Alexander Thorsson: Telling the Story. No. 1

[Telling the Story no. 1](

And the other girls… Of course, I enjoy the memory of their mouths around my erection, with semen dripping from lips.

I enjoy the memory of their aroused vaginal folds, viscous and ready for pleasure. Their orgasms made by my tongue and my fingers. Their orgasms made because I chose to love them. And now and then, a few chose to love me. Love making the sex truly worthwhile. A tender sharing, more than a convenient
satisfying sneeze.

Do our shared orgasms bring us closer to God? Yes. If we let them. If we see our sexual actions as religious rituals, many new experiences become possible. The orgasms no longer the goal, the orgasms the vehicle, the starship launching into spiritual realms, places we have never been before, entire galaxies full of planets, each planet full of lifeforms, ten thousands new joys, these extraterrestrial joys not possible when sexual action is a burp or a sneeze, or anything less than a religious ritual.

The old, traditional religions developed rituals to create unique environments, to create situations and mood which stimulate spirituality, the physical space and the mood of the place making spiritual experience possible, much more possible than in a Starbucks or a bowling alley, or at a hockey game. In the same way, the physical space and the mood of the place in which we have our orgasms contributes to transforming common acts of joyful fucking into religious experienced. Unlike the grand architecture of mosques, churches and synagogues, or chapels require little adornment. Running water is helpful.

We need no extravagant rooms. And comfortable bed or couch will do. Privacy is essential. The psychic aura of shared love and share sexual love requires focus and no irrelevant distraction.

Two or three, perhaps four people can be present, if all are synchronized in their mutual love. More than four people, requires more concentration than is possible, and quickly degenerates into superficially, becoming an orgy. In an orgy, religious experience is not possible, because everyone has only a vague idea of what is going on, their attention focused mostly on their own personal pleasure, rather than a shared pleasure with this and that specific love.

Orgies may be wonderfully useful as social gatherings, and group exercise, like a Zumba class, but of no value at all for spirituality. I truly cannot recommend orgies for any purpose at all, they remind me of drunken parties where entertainment and inebriation are the goals, and nothing else worthwhile occurs, nor can occur.

I can recommend oral sex for both men and women. The intimacy of holding another person’s genitals in one’s mouth allows tenderness and stimulation, both requirements of all sex rituals known to me, and practiced by me. There are few things as wonderful as a woman coming on my face, my tongue and lips busy, busy, bringing her off.

[An Elderly Gentleman and Four Lovers](

[Alexander Thorrson’s Sexual Religion](
