[Fantasy] [F+M] [nc] [orc]

*This story is long, and has a long intro. I’ll label it Ch 1 and put the start of Ch 2 when the sexy stuff starts so you can skip the intro if you would like. Also, the end of the story will be in the comments, as I am over the character max.*

**Chapter 1**

The red sun was just rising over the snow capped mountains so far in the distance they appeared miniscule. The range was miles and miles away across the skull and bone-riddled valley below the cliff where I sat atop my horse. I had seen smoke from fires the night before. It was like the orcs were taunting us.

I hadn’t slept. This would be my first battle against the orcs, but not my first time in war. It is tradition for the high elf royal children to lead the troops to battle, and throughout my 200 years there had been many battles to fight. On many different fronts. My father had always sent my brothers to the front line with the orcs, kept me in the smaller skirmishes against nymphs or lizard folk. Orcish battle was no place for a elven princess, my father said. I never asked him to elaborate. I was not sure I wanted to know.

Orcs and elves had been locked in war since before even my father was born. Before, the war was mainly a nuisance to the elves. The orcs would attempt to invade the elven kingdom, and the elves would tamp down on the brainless pests and send them back from whence they came. That was the cyclical nature of the centuries-long war. Until recently.

It started with rumors of a new orc leader, one stronger and more fierce than any that had come before. Then came news of a dwarf city felled at the hands of the beasts. My father had sent my second oldest brother, Caryarel, to quell the disturbance. Caryarel and I had always been close, and the day he was to leave I caught him in the halls of our castle and bestowed upon him a shining moonstone, one I had prayed over for hours in the night to collect the celestial power. I clasped the stone inside the front of his armor, against his heart. There it would be secure to keep him safe. Caryarel had promised me he would be back before the mountain bells bloomed. That was the last time I ever saw my brother.

After Caryarel’s army fell, the rumors grew. Now they said the orc ruler was a giant, a ruthless massive monster. They said he could crush elves with his bare hands. I couldn’t listen to them, the thought of Caryarel dying such a painful death was too much for me. I was not the only one torn apart from the loss of my brother. My mother had gone silent since she heard the news of her son. Her face still and cold as stone. She was like a ghost, moving throughout the castle without a sound, eyes gazing off into a distant space, far beyond where any of us could reach. And my father became more protective of me then. As the one princess, my life had always been regulated. I was told where to go and when, who to talk to and who to ignore. My only friends were my brothers and I was still yet to be betrothed. I had always spent most of my time with my tutors, practicing archery and spear work, riding bareback on my horse. The rest of my days were spent in the library under the mountain, exploring its hundreds of floors. But after Caryarel, my trips off the castle grounds ended. My tutors visited me inside of the castle walls at first, but then those stopped too.

Then Tandil didn’t return. Two sons lost within a year, a blink of the eye in the lives of elves. And the orcs continued to advance toward our kingdom. My father sent my two remaining brothers, Cirion and Arondil, their armies combined, to stop the orcs before the Kaa’lak Pass from the mountains of the dwarves into the valley that separated the elven kingdom from the rest of the lands. When we lost contact with my brothers’ armies, I begged my father to let me leave, to find my brothers. He would not look at me. Cirion was found by scouts, broken and bloody, slumped across his horse. He was alive, but barely. He had still not awoken. But I could hear his screams of fear through the halls of the castle at night.

The orc army made it to the valleys. There was so little left protecting our lands from their warlords path. I didn’t beg my father this time, I knew what needed to be done. I had ordered my troops to gather all that they could, that we would be the last stand protecting our kingdom. I left message of my leaving with one of my fathers’ advisors. I could picture the cloaked man delivering the message, my mother like a ghost, my father turning to stone along side her.

A tear streaked down my cheek as I thought of my brothers. I would avenge them.

“High Princess, your troops await your command,” Captain Tyermaillin said behind me.

I wiped the tear from my face and turned my horse to approach my army.

I had my long lengths of silver-gold hair tied into braids, but whisps danced around my face in the wind. My fair skin and high cheekbones appeared to almost shine with gold in the morning sun. I pulled the silk hair cover up over my head, fastening it to my armor. The sparkling crown against my forehead was a beacon of hope to my troops, I would not take it off. I knew it was also a target on my head to the enemy, so I covered my head for battle. I am small, even for an elf. But my strength was not to be underestimated. I could take out many men who were twice my size. Put a bow in my hand and I am even more deadly.

My armor is made of the finest chainmail, forged in the center of the tallest mountain of our kingdom to be so strong, no sword could pierce it. At least no sword wielded by anything I had encountered before. The armor clung to my every curve as if it was a second skin, curving under my round breasts and around my hips and muscular thighs. I stood atop my horse and looked out at my troops, my icy blue eyes touching each one of them. They were all ready. I nodded and jumped down to land on my horse, taking off toward the valley, my troops behind me.

– – –

The elves clashed against orcs, platinum and carbon against rock and steel. My arrows found their home in a few necks, felled more than one of the monstrosities. It seemed to be going our way. Orc bodies hit the ground all around us. A small bubble of hope built up in my chest.

Then I felt something hit the ground behind me a fraction of a second before the top of my head was pulled back and everything went dark.

**Chapter 2**

My eyes felt like they were weighed down with sandbags when I tried to open them. I saw a haze of light between my lids. I blinked. The haze began to take shape of a fire. I blinked again. The fire was surrounded by figures. Blink. The figures were…

I struggled to get up, my body still heavy and disoriented. I heard laughing as I tried to scurry to my feet. I started to catch my balance and was then yanked down, hitting the ground. More laughter. I pushed myself up, my entire body shaking. I blinked the sand from my eyes and my vision swam into focus. My head covering was on the ground, covered in sand. They knew.

A huge footstep landed a foot from my face. I looked up from where I was on all fours at the massive figure in front of me, larger than any other orc I had ever seen. You were laughing down at me, taking wide sips from a wine chalice so large that I could have sat inside of it. You stood at least 8 feet tall, nearly twice my height, massive muscles rippling under your dark skin as you moved. You tapped your fingers against the skull on your belt as you focused your black eyes on me, taking me in.

I looked around, taking in my surroundings. I was in the center of the orc camp, surrounded by tents and makeshift buildings as far as I could see. I was chained to stakes hammered deep into the ground. I would have a hard time trying to escape.

“Look at what we have here,” your deep voice rattles my insides. I turn back to look at you, hardening my icy blue eyes to meet your stare. “We have a little toy princess!” you laugh again.

I spit at you, bracing myself for the blow that will follow. Instead, you chuckle and pick me up from the ground, yanking the chains from the ground with little effort. You hold me up to your face to get a better look at me. “Mmm, I like them with a little fight in them.”

Your words struck cold into my core. I had never asked my father why he was so adamant about keeping me away from orcs, but I believed I was about to find out. I reached back looking for my bow, spear, anything. Of course they were missing, but I was panicked.

You chuckled at my fear. “Silly girl, even those wouldn’t help you now.” You reached down and opened the skull that adorned your belt and pulled out a shining pale stone. A moonstone. “Look familiar?” you teased, waving it in front of my face. My moonstone.

“YOU MONSTER YOU KILLED MY BROTHER!” I screamed, writhing and flailing and kicking with all of my might. I was so angry, I wanted to grab ahold of your eyes and rip them from your head. But your hand was keeping my arms pinned to my sides.

You threw the stone on the ground and waved a finger at me, tsking. “Maybe if you be a good girl, I’ll let you have your little rock back.”

I ignored you and kept struggling with all of my might. I tried biting at your leathery skin, scratching at anything I could reach with my hands pinned down. None of it phases you. Holding me still with one hand, you use the other to unlatch your belt, letting it fall to the ground. I stop moving and watch in horror as your massive cock stretches up from where it had been confined. It’s girth nearly as wide as my hips and so strong I the rippling muscle and veins show through your orc skin, just like the rest of your body.

I’m completely still in shock, not moving as I watch your massive pulsating cock grow in front of me. You loosen the one tie at the back of my neck and peel my chain mail from my body. The sudden cool air startles me. I did not realize the space between my legs had grown wet until I felt the night air against it. I didn’t want to consider why I was wet, I just began fighting against you, trying to get away. Your cock was so big, I was bound to be torn apart when you forced it inside of me.

You laughed again and rubbed a finger against my hardening nipples. “Looks like the princess is excited to be here!” you call out. The dozens of orcs around us holler back in response. I feel my warm juices dripping down my legs as I try in vain to escape. There was no way out. You were going to rape me in front of all of them. Was this the fate my father had feared for me?

You ran your finger between my legs and up against me, pressing parts of me that had not yet been explored. “You’re a virgin aren’t you,” You said quietly to me. I spit at you in response. “Oh this will be fun,” you say. You take your finger from between my legs and hold it up for the crowd to see. “The little princess’ cunt is ready!” The other orcs cheer.

You turn me to face the crowd of ugly faces around us, watching with smiles as I am defiled. You force my legs wide open with your fingers and hold me against your chest. You rub one finger along my slit. I can hear my wetness as you glide the pad of your finger tip along my womanhood. I hear you chuckle.

You guide your massive bulging cockhead to my flinching, dripping cunt. You lift me a little higher, and then down, pushing the tip into me, stretching me open. You are enormously powerful and I know it’s futile to resist, but I still struggle. The orcs stand around us, eagerly watching every inch of the dreadful invasion of my cunt.

“Oh my Gods!” I cry and in a flash of burning pain my pussy swallows you, stretching me and filling me like I’ve never felt before. You continue to push me down, your huge pulsating organ demanding to be let in. My pussy juices were leaking down your massive shaft. Then you pulled me back up, just a half inch. Then down again, another two inches buried into my stretched pussy.

“Good girl,” you growl at me. Your words send a shiver down my spine, causing my insides to tighten around the bulbous tip of your cock as I cum, screaming, my pussy gushing down your member. I feel faint, blood is ringing in my ears but I am all too aware of the roar of the crowd. You force me down more, another few inches. Then up. Then down a few more inches. I loose all time, completely overcome. Up. Then down. Each time stretches me open another impossible amount.

And then you stop. The lack of motion finally makes it through the haze of my mind, and I open my eyes. My stomach is bulged by your mighty cock. I can see the shape of your monsterous member through my stretched tight skin. “Oh-oh-OH-AHHHHHHH!” I cum again, writhing and twitching, completely helpless as I am impaled on your cock.

As I return to my body, I realize the spectacle of my deflowering was not to be hurried. You have let go of me, as your cock is so far inside of me I cannot move from where I am pressed up against you. You are wearing me as a cock sleeve as you refill your chalice, presenting the cum soaked princess impaled on your cock to the other orcs. A few comment on how incredibly tightly stretched my tortured cunt is by your monstrous cock. One massages my clit for a moment, laughing at the copius amount of my creamy juices coating the few inches of the base of your cock still exposed.

I ran my hands along my stretched lips, and shuddered back another orgasm. Then I felt the ridges of your cock through the skin of my abdomen. To my shame I saw the puddles of my juices collecting everywhere. My mind wanted no part in this, but my body couldn’t help but respond. Suddenly, your massive cock twitched inside of me, pressing against thousands of nerve endings, sending me into a convulsion of pleasure. I opened my mouth to scream but I was so tired, only a wimper emerged.

You looked down at me and set down your chalice. “Excuse me,” you say to the orcs you had been talking to. “I need to finish this.” You take a few steps away, and grip me with both of your hands like a rag doll. You pump me up and down on your cock, faster and faster, my vision becoming a blur as I am pommelled back and forth on your vast organ. My eyes glaze; I am completely lost in lust. Intense spasms of pure joy rack my body while I cry out uncontrollably, over and over as you fuck me.

Then I hear you growl, and you slam my body even harder down onto your cock. I feel your hot jets of cum shoot inside of me in huge spasms as your cock surges into me, deeper and deeper again. More blasts of hot cum emptied into my womb. My pussy was stretched so tight around your pulsating cock, the cum had nowhere to go. Another blast, and my stomach expanded. Another made it grow even further, hiding the outline of your cock. Another and another as you bucked wildly inside of me. I felt full of orgasmic sensation, convulsing as you shot your seed into me.

[cont. in comments]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/tyhvd9/fantasy_fm_nc_orc

1 comment

  1. [cont.]

    Finally, you were empty. My strength gave way and I collapsed forward, resting awkwardly on my inflated, squishy tummy. You walked over to your tent and put your hands on the ground as you pulled me off of your cock, my stretched used pussy, red and tired. You laid me on the ground, my stomach still sloshing full of your orc cum. I was limp on the ground, but my hands were cradled around my swollen belly.

    You took in the sight of me swollen and used. “You will look just as wonderful full with my heir as you do stuffed with my cock.”

    You let the tent flap fall partially closed and you left me alone.

    I could hear you talking with the other orcs before I fell into a deep sleep. One asked you if you were going to tie me back up. “No,” you said. “She isn’t going anywhere.”

    I ran a hand along the curve of my stomach, still somewhat distended, though much of your cum had leaked out around me. I wondered what my father would think when he saw his only daughter riding into battle as the cock sleeve of the orc warlord. And then I fell asleep

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