MF] Met a couple [MF] new to the area part 6

The plan for this past weekend was to tone things down a lot and we did try harder this time.

We all met at a neutral site in a small town bar not far from our homes and it was a nice change, not that I don’t enjoy our escapades at their place but it was nice to ease into things this time. Started out with drinks and some bar food and the drinks were soooo strong, I knew my wife would be out of control in no time at this rate so I suggested we sit outside for a while to get some air. As we were getting up another couple we know walked in. It was really nice to see them.

So much for the plan to go outside. We all sat back down and we introduced our ‘old’ friends to our ‘new’ friends, Lol , and had a great time chatting and telling old stories. It was a really good time together. After a while our ‘old’ friends said they were heading home and invited all of us over for a night cap, like any of us needed more to drink, but we all accepted the offer and off we went. Since we had been drinking so much Fred called an Uber for the four of us to share, smart thinking!

During the ride to our friends place my wife hands me her panties from her purse! Apparently on one of her trips to the ladies room she took them off on a dare from Fred and she says he’s been rubbing her crotch most of the night under the table, can’t believe I hadn’t noticed but I should have known. I then reached for her crotch and bumped into Fred’s hand as he pulled it back. I look over at Fred and see that he also has his left hand on his wife’s crotch! I glance up at her and she is just leaned back enjoying the moment. I feel my wife’s crotch and damn it was wet and hot as hell.

Ok next thing we know we’re at our old friends place and they are in the driveway along with two other couples waiting on us. It was getting a little cold outside so they took us to their pole barn / party house. They have a great lay out, full bar, sound system, large screen TV on the wall, restroom and a nice cozy area with two sofa’s.

Out comes the blender and some ‘specialty house’ drinks are soon passed around. Fred’s wife is helping out with the bar duty passing out the drinks and having a great time talking with all the new people, she is a bit a social butterfly. My wife has already had way too much to drink and here comes some more, bad combination when to try and keep her sex drive under control. Wow ……….those drinks went down so smooth, nothing but trouble is going to come out of this, I’m sure of it.

She said she had to go pee and disappears. The rest of us are all just talking and laughing having a good time and it seemed like it had been a long time since my wife went to pee so I went to check on her. The restroom is secluded down at one end of the pole barn and when I enter the hallway I can see her in the darkness against the wall with her pants down and Fred is sitting on the floor in front of her eating her pussy! When they see me Fred gets up and apologized but said “your wife is so fucking hot I couldn’t help myself” I told him this is not his house or mine and that he should to go back to the party, but wipe the pussy from his face first!

My wife pulls up her pants and never even tried to explain. She juts said it felt so good. With that I got my raging hard dick out and she went right down on it, Fred was right…………..she is so fucking hot!

Ok we went back to the little party and I said it was probably time for us to leave, after all it was now 5am. We hitched a ride from another couple and they drove the four of us back to our cars at the bar and we all headed home.

What an evening. I guess we did manage to keep things toned down from the other times but I’m not sure what our old friends thought about things, they had to have noticed Fred and my wife missing for a while but who knows, we were all drinking a lot and there was a lot going on.


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