned on. He finally finished his story and I looked toward her and our eyes locked. 

Everyone started to get up from the table about then to head home. So I said, “I guess it is time to leave.” She nodded.

We stood up at the same time and turned toward one another as we got up. She pressed her body against me as we turned to leave the table. We held ourselves together for what seems like an eternity. Staring right in to each other’s eyes. It was probably only 15 to 20 seconds. 

My hard, and throbbing, dick was pressed against this beautiful woman. I couldn’t believe it. 

We finally separated and turned around. We gathered our kids and made our way to the door. As we got to the parking lot she gave me a big, long hug, grinding against my dick.

Then went off to her car. 

I was left dazed. Wondering what just happened, and if anything would happen again.



  1. “`Not long after I sat down, she rested her arm against mine again. This clearly wasn’t on accident, was it?` ”

    How is it possible to sit next to each other and touch arm

    but also sitting wide enough away from one another to
    “`when her foot started running up and down my leg.`”

    I dont doubt that the story is real, its just very confusing to imagine since one seems like sitting next toeach other, the other seemed to sit infront of one another

  2. For the record, if you notice feet at all— you’re a foot guy bro.

  3. Make sure you update us on this. I know this isn’t where it ends

  4. Can someone explain to me how the update request works?

    Does a bot automatically tell you if I make a new post on this topic?

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